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Books written by Star Wars characters that you wouldn't buy


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How to break bad news : Capt Needa

Taking down Sith lords: Kit Fisto with fwd by Mace Windu

Odds and you : CP3O with fwd by Han Solo

How to make a man jealous by kissing your brother: Leia

How to be a single mother when dad goes darkside: Padme

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Vivisection: What the Mandalorians can learn from the study of living Jedi, by Doctor Demagol. (Doctorate not recognised by the Galactic Medical Association)


Bombad: The autobiography of Bombad General Binks (Basic edition), by Jar Jar Binks.

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Evacuating Hoth The Smart Way by Leia Organa.


Evasive Maneuvers: Relying On Imperial Incompetence To Escape by Han Solo.


Keeping Your Gunner Alive by Luke Skywalker.


Obscuring The Truth For The Greater Good by Obi-Wan Kenobi, with fwd by Yoda.


Trolling Luke Skywalker Book 1: Who's Your Daddy, Luke? by R2-D2. (And coming soon: Dude, You Kissed Your Sister)

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Hitting Your Target by: A. Clone Trooper

Size Matters by: Yoda

Your Lightsabre and You by: Satele Shan

Fulfilling Your Master's Every Demand by: C2-N2

Let's Work Together by: Darth Baras

All You Need Is Love by: Anakin Skywalker

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Hitting Your Target by: A. Clone Trooper

Size Matters by: Yoda

Your Lightsabre and You by: Satele Shan

Fulfilling Your Master's Every Demand by: C2-N2

Let's Work Together by: Darth Baras

All You Need Is Love by: Anakin Skywalker


Ha ha!

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The Tourist Guide to the Galaxy Series by Luke Skywalker:

The Ice Caves of Hoth

The Grand Swamp that is Dagobah

Alderaan - A guide to meteor hopping

Tattooine - Sightseer's Guide to Moisture Farms


My Inner Poet by Jar Jar Binks


The Value of Exhaust Ports in WMD Designs - A White Paper by Imperial Engineer x20456

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How to switch Bodies or Trolling the Jedi Knight Fanboys - By the Sith Emperor


Love - HK-47


Ouch, Are those Lightsabers in My Pants?!? - By Languss Tuno


Cussing in Huttese - By Sebulba


I Really Wanted Revan to be a Woman - Carth Onasi


Parenting - Darths, Vader and Revan


Forever Alone - Meetra Surik


I Shouldn't Be Alive - By Boba Fett, Darth Sidious, and Mace Windu


Telling it to Someone who Gives a Damn - By the Sith Warrior

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"Use Your Anger To Burn Those Pounds Away: A Sith Lord's Guide to Dieting, Fitness, and Health" - by Darth Baras.


"How To Pick A Mature,Responsible,And Ambitious Sith Apprentice"- by Darth Zannah.


"Orbalisks and You: A Do It Yourself Guide to Safely Removing Parasites"- by Darth Bane.

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Retirement: How to make your Dream Retirement Home Come True- Yoda.

Your Surroundings: How not to get Tunnel Vision- Master Windu

Retire in Perfect Peace, Alderran.- Bail Organa

The Art of Marksmanship- Fire Arms Instructor, Lt. Stormtrooper.

Anger Management by Darth Vader

Being Sober- Darth Plageuis

Do it Yourself Handbook- How to Build your own Jetpack- Jango Fett.

Dodging Laser Shots- Ki-Adi-Mundi

Surround Your Enemy- How to Better the Odds- - A collaboration by , Mace Windu, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto

Keeping Cold Food Cold- Wampa

Shopping the Cupboards- Sarlacc Pit

Not On My Watch- Yoda

The Known- Using Mediatation in Seeing Your Future- Yoda

Keeping Your Guard Up- Senator Palpatine

The Thought Bomb and Me- How to Use Sith Sorcery by Lord Kaan

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"Chirp, chirp, chirp" - Vette

"How I willingly (without anyone asking me to) successfully helped the Rebellion invade Kamino" - Starkiller

"Back-up plans: How my clones continued to ravage the galaxy" - Palpatine

"Insubordination: What a thrill!" - Malavai Quinn co-written by Elara Dorne

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"Going Anakin, a guide to hostile negotiations with the Sand People" - Anakin Skywaker


"Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder" - Darth Zash


"The Jedi Code, revisited" - Ashara Zavros


Chuckles on second, but I would totally read the third one.


"How to deal with possible spies" - Anonymous imperial officer from Dromund Kaas.

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