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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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My old server during peak hours is lucky to see 30 people on the fleet at any given time. I'm really hoping they will let my transfer my 42 from that server to my new home for free. Sure, my new server is The Fatman, but come on.. I already have 2 other 40s on there and don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. I think letting people go to a high pop server from a low pop server cold would be a mistake, but I don't really see an issue if you're already established on that server. It's just a dream and I'm definitely not holding my breath for the "free" aspect of it... just the ability to get all my characters on the same server will be a blessing... I really do prefer my old main, but I didn't feel like dealing with the same story like that back to back when I left.
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My server count on Republic side 26 people. Queues are last for 40+ minutes. It is now peek time at Saturday evening. I don't want to have free-transfers to another death server. I doubt we will get free-transfers to highly populated servers.


Do you, guys from Bioware, think I would be interested to move from one death server to another death server. You don't have any given statistic for server publicly available, to help me with decision, for me it will bejust blind shot when I try to move to better server.


You don't have to make the decision until Bioware gives us the information. Granted, it would be great to know which servers are available for free transfer (to and from) in order to secure names and coordinate moves, but that information will come when they are ready to tell us. They're not going to suddenly announce "hey, free server transfers - have at it!" and leave it at that. We do know that they're going to do targeted free transfers first. They don't want people to transfer to dead servers.


When people talk about server population issues being easily solved by merges into "1 each of PVP, PVE, RP and RP-PVP", they have no idea of the number of people subscribed to this game. There are at least half a million active accounts. Once targeted free transfers become available, the destination servers will become as full as The Fatman - and there will probably be around 20-30 of them.

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Because there are a billion replies in this thread, I didn't read them all.


Does anyone have any details on transferring from pvp to pve servers? I know that wasn't allowed in EQ2 because different gear for pvp servers, but as far as I can tell nothing should stop that, right?


I have my main characters on a dead server, created a new toon on fatman, I'm hoping I can transfer all my toons to a different server to be under the same legacy. Do you guys think that will be allowed?

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Because there are a billion replies in this thread, I didn't read them all.


Does anyone have any details on transferring from pvp to pve servers? I know that wasn't allowed in EQ2 because different gear for pvp servers, but as far as I can tell nothing should stop that, right?


I have my main characters on a dead server, created a new toon on fatman, I'm hoping I can transfer all my toons to a different server to be under the same legacy. Do you guys think that will be allowed?


Seeing that gear is the same regardless a servers pve or pvp designation i'll take a chance and guess there won't be an issue transferring from a pvp to pve server or vice versa.

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Seeing that gear is the same regardless a servers pve or pvp designation i'll take a chance and guess there won't be an issue transferring from a pvp to pve server or vice versa.


The big question will be whether or not they allow transfers from the big servers. I don't see why they wouldn't. I know I'll probably get off of fatman simply because I won't be able to bring my toons there. I'll have to pick a 3rd server and combine everyone there.

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Itll take time since they didnt initially code for transfers and I think thats what really is holding things down. Like I saw posted in another forum


It's not just a name conflict that he's talking about.


For example: If you only have one character on your entire account, then things are pretty straightforward.

Now, what if you have two characters, both on one server. If you only move one of them, does that affect your legacy level? What happens to the unlocks you gained on character 1? Do they still affect character 2? What if character 2 unlocked stuff for character 1? How do those unlocks transfer to the other server?


Then add another layer of complexity. What if you have multiple characters on multiple servers? If you decide to transfer two alts from different servers onto a single server, what legacy level takes precedence? What if you're moving 2 alts from different servers to join a third alt on another server? What happens then?


You can see where this gets very complicated very quickly and that there are no easy answers. It is even more difficult to code for such a feature, because the number of different scenarios you have to consider is pretty daunting.


The stakes on it are also pretty high because of the amount of time it takes a person to level a character in an MMO. The system has to work perfectly 100% of the time before it gets deployed in a live environment, because it's not going to be easy to explain to a Star Wars nerd why his lvl 50 sorc with the best gear available got corrupted along the way.

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I know this is not going to make Bioware move on this any faster, but...


My subscription ends on June 19 and my wife's June 24. We got so frustrated with Shien being dead that we started all over from Level One on Keller's Void (leaving behind my 50, high level alts, Legacy 19 and all of my wealth) , home of many of the game's biggest guild. Fleet population has ranged from 22 to 35 all week long.


If there is no definitive commitment about a fix to population, whether it be merges, transfers or something more creative, we will not resub.


I really did not want to be part of the exodus, but they left me little choice. Unless one of the other MMO's I play (which do NOT have thos problem) sucks me in, we may be back...once it is fixed.

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Itll take time since they didnt initially code for transfers and I think thats what really is holding things down. Like I saw posted in another forum


Very true. Some people seem to think server transfers are easy as hell. Unfortunately, that's just not the case. I can guarantee you right now even after they are implemented there will be a lot of issues and unforeseen problems that come with them. I personally don't want it rushed even though I'm on a "dead" server.


Soon these forums will be flooded with "Server Transfers are Broken" threads. Just wait..... ;)

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Very true. Some people seem to think server transfers are easy as hell. Unfortunately, that's just not the case. I can guarantee you right now even after they are implemented there will be a lot of issues and unforeseen problems that come with them. I personally don't want it rushed even though I'm on a "dead" server.


Soon these forums will be flooded with "Server Transfers are Broken" threads. Just wait..... ;)


why? i don't see Australian complaint .

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why? i don't see Australian complaint .


I think he's trying to say that preparing the same system for a larger scale of recipients will be a bigger issue if something goes wrong. :)


I'm in no hurry for the transfers as well. I want them to take time to perfect it so it works correctly and not have any whatsoever bugs that we'll complain about later.

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I think he's trying to say that preparing the same system for a larger scale of recipients will be a bigger issue if something goes wrong. :)


I'm in no hurry for the transfers as well. I want them to take time to perfect it so it works correctly and not have any whatsoever bugs that we'll complain about later.


There is no time for them to "take time." I'm on the swiftsure, supposedly the second biggest US pvp server. We are often low pop now. Used to always be heavy, or standard sometimes. If they dont fix this population problem asap, this game is over. I already started all over again on this server from my last dead one. I'm not resubscribing to be on a low pop server again, and I can see more and more people constantly dropping out of this game.

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I imagine they will have condense servers into two servers for each type of play and region. ie. two pvp east coast server, two pve east coast, etc.


They will give free transfers from your server to these.


People on those servers already will most likely not be given the option to transfer for free.

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Itll take time since they didnt initially code for transfers and I think thats what really is holding things down. Like I saw posted in another forum


I think the legacy thing would be an easy fix by simply making it it's own entity.


What I mean is, any character under the legacy 'umbrella' has to move as a whole legacy. If you want to just move one character, you remove that person from the legacy and move them. They start fresh on a new server, and the legacy remains in tact on the old.

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I am really curious how they are going to spin 'targetted server transfers' when they need to have a 5:1, source:destination ratio, and what they are going to do when people refuse to leave the dead servers, because 'this is not a merger'.
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