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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Yes because the track record of a less than six month old game is to take longer than 8 months to come out with a patch ... even though we have had major updates already. Logic FTW!


Legacy isn't a major update. It's major fluff and a major cash sink. The main 'rewards' are grinding out more dailies.


The UI? Should've been live at 1.0 to begin with.


The warzone? Indeed, an improvement.

Denova? Yeah, just another poorly tested, bug ridden operation.


All Bioware's done since release is slowly catch up to the starting line on most everything not involving leveling. They still haven't done so yet.

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Denova? Yeah, just another poorly tested, bug ridden operation.


Denova was / is actually pretty bug-free from launch. There were some minor hiccups, including the Kephess HM bug, but it was fixed within a week. But overall very doable and low-stress.

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8 people on fleet, 26 total on one of the 2 early access pvp servers for germany. On a tuesday where the weekly resets, probably the highest pop day in the week up until ~ a month ago.



Ok D3 launched i get it, what i also get but the people managing this game dont:


Those players wont come back for the most part. Not merging servers or giving out free-transfer options just hurts your remaining playerbase, the people that would actually like to play this game. Once they leave its over.

Edited by Lhaim
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8 people on fleet, 26 total on one of the 2 early access pvp servers for germany. On a tuesday where the weekly resets, probably the highest pop day in the week up until ~ a month ago.



Ok D3 launched i get it, what i also get but the people managing this game dont:


Those players wont come back for the most part. Not merging servers or giving out free-transfer options just hurts your remaining playerbase, the people that would actually like to play this game. Once they leave its over.


That's certainly true of some of them. Whether or not that's true with a significant number is anyone's guess, which means no one knows.

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The actual fix to the character transfers and server mergers issues is simple and was predicted before patch 1.2.


1) Do not implement Legacy until after Mergers are dealt with since Legacy supposedly complicated transfers so dramatically. (Oops -- time machines have not been invented..so this option is toast)


2) Give us the option to SCRAP our legacy entirely and get a trasnfer NOW!!!... What would I loose if i gave up my Legacy lvl 24 ????? NADA .. simply nothing. Yes Legacy is a total waste imho. Yes they look bad....but come - on, If I unsub my subscriptions (2), like so many others in guild ...old server (dead) and new server are they will not only lose the battle but lose the WAR. Is the war even winnable anymore? I tend to doubt it.

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The thing that gets me is how so many people can just overlook the fact that transfers are already in the game. To say there not is just blindness. They did it for the apacs. Now yes i understand that it needs to be scaled and modified to roll on all servers.


But the base system is infact there, And i gaurantee it isnt that big a step to take that base system and mod into open useage.


The real reason they dont already have it moded and released is because they know that once it is they will have to either merge or close some servers. As they are ghost towns now. So when the few remaining people on them servers can transfer they will go from ghost towns to pergatorys.


And closing or merging will be viewed as game decline. It will give the company a percieved black eye. But once it settles down and the ones needing transfers move it will begin to increase again as people will be alot happier and more active. Since they will have more people to actualy play with.


They need to stop with the half truths and soons and maybe and just get it done so the game can recover grow and move on.


Better for them to take a black eye and win the fight, Than to keep dancing around and slowly get beat down to a point they cant get up from.


i agree 100 percent

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Why isn't there more information on how this will work? The only thing to do at end game, since we have no ranked warzones, is to make alts. Well, there's no way I'm making an alt if I don't know for sure I'll be able to keep all my characters together.
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Add my entire Guild to the list of players that have abandoned this game due to inability to transfer servers or having them merged.


A select few have rerolled on The Fatman, but SWTOR, a potentially great game, has been abandoned by another 100 players due to the ineptitude of BioWare to implement a SIMPLE gaming system that is fun to play. No one wants to play an MMO on a dead server.


I think the final straw for my guild was having 19 people on fleet and hour long queues for WZs on Friday night at peak time. I know I personally leveled from 48 to 50 in one WZ queue. One of the guildies checked the server status and out of 116 US servers, SIX had standard population, and 110 had light. This is on a Friday night during prime time.


If this isn't plainly obvious that the game is dead with the exception of one or two servers... I don't know what is. The fact that server merges haven't been implemented is appalling.


I'll leave you with the current trend of my particular server over the last 30 days... It's scary.



Edited by HanfordBlows
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Too little, too late. Better games have and are coming out and are free to play. And the fact BW has trapped people in their servers for the longest time, and then have the gall to put charges on transfer servers, is utterly ridiculous. This company and it's game is just....well, if I can't say anything nice, I guess I shouldn't say anything at all.


Yes, this is my opinion and not fact....but I'm very sure many people feel the same way. And how they are handling everything and talking about their customers in interviews is appalling.

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Anyone have an ideas how they will be allowing transfers?


I know in WoW you could pay to be transfered to any server of your choice, but they also did have free to low population servers once in a while to help balance the lower ones out.


In Rift, you could transfer for free every 7 days anywhere you wanted (not EU to US or vice versa, though), but you could not transfer to the higher population servers.


I'm just kinda curious since I had found torstatus.net after a few weeks of playing and had rerolled on Jedi Covenant which is one of the highest populated right now.


Just kind of wondering if they will allow low to high being as I would like to move the characters I created on other servers to my current one.

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@Bioware: Just a reminder: You have 34 days left until my subscription runs out ...


33 days left for me. I wont resub without transfers and ranked wz, same my whole guild. TSW is coming the 19th of june, i guess i´ll be there till they fix the game. And i was a swtor fanboy, but at this point they are heading the same way of warhammer online, and is really sad.

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Free server transfers are not going to be exactly what some people are hoping for. I can guarantee that you won't be able to transfer to one of the heavy servers like "The Fatman" or "The Swiftsure" for free. Those servers already have enough people and allowing free transfers to those will only make the problem worse.


Blizzard does the exact same thing and only allows free transfers from heavy servers to light servers to encourage people to fill up the lower ones. At some point they will let you pay for a transfer to higher population server but that will be months and months away.


Just don't get your hopes up people. It's not going to be what you think it is.

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Free server transfers are not going to be exactly what some people are hoping for. I can guarantee that you won't be able to transfer to one of the heavy servers like "The Fatman" or "The Swiftsure" for free. Those servers already have enough people and allowing free transfers to those will only make the problem worse.


Blizzard does the exact same thing and only allows free transfers from heavy servers to light servers to encourage people to fill up the lower ones. At some point they will let you pay for a transfer to higher population server but that will be months and months away.


Just don't get your hopes up people. It's not going to be what you think it is.


I agree if they want it to work they should funnel players from the low pop servers into the 5-10 of the highest pop servers then as the numbers begin to match broaden out to the 10-15 and so on , That way they arnt over poping them and still building the communitys well. And offer paid to the 1-5 top populated servers.

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I agree if they want it to work they should funnel players from the low pop servers into the 5-10 of the highest pop servers then as the numbers begin to match broaden out to the 10-15 and so on , That way they arnt over poping them and still building the communitys well. And offer paid to the 1-5 top populated servers.


Agreed. I have a feeling that's exactly what they'll start doing. At first the only "free" transfers will be to get people off of the top servers and onto the more middle of the road servers. Then they'll offer "free" transfers from say the absolute emptiest servers to those same moderate population servers to bolster their numbers.


Eventually, as those abysmall low pop servers die out they'll start shutting them down and we'll be left with less servers overall but a healthier playerbase per server.


Unfortunately, I can't see them doing this very quickly. I figure the whole process will take close to a year or so.

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Agreed. I have a feeling that's exactly what they'll start doing. At first the only "free" transfers will be to get people off of the top servers and onto the more middle of the road servers. Then they'll offer "free" transfers from say the absolute emptiest servers to those same moderate population servers to bolster their numbers.


Eventually, as those abysmall low pop servers die out they'll start shutting them down and we'll be left with less servers overall but a healthier playerbase per server.


Unfortunately, I can't see them doing this very quickly. I figure the whole process will take close to a year or so.


Yea i think they are takeing way to long. Anger over population and all aside, There realy is just no reason for them to be dragging this out this way. It has got to be either intentional (wich i have can think of no reason for but tend to believe) or incompetence witch to me is less likely as they realy do have some great talent. But for some reason that talent is being force choked into nothingness.


And i have to wonder with thier current trend if its going to be something they can turn around.

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Agreed. I have a feeling that's exactly what they'll start doing. At first the only "free" transfers will be to get people off of the top servers and onto the more middle of the road servers. Then they'll offer "free" transfers from say the absolute emptiest servers to those same moderate population servers to bolster their numbers.


Eventually, as those abysmall low pop servers die out they'll start shutting them down and we'll be left with less servers overall but a healthier playerbase per server.


Unfortunately, I can't see them doing this very quickly. I figure the whole process will take close to a year or so.

as long as the harbinder gets more people im happy :)

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Yea i think they are takeing way to long. Anger over population and all aside, There realy is just no reason for them to be dragging this out this way. It has got to be either intentional (wich i have can think of no reason for but tend to believe) or incompetence witch to me is less likely as they realy do have some great talent. But for some reason that talent is being force choked into nothingness.


And i have to wonder with thier current trend if its going to be something they can turn around.


I'd assume they are waiting to pair it with a content patch and term it a feature as opposed to just pushing it out on its own-- while it seems just semantics to players it plays much better to the clueless suits upstairs and investors to term it that way.

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