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Premades are responsible for failed MMOs


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If PUGs quit the game when they get defeated by a premade, what happens when a premade gets defeated by a PUG? Delete their character in shame? Leave the Internet for good?


If premades takes their losses as seriously as people complaining about them do, this wouldn't be a problem because according to people, premades almost never lose so if you lose a game you probably should quit, and yet I have seen quite a few premades go down on PUGs on my server. By definition I should never see those guys again, but of course they're usually back in the next game.


Honestly most premades mentally block out the times they lose and if they can do it while having a considerable edge, you can do it as a PUG too which is definitely a disadvantaged position.


Well if a premade did lose to a PUG they should delete their characters and retire from MMOs entirely

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One server....all the QQ threads on the main PVP pages come from one server?


No we are all having the same experience and that's why there are multiple threads started.... but within each thread are the "premade" people who say L2PNOOB, Roll FPS,UMAD...do you see them?




huh, is this to me? I'm top DMG, top kills, top killing blows....i look for the guy with the highest HP and will not stop til one of us is dead(hate those rollers with big gear)


In bold...you are the reason your team losses. You are one of those idiots everyone hates to play with that is fighting on the other side of the map while the rest of your team is trying to win.


The problem isn't the pre-mades, it is PUGS having to deal with people like you.

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Well if a premade did lose to a PUG they should delete their characters and retire from MMOs entirely


There would be no premades on my server if that was true, but that might be a good thing accordingly to some people.

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That you have basically stated that any/all who play in premade teams are cheaters is honestly quite insulting.


Sorry there Francis...when I see cheats, they are in premade groups. Who has ever seen a solo cheat? Why not?


You can not exist because they will just hide behind you. "we want to play with friends"(friends who all have +17k HP....where are the 14k premades?)


How often when someone posts video of a cheat, is the cheat's name in red? Why aren't people on the same side reporting the cheating player......maybe it's because it's their boy?


While maybe not all premades are cheats, they do "optimize" FOTM builds and exploit temporary advantages in builds til nerfs come out......all of which I find to be extremely poor sportsmanship......I guess "you people" would just classify it a opportunism. But it's less about your character and the way you play, and more about which class or class combos are naturally harder to handle that would give you an unfair advantage over others who won't reroll.


Either way, I wouldn't piss on either of you if you were on fire....so excuse me for not caring enough to discriminate between the different types of premades.

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So you got *** whooped and you quit? Basically what your post comes down to. Not alot anyone can do about that. I also think your pug would quit the first sign of a loss, which is probably often judging by your observations.


Hacks, magic abilities, premades are ruining the game? Or perhaps there is a possibility that you are in fact not very good at the game and/or making a group so you have loess chance of being matched with randoms with the same outlook as you.


Basically there is only so much the devs can do at the moment until cross server pvp comes along, until that time if your not going to help yourself overcome a pretty simple issue then I dont know what to suggest. As it stands calling others cheats or crying about people playing the game as it was intended makes you look like you are self-entitled and a little delusional - no offense just how it comes across.


There might be truth that hackers/cheaters are more likely to show up in a premade. After all, say I hacked 200% run speed and solo queue. Even for the map where this ability is most useful (Huttball), there's really no guaranteed the rest of my team will immediately pick up the fact that I am super fast and pass the ball to me. I would probably be wasting my time on any of the other 3 maps with just a speed hack if I have no other friends to support me since I'd just be the first guy to run in and die in most cases.

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There might be truth that hackers/cheaters are more likely to show up in a premade. After all, say I hacked 200% run speed and solo queue. Even for the map where this ability is most useful (Huttball), there's really no guaranteed the rest of my team will immediately pick up the fact that I am super fast and pass the ball to me. I would probably be wasting my time on any of the other 3 maps with just a speed hack if I have no other friends to support me since I'd just be the first guy to run in and die in most cases.


I don't think people are dumb, but they like to play dumb. It's obvious that premades constitute ~100% of the hackers.

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Sorry there Francis...when I see cheats, they are in premade groups. Who has ever seen a solo cheat? Why not?


You can not exist because they will just hide behind you. "we want to play with friends"(friends who all have +17k HP....where are the 14k premades?)


How often when someone posts video of a cheat, is the cheat's name in red? Why aren't people on the same side reporting the cheating player......maybe it's because it's their boy?


While maybe not all premades are cheats, they do "optimize" FOTM builds and exploit temporary advantages in builds til nerfs come out......all of which I find to be extremely poor sportsmanship......I guess "you people" would just classify it a opportunism. But it's less about your character and the way you play, and more about which class or class combos are naturally harder to handle that would give you an unfair advantage over others who won't reroll.


Either way, I wouldn't piss on either of you if you were on fire....so excuse me for not caring enough to discriminate between the different types of premades.


The fact that you think most cheaters are on teams proves you dont know *** you are talking about. Have you ever played an online game before? Most cheaters are Solo, guilds don't tolerate hackers.


As for your question about where are the 14k premades? It takes like a week to get past 14k HP after hitting 50.


FOTM pre-mades? You know it takes over a month to level a character to 50 and get them in decent gear. 1.2 hasn't even been out long enough for this to happen.

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It would just make more premades as it breaks the seal in cooperation. "Hey "gandalf" you should run the conceal spec without the hidden strike knockdown. Open with hiddenstrike, then debilitate, and I will come in with my debilitate and we can chain stun people for 8 secs without filling resolve"


I have no real issue with in-game chat. But I DO NOT want build synergies, and exploits that knock balance out of whack.



You should go play a SOLO RPG.

Maybe Might and Magic 6? Awesome solo play back in the day, and it has advanced graphics compared to Gauntlet.

That way you don't have to put up with the cheating and scheming of people working together to achieve a goal. MMORPGs are obviously not your forte'.

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You should go play a SOLO RPG.

Maybe Might and Magic 6? Awesome solo play back in the day, and it has advanced graphics compared to Gauntlet.

That way you don't have to put up with the cheating and scheming of people working together to achieve a goal. MMORPGs are obviously not your forte'.


I dont think online games in general are his forte, maybe 1v1 RTS but thats it, then he would probably complain about the synergy between units.

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FOTM pre-mades? You know it takes over a month to level a character to 50 and get them in decent gear. 1.2 hasn't even been out long enough for this to happen.


ha, they saw PTS changes and started power leveling toons. I went from 48 to 64valor in a little over a week, full BM.


all I do is play PVP 2-3 hour/night and haven't even finished past 2 of my story line....all that with a 50 hour/week job...so "Motivated"groups can easy roll FOTM premades.....plus they all ready had the toons 1/2 way leveled. They quit Jug/Marauder in January and rerolled Operatives,TM spammers, Bubble sorces....now they just jumped backed on to their original characters.

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ha, they saw PTS changes and started power leveling toons. I went from 48 to 64valor in a little over a week, full BM.


all I do is play PVP 2-3 hour/night and haven't even finished past 2 of my story line....all that with a 50 hour/week job...so "Motivated"groups can easy roll FOTM premades.....plus they all ready had the toons 1/2 way leveled. They quit Jug/Marauder in January and rerolled Operatives,TM spammers, Bubble sorces....now they just jumped backed on to their original characters.


Ok buddy... No one is doing this. The class imbalances are not bad enough to warrant this.

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Ok buddy... No one is doing this. The class imbalances are not bad enough to warrant this.


okay buddy...do me a favor


1. Go to fleet

2. Bring up player search

3. Type in "The Pit", "Civil war" or other WZ name

4. Screen cap the pic showing the advanced classes of the 50's in each

5. Post that screen shot


I'll ask the question in advance of the Still Shot.....what happened to the classes that are under represented?

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Is this healthy for a game...I don't think so. Would my PUG team have quit if they were playing another PUG? Yet people don't see the problem of Premades killing the PUG population and therefore killing the game.


Dumb PUGs stay subbed and keep queuing. If every PUG actually did unsub and put that they hated having to play against premades as the reason they unsubbed, Bioware would have separated the queues the next day and run a media blitz inviting players back for the new "competitive PVP that we listened to fans for."


But that just isn't how it works. A few people complain on the forums but the vast majority just keep queuing and stay subbed. GW2 has the PVP model people on here claim they want, yet it probably will not be as successful as swtor has been. Right now SWTOR has about 2mm subs. That's a huge amount. Maybe a couple hundred complain about how PVP is, but that's a drop in the bucket so Bioware doesn't care.


I commend you though because at least you unsubbed. What annoys me are the people that stay subbed and just complain non-stop. I'm in my free months and while I will criticize certain things, I don't get really angry over it and am unsubbed anyway. If I re-sub it won't be for PVP but only for PVE, which I feel is what this game is designed for.


GW2, SC2, Street FighterxTekken etc. are all better PVP games. But for my personal preference, I'm a bigger fan of games like Skyrim, Fallout etc. anyway for single player as well, and I also like reading books, so I have plenty of other things to do. People that have nothing else to do...I don't really get them. Find something that is more fun for you, why do people act like it's this game or nothing?

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The main reason premades beat pugs is because they have better players.


The randomness is removed on one side (allowing for consistently geared/skilled players) and preserved on the other.

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which means that people "HAVE TO" Group....to even have a chance...so IYO BW should remove "SOLO QUE" because those people are just wastes of space.


No one says you have to group, but you do have to have a REASONABLE expectation for how that will impact your performance in situations where people are given the opportunity to group ... It's obvious that your expectation is not aligned with the concept of MMO's.


I guess we can start to expect you to QQ about how you need to group to do flashpoints and operations too?


...My desire is to balance Premade vs PUG by removing OP synergies.....where group or not...it's about individual ability.


And that's your fail ... you CAN'T remove those synergies because they aren't a conscious inclusion by the devs ... they simply happen. In fact, I'm willing to bet that what you are attributing as synergies between classes is more simply due to the fact that people communicate over a voice chat thing. Premades are going to destroy you even without whatever these synergies are for exactly that reason ... they have better comms than the solo player.


In addition, again you seem to miss the point of an MMO ... you say to balance content based on individual ability? It's a common theme with your posts in this thread and it's the dead wrong in the MMO concept.

Edited by Obtena
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If I re-sub it won't be for PVP but only for PVE, which I feel is what this game is designed for.


that's where I am at right now. I unsubbed and won't pvp any longer.


I will finish my Gsling story line and then decide if I want see the story of a Trooper or Sage, then run that til due date.


But this garbage PVPremade system won't get another min of my time.

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Premades aren't the problem. The problem is the people who buy a game and then think they are entitled to having the game company change every aspect of it that doesn't suit them instead of looking at their issues and figuring out a way to deal with it like an adult.
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both play DPSTanks right?


Yeah, just coincidence you of all people would disagree with me....lol




Nope, but of course, I would expect someone with your approach to QQing to stoop to this level to make their own arguments seem more meaningful than they really are. I happen to play alot of characters over many levels. I guess by your standard, that makes my opinion better than yours or do you just make dumb assumptions when you are wrong and don't want to back down from a losing position?

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both play DPSTanks right?


Yeah, just coincidence you of all people would disagree with me....lol




If you are seriously implying that a full assault spec Vanguard is in the least bit tanky... then it's a good thing that you had no credibility to lose.

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that's where I am at right now. I unsubbed and won't pvp any longer.


I will finish my Gsling story line and then decide if I want see the story of a Trooper or Sage, then run that til due date.


But this garbage PVPremade system won't get another min of my time.


The story is pretty weak. It's only strong by MMO standards, because MMOs generally don't concentrate on a story.


You can watch most of the class stories on youtube, you just search for the class storyline, and then find someone that uploaded the stories and look for their playlists. There is one, Sabeleven or something that has a few.


But trust me you will get bored.

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