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swtor pvp = no skill required


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I find it amusing that people who claim the game takes no skill are always awful.


Agree, I've never once seen someone say "this game has no skill" and then perform well in it.


It may not be a difficult game but there's certainly lots of little nuances that can set people apart. If there weren't, you wouldn't see teams (with sub optimal comps mind you) able to win consistently against other premades.

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Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.


1. Autofacing

2. Lack of macros

3. Class imbalance (although this happens to every MMO), some are pretty obvious in this game yet bw devs drag their feet as usual.



Im beginning to wonder if bw intended it this way to cater to <2k bads from wow to actually feel like they are worthy


BTW plz roll more fotm classes guys, no skill required....shadows,sents /smirk


Seriously L2P, this games PvP is ten times better than WoW. The classes you listed are not OP by a long shot :rolleyes:

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Another WoW player's QQ thread about PvP.

What's the point in making games with all features 100% similar to WoW? We quit WoW to play other games, not a new WoW in a different setting.


Also explain to me, how is the classes in WoW balanced? And how does macros makes you a skilled player?


BioWare has said that they will NOT balance the classes 1v1 but as a unit. I've played PvP here since pre-release and WoW Rbg at 2,5k rating and I must say, The Balance in Warzones compared to Battlegrounds is alot better.


And don't even mention arenas, because there is no arena in this game and hopefully there never will be. Ranked Warzones are perfect.


So if you don't like PvP just quit and stop QQ about it because we don't want a 2nd WoW kk

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You are so sad. Your pathetic themepark playing butt wouldnt last a week in open world pre cu swg. You would be asking everyone where the pvp armor vendor is only to be laughed at and told you need to spend months collecting the proper.crafted gear to compete...smh at kids


Open World SWG PvP was amazing back before it was all converted to what it was before it closed down...*shivers* I will miss those mass open world PvP battles in anchorhead...or in the middle of the plains on Naboo.... R.I.P.


Not to mention the cantina brawls in some cities ^_^

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Only idiots would use macros in pvp


Have fun clicking your 1h-weap and shield in your inventory before using spellreflect/interrupt(WOTLK-version).

A Warrior in WoW NEEDS macros to be played effectively.


Here you don't need macros at all. It's easy enough without them.

I have to say, in my opinion, the skillcap in this game is not very high for the most classes.

It doesn't require "no skill at all", but I don't think it requires much skill.

Edited by iphobia
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Have fun clicking your 1h-weap and shield in your inventory before using spellreflect/interrupt(WOTLK-version).

A Warrior in WoW NEEDS macros to be played effectively.


Here you don't need macros at all. It's easy enough without them.

I have to say, in my opinion, the skillcap in this game is not very high for the most classes.

It doesn't require "no skill at all", but I don't think it requires much skill.



For weapon swapping I'll agree with you, which u cant even do in this game... but for ability usage it's bad imo, it either lowers skill OR is bad design if macros are required to play a game.


Did I use them in SWG? Sure as hell did but they weren't required to be effective in combat... crafting on the other hand.......

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Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.


1. Autofacing

2. Lack of macros

3. Class imbalance (although this happens to every MMO), some are pretty obvious in this game yet bw devs drag their feet as usual.



Im beginning to wonder if bw intended it this way to cater to <2k bads from wow to actually feel like they are worthy


BTW plz roll more fotm classes guys, no skill required....shadows,sents /smirk


Unbelievable. Another wow kid.


1) If autofacing existed then I (as scoundrel) will never be able to backblast EVER. I do it all the time, so let me tell you, there is no autofacing in the true sense of that word. Can you explain how the current mechanism is making it easier to play as opposed to removing some really annoying mechanic that exists in an older game.


2) Lack of macros requires MORE skill. You are completely contradicting yourself.


3) Probably the most balanced MMO of similar life.

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Autofacing has made me lazy. When I go play wow after playing swtor, it usually takes me a game or 2 to adust to not having autofacing on casting.


Would be nice having macros just for focus (if focus wasn't buggy). Having a 1 key modifier for focus is a horrible design. Especially since you can't have shift/ctrl/alt be that modifier unless you remap your keyboard. Cleansing a player you constantly play with in a macro only makes people faster and able to react better. Macros tend to add a lot more binds, not less. The only case I could really see a macro really lessening your amount of binds would be if you had one that would pop an adrenal + relic? Cast sequence macros, at least in wow, don't work and wouldn't be effective, hehe.


Lol! You can make macros with a G13 logitech. I have One key that does adrenal+relic+ smash on my jugg. On my sorcerer , it does adrenal relic crit buff+ death field. You make à lot of macros. An other exemple ? On my jugg : force charge and force push on the same key. If the target is far, I charge, if the target is near, i push. Many other macro possibilities with à G13....

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Honestly the op makes me feel its a melee class. He is upset he can't walk through ranged classes and 100% nullify their most powerful attacks. The game does feel alot slower than wow because of the internal global cd which isn't effected by "haste." Also the game has to much of a spam feel in pvp. Rotations are not as complicated. In a way the game has a lower skill cap, but a glad is still a glad in swtor. The average of even competitive player will still get smashed. Wow Glads tend to be as good buttons smashers as the 2200-2400 bracket, but they use LOS alot better, and of course put themselves in favorable conditions.


Sorry you can't run circles around ranged anymore, but look at it this way. You're former glad just like me, you can adjust and dominate. Or you could be one of those glads that relied on an endless supply of mods people like me made and perfected that carried you to glad. You more than likley made glad after wow had its explosion of addons that made the game so much easier. Does swtor need addons, and macros. I believe so but I think the level they allow it to progress not be anywhere near the level wow let it get to.


Nice rage post, but next time articulate your stance so people can understand why you're complaining.

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Any ability you use that has a cast or channel auto-faces you unless you are melee. Watch mercs with tracer missile or sorcs casting force lightning.. they auto-face too.

if you were already facing them, it "locks" it in a way, that you can't just space bar and run circles around the target to get a "not facing target" crap that wow has been poisoned with.

However, if you are NOT facing the target, and cast say tracer missle, you will not auto face them...


honestly thats the way it should be

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Any ability you use that has a cast or channel auto-faces you unless you are melee. Watch mercs with tracer missile or sorcs casting force lightning.. they auto-face too.


Ur joking right?? My sorc in DPS all the time has "Not facing target" when i channel lighting. Do u guys even play pvp??


Tho when ur a healer or sniper/guns u dont have problems with "Not facing target".


To topic starter:


1. ******** (Yes if ur a healer or a sniper/guns)

2. Macros make things easier so how is it possible it requires more skills? Maybe in making a macro yea :D

3. As u said it's in every MMO and there always will be classes which are better. Tho a big - for Bioware that they didn't address sent/marauder shadow/assasins issues fast and they wait idk for what :p

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autofacing is ****, that is something they need to remove from the game. If you can't face yourself torwards a target you should stop doing damage.


macros are ****, I don't want them. If I need macro's to use an ability correctly, that means the ability design is broken. i'd rather see bioware make us not need macros then force us to fix their abilities with macros.


to class balance, this game is pretty balanced. If you have played pvp in almost any other game you would understand. Every class/spec can compete. Sure, there are some op classes, but the fact remains there are NO seriously underpowered classes (to the point of them being useless in a warzone)

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Here's news for you. Autofacing isn't built into just channeled abilities. Take your marauder, point him away from a mob, but within 3 meters. Hit your 1 key while targeted on that mob behind you, and watch to your eternal horror as your Mara AUTOFACES! OH NO! That jitter crap you're doing behind people is actually assisted by autofacing.




Autofacing is necessary for quite a few abilities in the game. Without it, snipers and mercs could be infinitely flanked by melee, Healers wouldn't be able to keep you up unless you were in their front arc. It's a built in mechanic. If it hurts your playstyle, evolve. If you are running head on into players expecting to jitter around and get your backstabs off, you're doing it wrong. When i face a flanker, i use my channeled skills to mess their cornflakes, It's fun.


You probably want macros so you can automate your happy skills that happen to be off GCD, like Deadly Saber for instance. That or you found an amazing opener that rips 70% of an opponent's life, but you don't have the dexterity to pull it of consistently. Maybe you want a chat macro in say that asks people nicely to allow you to get behind them so you can stab easier.


Sorry Swifty, no 2 button macro 4 joo.

Edited by AmorphousCro
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Here's news for you. Autofacing isn't built into just channeled abilities. Take your marauder, point him away from a mob, but within 3 meters. Hit your 1 key while targeted on that mob behind you, and watch to your eternal horror as your Mara AUTOFACES! OH NO! That jitter crap you're doing behind people is actually assisted by autofacing.




Or try that in PvP before you uninstall and good luck.

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Agree, I've never once seen someone say "this game has no skill" and then perform well in it.


It may not be a difficult game but there's certainly lots of little nuances that can set people apart. If there weren't, you wouldn't see teams (with sub optimal comps mind you) able to win consistently against other premades.

Read more. I do just fine at this game, and don't feel it requires much skill.

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Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.



2. Lack of macros



This invalidates your entire post.

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This invalidates your entire post.


Clearly, none of you who don't advocate macros have any idea of why people use it. There are good types of macros and bad types of macros which can be limited by coding what a macro allows you to do. A bad macro system allows the game to automate casts and get the game to play for you.


The reason why many players use macros is for quick targeting. An example is how awful the focus system in this game is and how you have no freedom over how you bind your focus abilities. Another example is a target party macro which allows you to cleanse, target or heal your allies with binds instead of clicking your party frames. I support the use of 'good' macros, obviously. As someone else may have pointed out in this thread, this is just a symptom of a higher skill cap because it allows you to react and play better mechanically. All without having one button "play the game for you".

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Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.


1. Autofacing

2. Lack of macros

3. Class imbalance (although this happens to every MMO), some are pretty obvious in this game yet bw devs drag their feet as usual.



Im beginning to wonder if bw intended it this way to cater to <2k bads from wow to actually feel like they are worthy


BTW plz roll more fotm classes guys, no skill required....shadows,sents /smirk


This thread is titled incorrectly, I think he meant.


SWTOR PvP = I have no skill

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