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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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European server HEx droid:


20 people in prime time.


Wake up Bioware with transfers otherwise people will quit the game for the simple reasone that there are not sufficient people to play the game.


No people, no warzones, no flashpoints, no operations, no life for a mmorpg.




Wake up. New contents later, FREE TRANSFERS fast.


It is simple: you move 3 servers or more onto 1 server.




Then you put new contents after one month. done.


It is not difficult.


The problem of population is the biggest issue of the game now.

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Wake up. New contents later, FREE TRANSFERS fast.


It is simple: you move 3 servers or more onto 1 server.




It is not difficult.


it actually is for two major reasons... people will lose names and identities during server mergers as you called 'move 3 servers or more onto 1 server'. This will be a media/press nightmare unless they added the first name and legacy name in order to make it more unique... and even then, some may be the exact same.


Second is more crucial.


This would mean bad press for a perceived 'failed' game. People and haters (and other competing companies) will latch on to this and eat their lunch alive. Think about that for a moment.


I think they are taking their time to gauge real 'summer' activity, and have something in the works to bring people back in masses (or so they hope), like a long beta or summer deal. Then they will see about mergers and content patches all at once.


Like a 'see, we just massively improved the game, come and sub up'.

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when i was doing the live chat with the rep.... i suggested doing an in game poll asking how many people want server transfers.... he told me the developers check these forums on a regular basis...... i tried starting a new thread on cross servers... and it redirected my to this thread. so all of the issues we have on the subject are only in one thread..... its 36 pages long as of now......how can the developers be so silly... if this game has any future cross servers have to happen. if your a developer... and u want this game to actually do well n the future please reply ....
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This would mean bad press for a perceived 'failed' game. People and haters (and other competing companies) will latch on to this and eat their lunch alive. Think about that for a moment.


I know this is a radical idea but their first responsibility is to the player base who are paying customers, not the media or other gaming companies.


And frankly, they deserve a little bad press for some of the blunders they have made so far.

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I know this is a radical idea but their first responsibility is to the player base who are paying customers, not the media or other gaming companies.


And frankly, they deserve a little bad press for some of the blunders they have made so far.


Oh they are getting bad press by the handling of the whole server situation and by the time they finish implementing whatever solution they have it will be even worse.

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I don't see how anyone (at Bioware or in this thread) can think that ANY content addition besides server transfers will "lure people back" for the summer.


The simple situation is this: by my next billing cycle (6/18 at the moment), unless they've added server transfers--or given everyone more time for free to try and postpone these sorts of decisions another time--I'll be canceling and moving on. And I'm sure a great number of people are similarly screwed on their servers and will be doing the same thing. An empty server is the WORST anathema to an MMO... and they've spent six months not dealing with it. Not sure how they deal with the embarrassment since they've twiddled their thumbs about dealing with the issue this long.


Oh, and to any lost new people in the thread: don't make characters on Rubat Crystal.

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Server merges or free transfers please I will be quitting very soon too. It really sucks not getting groups for even planet heroics , let alone fp or ops . Im leveling my third toon out of bordom and the quests are getting stale as well :(
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I agree that without a server merger and/or character transfer options, my time is very limited in this game. I seem to fight the same 2 groups every night in PvP (which is rather dull) or the que doesn't pop for 15-20 minutes. It's silly that the server rarely has enough people to PvP with.
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Star Wars is supposed to be an MMO. (http://www.swtor.com/info/overview states "Play Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ and be the hero of your own Star Wars™ saga in a story-driven massively-multiplayer online game from BioWare and LucasArts.")


You can't have an MMO without other people in the same server as you. One can't PVE or PVP without other players in the server you are on. Whatever way they wanna do it, they gotta get the M's back in the game - server combination, transfers, whatever. It pretty clearly isn't an MMO on most servers now.


Just my thoughts...

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I know this is a radical idea but their first responsibility is to the player base who are paying customers, not the media or other gaming companies.


And frankly, they deserve a little bad press for some of the blunders they have made so far.


This just seems to be par for the course in the MMO industry.


They treat PAYING CUSTOMERS the worst of any biz type I have seen.

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We need both transfers and merges. Those of us who did not want to witness the slow death of the first server(s) we rolled on, have already created new chars on better populated servers. We should be able to pull our old chars over to the server we reside on now.


Merging low population servers with active players is common sense. Where's the point in chasing people away from the game.


It's disappointing that BW and EA are woefully unprepared for this - this particular dynamic is pervasive across all MMOs and it's unwise to let it surprise you.

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I bought another game. Feels really good!!

Couldn't play this. No Warzones, no market no raiding on my server. Got anxiety attacks of forced leveling reroll alt.

bye bye


This is what a newly released MMO game from a RESPONSIBLE company did at launch:

(because, well as you know. At launch servers will be swamped but not after the initial period)


There are still queues on the more popular servers, but overall, queue sizes are now half of what they were previously. More importantly, you now have a choice. You can stay where you are and ride out the queue-storm, or switch to Feral Valley now, knowing that you can switch back to Valley of Titans once the queues die down so you can play [CENSORSHIP] with your friends.

Edited by DarthNiktu
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They just don't get it by the time this feature goes live it will be too late. It makes me very sad because I love this game I just do not expect people to sit around and wait till july for transfers. If GW2 comes out before transfers go live star wars is done. The only chance bioware has at saving this game is by making transfers go live with in the next week or two. Edited by Zergnaut
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you do realise that they wont give free transfer to populated servers??? but to dead servers only...so where is the trick??? i tell you where.... why i would you want to transfer from a dead server to another dead server? this is stupid.. and about payed transfer... you joking me no?you first kill the servers with your silly patches...then you want money for your fail patches too? not a chance my friend ..we are not stupid... Edited by Terrorgirl
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you do realise that they wont give free transfer to populated servers??? but to dead servers only...so where is the trick??? i tell you where.... why i would you want to transfer from a dead server to another dead server? this is stupid.. and about payed transfer... you joking me no?you first kill the servers with your silly patches...then you want money for your fail patches too? not a chance my friend ..we are not stupid...


The math behind the free transfers is simple. They have a list of the only 3 dead servers that you can transfer to. So when everyone from the 10 other dead servers transfer to only 3 servers, lowes 3 servers now become high pop servers.

Edited by Zergnaut
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it actually is for two major reasons... people will lose names and identities during server mergers as you called 'move 3 servers or more onto 1 server'. This will be a media/press nightmare unless they added the first name and legacy name in order to make it more unique... and even then, some may be the exact same.


Second is more crucial.


This would mean bad press for a perceived 'failed' game. People and haters (and other competing companies) will latch on to this and eat their lunch alive. Think about that for a moment.


I think they are taking their time to gauge real 'summer' activity, and have something in the works to bring people back in masses (or so they hope), like a long beta or summer deal. Then they will see about mergers and content patches all at once.


Like a 'see, we just massively improved the game, come and sub up'.



have you ever played an MMO? i am sure you didnt... let me tell you something... every MMO on summer times are halved because ppl use that time to go out ...i know that from experience... and what SWTOR is doing? releasing in summer server transfer and big content? this must be a joke after ppl go on vacantion and they realise they wasted months for waiting on free char transfer..they will not sub anymore...or even better they will find few more MMOs open wich are ....far better then Swtor...i realise that i just said the game suck... but is the true.. 90% of server have almost no ppl with who to play...and you realise also that by the time they release anything the game is already dead??....

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it actually is for two major reasons... people will lose names and identities during server mergers as you called 'move 3 servers or more onto 1 server'. This will be a media/press nightmare unless they added the first name and legacy name in order to make it more unique... and even then, some may be the exact same.


Second is more crucial.


This would mean bad press for a perceived 'failed' game. People and haters (and other competing companies) will latch on to this and eat their lunch alive. Think about that for a moment.


I think they are taking their time to gauge real 'summer' activity, and have something in the works to bring people back in masses (or so they hope), like a long beta or summer deal. Then they will see about mergers and content patches all at once.


Like a 'see, we just massively improved the game, come and sub up'.


Here's some newsflash for you.


At the rythm ppl on dead servers are cancelling subs/rerolling in a couple of weeks there will be no game to be perceived as "failure".


Hell the game is already a failure per se. And bare in mind i enjoy it, im still playing and with a sub running.


But they have to put into their thick heads that this is a MMO and there's nothing more important in a MMO than having healthy and balanced population. Instead of losing time with lfg gimmicks server transfer AND mergers should already be here now, as we speak.

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We need both transfers and merges. Those of us who did not want to witness the slow death of the first server(s) we rolled on, have already created new chars on better populated servers. We should be able to pull our old chars over to the server we reside on now.


Merging low population servers with active players is common sense. Where's the point in chasing people away from the game.


It's disappointing that BW and EA are woefully unprepared for this - this particular dynamic is pervasive across all MMOs and it's unwise to let it surprise you.


Yeah they need to consolodate. What would be the point in having a bunch of empty servers? That got about 2x's to many

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It is simple: you move 3 servers or more onto 1 server.




Then you put new contents after one month. done.


It is not difficult.


Agreed. You should just walk right into their office and press the big green "MERGE SERVERS" button. Done.


The problem of population is the biggest issue of the game now.


I agree: The population has a poor attitude, is impatient, and has a general sense of self-entitlement. It is a big issue.

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It is simple: you move 3 servers or more onto 1 server.

The problem of population is the biggest issue of the game now.



I just don't understand.. It's like they want the game to die.. Every1 knows that swtor is losing players FAST.. Still no server merges (transfers).. sorry to say this, but this game is not going to end up good

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I just logged in today to find 19 people online in total on my server


With D3 released its like my server just emptied of what little was left

ive been trying to remain optimistic about transfers but i cant play on a empty server.


i have 3months left on my sub and no one play with now :(

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I believe they should start merging servers rather than offering transfers. Or a combination of both to give those that would like to go some place particular a chance to do so before the merge.


Simple reason for that is that most people in fact don't read the forums, don't bother with patch notes and won't bother with transfers, because they won't understand it. I am serious in saying this. So what will happen is that people will log in after the few others there were transferred away and find a totally dead world and unsub instead of transferring.

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I wouldnt assume anything it will help keep you from disapoinment. With the track record so far early summer is prolly some time after the leaves turn orange .And the snow is falling.


Yes because the track record of a less than six month old game is to take longer than 8 months to come out with a patch ... even though we have had major updates already. Logic FTW!

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Yes because the track record of a less than six month old game is to take longer than 8 months to come out with a patch ... even though we have had major updates already. Logic FTW!



major? you call legacy major? did you get any benefit from legacy? this has become ridiculous already patches wich are not helping the players with nothing...AND PVP side got nothing except 1 wz wich is lame that is the only content PVP side got in 6 months..so stop licking bio butts..

ps: THE only major thing we got in 1.2 was... Unbalanced Classes and mercenary destroyed each single spec

Edited by Terrorgirl
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