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Class Ages


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Considering how force sensitivity goes in this era, you can't even pin down the age of the Jedi/Sith. While both sides prefer to train young, the Jedi take adults (notable: Nar Shaddaa bonus, Republic), and Sith just ship everyone to Korriban once it's discovered.


The Warrior might be the youngest, since he wasn't taken as a slave or sheltered from the system.

Now what age they are after act 3... Likely 6 months - 2 years after they started. Time skips, blackouts, kidnappings, and ambiguous timelines being what they are.

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I remember reading somewhere that the game, at present, takes place between 3643 bby and 3641 bby. So that could easily translate into 1 year per act.


That doesn't sound right. Closest thing I can recall is that there was a comment by a dev (I believe before release) that the game starts 8 to 10 years after the Treaty of Coruscant depending on class. So that would put the start of the game from 3,645-3,643 bby, but that is only the start and doesn't address the length of the events of the storyline.

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I agree that most characters feel like they're in their 20s. (Early to mid.) It does depend a bit, though. My friend's female JK feels so naieve that I'd honestly place her in her late teens. (While I think agent has to be at least in his/her late twenties if they were part of the secret police, then trained for some time to be part of imperial intelligence.) In general, I think that the Force users feel younger than the non-Force users, but this may just be my perspective.


The companion's ages range all over the place. Mako feels like she's 14...at the oldest. (And Vette feels very much based on Mission Vao, who was explicitly listed as being 14.) But then I figure that Lokin is in his early 60s. I'm kind of disappointed that, in general, the f!LIs feel younger than the male. (Esp. as some of the f!LIs honestly feel under aged.)

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I think the Chiss Agent would at least be in his or her early 30ds. Giving that on Voss you find out he/she use to be one of the top members of the Ascendancy Secret Police.

Edited by Iwih
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I remeber when i first made my trooper and i wanted him to be and look old. The first thing that happened in the first scene was that i was called a kid, haha. That was a let down. Edited by AdriftSC
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Yea it's kinda ambiguous in a way, and the voices, even the male ones, are not overly young sounding, with a very distinct, maturity, about them.


I'd put my Sith Warrior at 30, my Imperial agent at 21 and possibly my Sith Inquisitor at 25 or younger..

Edited by JediElf
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Given that there will likely be numerous expansions and more and more chapters added to the class stories, I'd say that our characters are fairly young to keep us from being senior citizens during expansion number 4,5,6 etc. Of course your definition of what young is comes into play here.
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Let's see...


Sith Warrior had their entrance to the final trials accelerated due to connections and scheming (although the fact they weren't there to begin with suggests that the Sith Warrior recieved instruction elsewhere, perhaps from their parents). Probably no more than 23 or so, and I could see going as low as 19.


Jedi Knight and Consuler are both gifted students. Obi-wan reached knighthood at 25, while Anakin hit it at 20. So I'd say these guys are probably arround there.


Sith Inquisitor is a wild card. "Young" is the only solid thing I can give you.


The Imperial Agent (non-Chiss) is on their first field mission on Hutta, and the Trooper is fresh out of the academy, so if Military Schools are anything to go by, I'd guess that they're both in their early twenties.


The Smuggler is really wide open. They're not a bigshot yet, but they had to get their ship (and it was a good one) somehow. Probably one of the eldest of the group, I can see the smuggler being in their late twenties or early thirties, or younger, if they got lucky at cards or something.


Finally, while the Bounty Hunter's age isn't set in stone, Braden's position as your mentor suggests the Bounty Hunter is pretty young.

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The Smuggler is really wide open. They're not a bigshot yet, but they had to get their ship (and it was a good one) somehow. Probably one of the eldest of the group, I can see the smuggler being in their late twenties or early thirties, or younger, if they got lucky at cards or something.


There are also plenty of not-so-reputable professions that pay good money, fast. A pretty woman working as a dancer or "dancer" (read: prostitute) could probably buy a nice ship really quickly. At least, that's how I wrote my character as doing it - she's 22.

Edited by elliotcat
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I think the Chiss Agent would at least be in his or her early 30ds. Giving that on Voss you find out he/she use to be one of the top members of the Ascendancy Secret Police.



Well, yes and no. Supposedly the Chiss are physically and socially mature at 10. So if he/she started working at 10...then climbed fast...a fairly early age is possible. But with that said, I think that human time line, you're right. (And that even with Chiss aging, I could totally see agent being late twenties to late thirties.)


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True, but for my head canon my characters began as such:


Agent--21 on Hutta

Bounty Hunter--18-20 on Hutta

Sith War--17-18 on Korriban

Sith Inq---16-18 on Korriban

Jedi Knight-16-17 on Tython

Jedi Consular--16-17 on Tython

Smuggler--18-20 on Ord Mantell

Trooper--17-18 on Ord Mantell

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