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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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I would like to see :



And I think it would be cool if we got:



As it would then nmake it possible for more playable species.


Also I would like to see a PvP planet which was a city scape as I think it would be cool to fight around a city and not a vast empty white zone like Ilum.

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I would definitely like to see Christopsis, Kashyyyk, DANTOOINE (!!!), Kessel and maybe Felucia.

Also - please expand ares on existing planets (they are pretty small for PLANETS) preferably with some high level areas (plus add some bigger commercial district on Coruscant with various shops and perhaps with some non-combat quests :) )

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Planets I wish to see and why:


1. Qolaraloq (Center Point Station) - ancient space station constructed by Celestials (powerful advanced race that pre-dates Infinite Empire). Many species live in colonies on this humongous space station.

2. Alsakan - Core Founder planet (25,053 BBY) for formation of the Republic. The other Coruscant, bustling world of prominence that tried to usurp Coruscant's predominance 17 times. Killik colony before 30,000 BBY.

3. Duro - orbital cities, how cool is that. Surveyed by the Columi in 100,000 BBY, who were not impressed and passed it off as primitive failure. Slave world under Infinite Empire and helped create Star Forge. Duros rebelled in 25,200 BBY after plague struck Rakata. Reversed engineers hyperdrive and became Core Founder in 25,052 under Queen Rana Mas Trehalt at formation of the Galactic Republic.

4. Manaan - water world, home of Selkath, in Pyrshak system (inner rim), independent after collapse of Infinite Empire.

5. Thyferra - hot humid planet in Polith System on Rimma Trade Route, homeworld of Vratix (grasshopper like insect race), first contact w/ Galactic Repubublic 700 years ago 4100 BBY. Developed Bacta that replaced use of Kolto.

6. Kessel - prison planet managed by Colicoids, only source of Glitterstim; Part of Xim's Empire in 25,130 BBY. Huge underground caverns that host Celestial technological artifacts (Celestials pre-date Infinite Empire).

7. Axum - planet from Azure Imperium involved in the Unification wars that formed the Republic (25,200 BBY)

8. Kuat - famous for shipyards throughout history, core founder world.


I hope, dream rather, that planets could be continents with explorable regions instead of the cube w/ obstacles design that we have now. The regions can be filled out as the game progresses; this may be hard to implement but adds mystery and allure to those that like exploring. It's also easy to have character level ranges per region. (instead of intermixing ranges in the same area as is done in Alderaan). After all regions get filled out, aerial flight could feasibly be added.


Existing boxed designed worlds could be converted to region oriented worlds in future. It's a dream...

Edited by Shockazilla
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Kotor planets please. Dxun, Kashyykk, Manaan, Lehon, Onderon, Dantooine hell why not even have the remains of Malachor as a planet? Could throw some Imperial Reclamation Service story to make it more believable too. Oh and Telos of course. Remember what this game was spawned from! :D
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Before you add another planet that no one will bother to visit, how about you figure out ways to get players to leave the Imperial/Republic Fleet and visit the current crop of planets already in the game?


In the 15 seconds it's taking me to write this, I can come up with a number of ways.


You, who are paid to do this for a living, can hopefully do even better.


Patiently waiting,

Your subscriber

Edited by revial
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Definitely Naboo, especially the underwater city. You could even put in Jar Jar! (but not so annoying)

otherwise Cloud City, Endor, Dagobah, Mustafar all high on the wishlist


Jar Jar hasn't been born yet.. (Thank god)


Maybe If you did make a Naboo with an underwater city, you could include a quest, in which you could seek out and destory Jar Jar's ancestors? Making it a brighter future for everyone! :D

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Kashyyyk would be my number one request. Mandalore would be amazing if possible, but I honestly can't remember how well that would fit into current lore. Dantooine would be my third vote just to see how its changed since KotOR.
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