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PvPer's don't care about this game


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He says that the team discovered that SWTOR had a huge PvP community and has since "turned a huge amount of resources" to developing more content for that side of the game. Paraphrased from Daniel Erickson, my question is why?


They're ridiculously fickle, and I'm sure most don't even play anymore. So why waste resources on a side of the game for people who claim they're leaving for GW2? Those "resources" could be used to make the space battles better, more story content, mini-games, crafting, social activities, planets, live events, dungeons and raids and optimizing the damn engine further... Look at the Ilum debacle and Ranked Warzones; so much hate on these forums towards it.


Bioware, stop trying to please them. Stop trying to make this some e-sport. They will never be pleased. And they've moved on. The PvErs who honestly want to give this game a chance, have not.

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He says that the team discovered that SWTOR had a huge PvP community and has since "turned a huge amount of resources" to developing more content for that side of the game. Paraphrased from Daniel Erickson, my question is why?


They're ridiculously fickle, and I'm sure most don't even play anymore. So why waste resources on a side of the game for people who claim they're leaving for GW2? Those "resources" could be used to make the space battles better, more story content, mini-games, crafting, social activities, planets, live events, dungeons and raids and optimizing the damn engine further... Look at the Ilum debacle and Ranked Warzones; so much hate on these forums towards it.


Bioware, stop trying to please them. Stop trying to make this some e-sport. They will never be pleased. And they've moved on. The PvErs who honestly want to give this game a chance, have not.


And they say PvP'ers whine too much..........:rolleyes:

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I am a PvP player, and play since early access... sure, I will also buy GW2, but as long as BioWare is trying to give me more PvP stuff in SWTOR I think I might stay, the moment they listen to OP is the moment that I consider leaving.
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He says that the team discovered that SWTOR had a huge PvP community and has since "turned a huge amount of resources" to developing more content for that side of the game. Paraphrased from Daniel Erickson, my question is why?


They're ridiculously fickle, and I'm sure most don't even play anymore. So why waste resources on a side of the game for people who claim they're leaving for GW2? Those "resources" could be used to make the space battles better, more story content, mini-games, crafting, social activities, planets, live events, dungeons and raids and optimizing the damn engine further... Look at the Ilum debacle and Ranked Warzones; so much hate on these forums towards it.


Bioware, stop trying to please them. Stop trying to make this some e-sport. They will never be pleased. And they've moved on. The PvErs who honestly want to give this game a chance, have not.


Where is the link this is from? I would like to read the non-paraphrased version ...

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I think it is great that there are PvP'ers. I think it is great there are PvE'ers. What I don't think is great is when one group thinks they are more important then the other in terms of what resources should be spend where. I assure you that if Bioware neglects either the PvP side OR the PvE side that the game as a whole will suffer. Edited by Gruug
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Personally, I think the PvP players are what kills games.

They complain about classes not being balanced, when they SHOULDN'T be balanced.

It's an MMO and the grouping of different classes should balance each other and make the whole team stronger.


The idea is that every class has a role to play and when grouped together they work extremely well.


The problem is that all this trying to "balance classes" for the sake of PvP is totally RUINING the PvE part of the game.


Unfortunately, the PvP crowd is a Vocal Minority on the forums, and many a game has failed due to this whole failed philosophy of "Balanced Classes for PvP"


PvE - It's a Team thing, not an individual one, like PvP. Trying to "Balance classes" fails and kills a PvE game.


I wish these games would either focus on the PvP crowd (And I could avoid those games) or focus on the PvE crowd, and just tell the PvP players straight out, the classes are suppose to work together compensating for each's weakness. Not be equal on all levels.

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Hi, I'm Saregon, and I play the whole game. Thank you.



Seriously, the whole pve vs pvp thing is so annoying. This is coming from someone who used to hate pvp by the way. Found out these games are much more enjoyable if you get into all aspects of them.

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Hardcore pvp people bounce from game to game to game always trying to find that perfect one. Fact is nothing is perfect. This game is not for the hardcore be you PVE or PVP. If you are into that stuff there are plenty of games for you but this is not one of them.
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PvE - It's a Team thing, not an individual one, like PvP. Trying to "Balance classes" fails and kills a PvE game.


Wha? I seen more ppl solo to 50, skipping heroics cuz they are so into the story and lets face it swtor doesn't force you to grp up. PVP not a team thing? wha?

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i think it sucks that the pvp set for some characters, namely sith warriors looks 10000000% better than the PVE set, i think it sucks that in order to get certain recipes for tradeskills, that are not pvp centric, that you have to pvp


i dont have a problem with the snazzy color crystals are pvp, just the yellow crystal pve patterns


that being said, i dabble in pvp every once in a while, i am neither very good at it nor do i even really care about being ranked or whatever, it is just a diversion, and sometimes it is kind of fun, well except for the WZ lag

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[I]He says that the team discovered that SWTOR had a huge PvP community and has since "turned a huge amount of resources" to developing more content for that side of the game. [/i] Paraphrased from Daniel Erickson, my question is why?


They're ridiculously fickle, and I'm sure most don't even play anymore. So why waste resources on a side of the game for people who claim they're leaving for GW2? Those "resources" could be used to make the space battles better, more story content, mini-games, crafting, social activities, planets, live events, dungeons and raids and optimizing the damn engine further... Look at the Ilum debacle and Ranked Warzones; so much hate on these forums towards it.


Bioware, stop trying to please them. Stop trying to make this some e-sport. They will never be pleased. And they've moved on. The PvErs who honestly want to give this game a chance, have not.




More people PvP on the internet than play any other game type - Bioware would be insane not to want PvPer to come to and stick with SWTOR.

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Hardcore pvp people bounce from game to game to game always trying to find that perfect one. Fact is nothing is perfect. This game is not for the hardcore be you PVE or PVP. If you are into that stuff there are plenty of games for you but this is not one of them.



We have PvP servers but ZERO incentive to go out and do it, with absolutely NO information on the future of pvp, I love this game, but the lack of open world pvp is killing it for me, it's really annoying not knowing when or even IF anything is in the works, so most of us leave

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Why do people complain about PvP in swtor ?


Bad game balance after 1.2.

No open world PvP.

LvL 50 PvP is now a complete joke and most people who like to PvP that i know have stopped.

Almost no support if one wants to lvl up doing PvP.Get 10 times more XP, gear and credits by doing PvE.

Lvl 50 PvP is a gear grind from hell to even be able to be competetive and have fun and enjoy PvP.

No reason to PvP other then the grind for gear.

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hmmm, end game is either pvp or become a farmer, of course you have to take care of the pvp'ers... how many alts can you lvl up to 50 before it its old, for me it was 3 :p


I have 16 characters. none are lvl 50. Once I get a few up to 50 I'll have 21 characters Yay Legacy...

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The terms "huge" and "PvP Community" should never be used when talking about MMOs. The actual "PvP Community" is small when compared to it's PvE Counterpart. Sure, there are a lot of people who might dabble in PvP here and there, but those solely dedicated to it are few.


Despute this fact if you wish, but there is a reason that PvP-only MMOs are not successful and do not last. If there was a demand for them, the genre would be saturated with successful ones. It isn't.


Should you alienate this minority? No, I do not advocate that at all. But losing some of them to another game is not going to make or break your own game.

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PvP is what keeps me playing...if not I wouldve unsub months ago, so don't get your point.


Same for me, but it's the same and the old, can only do so many warzones before craving that open world excitement and this game has none and we have nothing coming soon or the developers would of said something by now, another lost cause

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