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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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Kashyyk, Endor, Naboo


also... add on to the already existing planets so we can fully explore the entire globe(s) without loading screens. (mammoth undertaking, im aware...but still)

Edited by Anathar
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My top 4:

Kashyyyk - I don't think I need to explain why.

Dantooine - Same here.

Yavin 4 - Has a lot of Sith history, especially for this time period.

Mustafar - After looking in the Wookieepedia, there does seem to be some history here, for both Jedi and Sith, which, in addition to the look of the planet, would be great to include.



Forest Moon of Endor





As much as I would love to see Dathomir, the Witches of Dathomir, and subsequently the Nightsisters, they do not fit in the time period.


I would love to see each of the above planets implemented, with a story arc, and recommended level zones of 15-25, 25-35, 35-45 for EACH world. This would provide alternative zones to level in, and would give us a reason to continue coming back every few levels to continue in the world's story. Gradual zoning would be my preference, to allow open-world exploration, as opposed to gated zoning.

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Kashyyyk. I've really wanted to return to both the wookie villages and the shadowlands ever since KotOR.




I would welcome any planet from the KOTOR series that strengthens the links between all three games.


Since we have Selkath in game, it'd be nice to revisit their homeworld with maybe some underwater adventure? Doubt this will happen as the majority of players will probably want film locations.

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Dantooine would pretty nice, it's one of them planets that haven't really been touched much imo, that is, if you don't count Extended Universe.


Dathomir, pretty "mystical" and scary place, which we do have a lack of currently in the game, might be a fun addition.


Kashyyyk, we got wookies, we got urban planets, desert and barren planets, war torn planets, so why not a rainforest like planet with huge walking carpets, and weird, scary and awesome monsters lurking behind every corner.


A few other notable mentions:

Yavin IV, Mustafar, Naboo (To kill Gungans).


If any of these weren't "Discovered" in the timeline we're at. Feel free to completely ignore their mention.

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I would to see any planet as long as its full of life cause right now me and the 7 people on fleet feel forever alone....


but seriously i don't care about content if there is no one to play with....

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Dathomir - So many interesting possibilities on Darthomir. The Kwi, Rancors, Star Temples. Oh my. It would be well before Allya was banished so no Witches. But still a lot to work with.


Kashyyyk - 'nuff said


Center Point

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