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the end of all QQ


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Bioware seriously:

After your big changes at 1.2. you messed up balance and TTK of classes that now appear massively OP.


Master strike solution to all problems and QQ that going around?


Restore half the values cuts on expertise defence.... take measurements.

Then if problem still exist do the same with expertise healing... take measurements.


Analyse and min max accordingly. Saying that you might made a mistake will be ok and welcomed by community.


Now before you even think fixing pre made ques and or opening ranked WZ fix the hacker problem or the hate will be uncontrollable.

Till then fix the prises for the War hero stuff and save us from grind


A paying customer of yours that cant take any more QQ

Edited by Zilrota
edited language. warned
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The ratios shouldn't be altered. That is a horrible idea. What you are asking for is a change to how expertise SCALES. Scaling is not the issue. Expertise is working perfectly.


TTK can be improved in many ways, such as reducing all pvp damage by 5%.


Also, balance is better than ever.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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balance is not better than ever...

maras/sents have god mode and everybody complain about it... route of the problem? expertise def rescaling that made their previously ok def skills extremely good. UR especially and not only for them but jugs too


BH that are critting like mad or over dps. and every one complain about it (BH included for other reason of course) but if there was a better expertise defence it would e negligible as it was till now.


Healers no longer have their ludicrous survivability they had and now reroling (have to see healer in my wz teams for 3 days). problem they luck their expertise ratings... healing should not considered at first but def would give them what they need .


Range dps are complaining they are melting now. snipers coze they dont have enough time to cast others cause they dont have time to channel. and granted most complains of them might be lack of skill but they never said that so far and the game design was for casuals not for HC.


All in all and if you dont wan to nerf damage globally, or classes individually then you roll a bit back your DR curves on expertise def and most of the problems are mitigated, till better solutions conceived


also go cry for your PVE balance somewhere else. They are to many PVE skills only that could be used to balance pve, and do not forget it is a team pvp oriented game. not a PVE only oriented game as per company's statement

Edited by Narfirill
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Bioware seriously:

After your big changes at 1.2. you messed up balance and TTK of classes that now appear massively OP.


Master strike solution to all problems and QQ that going around?


Restore half the values cuts on expertise defence.... take measurements.

Then if problem still exist do the same with expertise healing... take measurements.


Analyse and min max accordingly. Saying that you might made a mistake will be ok and welcomed by community.


Now before you even think fixing pre made ques and or opening ranked WZ fix the hacker problem or the hate will be uncontrollable.

Till then fix the prises for the War hero stuff and save us from grind


A paying customer of yours that cant take any more QQ


Can't take any more QQ - starts a QQ thread.

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everyone prooves "i am pvp" but you rarely see them using stims or pots, but you see them often QQing or suggesting nerfs.


my favorit unfun is still the targeting.

the laggy overall experience in warzones, including invisible walls, wrong positions, stucks and incredible player moves may be because i only have 2x2,6ghz granny here.


PvP is fine by me, when i die, i deserve it, or im simple overrun, or i get into a chat replay anyhow, or i think "why doesnt my char hit" or i cant get the right target or im chain stunned because im currently too stopid for the darn resovle thingy, but when all went good, im pretty unstopable :p

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No. The problem is everyone wants to faceroll regardless of what class they choose. Get over it. Since 1.2, I have seen a post that every class and spec is OP. This suggests things are pretty balanced IMO. Basically, some players need to think about strategy instead of whining and raging. Or did your childhood go something like this:

"Mom! Billy keeps using paper against my rock! "

"Well son, why don't you use scissors?"

"No, I don't want to. I should be able to beat everything with rock!"

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OP's signature is pretty good too

Actually if it were "I wish you intelligence because it's rarer than luck." then it'll be better. But with the way he worded it it's best to wish luck because it DOES run out they're gonna need it.


His sig is just like this thread. Not that well thought through.

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once more the collective idiocy rules the forums.

every one that posses it or every troll in existence are attacking from what they imagine my childhood was or my signature (by the way the one who has intelligence prepare for all eventualities and if preparation fail "makes his luck" and doesn't depend on her)

instead of expressing any criticism in the proposed idea... but this is for grown ups.

Now to remind you instead of the wild nerf that or the other or buff me or the other i propose a partial restoration of expertise values in order to see the magnitude of the changes that 1.2 brought in the system... in my opinion many good changes happened, but overshadowed by the change in expertise and the resulting sorter TTK. all classes and their balance was designed for long combat. that type of combat no longer exist and the result is that some are benefiting from this and other suffer. prolonging combat a bit will restore some of this difference will not bring nerf or buff reactions and will give time to revamp the AC for sorter combat times (like sent/maras were). Many other quality issues would be able to be address with those class revamps. Also truly massive data would provide the exact picture and fine tuning will be easier and less bumpy.

Now again comment on proposals and not on personalities like a spoiled, idiotic child. (preferably with arguments)


would not address again any reply with no meaning to the attempted conversation. that for not believing yourself so good that shut me up.

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balance is not better than ever...

maras/sents have god mode and everybody complain about it... route of the problem? expertise def rescaling that made their previously ok def skills extremely good. UR especially and not only for them but jugs too


BH that are critting like mad or over dps. and every one complain about it (BH included for other reason of course) but if there was a better expertise defence it would e negligible as it was till now.


Healers no longer have their ludicrous survivability they had and now reroling (have to see healer in my wz teams for 3 days). problem they luck their expertise ratings... healing should not considered at first but def would give them what they need .


Range dps are complaining they are melting now. snipers coze they dont have enough time to cast others cause they dont have time to channel. and granted most complains of them might be lack of skill but they never said that so far and the game design was for casuals not for HC.


All in all and if you dont wan to nerf damage globally, or classes individually then you roll a bit back your DR curves on expertise def and most of the problems are mitigated, till better solutions conceived


also go cry for your PVE balance somewhere else. They are to many PVE skills only that could be used to balance pve, and do not forget it is a team pvp oriented game. not a PVE only oriented game as per company's statement


How are mara and sents god mode lol? Just because sorc/sage can't run around healing themself and their allies anymore while DoTing the sent/mara down in the process? :rolleyes:

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god mode is figure of speech meaning that they have way better defences than they should have.

5 sec of invulnerability in a 30 sec fight was ok, but now in a 15 sec fight means that 1/3 of the time they cant be harmed . and with their dps off the charts they are a demolition ball going around.

in my opinion healers are in good position but they say that they would like a bit solo survivability in order to go more places. they claim that cant go in the fight ad heal. personally i say BS but they might get the illusion of their former glory that way and focus on cooperating with tanks and put out healing. I have to see solo wzning healer for more than a week now (empire side) this might give them the incentive to do it

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balance is not better than ever...

maras/sents have god mode and everybody complain about it... route of the problem? expertise def rescaling that made their previously ok def skills extremely good. UR especially and not only for them but jugs too

And SinTanks, and Operatives, and Powertechs and ....

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once more the collective idiocy rules the forums.

every one that posses it or every troll in existence are attacking from what they imagine my childhood was or my signature (by the way the one who has intelligence prepare for all eventualities and if preparation fail "makes his luck" and doesn't depend on her)


The game in my oppinion is fine, well balanced, very playable, and the GIANT CHANGES need to stop so that everyone can adjust.


The only thing out of control is the whining and Biowears paying attention to it.


Let the game settle in. Mara's/Sents are fine... TTK is perfect... bads need to L2P and quit the qq'ing.

Edited by VoidJustice
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How are mara and sents god mode lol? Just because sorc/sage can't run around healing themself and their allies anymore while DoTing the sent/mara down in the process? :rolleyes:


Just yesterday my guildmate stated the 9750 Dmg crit by his Sent..

If this is not OP then what?

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The game in my oppinion is fine, well balanced, very playable, and the GIANT CHANGES need to stop so that everyone can adjust.


The only thing out of control is the whining and Biowears paying attention to it.


Let the game settle in. Mara's/Sents are fine... TTK is perfect... bads need to L2P and quit the qq'ing.


Completely agree with this. It still slays me how everyone thinks Maras and Sents were meh before 1.2, then they got somewhat nerfed in 1.2 (the primary pvp spec did), but now it's like OMG they are OP'd .



and TTK? Really? Is that why even in my losses (some of them to this guy's team above :) ) I'm dying maybe 5 or 6 times total? I mean I have to be on a really bad pug team, or be dying on purpose (as a distraction) to die more then 5-6 times.

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Just yesterday my guildmate stated the 9750 Dmg crit by his Sent..

If this is not OP then what?


That's a lie. Even as a Carnage spec Sentinel (pardon me, Combat for Sent) he'd have to be within his 6 second precision slash window to even hit half this damage off of one attack. Unless he's running third party hacks or something.

Watchman specs won't crit over 3500 unless they are ridiculously geared out on their merciless slash, and that'd be on a softer target. Although I'm sure you could get over this easily if you are facing some baddie who has no expertise though, I should make that qualification. I'm functioning under the premise that the target has 900 expertise, you know, the basic expertise you can get from a recruit set.


So many people roll into my warzones with sub 600 expertise its funny. They will go into a zone with 17k health and 300 expertise and wonder why they get obliterated by 2 opponents.


I'm pretty sure any and all TTK issues come from people with bad expertise levels, and there really isn't a good reason to be this way. Even if you're like me, and use the PvE 2 piece set for the bonus (on my sorc).

Edited by islander
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Bioware seriously:

After your big changes at 1.2. you messed up balance and TTK of classes that now appear massively OP.


Master strike solution to all problems and QQ that going around?


Restore half the values cuts on expertise defence.... take measurements.

Then if problem still exist do the same with expertise healing... take measurements.


Analyse and min max accordingly. Saying that you might made a mistake will be ok and welcomed by community.


Now before you even think fixing pre made ques and or opening ranked WZ fix the hacker problem or the hate will be uncontrollable.

Till then fix the prises for the War hero stuff and save us from grind


A paying customer of yours that cant take any more QQ


Rolling back the expertise changes are a horrible idea, unless they plan on getting rid of Expertise completely, but that's a different debate.


They finally FIXED expertise so damage/damage reduction/healing properly cancel themselves out assuming equal expertise. Prior to 1.2 the formula for expertise was incorrect, meaning two players with expertise just had a harder time killing each other than normal, and were easier to heal. The math has already been posted a million times since 1.2, I'm not going to do it again.


I couldn't care less what they decide to nerf and adjust in future patches, because like others have said, good players adapt. They would be wise to limit the number of class balance changes for a few patches so everyone can get used to the game now that endless healing has been fixed. This was a very well balanced game at launch considering how all MMORPG's are at that time, and it got even better with 1.2.


The biggest problem with PVP in this game is that people die, and 75% of the players are outraged when it happens to them. Instead of questioning how we could've won that fight with the tools we've been given, we always ask why the person who killed us got a different brand of tools. Even the best players lose some matches, and get gibbed when they're doing their damnedest not to. This community needs to learn how to take a punch.

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Just yesterday my guildmate stated the 9750 Dmg crit by his Sent..

If this is not OP then what?


It'd be OP if Sents could do it but Marauders couldn't... thats what would be OP.


Also any class with a Knock Back can 1 shot ANYONE while wearing PVE GEAR...



Differnet classes are different... would you like everyone to be the same... really?!!!


p.s. We were on fire last night Islander... lol... not sure what happened but everyone came out to kick some bootey... lol... sadly I had to jet early... I ALWAYS have to jet early :( At least I got ma daily in! woot...

Edited by VoidJustice
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Just yesterday my guildmate stated the 9750 Dmg crit by his Sent..

If this is not OP then what?


Pic or it didn't happen.



I crited 12k with heatsink yesterday and 3k tracer without crit.

^Doesn't make it fact because there isn't screenshots to prove it, does it?

Edited by hyuplee
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Pic or it didn't happen.



I crited 12k with heatsink yesterday and 3k tracer without crit.

^Doesn't make it fact because there isn't screenshots to prove it, does it?


nerf it!



oh wait... :)

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Pic or it didn't happen.



Thats your problem that you are dont believe it..

I know people like you who are doubt obvious things like that 2+2=4..


And personally i dont care what you are believe into.

I just know that Sent Focus tree can do such damage. Period.


btw.. guildmate who do that damage vote for nerfing his class in firstplace..

He is grownup.. unlike the many participants on this forum...

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