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Opinions on SWTOR as of now


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I don't bother over-analyzing it, I just know that I enjoy the game and I keep logging in to play.


This ^^


I feel the same way. I just usually cruise around the forums to kill time when the phone is not rining off the hook, thus why I only have like 2 or 3 posts...

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Honestly, I'm really loving this game. I LOVELOVELOVE my Sage, I'm so eager to learn the full storyline for her. Not only that, but playing with my friend's Sentinel makes me eager to try that as well.


Not so eager to level through the same content repeatedly, but I'll find more ways of leveling up without getting burnt out. I always do. : D


I love that new content is released regularly. The Legacy system looks awesome and really makes me want to level every character. I'm already developing plans and character storylines of my own in my head for all these characters and how they relate to each other. So cool. : D


I'd like it if you could add friends to your Legacy at some point, maybe similar to a Real ID system. I'd think it's awesome if I could have my friend's character be married to mine. xD I don't like playing male characters, but having an all female legacy is meh.


Also liking that bug fixes are implemented regularly. I understand it can't be fixed all at once and some things are more important than others, I think Bioware is doing a great job on keeping up with everything. And it really does seem like their customer service is on it now. I heard some horror stories before, but every time I've dealt with customer service it's been smooth, friendly, and very helpful.


Overall I have high hopes for this game and can't wait to see what they have in store for us next. :]

Edited by Brosephiine
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And what I see now is the type of mush you feed to infants... The game has been really water downed to the hype and expectations that we were all expecting... I have prepaid for 6 mos, and once that expires Im not renewing it. Sorry but really, its 2012 and this game is mediocre at best... You will get bored I promise... If not then you are brainwashed...


Why is it that those of you who dislike the game can't handle that other people like it? How exactly do you think your arguments are strengthened by calling other players "brainwashed"? It just makes you come across as whining and childish.

Edited by Kthx
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By your 3rd alt the boredom really starts to set in... You start to ask yourself am I playing an MMO or just watching a glorified short film in regards to class quests.


You play solo up to 50 and then are faced with reroll or raid if you want ANYTHING to do. They dropped the ball and the problems and issues are already upon the table. People shouldn't have to rehash the solutions every time they post. Every topic you have mentioned has been talked to death and if the devs don't get it by now they never will.

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Funny funny posts...I doubt you'll be singing the same song once you hit 50 and tire yourself from rolling ALTs and find out end game is non existent. Unless you think doing the same repeative dailies is fun end game.

Gl running flashpoints seeing the majority of the servers are a ghost town. Guess you guys are just new. A few months and then tell us how you feel. I like the game, don't play anymore cause there isn't anyone to play with on my server and I refuse to pay a monthly fee for a single player game. And I've got two 50s full rakata(was able to raid prior to the server deaths). And tons of ALTs and a level 42 legacy. You'll tire of the same cut scenes since they are the same for each class. Meaning if you level a sage and shadow its the same damn crap.


So yeah, not so great of a game anymore, lacks in fun for us original hard core players and lacks in content period. Its a questing on rails experience. So easy a handicap person could play, and I say that with no disrespect.

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Funny funny posts...I doubt you'll be singing the same song once you hit 50 and tire yourself from rolling ALTs and find out end game is non existent. Unless you think doing the same repeative dailies is fun end game.

Gl running flashpoints seeing the majority of the servers are a ghost town. Guess you guys are just new. A few months and then tell us how you feel. I like the game, don't play anymore cause there isn't anyone to play with on my server and I refuse to pay a monthly fee for a single player game. And I've got two 50s full rakata(was able to raid prior to the server deaths). And tons of ALTs and a level 42 legacy. You'll tire of the same cut scenes since they are the same for each class. Meaning if you level a sage and shadow its the same damn crap.


So yeah, not so great of a game anymore, lacks in fun for us original hard core players and lacks in content period. Its a questing on rails experience. So easy a handicap person could play, and I say that with no disrespect.

So, you accomplished what by saying that? Nothing creative, constructive, or special. Also "So easy a handicap person could play, and I say that with no disrespect."; B.S. That's disrespect. Bioware has made RPGs, first step into MMO, and no thanks? If you actually look at dev blogs and posts from them, then you'll see their working on server merge. If you're so eager to have everything done, then be Bioware's guest to go to college for years, train hours and weeks in experience, Satisfied? I could care less. Have you ever played a game for days without stop and then finally said; "This is boring now..." Please tell me that game, I'd love to give my life to it. Repetition will get boring, that's the bottom line. They will be working on this game for years, I'll be good. Stick around for legacy, content will come quick. ******* complainers. Tired of it. They over react to everything. Sorry the world doesn't revolve around you.

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Surely they are planing some kind sort of end game content, otherwise they would loose a lot of new players, after first a couple of months, of course it gets boring if you repeat the same thing for n-time, so it is in their interest to make new content as fast as they can plus fix all the bugs at the same time, it requires a lot of time and resources.
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So, you accomplished what by saying that? Nothing creative, constructive, or special. Also "So easy a handicap person could play, and I say that with no disrespect."; B.S. That's disrespect. Bioware has made RPGs, first step into MMO, and no thanks? If you actually look at dev blogs and posts from them, then you'll see their working on server merge. If you're so eager to have everything done, then be Bioware's guest to go to college for years, train hours and weeks in experience, Satisfied? I could care less. Have you ever played a game for days without stop and then finally said; "This is boring now..." Please tell me that game, I'd love to give my life to it. Repetition will get boring, that's the bottom line. They will be working on this game for years, I'll be good. Stick around for legacy, content will come quick. ******* complainers. Tired of it. They over react to everything. Sorry the world doesn't revolve around you.


Agreed. You are paying a montly fee for BIOWARE's game. They can make the game however they want. Even if it is crappy in the beginning, they will patch it! Heck, the lack of endgame content is just another fallacy trolls make. We all know there is a plethora of things to do during end game. (not gunna delve into that though) If you compare it to WoW back in 2004, just about anyone would prefer SWTOR. If WoW got where it was in 8 years, just imagine what SWTOR will be in 8 years! Bioware, just keep chugging at it. Patches will improve the game vastly over time. After 4 months we already have all the basic necessities of a proper MMO! This is proof slow and steady wins the race everytime!

Edited by MahBo
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Game has its charme, gonna switch to diablo3 though in two weeks though.

Funy thing is when i play a 4 man party with some real-id friends there, the world population is probably bigger then on my swtor server rofl:rolleyes:

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So, you accomplished what by saying that? Nothing creative, constructive, or special. Also "So easy a handicap person could play, and I say that with no disrespect."; B.S. That's disrespect. Bioware has made RPGs, first step into MMO, and no thanks? If you actually look at dev blogs and posts from them, then you'll see their working on server merge. If you're so eager to have everything done, then be Bioware's guest to go to college for years, train hours and weeks in experience, Satisfied? I could care less. Have you ever played a game for days without stop and then finally said; "This is boring now..." Please tell me that game, I'd love to give my life to it. Repetition will get boring, that's the bottom line. They will be working on this game for years, I'll be good. Stick around for legacy, content will come quick. ******* complainers. Tired of it. They over react to everything. Sorry the world doesn't revolve around you.


BioWare made an RPG on rails.

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Why is it that those of you who dislike the game can't handle that other people like it? How exactly do you think your arguments are strengthened by calling other players "brainwashed"? It just makes you come across as whining and childish.

"You don't share the same opinion as me? Well, *I* hold myself to the highest standards possible in fantasy games because *I* expect the best possible everything from everyone. You must be beneath me if you expect anything less than absolute perfection. And even though absolute perfection is totally unrealistic, I'm justified in wanting it anyway because this isn't based in reality, it's a game."



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Agreed. You are paying a montly fee for BIOWARE's game. They can make the game however they want. Even if it is crappy in the beginning, they will patch it! Heck, the lack of endgame content is just another fallacy trolls make. We all know there is a plethora of things to do during end game. (not gunna delve into that though) If you compare it to WoW back in 2004, just about anyone would prefer SWTOR. If WoW got where it was in 8 years, just imagine what SWTOR will be in 8 years! Bioware, just keep chugging at it. Patches will improve the game vastly over time. After 4 months we already have all the basic necessities of a proper MMO! This is proof slow and steady wins the race everytime!


You can't compare it to WoW in 2004 because it's not 2004. I don't care where SWTOR will be in 8 years if I can't do the content I want to do now because they screwed up server populations and wasted too much money on voice overs instead of gameplay.

Edited by Gungan
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Agreed. You are paying a montly fee for BIOWARE's game. They can make the game however they want. Even if it is crappy in the beginning, they will patch it! Heck, the lack of endgame content is just another fallacy trolls make. We all know there is a plethora of things to do during end game. (not gunna delve into that though) If you compare it to WoW back in 2004, just about anyone would prefer SWTOR. If WoW got where it was in 8 years, just imagine what SWTOR will be in 8 years! Bioware, just keep chugging at it. Patches will improve the game vastly over time. After 4 months we already have all the basic necessities of a proper MMO! This is proof slow and steady wins the race everytime!


Slow and steady wins the race everytime? lol Tis a sure fire way to end up single lol

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BioWare made an RPG on rails.


So did Blizzard. Welcome to the world of MMOs. It's the same general idea for EVERY game. You level, you craft, you have vehicles, you do dungeons with groups of people, you join guilds, you do end game content, you beat the other faction to a pulp.


It's the STORY and the WAY IT'S PRESENTED that makes a game different. The mechanics will always remain the same. You know why? Because if it didn't, IT WOULD BE A WHOLE NEW GENRE OF GAMING.

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Slow and steady wins the race everytime? lol Tis a sure fire way to end up single lol


That makes no sense lol. Are you saying you've only ever been in really short relationships that die in a blaze of glory and/or bloodshed? Because imo, slow and steady in terms of love are pretty legit ways of staying together for a very long time.

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That makes no sense lol. Are you saying you've only ever been in really short relationships that die in a blaze of glory and/or bloodshed? Because imo, slow and steady in terms of love are pretty legit ways of staying together for a very long time.


pmsl no not in terms of love no but a blaze of glory i like it! :p

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So did Blizzard. Welcome to the world of MMOs. It's the same general idea for EVERY game. You level, you craft, you have vehicles, you do dungeons with groups of people, you join guilds, you do end game content, you beat the other faction to a pulp.


It's the STORY and the WAY IT'S PRESENTED that makes a game different. The mechanics will always remain the same. You know why? Because if it didn't, IT WOULD BE A WHOLE NEW GENRE OF GAMING.


Blizzard did not make it on rails. You had options of where to go in the world to level. Before 60 there were always 2-4 equal level zones for you to do. In SWTOR you go to every planet in the same specific order on every character.


The redo of vanilla zones in Cata only made them, and the stories therein, better.

Edited by Gungan
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Blizzard did not make it on rails. You had options of where to go in the world to level. Before 60 there were always 2-4 equal level zones for you to do. In SWTOR you go to every planet in the same specific order on every character.


Ahh, see now you make more sense. Before it sounded like you were referring to the game in general was on rails. Thank you for clarifying that you were talking about one specific thing.


I will say this though: WoW doesn't give you too many options for where to go. Make a human Alliance character. Level in Elwynn. Go to Westfall. Go to Redridge. Go to whatever else was next in line, I don't remember. If SWTOR could implement secondary planets to go to for leveling, that would be awesome, but the issue is that your main storyline will not be there and you'll wind up having to do that planet for a little while anyway. There's pros and cons to this. I personally LIKE having the storylines, they're interesting and make each character feel different and allows you to give your character some personality. The downside is, yes, you have to actually follow the storyline, which takes you through all the same planets so that classes aren't split up so much.


Give a little, take a little. It's a compromise.

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I like the game a lot pvp and pve.... I dont like playing on a dying/dead server and I dont want to have to leave a guild Ive been in over 10 yrs to transfer somewhere else. Gimme a cross server pvp and pve tool and voila happiness ensues.
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Blizzard did not make it on rails. You had options of where to go in the world to level. Before 60 there were always 2-4 equal level zones for you to do. In SWTOR you go to every planet in the same specific order on every character.


The redo of vanilla zones in Cata only made them, and the stories therein, better.


Gungan... Um... so... you.. you can make your own thread, with the title "SWTOR is bad because blah blah blah" and then I can make one called "SWTOR is good because blah blah blah". But I wont. Nope. I never liked arguing, especially with people who want everything on a big silver plate.

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Blizzard did not make it on rails. You had options of where to go in the world to level. Before 60 there were always 2-4 equal level zones for you to do. In SWTOR you go to every planet in the same specific order on every character.


The redo of vanilla zones in Cata only made them, and the stories therein, better.


Here's an Idea.. Go Play WoW then.


The first time you posted your opinion in this thread I respected it, then you continued to post and shove your opinion down other peoples throats, I lost that respect. I understand you are not happy, but shoving your opinion down others throats does not make your opinion more valid.


So if you want to be taken seriously next time post once, with valid concerns, then leave it at that. Trying to justify your opinion or shove it down others throats only makes you look foolish and gives a very bad light of what may be an intelligent gamer, into a Cheetoh's eating Troll.

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Here's an Idea.. Go Play WoW then.


The first time you posted your opinion in this thread I respected it, then you continued to post and shove your opinion down other peoples throats, I lost that respect. I understand you are not happy, but shoving your opinion down others throats does not make your opinion more valid.


So if you want to be taken seriously next time post once, with valid concerns, then leave it at that. Trying to justify your opinion or shove it down others throats only makes you look foolish and gives a very bad light of what may be an intelligent gamer, into a Cheetoh's eating Troll.


Leave the cheetos out of this!

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Ahh, see now you make more sense. Before it sounded like you were referring to the game in general was on rails. Thank you for clarifying that you were talking about one specific thing.


I will say this though: WoW doesn't give you too many options for where to go. Make a human Alliance character. Level in Elwynn. Go to Westfall. Go to Redridge. Go to whatever else was next in line, I don't remember. If SWTOR could implement secondary planets to go to for leveling, that would be awesome, but the issue is that your main storyline will not be there and you'll wind up having to do that planet for a little while anyway. There's pros and cons to this. I personally LIKE having the storylines, they're interesting and make each character feel different and allows you to give your character some personality. The downside is, yes, you have to actually follow the storyline, which takes you through all the same planets so that classes aren't split up so much.


Give a little, take a little. It's a compromise.


Make a Human, you can go to any of the starting zones: Elwynn, Teldrassil, Dun Morogh, Azuremyst Isle (usually not worth leaving your home area this early but you could if you really wanted to). Next level range is Darkshore, Loch Modan, Azuremyst Isle, Westfall. After that you can hit Duskwood, Ashenvale, Wetlands, then Desolace, Stranglethorn, Badlands, and so on. You can bounce around all the different territories in any order you want because there were always multiple options for every level.


Hell you could even go invade low level Horde territory which has no quests for you at all, but you know what, you could explore it and get into some trouble.


There is only 1 planet for every level range in SWTOR, and you cannot go to planets controlled by the other faction, and you're herded through every planet in order by your class quest.

Edited by Gungan
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Here's an Idea.. Go Play WoW then.


The first time you posted your opinion in this thread I respected it, then you continued to post and shove your opinion down other peoples throats, I lost that respect. I understand you are not happy, but shoving your opinion down others throats does not make your opinion more valid.


So if you want to be taken seriously next time post once, with valid concerns, then leave it at that. Trying to justify your opinion or shove it down others throats only makes you look foolish and gives a very bad light of what may be an intelligent gamer, into a Cheetoh's eating Troll.


It's not an opinion when it is fact. There is nothing to debate, and it is a valid concern. WoW = multiple equal level areas you can pick and choose a la carte. SWTOR = do every planet in the same order on every character.


Yes, other recent games have gone linear too, but they don't actively encourage you to reroll multiple chars because that's where they spent all their money.

Edited by Gungan
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