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Name one thing that would make you play for another three months


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Toilets in-game, ie toilet on my ship(s), toilet on planets, toilet on fleet. Also on related note, ***** usable as a resource for crafting, etc...


I can see this one... No, no, hear me out. Blizzard has been using it as a resource for a couple of expansions now.

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I loved frontiers and it wasnt the start of a decline, it was actualy the start of a resurgence that lasted a year or so. Atlantis was the nail in daoc's coffin where subs and the games reputation dipped past the point of no return.


Your time line is wrong.


Atlantis came before Frontiers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Age_of_Camelot


There was a very short upsurge from the decline of Atlantis at Frontiers, but most people hated the changes, and numbers started dropping again shortly after.

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I think a lot of us expected the game to be more like the original Star Wars Galaxies before the combat change and before the other major change (forget the name of that one) and it is not. Therefore, it was disappointing to us. For those that didnt play the SWG, the Old Republic is probably great. I think if I hadnt played it , I might have liked this game a little better than I do. The Old Republic is like a single player game where there just happen to be more people playing. I dont mean to speak ill of it ..it is what it is. Its just not what we thought it would or could be. But for what it is ..its as good of a game as the other games like it. I would like to see it develop toward being more community oriented and planet wide pvp fun.


I dont think I will be playing another 3 months due to my interest was primarily in world pvp and doing the warzones.. Since the last patch ..I can no longer stay connected in the warzones on my new pc. For some reason, it keeps kicking me out. I had no trouble with them before the patch. If I dont have the warzones to play, I will move along. :(

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Free character transfers and balancing of server populations. I'm not talking about even Republic to Sith ratios. I'm just saying, I want a Heavy -> Very Heavy population for all realms. This would mean merging and transfers so players can get together, and shutting down of old servers.


If they can figure out some other way for bringing life back to servers, I'm all for it. All I want is people to play with. That's it. I love the game, but having nobody to play with really, really sucks. It's why my friends have all left. They didn't feel like it was a multiplayer game, because they did all of 1-50 by themselves and never saw anyone else around them from either faction. Server used to be Heavy to Very Heavy all the time. Sometimes full. After the servers had population increases. Now it's constantly Light and fleet has 10-15 people online at peak hours. Not fun.

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I think I have to say the more I play the better this game gets,so I'll just keep going,even if content remained as it is I still have the whole empire side to play through,thats 5 more adventures.

I have 3 charactors right now,All Republic side, one is around 46 or something,other is a 39, new one is lvl 12.

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Quests Fixed: are alot of quests in game just bugged, broken, or otherwise not working as intended...just as an example i did a mission on belsavis about 30 mins ago AND lvl 50 patroling silver mob in a 42 mission door? solo mission? stuff like this annoy me the most...


but then not sure even that would keep me playing...biggest issue i have atm is just how dull the combat feels... its just not fun compared to games like DCUO, Tera, PSO2 ect these games keep you active, and enguaged while tor...just...just doesn't...


Not to say its a bad game but more that this style is just worn out for me...and i'm ready to move on.

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The game being available and running for another three months will keep me playing another three months.


Same for me.


But of course, there could be many improvements made to make me even more excited to log in. The feautures promised for 1.3 couldn't come soon enough. A LFG tool would be very, very good and a server merge would also help to create a larger community.

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yup, I just get feeling its the only part of DAoC the kid saw so hes speaking of it as thats what it was.


First off, not a kid. Secondly, the frontiers were the areas where the keeps were in the very beginning. Three realms, three frontier areas. Oh, and kind of hard to see those frontiers without having leveled up...so yes, I saw a lot of Hibernia, and Midgard both. I never did play Alb.


DAoC was most successful prior to the introduction of RAs (Realm Abilities) and Frountiers patch.


You both have poor interpretation of my post on the MMOs with successful PvP platforms, and RAs were introduced VERY early on, so I have no idea what you're even speaking about when you say it was "successful prior to the introduction of RAs". Did you actually play the game? I know you list a lot below on your post about remembering how the game was, but this "kid" seems to remember DAoC having 'frontiers' at the very beginning of the game. Where do you think all the RvR took place?


NOTHING beats DAoC just after Darkness Falls launched.
DAoC before DF opened up...when frontiers were viable and not everyone was sitting camped in DF.


Edit: Now if you're referring to the expansion "New Frontiers", I kicked the game well before that for SWG. Right before TOA.

Edited by Darkrite
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I will say this i like the star wars aspect but the combat maybe be boring i am used to it my problem comes from this.


1. The "choices" i make dont do anything for me there are minor changes sometimes but not most of the time.

2. You ever get mail from an npc saying here is a reward for your troubles something along those lines then you get nothing.

3. The trees for talents are straight out of wow.

4. Cover system is still having issues.

5. It seems like every patch is they nerf every other class and buff one or two putting them on top.

6. Legacy system is great i will admit.

7. The companions story is annoying you get 10k/10k do all your talking and then it is like nothing ever happened.

8. They eliminate waay to many imprtant people. Group of 30's can go and kill revan and a jedi knight can solo the emperor with a droid helping him.

9. Market in this game sucks since every crafting is practically pointless since no one buy much in this economy. All the gear you need you can do by pvp and if you really want an augment slot those people will pay ridiculus amount of credits for it.

10. Only one med pack per fight why was that in a patch along with not being able to spin your char while dancing why oh why.

11. PVP is the same either you dominate or you get stomped. This are just the little things that annoy me.

12. I like being a pet class but i dont like everyone in the game being a pet class. Takes the uniqeness away.

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I will say this i like the star wars aspect but the combat maybe be boring i am used to it my problem comes from this.


1. The "choices" i make dont do anything for me there are minor changes sometimes but not most of the time.

2. You ever get mail from an npc saying here is a reward for your troubles something along those lines then you get nothing.

3. The trees for talents are straight out of wow.

4. Cover system is still having issues.

5. It seems like every patch is they nerf every other class and buff one or two putting them on top.

6. Legacy system is great i will admit.

7. The companions story is annoying you get 10k/10k do all your talking and then it is like nothing ever happened.

8. They eliminate waay to many imprtant people. Group of 30's can go and kill revan and a jedi knight can solo the emperor with a droid helping him.

9. Market in this game sucks since every crafting is practically pointless since no one buy much in this economy. All the gear you need you can do by pvp and if you really want an augment slot those people will pay ridiculus amount of credits for it.

10. Only one med pack per fight why was that in a patch along with not being able to spin your char while dancing why oh why.

11. PVP is the same either you dominate or you get stomped. This are just the little things that annoy me.

12. I like being a pet class but i dont like everyone in the game being a pet class. Takes the uniqeness away.




I know this is minor but points 3, 4 and 7 are my pet peeves.


Talent trees take increase of abilities quests out of an MMO and make for stale comparison to finding an epic spell as a caster, etc. Granted, I will give credit to WoW for doing something SW:TOR doesn't do. They added unique spell (ability) drops. When will you be doing that TOR? Never? Questing for just gear doesn't cut it in the long run. Learn from your predecessors and past RPGs you've made, going all the way back to Baldur's Gate. Let's think D&D here guys. Players like having an ability that they didn't have to just run up to some NPC and pay to learn it.


Cover not working, or in the case of scoundrels/ops, not having enough points to roll into cover (environment cover points) is bothersome.


Companions after 10k affection...this is my #1 gripe. Even after having one as a spouse they send you a mail like 3 or 4 times with gifts...after that, nothing. It'd be nice to have conversations with them, even if they're canned, and only a dozen or so to unlock daily quests, or something of the like. Randomize it, but make about 10 for each. I don't even care if you can find the voice actors to do it again, just make something. During the game you feel a tie to those companions when you're earning up their affection. After that it's simply "Do I need a healer, dps or tank?" C'mon. Better yet...add mini-games (holochess, etc.) and if you can't find a player to play them with on your ship, your companion can play with you.

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there is nothing biofailware can do to make me want to stay after may 15th. ever. Game is dead and has ben since release. Players only stuck with it cause they are tired of stupid games like wow and hoped this game would change it.


Even the famed fatman server is dwindleing in pop. Havent had to que to log into the server in well over 3 weeks now. And thats before gw2 beta first weekend too. Ill be amazed the game lasts 2 years online. First year to struggle subs then the final year for reacharounds. Like ive said on other threads.. swg lasted many years compared to what this will at the rate of things are going.

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Companions after 10k affection...this is my #1 gripe. Even after having one as a spouse they send you a mail like 3 or 4 times with gifts...after that, nothing. It'd be nice to have conversations with them, even if they're canned, and only a dozen or so to unlock daily quests, or something of the like. Randomize it, but make about 10 for each. I don't even care if you can find the voice actors to do it again, just make something. During the game you feel a tie to those companions when you're earning up their affection. After that it's simply "Do I need a healer, dps or tank?" C'mon. Better yet...add mini-games (holochess, etc.) and if you can't find a player to play them with on your ship, your companion can play with you.


There's so much potential with companions that even the tinfoil hat guys got to believe there will be a future update for this. Of course getting back to the subject of the thread though...


Say a companions update came through in a future patch with just companion quests and customizations galore. Especially for those passed 10k. Would you be super excited and right back in to the game again?

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I think I have to say the more I play the better this game gets,so I'll just keep going,even if content remained as it is I still have the whole empire side to play through,thats 5 more adventures.

I have 3 charactors right now,All Republic side, one is around 46 or something,other is a 39, new one is lvl 12.


Yeah there's a lot of content to go through. I've been doing an every mission full clear on the Republic side for months. There are A LOT of missions and stories. I'm surprised that you'd be okay with no content updates though. There's got to be some thing you're excited to see...

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I will keep playing for another 3 months regardless, because, you know... Star Wars.


For the sake of the thread, I would say no Server transferes or merges would keep me playing. I like the solitude & if everyone leaves, I'll be the best at everything on my server.

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Before I post, I'd like to ask why people who won't be subscribing are coming to a thread very obviously meant for people who will be resubscribing and generally doing the QQ thing they can do on 900 other threads out there. Please go away... just... please. If you aren't gonna re-subscribe and you think the game is dead, then there's no reason to post here because you have nothing relevant to say. Thank you and have a nice day.


Now, to the topic at hand... I'll leave it up to BioWare to be creative about new content, but....

1. Animal mounts - taun tauns on Hoth. PLEASE lol.

2. faster mounts (doesn't feel so "speeder" when you're going as fast as my grandmother ;P)

3. expanded race options - I want to play a wookie, or a womprat, or a rodian... etc.

4. more planets. So many still out there, like Kashyyyk and Yavin IV and Endor, etc.

5. better armor designs. Sorry, but most end game armor doesn't look like star wars and it doesn't look good XD

6. ship choices. I'd love to buy a different vessel to fly :p But they said they can't do that because class missions are tied to ship world spaces and other stuff, so I'm not expecting this lol.


Most of the other things people are asking for, like cross-server queues and cross-server LFG are solutions that only really fix the symptoms of the larger issue, which is too many servers for the community. I'll leave it that, there's enough grief about that already, but if BioWare does find a way to fix that, it will go a long way to improving the game.

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Threads like these going away would make me want to read the forums much more often.


WOO! YEAH! Exactly! Anyone actually talking about how they'd like to see the game improve? On the games forums? pfft yeah right, forums are for QQing and trolling, duh, everyone knows that. Tell'em man! Show these lowlife spacers how WRONG it is to be content with the game! Who needs to say productive and insightful things that have to do with the op? Not you! You're the God of being unnecessarily rude! Thumbs up. You're really giving 110% to improving the community. Props man, props.

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