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Community Q&A – May 4th, 2012 Blog Discussion

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Can you please explain why when Bioware patches SWTOR, they tend to have some unexpected

consequences? Also, please explain why the unscheduled patches cannot be done at a different time. You are knocking out a group of people twice a week during their primetime. Why can't you change the time if an unscheduled patch is required. I have tried to get an answer from customer service, but they have stated that it is out of their hands, there is nothing they can do.

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Can you please explain why when Bioware patches SWTOR, they tend to have some unexpected

consequences? Also, please explain why the unscheduled patches cannot be done at a different time. You are knocking out a group of people twice a week during their primetime. Why can't you change the time if an unscheduled patch is required. I have tried to get an answer from customer service, but they have stated that it is out of their hands, there is nothing they can do.


The way games are coded, multiple objects and groups of objects are linked together. When you modify one of them, sometimes it has unexpected consequences. For a mmo, we're talking about many millions lines of interlinked codes. To test "perfectly" every modifications, it'd take too much time.


About the times. It's easier to stick to the same times (usually 2 am CST - 6 am CST) because it's more "efficient". Oh well, if only our planet was a disc...

Edited by Sammm
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I have a question. When is this game coming out of the Beta? When are all the bugs going to be addressed. How about stop putting stupid garbage in the game, like the legacy system, and concentrate on fixing bugs, making the worlds "real" and explorable like in Wow, Rift, EQ2, etc...? Get some real devs who know what they're doing? Answer our tickets? Get a real CS support team and not something outsourced from a 3rd world country where they don't speak English nor know what this game is about? Fix the profs because, as of now, they're completely useless. Get some proper graphics like in Rift? Why should we pay for crappy graphics from 10 years ago when Trion puts out a beautiful game. Even something as old as EQ2 look 120% better than this piece of crap.


Just a questions that need to get answered :)

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Can you please explain why when Bioware patches SWTOR, they tend to have some unexpected

consequences? Also, please explain why the unscheduled patches cannot be done at a different time. You are knocking out a group of people twice a week during their primetime. Why can't you change the time if an unscheduled patch is required. I have tried to get an answer from customer service, but they have stated that it is out of their hands, there is nothing they can do.


Isn't it obvious? They have no clue as to what they're doing. They need to get a real dev team in there. Maybe borrow the ppl from Blizzard or Trion to fix all these problems. Yeah, I know - Blizzard? But their game works.

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Trying to be constructive here I have two questions


1. Can you explain the process of fixing bugs, from when it is first reported to it being patched to the live servers and comment on how long these processes take? (obviously different bugs take different amounts of time to fix please generalise!)


2. Can you explain the long term goal of the PTS server, currently it seems to only be used for major content patches and not weekly incremental patches, was this always your intention? or is there some operational reasons incremental patches are not tested on the PTS server before going live?

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I have the question the statement about monotone outfits being 'eyesores'


It might seem trivial but really it is a sign of something I have been feeling for a long time.


A vaste swathe of the armour in this game looks horrible. I would rather go outside in a potato sack than some of the stuff in this game. It is bad enough, it is systemic enough that I question the fashion sense of the developers (In a hopefully respectful and constructive way) and that comment about monotone outfits really reinforces my opinion.


While monotone outfits are just as capable of being eyesores as multicoloured sets, it isn't even close to being inherent. Infact many fashionable outfits are monotone, take any one dress which is designed to be 90% of an outfit. Very few of them have more than one colour on it.


Of every fashion eyesore I can recall, while some of them were monotone, not one was an eyesore because it was monotone. Actually, sometimes they were eyesores precisely because of the opposite.


In short I think while the comment was probably somewhat off hand, I do believe it is more evidence that there is a fundamental problem with the fashion sense of many of the artists which is a problem when you are designing stuff you expect players to display.


I would suggest these artists either run their concepts by others (gf/wife/etc), or bone up on fashion design because while many players are happy for their characters to wear whatever, there are a lot of people who are very unsatisfied with how their toon looks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
DarthZaul: Other than the planned Hutt takeover of all GTNs (which will make them all neutral), do you have further plans to improve the economy? Below level 49 it is almost nonexistent. The crafting changes in 1.2 were supposed to improve it but instead they just gave people more incentive to RE everything they make instead of put it on the GTN. I had to make enough characters with different crew skills to create a self-sufficient Legacy economy, making all my own armor, mods, and stims/medpacks because there are none available to buy.


Damion Schubert (Principal Lead Systems Designer): It sounds like there is a legitimate hole in the economy that someone who has a whole bunch of crew skills could be taking advantage of (hint hint). In all seriousness, a key part of selling your wares in any MMO is understanding supply and demand. In most MMOs, the economy flattens out because all the crafters take the 500 pairs of boots that they craft and plop them on the auction house, which drives the supply wildly way above demand, which pushes the prices down to be below the cost of materials and makes it so that selling stuff isn't economically worthwhile - which kind of destroys the 'I'm a successful shop owner' vibe that aspiring crafters are hoping for. A huge part of the reverse-engineering feature is that it encourages players to remove these excess goods from the economy, which hopefully will bring supply and demand closer to what they actually should be, and should create more space in the GTN without lots of competition. That being said, we can always do better, and I'm sure this will be something we will tweak further in the future.


This just proves Damion Schubert is just a politician. Skirting round the question and talking about REing instead of the issues and problems with the GTN.


What's the point of the Q&A when you get answers like this?

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