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Premades are responsible for failed MMOs


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Premades should only be queued vs other premades. Solo Q vs Solo Q.

The MMOelite groups/friends/families/guildies players pvp for competition/skill/pvp's sake right?

Or do they actually just want to roll random pugs for easy win and to gear up fast? :D

Once server merge/transfers are up, there should be no more excuses on premade vs premade complaining about queue taking too long hence why the need to vs random pugs/solo Q for "elite" group pvp.

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Maybe i should just play FPS's...head shot's kill..EVERYONE..but this Jug+healer taking on 4 dps...is IMO a completely broken and abused model.


I stopped reading when I reached that bit of the first post^.


You're either against 4 really, REALLY bad DPS players, or you're thinking pre 1.2 nerf of the Sorcerer Healers.


There's no chance in hell a single healer can keep any character alive while 4 DPS rain hell on him/her. Pre 1.2 I used to get maybe 12k+ healing done in about 4-5 seconds, assuming things were cooled down and proc'd. Post 1.2 I can probably only hit around 7-8k in the same amount of time - if I don't get interrupted and I'm left alone.


Couple either situation with, let's say, 4k crits from 2 of them, and 2k normals from the other 2, you're already negating the pre-1.2 healing with 4 DPS using 1 skill each (in a total of 2-3 seconds, whereas the healing takes longer).


Bad DPS = twisted views on healing/defense capabilities.

Edited by Harsisus
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"Well, bye!" I quit, Premades 1-Me 0




Is there no way to design a game where players can play with each other w/o OP benefits from the synergy between classes?


Guarding healers, chain stun locks, friendly pulling, group speed burst,tandem sleep darts,..etc,etc....exploited skills.


Is it that hard to see how PvE skills will be abused in PvP?


Maybe i should just play FPS's...head shot's kill..EVERYONE..but this Jug+healer taking on 4 dps...is IMO a completely broken and abused model.


Excuse me, but aren't more people playing Solo (solo WZ ques) than Group ques(premade)?


So PVP devs design PvP where group play trumps all? Seems Bass Ackwards.



How about tanks can only guard themselves? balance around take less dmg/do less dmg....take more dmg/do more dmg


Maybe Healers' Healing should come directly from their own HP...let them have 31 pt skills that give them +500 endurance or 20k HP, but every time that they Heal it comes directly from their pool and they only can heal others, only dmg they do replenishes their own HP. (just a thought)


In my view, PvP is broken if 8 random ACs =/= 8 other random ACs


I don't exactly know why people say that there shouldn't' be 1 vs 1 balance without synergies, besides their own bias...But I've got too little time to waste on FOTM builds and tag teaming stunlocks.


see yall around..for maybe 46 more days. but I don't want to see another 2Jug/2OP healers with 4 assassins or marauders picking up the slack....from the boards, I can see I am not alone. From the ques and quits, i can see that I am not alone.


So go ahead and make your snide comments, how everyone from 14 to 60 y/o should be playing in premades to have "fun", or whatever ridiculous justification you have concocted to justify broken. I don't care anymore, i'm out.


HAS to be a troll. lol

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Premades should only be queued vs other premades. Solo Q vs Solo Q.

The MMOelite groups/friends/families/guildies players pvp for competition/skill/pvp's sake right?

Or do they actually just want to roll random pugs for easy win and to gear up fast? :D

Once server merge/transfers are up, there should be no more excuses on premade vs premade complaining about queue taking too long hence why the need to vs random pugs/solo Q for "elite" group pvp.


Both. I love competing against other top preforms, and steamrolling pugs is a nice way to relax after an intense match. But yeah, my fingers are crossed in the hopes that ranked wz's will be coming soon, because the pvp community on my server is dying and I miss the days when I'd semi-regularly get into games where it was full premade vs full premade.


A lot of the best pvp'ers on my server were really looking forward to ranked competition and quickly grew bored of the WH gear grind, now many of them have left for other games while waiting for GW2.


As for the whole solo queue only thing, never gonna happen. People have been whining about getting rolled by preforms and wanting solo only queues forever now, which as has been pointed out, completely goes against the concept of an mmo game. If you're tired of getting run over by preforms you can either a) play well, get noticed and get invited to the join a group or b) talk to people, make friends and form your own group. If you're bad and anti-social, i don't know what to tell ya.

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ITs an online game and thats means you need (actually, most of us need), to stat playing with others more.


If you log in alone for warzones your loses are going to be high. IF you log in with friends you will have better team work and probally win.


There is nothing wrond with premades, in fact people playing together is a good thing.


Sure it sucks to get rolled in PUG vs Premade but its awesome to Premade vs Premade.



Edited by kirorx
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I think a more accurate version of the title would be:

Premades are responsible for failed [PVP in] MMOs [with only battlegrounds and not enough players to do adequate match-making].

Edited by BDutch
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Why, oh why, oh why do you, BioWare, force me, humble, paying me, to put effort in playing my class and play in a balanced, communicating team, only for me to be as good as those who actually put effort in playing their class and play in a balanced, communicating team?


I did not ask for this, BioWare. I did not ask to cooperate with strangers when I bought this - so deceivingly called multiplayer - game. I did not ask to be worse than those who make an effort of being good.


I mean, yesterday I watched this football match. One team were seasoned hobby players who layed out a strategy and trained for weeks and then, on the field, communicated and signaled each other. The other team were just some random guys who though it would be fun to play this little random match. It all ended in an equal score, why can't this happen in your game, too, BioWare?


So, you see, this is why I quit. If football would be that unfair, you can bet I'd immediately stopp watching and playing it. Really, BioWare, get a life. What you did is far from any reality.

Edited by dahnu
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You realize everything you said can be done by pugs as well? Its just that most pugs are bad.


This is a multiplayer game, if you dont like playing with other people...mass effect seems like the better option for you.

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Oh me oh my, have another slice of silly pie..... someone explain to this failure of an OP what an "MMO" is.... MMO (massive multiplayer online) not MSO ( massive singleplayer online)


Seriously the lack of brain power going into posts on these forums is bewildering

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Oh me oh my, have another slice of silly pie..... someone explain to this failure of an OP what an "MMO" is.... MMO (massive multiplayer online) not MSO ( massive singleplayer online)


Seriously the lack of brain power going into posts on these forums is bewildering


Yeah, the Horror , I mean it's MMO right, you are supposed to work "together"


Anyone play RIFT when they instituted "Group Ques"? And all your "premades" decided it was better to synchronize solo ques so that they could "premade" vs PUG again?


Yeah.....appears that the "premades" are FULL OF S....they don't want competition, they want to be GODS...and they "work together"...more like scheme/cheat together to roll others.


Don't believe me? All the Hacks="solo players"?


This is the funniest thing to me...you cheats.....If I google SWTOR Hacks....what is the name of the site that tops the page? ELITE PVPS


This right there tells you of the mindset of Premades, it's not competetion...its the desire to make it NO COMPETITION!


Oh now I'm going to hear..."yes, maybe some.....but I and my group"....just shut up. You want to be Gods...and will strive to be in situations where your dreams come to fruition. Cheat,scheme...all fair in your minds.

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Premades definitely are responsible for creating the APPEARANCE of inequality.


I don't actually have a problem with them since I noticed the premade on my side that totally sucked, while most people obviously mentally block out the premade on your side that sucked.


That said since MMORPG servers have been stuck at about 2000 max concurrent capacity, there simply isn't enough population to support premade versus premade. I think the solution would be to simply get bigger servers. For example Starcraft 2 has no problem matching up premades versus premades since it doesn't just divide its population into 100+ servers. If it did, you'd have a hard time finding another premade to play against too, but that's why it doesn't do that! If a server had 20000 concurrent capacity, then you can force premade versus premade without worrying about huge queue time, and I'm pretty sure technology is more than comfortable to support this kind of stuff now since you could have 2000 concurrent users more than 10 years ago.




This. Server populations are too small.... even the hugely populated servers like Fatman really don't have a huge enough population to support several premades per side, along with several PuGs per side, thus maintaining a healthy balance of both premades and PUGs.


I don't understand enough about computers and server loads to know WHY servers seem to be capped so low.... but really the only fix for it that I can see is to implement cross-server WZ ques ASAP.


I've unsubbed, but still have like 50 days left..... I'm hoping I get a chance to play cross-server before my time runs out.


My sneaking suspicion is that it will be implemented shortly AFTER everyone's free month runs out.... thus attempting to squeeze one more month out of people's pockets. Its sad they have to dangle that carrot like that

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To be honest the best thing they can do to even the playing field is create an in-game voice system. Premades biggest advantage against random pugs is vent.


DDO had a voice in game chat when in groups and surprisingly it worked very well. That is a great idea.

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DDO had a voice in game chat when in groups and surprisingly it worked very well. That is a great idea.


It would just make more premades as it breaks the seal in cooperation. "Hey "gandalf" you should run the conceal spec without the hidden strike knockdown. Open with hiddenstrike, then debilitate, and I will come in with my debilitate and we can chain stun people for 8 secs without filling resolve"


I have no real issue with in-game chat. But I DO NOT want build synergies, and exploits that knock balance out of whack.

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People who think mmo's should reward soloing more than grouping are why mmos are failing. Is it really to hard to make one or 2 friends? "but I don't wanna" isn't a valid reason when asking for game changing design by the way. If you want to be rambo, play fps, otherwise teamplay matters. Oh and I personally solo queue about 5-10 games a day depending on schedule before you accuse me of being a premade user.
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Bioware: 'Premades aren't working as intended,teams of premades are going around winning and killing pugs to the point they will unsubscribe,so in the 1.3 premades will receive a 50% damage/heal/gear reduction':D Edited by Aehgo
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Premades reduce the chance that you're getting a scrub in your random slots. This game requires almost no coordination, except in huttball, a premade won't help you in voidstar, novare or alderaan. This and the fact that there is a priority system that prioritizes premades to combat each other makes it a fair system. Chances are if you're playing a premade, you have one of your own premades in with you. This is the tradeoff for a shorter queue time.


If you think premades are the reason you are losing, then your partially correct. The real reason you are losing is simple ... It's you. I know it's shocking right. People can't take responsibility or accountability for their action. What a world we live in.


Remember kids: If you can't spot the bad player in the group, the bad player is you. If you're not maximising your chances to win (gear, adrenals, friends), you will lose to someone who does. If you think it's unfair, then your definition of fair will vary with many people.

Edited by Orangerascal
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It would just make more premades as it breaks the seal in cooperation. "Hey "gandalf" you should run the conceal spec without the hidden strike knockdown. Open with hiddenstrike, then debilitate, and I will come in with my debilitate and we can chain stun people for 8 secs without filling resolve"


I have no real issue with in-game chat. But I DO NOT want build synergies, and exploits that knock balance out of whack.


Why don't you want to "work with your team" though? Is it too hard? Are you the "solo Rambo" who dies and just cjagres back in without strategy? Just trying to figure out your hate for teamplay in a team game. Like you said earlier, fps games sound more up your alley. Even then though, I could be in vent and tell my partner where your sniping from in those too....

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People who think mmo's should reward soloing more than grouping are why mmos are failing. Is it really to hard to make one or 2 friends? "but I don't wanna" isn't a valid reason when asking for game changing design by the way. If you want to be rambo, play fps, otherwise teamplay matters. Oh and I personally solo queue about 5-10 games a day depending on schedule before you accuse me of being a premade user.


lol, okay


Luke Skywalker- alone, no father no mother, no sister....aunt and uncle dead...gets trained by Obi Wan to use the force to face Vader 1vs1


Han Solo- had a companion but more like a pet that did no dmg, Solo killed Greedo 1 vs 1


Bobo Fett- solo Bounty Hunter, catching people solo


Vader- didn't send the Storm Troopers in for aggro then jump out of stealth and back stab anyone....he didn't KITE and yell "heal me"


This game is based on Story ie Character development.



Now look at New Star Wars...bunch of CGI, 100 jedi arena fighting robots, all these crap acrobatic moves (leap), speed run(where was that >New Hope?), abuse of force push(knocking over 20 robots), blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada


complete CRAP


Best part of the new star wars were the solo 1 vs 1 fighting scenes(yoda vs dooky, Maul vs Jin, Anikan vs Obi)


Where are the Premades in Star Wars Lore?


Fine. maybe premade groups must all be Troopers. That way they can't synergize with other classes


Darth Vader: Escape is not his plan. I must face him, alone.


really Devs..is this Star Wars or Not?

Edited by Ghamsar
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Why don't you want to "work with your team" though? Is it too hard? Are you the "solo Rambo" who dies and just cjagres back in without strategy? Just trying to figure out your hate for teamplay in a team game. Like you said earlier, fps games sound more up your alley. Even then though, I could be in vent and tell my partner where your sniping from in those too....



You don't get it....I don't want to "HAVE TO" work with a team.


Play with friends, i don't care, I just don't think that you should benefit from it.

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Sounds like you want kotor 3. This isn't it. It's an mmo and those are built on team synergy. I challenge you to name 1 mmo that has pvp like you suggested. And by the way,mmo pvp is very rarely 1v1 so remove that idea and you might be happier.
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People playing with their friends ruins everygame! Especially MMOs.



On a side note, I solo que all the time... probably more than I get in my guilds premade, and still win much more often than I lose. HOW can this be, you ask? It's easy, go in with a plan, a tactic, mark healers, pass the ball, position yourself, rotate nodes, etc, etc.


TL;DR? L2P you f*cking scrub. Also mail me your stuff...

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