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Companion Ages....


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I've never played a male character. Out of curiosity, who are some of the older women that can be seduced and/or flirted with?


I know answering that question could be a lot of work but if you could just name a couple off the top of your head, ty. Darth Lachris is the obvious one, she seems like she could be in her thirties.

I would have put her in the early 40s tbh.

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I've never played a male character. Out of curiosity, who are some of the older women that can be seduced and/or flirted with?


I know answering that question could be a lot of work but if you could just name a couple off the top of your head, ty. Darth Lachris is the obvious one, she seems like she could be in her thirties.


Darth Lachris is one. There's a middle-aged baroness in the Agent Alderaan line. The Republic governor on Taris is a Twi'lek woman with an air of general life experience, and I think you can complete a [Flirt] sequence with her.

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The only candidates are Kaliyo (but her dossier estimates 29), Akaavi (nothing specified, seems young), maybe Elara (only two years in adult service, so probably not), and Nadia (I know nothing about her).


Keep in mind all biologically female companions must be sexually available, and while this game is good about letting women over 30 have flings, they wouldn't go so far as to let you get attached to one.


Technically, Elara has 2 years of service in the republic. It's actually more like 4-5 years in total, I believe. ~24-25ish, maybe?


EDIT: Did the math again. She's been out of the academy for 4-5 years, depending on how long it took to process her defection. So, the question is, when did she leave the academy?

Edited by KorinHyvek
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I'm confirming that there are no biologically female companions in their 30's or 40's and hypothesizing that this is because all female companions were designed to be sexy. SWTOR doesn't outright snub the post-college crowd; I noticed some time ago, and thought it was very cool, that many "older" (by which I mean 25+ *rolls eyes*) women figure into one-night stands as you level. But that's all one-off stuff. Female companions are kept very young.


Ummm, just to clarify, Kaliyo's age is listed as 29 (Unconfirmed) since it's pretty obvious she's lying about her age. I'd put her up around 34 taking everything she's been through into account. Don't tell her, though! I wouldn't want to lose any vital parts. :eek:

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Darth Lachris is one. There's a middle-aged baroness in the Agent Alderaan line. The Republic governor on Taris is a Twi'lek woman with an air of general life experience, and I think you can complete a [Flirt] sequence with her.


Couple of Cougars right there. Darth Lachris on Balmorra and Baroness Cortess on Alderaan. :D My Agent Chissed and Smurfed both. ;)


As for Gov. Saresh, she's flirtable, but nothing comes of it.

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Curious question....


How old would you guys say Talos is? I find it really hard to tell.


Wild guess, late 40s? There are various renderings of him, and they all look like a different age.


He's young man here:



And looks middle aged here:



The in-game version of him looks a bit older still. His voice actor is 56 I believe and even resembles Talos himself, heh. Age progression :) Since I can't find any concrete evidence I'm going to guess he's somewhere between mid 40s to early 50s.

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I think the consular companions are a little above average.


Qyzen is an experienced Trandoshan hunter. I don't know which age would fit for that in his species, but he is clearly not young anymore. (Maybe around 40.)


Tharan is a Professor and widely known exo-engineer. If I am correct and he just exaggerates his genius all the time, he can't be in his 20s. But he looks not that old, so he is probably in his (mid to late) 30s.


Zenith - I don't know, I just met him, but he seems older. I think he was already an adult when the Empire occupied Balmorra, so he should be in his 30s too.


I know nothing about Lt. Iresso yet...


And Nadia, on the other hand, is a child. Well, of course not, but as someone said, probably 16-19. (Even if it contradicts the story at many points, my consular is ment to be in his 60s. Good that I could marry him off via legacy, I will carefully avoid the Nadia romance (iak).)



And I would also say that Lt Pierce (SW) can't be that young.

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The trooper companions seem older than some of the others. I'm taking wild guesses here, but:


Jorgan - Has to be mid/late 30s - early 40s. He'd been promoted to commander of an elite squad before he ended up on Ord Mantell and was there for a number of years, so, he's been around a bit.


Elara - I'd guess in the 27-34ish range. She went through Imperial training, was in the army for a few years, and then was in the Republic army for a few years.


Tanno Vik - My guess would be 30s, although it's hard to say, he's lived a hard life and his species is a little hard to place, agewise.


Yuen - goodness only knows, but again, he's been around a bit


On the other hand 4X is a baby, brand spanking new, lol.

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Ummm, just to clarify, Kaliyo's age is listed as 29 (Unconfirmed) since it's pretty obvious she's lying about her age. I'd put her up around 34 taking everything she's been through into account. Don't tell her, though! I wouldn't want to lose any vital parts. :eek:


She's been 29 for 5 years now and will continue to be 29 for many more years to come.

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Isn't Guss Tuno 15?


Wouldn't surprise me, he acts pretty young.


Akaavi might be a little older, late 20s or so...she says some stuff to indicate that she's done a lot of things.


In the last thread on companion ages everyone seemed to agree that Corso was 19. I don't know where that came from, though.


I agree with Risha as 20.

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Wouldn't surprise me, he acts pretty young.


Akaavi might be a little older, late 20s or so...she says some stuff to indicate that she's done a lot of things.


In the last thread on companion ages everyone seemed to agree that Corso was 19. I don't know where that came from, though.


I agree with Risha as 20.


Corso is young and idealistic enough to be 19 but he does propose to the player...I don't know. Akaavi is definitely late twenties.

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Corso is young and idealistic enough to be 19 but he does propose to the player...I don't know. Akaavi is definitely late twenties.


corso could easaly be that young. theres no kids in warzones eh.

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There is no way Vector is not in his 30s.


Agreed. I'm convinced that the guy has gone to grad school, wandered around in the diplomatic service for a while, then had the chance to go native. Admittedly, a lot of his "life story" could work for someone in their 20s, but he just seems older/more mature.

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Is there a *single* organic female companion in her 30's or 40's? I admit that I haven't seen them all.


I would put Akaavi in her late-twenties, early-thirties. But then again, Mandolorians tend to age much quicker than normal people(mentally/emotionally I mean). She talks about being given her first weapon at 3 years old. Still, I can't imagine her being younger than 27. And I can see her as old as 37. And please, BW, never tell me what her age really is. Let my smugglers who like older women keep their kink.

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I still think Risha is a bit older than 20. I'd put her at 22 to 24, tbh.

During chapter 1 I would have put Risha at closer to 30, but talking to her after her stuff gets sorted out she starts to seem younger. I would go with mid 20s.

corso could easaly be that young. theres no kids in warzones eh.

He could be. I certainly wouldn't put him at more than 24 or so.

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For everyone saying Vector seems older than 26, I think you can't really go by his personality since he's a Joiner. You meet a few Joiners throughout the game and they all have the same serene, peaceful, contemplative personalities.


...Now I'm wondering what Vector was like as a human.

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You guys really think Talos is that old? I'd put him mid-30s, but maybe that's wishful thinking so that my inquisitor can romance him one day. *sigh* Or it may be because he's so body-type-1 tiny, it makes him look...boyish, I guess.


Also I could totally see Corso as a 19 year-old because of his proposal, not in spite of it. That's just the sort of thing love-struck 19 year-olds do (not to besmirch the reputation of love-struck teens, of-course). Then again, I haven't seen the whole romance unfold yet.

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For everyone saying Vector seems older than 26, I think you can't really go by his personality since he's a Joiner. You meet a few Joiners throughout the game and they all have the same serene, peaceful, contemplative personalities.


...Now I'm wondering what Vector was like as a human.

It's not just that, although I will allow that that is a lot of it. It's also

the bit when your ship is attacked and he tries to reason with the kid from House Cortess, and he brings up how he used to drink with the kid's tutor. It doesn't really make sense to me timewise for that to have been a thing, before he became a Joiner.



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