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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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The Inner Rim Planet of Myrkr!


Because this planet is just so rich w/ possibilities.

Many directions could be taken w/ this planet.

Forrests, Mountains, Plains...Mandelorian Wars!

Independant Gov't...Every class has an interest on this planet.

Force-Hunting animals like Vornskrs, Force-Negating animals like Ysalamiri.

This planet plays a Huge part in both StarWars History & Future!

Please, pick this planet!

Edited by SecretAgent_
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- Kashyyyk (Wookiees!!):)

- Dantooine (Old Jedi enclave)

- Geonosis

- Mustafar (As a Warzone perhaps)

- Naboo (Gungan-hunting)

- Yavin IV

- Nathema (Dead homeworld of Sith Emperor)

- Serenno (Later homeworld of Count Dooku )

- Ciutric (Planet described in Darth Bane: A Dynasty of Evil, Naboo-like world)

- Telos

- Dxun

- Onderon

- Felucia

- Ambria (Desert world, descibed in Darth Bane: A dynasty of Evil)

- Prakith (Homeworld of Darth Andeddu)

Edited by QuiMarTintinn
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Manaan, there are Selkath in the game already. I found it to be my favorite planet from KOTOR. We need aquatic themed worlds.



We also need more neutral worlds. Seems most of the worlds are demolished war-torn battle grounds.

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Mandalore would be a great place to go, hopefully as a fully explorable planet,but I can see that it would maybe make more sense to do it as some sort of random operation or flashpoint.


Other than that, somewhere that would it make sense to have some real open world PvP going!

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Loads of people have already made the suggestions I have thought of, so I'm not really being original here but...

The planets I would like to see are Kashyyyk (wookiees, woot!), the forest moon of Endor (would be cool to have Ewoks in the game) and from playing KOTOR and KOTOR2, I would love to be able to go to Dantooine and Telos again.

As my main character is a Zabrak (and I think they're possibly my fave SW:TOR race!) I would also like to suggest Iridonia, and as someone else previously mentioned, given that they are major races already within the game, I would like to see Cathar or Csilla as well.

In fact, I'd like to see homeworld planets for all of the main playable races in SW:TOR brought in. These characters need a place to call home!!

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Make the major quests there something with the elders and their war against the gungans, i think alot of people would love to kill those gungans.

Then every other class could have their own little class reason to be there.


Also i would love Genosis, since its aprt of the current lore as much of what i know, the twi'lek taht is with Malgus was saved from Genosis by Malgus, so that means it's discovered.


Edit: Added genosis.

Edited by Ridok
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Dantooine, Dathomir, Yavin 4....I could see some really cool stuff exploring the Massassi Temples and Sith Tombs. Dxun and it's moons. Any of the planets from KOTOR 1 & 2 that got left out *lol*
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Kashyyyk & Dantooine. Would LOVE to see Dantooine after 300 years from KOTOR and see what Czerka has been up to again on Kashyyyk. Walking along those huge tree tops and fighting in the shadowlands were among my most memorable kotor 1 moments from way back when.

Manaan would also be great, I loved the story with their firaxan ancestor and fighting on the ocean floor.




thats wut they said bout pandas

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From KOTOR series: Kashyyyk, Telos, Manaan and Onderon

From SW Universe: Dathomir, Mandalore, Geonosis, Neimodia, Kuat... Alzoc III... Cerea (home world of Ki-Adi-Mundi)... Corulag... Kalee... Ruusan... SHOLA!!!! Seriously, Shola can bring a lot of secrets into the game.

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Here is James' question for this week:


"What planet in the Star Wars universe do you want to see in Star Wars: The Old Republic that is not currently in the game?"




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If I choose Naboo will we get Gungans in game? Mesa really want a Gungan compainionb(or better, playable race.) You Otherwise I would love to see Manaan or Dantooine. What about Ziost? That could be interesting.

Kessel would also be a neat planet with energy spiders.


Just my thoughts,


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Naboo. I see the first Known monarchs of Naboo is king Narbele (2000 BBY). It could be very cool put this world without human beings but with only gungans, the indigenous species.


Dathomir, the homeworld of rancor


and, obviously Kashyyyk and Rakata Prime.

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