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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Especially when such a large population, me included, wouldn't use it even if it were in. Can't find groups if people don't use it...


Yeah because the lfg tool system in wow and rift are just never used and people that play this game are way different! You may be special but youre not the majority.

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I hope server mergers never come. I for one have had countless memories on my server. From that time I spent two hours waiting for queues to that time I managed to organize mass suicide raids when everybody was bored. Ah yes, good times.
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Cross server LFG solves nothing when it comes to populations on a server. It expands the pool to other servers but if you don't have the population on your server then where's the draw? Consolidate the servers and then put in the feature. 'Cause most likely it won't include operations.


Sure it does. For a lot of us the issue with being on a low pop server is not the thrill and excitment of going to the fleet and seeing 500 players there, but not being able to have enough players on the servers to do end game content. Cross server LFG tool does solve that issue.

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First of all, summer is too far. My server is sinking quickly.


Second, after rated warzones being pulled last minute, do you trust anything that comes from BW? I don't.


Third, who do they have running this ship? Ilum, rated WZs, 1.2 delayed for a month, so many servers that the population is made paper thin and disconnected - shocked at the pvp interest. No experience necessary to see a slew of bad calls.


Why was server transfer not already in development? Anyone who has played MMO for a few years could have seen this problem coming. WHy? Because there hasn't been a single game immune to empty server syndrome. Even the mighty WoW has been transfering their 10 million players for years.


BW was taken by surprise?


Its disappointing. On one hand, I want the game to succeed because I really enjoy it. On the other hand, I don't know if BW deserves it.

Edited by Sowwy
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Too little too late, this game is dying so utterly fast and people just want to turn the blind eye to it and say this game is great and growing. bullocks!


The surge of people returning for 1.2 are flowing out the door so fast, it will literally make your head spin. The fatman had a 700 man que just two weeks ago, and the last few nights, no que whatsoever. Nearly all servers are at light to standard (standard being maybe 50-75 on fleet stations in prime time, virtually no one on the various planets)


The game had potential but the absolute total mismanagement by the game developers have done a great job in virtually killing this game barely 5 months into release. In all honesty, there has to be some SOE devs working here, it is the only company that even compares to the level of incompetence that has been displayed since launch.


For the record, my main toons are on Port Nowhere (officially a dead server in my opinion), my guild had a solid 80 people playing at launch, now there are 3 on during US primetime.


There are bugs that were in this game during beta that are STILL in game. Xalek's absorption and shield ratings not working, SOA encounter still borked, chat windows not remembering their settings when you switch servers, etc etc.


Love star wars and all, but it is time to find something else to play unfortunately.

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First of all, summer is too far. My server is sinking quickly.


Yes, it seems that way. However, we can't rule out the possibility that "early summer" is worst-case scenario. It could be late May for all we know.


Second, after rated warzones being pulled last minute, do you trust anything that comes from BW? I don't.


That issue has both positives and negatives. First of all, it shows that, unlike other developers, BioWare is just not willing to release something broken just because they said they would. I appreciate that, personally. Secondly, I have a "three strikes you're out" policy. This is strike one, as it is, honestly now, the only thing BioWare has ever said that could be construed as a "promise". And even so, due to the fact that they TOLD US it depends on testing, it's not really a "promise".


Third, who do they have running this ship? Ilum, rated WZs, 1.2 delayed for a month, so many servers that the population is made paper thin and disconnected - shocked at the pvp interest. No experience necessary to see a slew of bad calls.


I feel they waited too long about server transfers. However, given that TOR has had the highest population ratio interested in PvP than any other MMO EVER, due to non-PvPers giving it a go and liking it, NO DEVELOPER ON THE PLANET could have predicted that. Thus, we run into the Ilum scenario having to attempt to host more players than it was designed to hold. Should they have coded that as a possible scenario when no other MMO in history has had to do so? Well, that's a completely subjective viewpoint. Debatable.


After all, if they would have spent time and resources on building a planet that could host more than the average MMO, and then didn't need it due hosting only the average MMOs PvP population, they would have been even more ridiculed for that, not to mention earned the ire of the ones footing the bill.


Why was server transfer not already in development? Anyone who has played MMO for a few years could have seen this problem coming. WHy? Because there hasn't been a single game immune to empty server syndrome. Even the mighty WoW has been transfering their 10 million players for years.


First of all, no MMO has, as of yet, launched with server transfers in place. (Has TERA officially launched yet?)


Secondly, actually, a server transfer mechanic was in place in beta. Ready to go. However, some elements of Legacy as well as some other unexpected issues (again, ones that no other MMO has had to face) came into play that necessitated a rewrite of the software.


Again, should BioWare have foreseen that? Ehhh... debatable. If Darth Sidious or Master Yoda was on the dev team, then DEFINITELY! :p


BW was taken by surprise?


By things that no other MMO has ever had to face? Yes. Yes, they were. Any developer would have been.


Its disappointing. On one hand, I want the game to succeed because I really enjoy it. On the other hand, I don't know if BW deserves it.


If you want to be disappointed by that....well, quite frankly, that's completely up to you. Personally, giventhe fact that many of the issues BioWare faces could not have predicted, along with the fact that they react faster to those things faster than any other MMO developer to date, has earned my respect despite my disappointments.


And make no mistake, I've had many disappointments. Just check my post history.


At the same time, if you make histrionic remarks that are unrealistic, unsubstantiated, and downright hateful, even if they're based on legitimate complaints, I'm going to call you out on it. Plain and simple.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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We can keep speculating endlessly but the facts are there and remain unanswered so far. On my server EU/EN Tyrus Academy at prime time we have an avarage of 30/40 players on fleet since several weeks now. Having already 3 lvl 50, 1 lvl 40 and a Legacy lvl 29 I'm not going to renew my subscription to play a single player game. If EA/BW are not interested in my money it's their problem not mine.
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First of all I want to start saying I really enjoy playing the game and I think it's fun, the only problem I see is that the game doesn't have any "world wide" at all and also a lack of world pvp. Not a big problem but the game feels so small when it's locked maps and you can't run all over. But as a lvl 50 I enjoy the game even if it get's pretty same all the time. Back to the post.


So the free character transfer is coming in early summer? For me this is a really really big problem, on Hex droid which is my main server where I got my lvl 50 and almost my lvl 50 (47) BH is really really dead. Been away for 1 week on a hollyday... When I left there was a about 20 people on the imperial fleet, 1 week after that it's alot less and its around 10-15 players all the time. If you are lucky; late nights people are on and it can hit around 30-50 people; which is really really good it seems like. Yesterday I qued for a warzone for 2 hours and 12 min.... took the time with my mobile. For me this is a major problem and I haven't been able to run a single party which only contains 4 people.... At the moment it seems like you can't pvp in the warzone without queing for many hours and you can't run any instances...


So they want us to wait this long for a character transfer? It need to happen NOW; I understand that some people defend Bio; maybe because they aren't playing on a really really low populated server... Bio messed up really big times by making too many servers and now they want us to wait; and on top of that.... We won't be able to character transfer the characters to which ever server we want... If we would like to do that; we have to pay for it. Pay for their misstake by making too many servers? As I said I really really enjoy the game so far, but on a dead server you can't do anything... Many guild have rerolled to high pop servers but I really don't feel for making another legency on another server, if im going to make a new char I want it to be on the same server to get benefit of the leg. system.... So please, dear bioware.... fix the character transfer faster and let us pick whatever server we want.


I don't post much here on the forums but now I really feel that I need to have my vote heared because its really sad to log into a server that's dead and you can't enjoy all that the new things that you make and put into the game..



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We can keep speculating endlessly but the facts are there and remain unanswered so far. On my server EU/EN Tyrus Academy at prime time we have an avarage of 30/40 players on fleet since several weeks now. Having already 3 lvl 50, 1 lvl 40 and a Legacy lvl 29 I'm not going to renew my subscription to play a single player game. If EA/BW are not interested in my money it's their problem not mine.


That's alot compared to Hex droid, the average is prob around 15 there :( And I say the same; fix this now or you'll have one less customer since in not intrested in wasting my money :( Even if I enjoy the game real much.

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We can keep speculating endlessly but the facts are there and remain unanswered so far. On my server EU/EN Tyrus Academy at prime time we have an avarage of 30/40 players on fleet since several weeks now. Having already 3 lvl 50, 1 lvl 40 and a Legacy lvl 29 I'm not going to renew my subscription to play a single player game. If EA/BW are not interested in my money it's their problem not mine.


Well what do you expect them to do? They do not want you to leave I am sure like they dont want any customer to leave. That being said you are free to move to any game of your choice at any time. If you are unhappy then do not renew. What do you want? Them to come in here and beg you to stay? Not going to happen.

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98% of the servers are standerd to light. No matter what anyone says about there server, the eyes don't lie, you can see it for yourself every night you log on. And what have we come to where we think that 50 people on in fleet is a good night, really? Look bio ware blew it! Bottom line. Example, you actually started a game off with no kind of looking for game or AKA dungeon finder. That to me is beyond fail. Dungeon finder saved wow's butt. Then, no duel spec option. Really?? Very strange. Now you are preaching to us about player transfers to selectected realms. Ok what realms? All but 2 servers are light to standerd. Are you gonna let the people from light servers transfer to standerd servers? Well in what kinda shape does that leave that light server in that everyone is bailing on? Are you gonna let people jump from standerd to standerd ? Well guess what, that will leave you with more light pop servers and maybe a few more medium pop servers? So you have answered all our problems with low pop servers? I don't by it Bioware. Stop beating around the bush and server merge before its to late. Please!
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I'm risking being called "Captain Semantic" again, but just want to make sure you understand that when James Ohlen said "NO MERGES", he was talking about actual server merges, not transferring and shutting down low-pops.


Transfer/shut-downs are not merges, and are likely what BioWare is going to do to reduce the number of servers.


This is what they are obviously going to do. People can believe whatever they fancy though.

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I get the above post but the issue is timing......if they wait much longer players are simly going to quit because well warzones are not happening, guilds are dissolving, basically unless you level a new toon its hard to find groups...I can certainly understand the effort and work that is required to make these changes...the problem is a lack of real communcation of when...a vague coming in the summer means players can say okay Ill look at the game in the summer but for now my sub is cancelled or ill log in then...neither which helps the players who would like to stay playing but for low pop and lack of fellow players on their server, they are really between a rock and a hard place. Most of my guild left which meant Ive had to decide to shut the guild down...wasnt fun and didnt really like it but then again if no one is ever on and all that is left is pugs and premades Im not really enjoying this game anymore. My account on the free time runs out May 27th...and I think Ill not renew until they add a few of the features we all want..if they choose to delay that okay....I can check the website to see what features are on and then decide if I come back...and guess what Im sure thats what millions of other players will do as well. So keep delaying stuff or giving us vague promises, eventually players will just fade away and this game will die in record time thus proving you just cant take players for granted anymore.
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I agree with what some others have stated, "We need server MERGES, not transfers". I love the guild I'm in right now. Great people, lots of fun. However, I hate the server I'm on. I would really not want to choose between my guild and my server. :confused:
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I agree with what some others have stated, "We need server MERGES, not transfers". I love the guild I'm in right now. Great people, lots of fun. However, I hate the server I'm on. I would really not want to choose between my guild and my server. :confused:


So, if BioWare was able to transfer whole guilds onto servers at launch, like they did my guild, what makes you think you'll have to choose one or the other?

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I'm the only person on the Republic Fleet right now! Hurry up!


As soon as we get out of work or school etc we will. Some of us have to make a living and cannot play video games at 3pm in the afternoon.

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After reading the last few threads I guess I am lucky we have 11 people on the republic fleet in hedarr soong (and like 30 imp)

We really need transfers soon.


4 hour pvp que's are not fun. Especially then you get the que and its you and 2 others vs 6 imps

Then your 3 pvpers log out for the day.

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It's Friday night 10:05 in the US central time zone.


I look at the US server list and only TWO are Very Heavy and Heavy. ALL OTHERS are standard. Now I know why I can't get a damn group on Friday nights!


Server TRANSFERS? That is not what we need!! We need MERGES! Also waiting till summer is too late, this needs to happen SOON!

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It's Friday night 10:05 in the US central time zone.


I look at the US server list and only TWO are Very Heavy and Heavy. ALL OTHERS are standard. Now I know why I can't get a damn group on Friday nights!


Server TRANSFERS? That is not what we need!! We need MERGES! Also waiting till summer is too late, this needs to happen SOON!


You have failed to explain why you believe a merge is better than a transfer. :rolleyes:

Only the people who are still actively playing and care will be transferred. A merge would force people to move who don't want to move, or have no intention of ever resubbing.

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With the roll out of 1.2 not having ranked pvp matches, and no word on cross server queues, though populations are up those who pvp is way down. Furthermore, the situation on lower populations is getting much bleaker. I love the game and appreciate the plethora of new content being introduced but I think a triage mindset must be employed and the singularity of mergers or transfers must transcend all needs at this junction.


The game made a great move with the free month, in terms of player loyalties and apologies, but do not waste that goodwill by delaying for months something that was needed months ago. Legacy, and dual spec are noise when you have nobody to play with. The crux of what makes mmos so addicting is the community they foster!


I think I speak for everybody when I say no one wants to be the best of 10 people, or log on to raid without enough people to do it with...Sometimes queueing takes longer than the games themselves or cannot start at all until later in the day. We even get accused of hacking the queue system because we will have games of 8 of us or fighting ourselves, the reality is there is nobody else queueing! The purpose of designing content that cannot be played or used is as if it was not designed at all.


We must all voice our support to focus funding immediately to save the lives of tens of thousands of subscribers wallowing away with no hope in sight, if we do not we will lose many players who would gladly love to add value to whatever server will allow them to call it home, and most likely they will never to come back. In the hospitality field its far easier to retain a current customer than attract a new one, we must make good now! Even if it you take the lowest 5-10 servers and manually start moving them to other lower servers to bolster their populations while saving the closest to death, the numbers are not huge and it was given to Asia which should be numerically within scope.


it would be a great act of generosity this community would appreciate. We need this, I hope someone important reads this and realizes that to save the game we have no choice and we must act soon....nothing matters as much as this and early summer is too late....to save the game for many servers. Please sign if you agree!

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