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Lost Island HM hates marauders...

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Ran it the other day sin/tank merc heals 2 marauders and the bosses seemed impossible. At least that big droid boss with incinerate interrupt able was owning us. 84% was

Lowest we could get it. Obviously there isn't any play room for a sin and 2 mercs to play around with those electric growing thingies. Straight up failness, but why does bio ware want this fight to be ranged dps or the majority of them

For that matter.


My QQ faildom :(

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This is probably the most melee unfriendly fight in the entire game. With two marauders, you should be able to keep interrupts going, but with even one melee dps, everyone except for the tank should probably stack up in melee range behind the boss, then all move as a group, using the safe areas to the sides, near the doors, and the center platform to get clear of the lightning. If you all stack up, you'll always know where the next lightning will spawn. Use a pre-planned route (clockwise around the room works well) so that you don't get boxed in by lightning.
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This is probably the most melee unfriendly fight in the entire game. With two marauders, you should be able to keep interrupts going, but with even one melee dps, everyone except for the tank should probably stack up in melee range behind the boss, then all move as a group, using the safe areas to the sides, near the doors, and the center platform to get clear of the lightning. If you all stack up, you'll always know where the next lightning will spawn. Use a pre-planned route (clockwise around the room works well) so that you don't get boxed in by lightning.



I dont like doing the planed route. We just wing it every time....


some tips for the fight


1-AWARENESS AWARENESS ASENERAWS i cant say it enough. The biggest prob we had with doing it with 2 maras is them standing on the burning grates when they pop up. When they watched there feet we one shot it every time.


2- The lightning balls do like 1k a tick this is very easy to heal. In other words tell your tank to stop going into corners is its a big problem and just run through one.


3- This is something i learned today. The adds hit for about 80 a hit dont worry about them and just kill the boss.


4- If you tank is running and no one can interupt the boss dispell him at 2 stacks... not 1 if you do it at 1 hes going to end at 2 stacks and more or less likey die from the damage.


5- You will always break up no matter *** you do. Again watch you feet when you move on the grate part its very easy to see were the fire is going to come up.


Once you kill him one time it just seems to get easyer to do each time.

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Ive done Lost island HM with a Mara/assasin and assasin/Powertech melee dps both times we had no issue with the droid. We may have wiped once or twice but the key is to keep the fight moving. Have the tank kite clockwise around the room (only move when you need to) Either your group wasnt interrupting or your healer wasnt up to the task as I have healed and tanked this fight and those are generally the conditions that cause you to wipe. Edited by Thegriss
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I've been running LI HM every day since it came out. I just find it to be the most fun FP and it's pretty difficult. It's also nice to be able to gear some of our fresh 50s in Rakata. But I've run it quite a few times with 2 melee DPS, whether it be 2 Maras, 1 Mara 1 ***, 1 Mara 1 Powertech, or 1 Mara 1 Operative (I consider ops melee ranged DPS), and it can be done. Our basic strategy is that we tank the Droid on the corners of that middle platform, and if one of the plasma balls does get thrown down on us we have our tank move. Granted, our heals are great, our healer is 5/5 Black Hole Gear, which does help.


Interrupt the incinerate ASAP every time, as that will be the doom of the tank, and interrupt the plasma arc as much as you can.


But it can be done!



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I have only ever done this fight with 2 melee dps, so I can't attest to how much easier it may or may not be with ranged dps.


tips (specific to group with 2 melee dps):


  • use LOS to move the boss - position is very important on this boss, and he's very annoying with wanting to sit and shoot you, use the bumpouts around the room to LOS force him to move to you.
  • you need to give the group a lot more room when moving the boss. with 2 melee, they are going to be standing behind the boss, which means your tank needs to move the boss further away when the orb/shield drops, in order to give room for the melee.
  • your tank should save their charge to interrupt incinerate for when the boss stands in the shield, and refuses to move, and starts casting. having the tank charge and interrupt is better than having the melee stand in waiting to interrupt.


this fight gave us a lot of problems at first, but the more comfortable you get with the dance, the easier it is. we're still not 1 shotting it, but it's not nearly as difficult as it once was. it's very taxing on the healer though, because of the movement.

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I find this fight hell of a lot easier with 2 sentinels/maras. If we take say, a sage DPS and a Commando DPS we hit soft enrage. 2 sentinels and he's dead before ive even kited him all the way around the room.


The whole flashpoint is easier if you take 2 maras/sents from my experience. :)

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One ranged DPS, one melee DPS...bringing two melee DPS is asking for a hefty repair bill and lots of wipes. Also, make sure melee DPS is guarded, with their aggro reduced the ranged are able to circle the room, effectively placing the lightning spheres where they want to instead of piling 'em on the middle platform.
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I dont like doing the planed route. We just wing it every time....


Same, killed this mob with fresh 50s in a group with Powertech (Tank), Sorcerer (Heal), Sniper, Marauder. Our gear was so bad that we could not take the damage from the second boss (14K HP tank, ect), but just basic awareness was enough for the droid, even with our terrible gear.

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I find this fight hell of a lot easier with 2 sentinels/maras. If we take say, a sage DPS and a Commando DPS we hit soft enrage. 2 sentinels and he's dead before ive even kited him all the way around the room.


The whole flashpoint is easier if you take 2 maras/sents from my experience. :)


As a tank, I've run it w/ 2 ranged dps and a healer, and the first and last boss take forever to kill. I switch in my marauder buddy in place of a ranged dps, and they go down quick!


Part of the problem is that our bounty hunters or snipers need to be stationary to be able to get off their best attacks, and the first and last boss involve a lot of moving around.


Haven't tried w/ 2 marauders tho, I cringe at the thought of 2 melee-dps in that FP. :) Will probably give that a shot next though.

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For my guild , we have several grps doing this flashpoints when its out. The grp with the 2 melee dps complete the robot first before my grp ( both ranged dps). since then , i complete LI hardmode every week and also done it with 1 melee and 1 ranged(me) as well.


for this robot boss, mostly is the lighting balls awareness as well as keeping uptime on boss. the boss very low hitpoints and easy to burn through


execution wise , the 2 melee dps and tank need to take note where the points to kite the boss , its a easy fight as there's no downtime for melee dps ( damage n interrupt when moving) . as long as u planned correctly where to go and interrupt the incinerate / arcs properly. u can see the ball dropping, tank gotto move the grp to next point before it land.


whereas 2 ranged always have downtime as 3 person stacking = faster lighting ball drops = no dps from ranged dps as they constantly need to move to avoid the ball + lighting ball stacking becomes impt as u run out of room very fast if nobody stacked properly . very easy to hit soft enrage. plus tank is alone in interrupting as ranged need to move constantly and maybe out of ranged.

Edited by RagnarokEx
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Ran it the other day sin/tank merc heals 2 marauders and the bosses seemed impossible. At least that big droid boss with incinerate interrupt able was owning us. 84% was

Lowest we could get it. Obviously there isn't any play room for a sin and 2 mercs to play around with those electric growing thingies. Straight up failness, but why does bio ware want this fight to be ranged dps or the majority of them

For that matter.


My QQ faildom :(


My tank interrupted the Incinerate. I interrupted Plasma Arc. We moved boss to other solid floor sections if a lightning bubble popped down on us. One-shot everything. That place is a joke. Sorry you're having difficulty, but it might be a gear or skill gap you need to fix.


I remember the first time I did BT HM in new gear and we died a couple times to the last boss (mostly cuz our tank couldn't run out of the AoE fast enough). Now? That's a sleeper, right? It's just a matter of getting used to mechanics and such.


It's not "omg BW hates melee".

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Ran it the other day sin/tank merc heals 2 marauders and the bosses seemed impossible. At least that big droid boss with incinerate interrupt able was owning us. 84% was

Lowest we could get it. Obviously there isn't any play room for a sin and 2 mercs to play around with those electric growing thingies. Straight up failness, but why does bio ware want this fight to be ranged dps or the majority of them

For that matter.


My QQ faildom :(


It really isn't that bad. I've done it several times just fine on my Marauder. In fact, last night our ranged dps was afk and we killed the first boss with Sin tank, Marauder and Merc healer. It was actually easier than having 4 people. Interrupts should never be an issue, I'm not even sure why you could have a problem with that. If you need to move the boss and he hasn't casted his fire dot recently, wait till he does, then interrupt, then move. That's what we did <shrug>


Oh and 30% less from AOE is win :)

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I'd rather take two Marauders than two Commando DPS for this fight, honestly. Stationary DPS that can't interrupt is much worse than having melee.


You honestly only need the tank's interrupts. The Plasma Arc is a joke. Even when the tank is moving the boss around, if he/she doesn't suck, Incinerate is soloed by him/her.



To emphasize what others have already suggested: LI HM does not hate Sentinels/Marauders nor any combination of melee DPS. If you go into LI HM and are wiping repeatedly it has nothing to do with your group composition and everything to do with execution and strategy.


To repeat: the droid is completely downable with melee DPS.


The big difference is strategy. You cannot approach the fight the same way you do with two ranged. There is definitely a lot of pressure on the tank with melee stack, but it's very doable.

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Ive done this quite a few times at least 10or 11 times, Im a Mara, and done it with a Jug Tank or Sin Tank and Merc DPS and Ops Healer. It was tough the first time, just learning the fight but we did complete the FP after a few wipes and now its just simply a grind. You just need to keep the fight moving and I like having a plan (clockwise around the room) but you need to adapt if the Droid bugs a lil, sometimes he wont move for a while etc...


I really like the instance and would have to say its my favorite thing to do ingame currently :p

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This fight is arguably easier with a melee heavy group.


Melee dos behind the boss ensures the orbs always drop there. AoE heals on the group to counter any AoE dog. Being able to dos while moving is awesome in this fight. And finally, having a jump-to lets you safely move through the AoE.


I find this fight most difficult when there is a mix of melee and ranged. The ranged can't plant their feet and fire, and the AoEs go everywhere.


Having all ranged or all melee DPS makes the fight a rinse/repeater. Having a mix of melee/ranged DPS makes the fight a little more hectic.

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Make sure that the healer knows he/she can cleanse incinerate off the tank, it makes the fight easier. If you missed an interrupt on incinerate its no biggie, cleanse/purge can remove it and mitigate most of the damage.
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