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Opinions on SWTOR as of now


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I currently love this game Bioware, so much I wanted to post a thread on my thoughts about this game; one being that so far I loved it. It makes my eye twitch when someone says "Swwwtor is bad game!".

1. They haven't played it

2. They missed the weekend trial

3. They haven't took time in dialogues, cut scenes, story lines, and don't take the time to enjoy a game

So many times I see someone play a game for a hardcore reason, which I can understand, but if you're playing it for serious reasons, then play the game seriously. If you've played SWTOR and skip the cut scenes, don't look at what Bioware crafted; from the music, the skies (I want dynamic day/night weather so bad), and the cinematic of it... then.. well... *** are you doing? Sure the game needs improvements, but doesn't every game? Before you complain ask yourself; "Would other players like this". Instead of saying "Crew Skills is BROKEN!", ask yourself; "Well why" and comment how they can improve it. Read their blogs. This is a new step for Bioware, a big one. GW2 has done good with adding dynamic events, and I really like how they crafted their leveling system, feeling fresh... but nothing to really even close to how SWTOR makes me feel when my companion has a little chat. a DAMN shame people skip that, really sucks for them. I'm sticking this Bioware because I enjoy this. I loved KOTOR, and from my kiosk and social bar I can see the game growing. GG Bioware, GG. Especially Legacy, GG.

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Great post!!:D And I agree. Sure there are some bugs in the game but they aren't preventing me from playing. Bioware has finally brought back the RPG in MMO's. One thing is i hope they expand more on open world content and less on instances, not that they should stop creating any. Edited by Skidrowbro
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Everyone posting here has bought the game,

Not everyone likes the game, their opinion is as valid as anyone else's.

Not sure why some people continue to pay for a game they dont like but thats another story.

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Everyone posting here has bought the game,

Not everyone likes the game, their opinion is as valid as anyone else's.

Not sure why some people continue to pay for a game they dont like but thats another story.

ZOMG ... how poignantly accurate is that! I love the game. The bugs are gradually going away and it's just fun to play. Do I have a wish list? You bet. But I'm not so self-absorbed as to think that SWTOR will be everything I ever wanted in an MMO (and more) right this damn minute. Four thumbs up - 2 from me & 2 from my wife who eschews these forums because it lacks TOR's in-game community. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I'd say its a solid game with a great storyline. It has me wanting to log on just to see how the next part of the class storyline will turn out. I have played a lot of MMOs and of all those in the last decade only LoTRO has given me the same level of excitement.


A friend sent me the 7 day trial and I bought the game on Day 6 of that, got about 3 weeks left of my 2nd month in the game and its been a blast (well it has been for my Bounty Hunter, for my Jedi its been more of a nying, nying).


As to bugs the game has been pretty stable for me so far (got to Lvl 45 on Belsavis with my Jedi and 36 with my BH) and I haven't encountered anything problematic so far.


My only two concerns are the low populations on the servers (Hydian Way for me) which means the group content has been something I have rarely done, the half dozen or so times I have teamed up with people have been fun though. The second is that end game content seems to be a bit sparse from what I am hearing as I am not a PvPer, and low populations will affect that as well.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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I've played MMOs a long time: UO, WoW, and now SWTOR. I am thoroughly enjoying SWTOR. Every week it gets better and better.


I was exchanging emails with an old friend from UO. He said he heard that SWTOR was a bad game; that it had no end-game and PvP was poor. How in the heck would he get that idea? I told him the game was just about 4 months old, and already had 3 instances that you could do with 8 or 16 people. Also, the instances could be done in normal, hard, or nightmare mode. And my friends seem to be really enjoying the PvP.


One of the things I appreciate the most about SWTOR is that he dev team seems to pay attention to and respond to customer feedback. That doesn't mean that every suggestion will get implemented. But many improvements are being implemented and quickly.

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The game is a blast to play, loads and loads of fun. Best MMO at launch I have played. It's not bug free, but it very smooth and polished for being a new MMO. The progress on fixing bugs and adding new content has been excellent. Once they have the server transfer process up and running we can have a healthier server farm that can expand and contract as subscribers ebb and flow. Rarely a credit spammer, which is sooooooo refrreshing in an MMO.


The forums are kind of a mixed bag though, with all the drive by hate that get dropped in them. :rolleyes:

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One of the things I appreciate the most about SWTOR is that he dev team seems to pay attention to and respond to customer feedback. That doesn't mean that every suggestion will get implemented. But many improvements are being implemented and quickly.


I very much agree with you on that.

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The game "was" fun, now its quite boring, I bought it mostly for multiplayer aspects and am deeply unsatisfied... My 100+ man guild on Swiftsure no longer play! I'm finally starting give up, especially after the server transfers... I have all but one slot used up in my characters slots, and while the first two to 47 and 50 were fun , the grind to get the others to 50 make the game boring, same planets and all, same type quests... Nothing new in that... But that's not really what bothers me, I expected large PVP areas and easy pick up games for flashpoints, but now that non existant since server transders... So many people have quit or transfered... There is no one to play with... I was hoping for 1.2 to make things better... but not much in gameplay ... They said a 10 year commitment to this game... And what I see now is the type of mush you feed to infants... The game has been really water downed to the hype and expectations that we were all expecting... I have prepaid for 6 mos, and once that expires Im not renewing it. Sorry but really, its 2012 and this game is mediocre at best... You will get bored I promise... If not then you are brainwashed... Edited by Deathzhadow
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The game "was" fun, now its quite boring, I bought it mostly for multiplayer aspects and am deeply unsatisfied... My 100+ man guild on Swiftsure no longer play! I'm finally starting give up, especially after the server transfers... I have all but one slot used up in my characters slots, and while the first two to 47 and 50 were fun , the grind to get the others to 50 make the game boring, same planets and all, same type quests... Nothing new in that... But that's not really what bothers me, I expected large PVP areas and easy pick up games for flashpoints, but now that non existant since server transders... So many people have quit or transfered... There is no one to play with... I was hoping for 1.2 to make things better... but not much in gameplay ... They said a 10 year commitment to this game... And what I see now is the type of mush you feed to infants... The game has been really water downed to the hype and expectations that we were all expecting... I have prepaid for 6 mos, and once that expires Im not renewing it. Sorry but really, its 2012 and this game is mediocre at best... You will get bored I promise... If not then you are brainwashed...

Let me explain; ANY game you play for hours and hours and hours will get boring. I haven't played or seen one game where someone plays it for months and months straight and feel the same jolt over and over again. SWTOR can deliver that jolt for quite a bit, but like any other game it WILL get boring if simply don't stop and take a break. GW2 will deliver this jolt from dynamic quests, events, and even weather; But will eventually start to feel like "I've.. done this, so what am I working to gain?" That's why new games always, usually, will out-buy or be more fresh then the last game. I've read so many people write about these topics and say things just like you, and from my standpoint I see where you come from. MMOs, yes, became like CODs; One after another with very similar aspects, but special in their own way. WITH the exception of games like SWTOR and GW2 where they stand out like BF3 to COD. These games will get hate, not saying you wrote hate; but they will never "FLOP". Games don't flop, a person's excitement and constant, lets say "over use" for a game flops it. I think it'll be great to play SWTOR, run on GW2, and back and forth. GG MMO devs, GG.

Edited by Vespassian
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One of the things I appreciate the most about SWTOR is that he dev team seems to pay attention to and respond to customer feedback. That doesn't mean that every suggestion will get implemented. But many improvements are being implemented and quickly.


You don't play a healer do you? You should visit the dessicated ruins of the healing forum sometime.


Also, on another note... Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows!

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To each their own.. I've been playing this style of game for over 5 years.. You know the type.. Follow the breadcrumbs from one quest hub to the next.. TIL you reach max level, then resort to repeating the same small group of dailies to get gear, so you can grind the same group of instances to get gear, just so you can grind the same raid zone over and over again like a mindless treadmill...... It's rather sad when you know exactly what quest you are going to do, and which mobs you are going to kill to complete it....... Can almost do it blindfolded.... Been there, done that..


However, I do give them kudos for the voice over.. but that isn't enough.. I want a NEW dinner menu in which to order from..

Edited by thominoh
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I've loved it since the beta weekends. I love the general eye candy, but I like the little things a lot of people might miss. I always take some time to pan around no matter where I am and just enjoy what was put into this. The class stories I've played through so far were awesome and I look forward to seeing the chapters continue. I decided to stay long enough to play through all of the class stories and now I want to unlock all of the Legacy stuff as well. I met a great in-game community which is a big help in keeping up the fun factor. I'm working on getting my third toon to 50 and still haven't seen all of the FPs\OPS\etc. I think too many people rush rush rush through these games and then complain when there's nothing left. It's the journey my friends - not the destination.


I could sit on the forum all day and ***** about all of the things I don't like, but who's really listening? lol. Based on the interest level and speed of patch implementations, I know the dev team is aware of a lot of the common issues and I have faith they are working on them along with new stuff. Let's face it, they want to keep people subbed and everyone in the industry is well aware of SWG's many debacles. No one wants to be that guy again lol.

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The game "was" fun, now its quite boring, I bought it mostly for multiplayer aspects and am deeply unsatisfied... My 100+ man guild on Swiftsure no longer play! I'm finally starting give up, especially after the server transfers... I have all but one slot used up in my characters slots, and while the first two to 47 and 50 were fun , the grind to get the others to 50 make the game boring, same planets and all, same type quests... Nothing new in that... But that's not really what bothers me, I expected large PVP areas and easy pick up games for flashpoints, but now that non existant since server transders... So many people have quit or transfered... There is no one to play with... I was hoping for 1.2 to make things better... but not much in gameplay ... They said a 10 year commitment to this game... And what I see now is the type of mush you feed to infants... The game has been really water downed to the hype and expectations that we were all expecting... I have prepaid for 6 mos, and once that expires Im not renewing it. Sorry but really, its 2012 and this game is mediocre at best... You will get bored I promise... If not then you are brainwashed...


....They haven't added server transfers yet. At all. And please...learn to spell.

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I started today my first toon Sith Inquisitor-Assassin and I'm having a blast first 11 level were flying and so far I'm loving it, dont know about future but right now I'm having fun.
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Played since early beta and loving it so far! But I must admit I had a little break for 2 - 3 weeks, but after patch 1.2 I'm playing every single day! Just started on my new alt :D

Yeah.. there is bugs but what more is there to expect from a 4 month old game?


Oh and one more thing! I can see massive potential and a bright future for SWTOR :D

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It's above average. The lack of a community that cares about group content is driving it down. At least half the storylines are of a quality on par with high school creative writing, which is nowhere near the quality I expect from a BioWare title.


This is not a BioWare game. This is a Mythic game, and plays surprisingly similar to Warhammer Online, right down to the slow combat and animations. BioWare Edmonton had nothing to do with this.

Edited by Gungan
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Best MMO currently out there, so far I am having a blast


No it's not. WoW still holds that title. Every element of actual gameplay is better in WoW than it is in SWTOR.


SWTOR has voice overs though, but so what?


See my post above for my opinion on the story. The storylines are so unmemorable, I don't even remember what happened towards the end of my Trooper's story, and I only have 2 characters to keep track of.

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No addons at release

Great Story

Nice companions (would love to have them with me in pvp and in group content, 2 at a time and not just 1)

pvp 1-49 (was fun)

space battles

own ship (would love to get more stuff there, like a housing system)

smooth game without crash´s, running maxed on high fps

no automated LFG




No sliders to increase draw distance, such as foliage

pvp lvl 50 (no gear checks, solo queue meets premades - stunlocks and burst kill you)

Combat log opened the door for abuse, such as recount & meters

forum (too many rude people - not as bad as at wow tho, the mods do a nice job here)

No ranked solo queue yet for pvp



For me the game is really nice,


what I am afraid of are addons that are coming slowly, people will turn to elitist´s then and blame others all the time and compare their own dps to those of other players and demand nerfs etc.


Solo ranked pvp is what I am looking forward most , wow failed there horrible and I would love to see it in an MMO :)



@ wow discussion


+ wow


the gameplay, the chars move smooth and you dont need to break your fingers to do something. At tor its a bit too much, too many timers etc. For casuals a bit too heavy


+ Tor


Story & class system rocks. I dont know, but you just want to play another char all the time once you finished one. It just doesnt get boring, the companion system is awesome and should be extended.

No automated tool for groups and no addons (but this might change soon.... )


The other stuff like pvp at max lvl, crafting etc. is at both games just average and does not really make sense, so its a tie.



So far Tor has the better server community, people help each other etc. thats something I have last seen at wow in vanilla and TBC.

Edited by RachelAnne
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To each their own.. I've been playing this style of game for over 5 years.. You know the type.. Follow the breadcrumbs from one quest hub to the next.. TIL you reach max level


Pssst. Even single player RPG's are like this. It's just the older ones didn't have to hold your hand on where to go, that you had to figure out on your own :p

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