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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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They need to get rid of 1 out of 3 servers I think.


I think soon they need to get rid of 2 out of 3 servers if they don't get transfers going yesterday. On some low population servers it's getting even worse every single day. Soon there will be no one left to transfer.


Is there like 2 interns working on the transfers and both have been on sick leave for the last 5 months?

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I think soon they need to get rid of 2 out of 3 servers if they don't get transfers going yesterday. On some low population servers it's getting even worse every single day. Soon there will be no one left to transfer.


Is there like 2 interns working on the transfers and both have been on sick leave for the last 5 months?


They don't need transfers they need mergers!

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No, they don't need mergers. They need exactly what they're going to do: allow people to transfer off of low-pops and shut them down.


But this in turn means people who are happy and don't want to move have to move to another server regardless......

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But this in turn means people who are happy and don't want to move have to move to another server regardless......


That's not a problem. It's as easy as logging in. Again, the proof is already in the Rift pudding. It really was not a problem.

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But this in turn means people who are happy and don't want to move have to move to another server regardless......


Correct, because 'that' server becomes uneconomic to continue and therefore gets shut down.

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Here's hoping they will be offering those free transfers TO the original servers the game was launched with. So many of us are founders of guilds that were imported into the game at launch and personally, I would like to stay put. Not unsubscribing if they don't, not even a consideration, just wishful thinking I guess.
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The feeling that server mergers will signal decline is ridiculous and insane. It's clear to EVERYONE that server mergers are needed to stop people from leaving due to low server pop. It's a vicious circle that needs to end.


EA/BioWare need to man up and admit that the way the servers were handled in the first week was a mistake, and announce in a clear and confident way, that server transfers off those servers, then merging some and closing the dead ones will be a one time correct of that initial error.


The gaming community needs strong, healthy, populated servers and they need to start seeing some better communication and transparency from the dev team. All people want is the ability to play a game they like in an atmosphere that is clear and fair.




I tottally agree.

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I tottally agree.


Me also.


They have already admitted to the error of "overreacting" to server queues, by opening more new servers than necessary to cope with the 2.4 Million early subscribers.


I really do like the game, and I am sure it has a long future ahead of it. I just wish BW/EA would forget about "bad press" and take the bull by its horns now and sort out the server population issue.


I took the step not so long ago of re-rolling on a busier server so, from a personal standpoint, I will not benefit from this directly. Indirectly though, I know the server population issue is losing the game subscriptions and is generating a lot of chatter on the subject, making it unlikely SWTOR will attract new players. When I speak to friends on the subject, this is a major concern. It matters little what the game has to offer, long term, if it is unlikely you will be able to see the content due to low server populations.

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I wouldnt assume anything it will help keep you from disapoinment. With the track record so far early summer is prolly some time after the leaves turn orange .And the snow is falling.


My concern as well. Summer is peak play time of the year and people are not going to tolerate the current population levels / que times. Most people are not going to simply roll a toon another toon and go through the leveling / gear grind for thhe 4th or 5th time.


BW, get of the dime or your game will bleed more subs.

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I am willing to pay bioware over a 150Euros for my character to be moved today....


Lul, people with money to burn are few and far between.


Free transfers by first week of June or peak play time fo the year will be a major fail for SWTOR.

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Summer is peak play time? Really? Last I heard, summer was when people stopped playing MMO's to go.. I don't know.. outside? Every WoW server I was ever on saw populations lower in the Summer, not increase. Either way, all of you are busy waving around your epeens talking about things which you have no control over. It's a bunch of hyperbolic silly stuff. :)
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server mergers and transfers needed now, not in 3 months when the game is dead and burried.


if i was so lazy and incompetent i would get fired from my job in a second. not to mention that by not doing **** is causing EA financial damage. OH and of course lead swtor designer saying no drop in subs while ea Q4 figures states there is makes everything BW says dependable, right?

Edited by Sireene
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I am willing to pay bioware over a 150Euros for my character to be moved today....


If BioWare made the option available of having manual character transfers now for €150, there would be a huge wave of complaints accusing EA of price gouging its customers.

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I seriously hope that when these transfers arrive that BioWare is smart enough to lock the top 3 servers from being transfered TO.


And what about people who made alts on one of these servers (top 3) because their first server is death? So they won't be able to move their old chars to the server where they made the alts? I think what they propose is good. Free servers to the servers they want people to transfer to and pay for what ever server you want to go.




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And what about people who made alts on one of these servers (top 3) because their first server is death? So they won't be able to move their old chars to the server where they made the alts? I think what they propose is good. Free servers to the servers they want people to transfer to and pay for what ever server you want to go.





I still don't think this will solve the problem. There are not enough people for the number of servers they have, even if servers all had the same average population. Cutting 10% at the top (because who's going to move off of these servers, really?) isn't going to increase the bottom by 100%.

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This guys just do mistake, after mistake,after mistake, that will lead them to...... Game Over.


I have the feeling that they don't even care about this posts or either us costumers and they care less about the nerds that post here trolling about their work!


Because in their mind some one that pays 15$ month to play this crap must be a dammm crazy, nerd, guy!

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Port Nowhere, 13 players on the fleet. I dont wanna make a new toon on fatman, I have 3 50s already and a legacy level 40. Im here since the 2008, i was a ¨fanboy¨ but at this point my guild is dead, my server is dead and the pvp is dead, and still we dont even have news about the ranked wz, people is losing the patience even the fanboys like me.
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Port Nowhere, 13 players on the fleet. I dont wanna make a new toon on fatman, I have 3 50s already and a legacy level 40. Im here since the 2008, i was a ¨fanboy¨ but at this point my guild is dead, my server is dead and the pvp is dead, and still we dont even have news about the ranked wz, people is losing the patience even the fanboys like me.


This is the point where any competent company would have woken up. When you are losing even the most loyal fans due to the population issue that's been going on in some servers since january, it really isn't looking very good.

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This guys just do mistake, after mistake,after mistake, that will lead them to...... Game Over.


I have the feeling that they don't even care about this posts or either us costumers and they care less about the nerds that post here trolling about their work!


Because in their mind some one that pays 15$ month to play this crap must be a dammm crazy, nerd, guy!


:rolleyes: This isn't a crap game... I'm on the server the kumumgah, often not more then 2 or 3 people on the imperial fleet. They will fix it. Of course, the sooner, the better! I pay for it, I'm not a nerd, maybe a bit crazy :o

Edited by SusAntigoon
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I still don't think this will solve the problem. There are not enough people for the number of servers they have, even if servers all had the same average population. Cutting 10% at the top (because who's going to move off of these servers, really?) isn't going to increase the bottom by 100%.


Well, they will first do some transfers and later on merge some servers...

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