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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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1.) Kashyyk ~


And James, please make it dark, mysterious, foreboding, with secrets, at least on the forest floor like in Kotor, only even more.


I suppose if there are secrets below, there are secrets above ;) a mile above that is, trees there are a mile high.


In Kotor our ship landed directly on the planet's surface for the most part. This cinematic, epic feeling of space travel is lost to me, with all the darn "spaceports".


You see James, as a human everytime the party in Kotor boarded the Ebon Hawk. Then lifting off the surface escaping the planets gravity, to orbit sometimes skirmishing befor hyperdrive. That was as close to space travel most of us will ever get.


The spaceports is too much like real life Jet travel... TSA included.

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For a quick planet for a flashpoint or operation I'd like to see Manaan. The setting page for SWTOR used to reference an attack on Manaan that left the surface structures destroyed, so assuming that info is still relevant we could explore the half or fully sunken remains of Ahto City.


For a big planet, I'd love to see http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kuat Kuat is the shipbuilding world and I could see it being divided between surface sections like current worlds and then the famous Kuat Drive Yards. The KDY facilities encircle the planet and would definitely be a valuable asset to fight over or sabotage. Maybe tie some future space content in with it if possible, like attacking/defending the yards.

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There's a couple of planets that really stand out for me that really should be in this game. Dantooine is one of the more obvious choices - there's a lot of potential for exploring the aftermath of Khoonda, and the following restabilization of the planet following the events of KOTOR II. There's also the rebuilt Jedi Enclave to consider, the crystal caves, as well as the history and lore of the occupants. Dantooine brings a lot of fond memories from KOTOR veterans, and I think there's a lot of potential on all levels.


Manaan is another world from KOTOR I would like to see brought back - while a bombed-out mess thanks to the Sith, we could revisit a slowly repopulating Ahto City under reconstruction, as well as explore the impact the attack had on the Selkath - maybe twisting their sense of neutrality beyond their already heavy-handed stance could be something to explore? In addition, the underwater levels of Ahto could give unique and interesting dungeon crawls. The upper levels of Ahto City could also serve as a nice new option for neutral, social areas, much like Voss-Ka and Nar Shaddaa's Promenade.


As a third option, I'd like to suggest the Core World of Balosar, maybe as an Operation or Flashpoint candidate? Polluted and heavily industrialized, it's also the source of deathsticks, which could be the source of a questline right there. There's not much documentation on the majority of the world, so there's lots of room for creative licence. Plus, if Skyrim taught us anything, it's that people love giant underground caverns filled with mushrooms.


EDIT: Other suggestions? Kessel, Yavin IV and Dathomir

Edited by GrimAce
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There are so many. I think Yavin IV would be great in this time since the Massassi are still there. Ryloth would also be interesting. Sullust would be cool. The underground volcanic world would be interesting.
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Off the top of my head: Kashyyyk, Dantooine, Felucia, Ruusan, Mandalore. Those suggestions are for open-world additions. With the possible exception of Felucia, I think they're all too rich in lore to demote to just being home to a flashpoint. Edited by IsfetTheGreat
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Boonta - This would be a good addition, there could easily be a good place to start some kind of in game speeder races.


Bothawui - What a great chance to introduce the bothans.


Felucia - Probably not a explorable planet but the outrageous plant and animal life would be really cool as a flashpoint.

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Well since this is SWTOR and it takes place 3000yrs before Vader, I would expect that the politicle make up of planets has to coincide with the current situation in the galaxie.. So does Bothowi exist..or home world of MonColomari?? and... here is a biggie to answer... If the next planet is to be made, will it expose us to a new race to play. If its Ryloth well then playing a Tw'ilk won't matter.. but if its Bothowi.. lets seem Bothans as a new race to play. What ever the planet... if it involves a race not playable right now.. it should allow for playability if its to be created.
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How about Telos IV the planet that the HK-50 factory was on in canon I would love to see it. after it was cut from KOTOR2. It could have a nice tie in to a mission when you get HK-51. :d_smile:
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EDIT: I'm giving meaningful reasons.

Kashyyk: Definately because of the wookies, the beaches and the forests. Treehut exploring would be mega-fun and I think there are some definate possibilities for some epic action on the treetops.

Mustafar: I loved the volcano-ey parts of Ord Mantel when I was rolling around as a smuggler. A whole planet like that with ancient ruins and burning death at every turn would be sweet!

Naboo: Vast grassy areas +1 :D in fact it'd be quite the spot for an operation/guild war scene. Also it has some awesome buildings and "interesting" natives. The fact that there could be underwater, grassy plains, ancient ruins and babylon-like cities excites me :3


Killing Gungans would bring a smile to my face :D

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Yanibar - With the Zeishon Sha, story lines with this group of force users is limitless.


Tund - With those lovable force users the Sorcerers of Tund.


Dathomir - planet full of nasties and fun.


Yavin IV - lot of cool temples and mosquitoes.


???? - a competely new planet... not mentioned previously....

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....Chiss Imperial Agent Operative Tellar Shepherd AKA "Cipher Nine" AKA Dread Pirate "The Red Blade" AKA "Red Flame of the Chiss Ascendancy" and adoptive member of House Nurodo, "daughter" of the Aristocra in command of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force wants to go home.


Let's go to Csilla.

Edited by Ikorus
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