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Someone explain the LFG tool hate?


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They already ARE putting in a LFG tool for 1.3.



The fact that it wasn't in at launch and people have been complaining for it to be put in since Beta... speaks volumes on it's own... Should I have to ***** a moan to see what ability does what damage too??

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Yeah... they said those same things about combat logs, you know the ones in game now?

they said the same thing about x-server PVP queues, you know the ones going in at 1.3?

they said the same thing about same server LFG tool, you know the one going in at 1.3?


You seeing a trend here?


The minor QQ about this stuff (and the x-server LFG) means nothing to BW, they are a business and have to make money. When the overwhelming majority of the player base wants something... they get it or the company goes bust. Economics 101 is now over...


I think you guys may be the ones with the closed eyes or deluding yourself... changes are here, changes BW swore would NEVER be added to this game... and more are coming, holding to your "purity of the game" mantra is commendable but worthless when money is involved.


Well said. I think they will eventually add a cross server LFG tool. Because the same server one is not going to work on a low pop one. Last night , a Sat, prime time, on Fleet ( 45 players on then ) I flagged myself as LFG for any level 50 Flashpoint and for a hour I was there, never got one whisper or invite. I only saw one other player in General Chat looking for a Flashpoint and it was for a low one. I cannot see myself continuing to do this for months. :p

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Yeah... they said those same things about combat logs, you know the ones in game now?

they said the same thing about x-server PVP queues, you know the ones going in at 1.3?

they said the same thing about same server LFG tool, you know the one going in at 1.3?


You seeing a trend here?


The minor QQ about this stuff (and the x-server LFG) means nothing to BW, they are a business and have to make money. When the overwhelming majority of the player base wants something... they get it or the company goes bust. Economics 101 is now over...


I think you guys may be the ones with the closed eyes or deluding yourself... changes are here, changes BW swore would NEVER be added to this game... and more are coming, holding to your "purity of the game" mantra is commendable but worthless when money is involved.


They never said it about LFG same server as they inputted a system from day one. Although not that great. The only thing they have gone back on what they said was X-server PVP. But yet you sill didnt answer why you seem to skip over the reasons stated by many in this thread, and the devs. Calling the reasons lies or made up. ... Meh

Edited by DigitalPrime
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And still....no x-server LFG tool please.

It doesnt matter how many candys you throw to a child, they never will be happy enough.

More you do it, more they will be spoiled.


The irony behind this is, it's actually the Anti-Cross Server group who are throwing the temper tantrums because someone stole their toys/loot.

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I love passive aggressive attacks like that... takes me back to Psychology 110 in college! Lets see, we were taught that if you take this type of P/A attack and turn a single key word 180 degrees you too can make the same argument but in the reverse... lets try.


People have already explained why cross-server group finder is great on the forums.

For reasonable people with common sense, they will understand it.

For unreasonable people who don't listen to anyone but themselves, no amount of "explaining" will convince them.


I win?


This is the way alot of people debate today. The poster I quoted accuses someone of the exact behavior he imediately proceeds to engage in. Hes even all freudian slip with it.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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well why dont we throw a comprimise and allow a cross planet group chat and inpliment a level approriate LFG tool for the non hard mode flashpoints?


I still think there needs to be something that would allow players to get together more then just clicking the LFG tool once you hit 50.

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A exaggeration is that. No need to go into details. :p


I see what you did there, another accusation you can't substantiate. :p


I enjoy being able to log on and do some end game content in a timely manner.


Because hardmode dungeons are endgame. Either that or you must already assume that such a tool will apply to raids as well, just like WoW!


Yes, content is made easier for casual gamers because they donot want to spend hours wiping on content and still not get it done. But the options to make content more challenging for those who want it is still there.


Why do you relate "casual" with bad at a game? Seperate difficulty settings in mmos is like holding chess tournaments for people with a confirmed lower IQ.


Yes...game companies do need to make profits and yes..that is thier main objective in creating a game. Nothing wrong with that. And if they make a game which is fun and long lasting enjoyment for many..they will make money. Again nothing wrong with that. Games are made to give players a fun experence.


I cannot have the confidence that any company will make a good game that gives me lasting enjoyment when their passion for money clearly excedes their passion for gaming.

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I guess i just have to keep repeating this until the slow people start to catch on.


You need 8 people to do everything in this game, that killed your precious community,nothing else will or can kill a community in swtor because it never had one and never will have one. Bioware are showing their extreme ignorance on this subject, if they listen to the vocal minority of people who mistakenly blame an lfg tool for crappy mmo communities and not the new mmo playerbase they will drive this game straight into the ground.


People dont quit mmos because theres an lfg tool available that YOU DONT HAVE TO USE.


Many people quit mmos because they find it too hard to get groups.

Edited by Mallorik
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Why were you aiming that at me? I'm already Pro Cross Server LFG because it opens up the game into truly becoming an MMO.

I was just stating that to the poster I had quoted because the hard truth is a company values profit over gameplay. Somewhere down the line someone will have a passion for gaming sure, but at the top of the ladder, the guys who call the shots have no interest in gaming, they just want to see their product bring in the most money no matter what.

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Why were you aiming that at me? I'm already Pro Cross Server LFG because it opens up the game into truly becoming an MMO.

I was just stating that to the poster I had quoted because the hard truth is a company values profit over gameplay. Somewhere down the line someone will have a passion for gaming sure, but at the top of the ladder, the guys who call the shots have no interest in gaming, they just want to see their product bring in the most money no matter what.


LOL sorry i wasnt aiming it at you, i hit quote instead of reply.

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They never said it about LFG same server as they inputted a system from day one.


Sorry, i forgot the word "automated" lfg... I think you know what I meant, and they did say they would not do a lfg queue... splitting hairs is fun isnt it?


The only thing they have gone back on what they said was X-server PVP.

Combat logs would like to have a word with you, as would the lfg queue incoming in 1.3...


But yet you sill didnt answer why you seem to skip over the reasons stated by many in this thread, and the devs. Calling the reasons lies or made up. ... Meh


Huh? I never said peoples opinions were lies... I said they do not matter because the company has to make money... people and devs can say all they want... it means nothing when EA cracks the whip...

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LOL sorry i wasnt aiming it at you, i hit quote instead of reply.


Ah ok cool, had me confused there :rolleyes:


But no I totally agree with you. The problem is everyone has a different opinion of what a community is. To me it's my Guild, they are who I interact with most ingame. But some people here have this dream of a utopian community that just does not exist in current MMO's because the game populace is just far too large and faceless to support it. They put this idea on a pedestal and worship it without being open to reason or difference of opinion, and forcing their beliefs down everyone elses throats. They use it to hinder the development of the game and others end up suffering because they believe that this paradise community is attainable.

Hard truth is, it's not.


There was absolutely nothing stopping people creating these amazing communities in other games with Cross-Server LFG. Nothing. They just didn't do it. People have a hard time accepting that the majority of players just aren't that bothered about server community, they just want to play a game with friends.

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Lol, if you level'd from 1-50 and haven't made at least 7 other friends, the problem is you, not the game.


Because those 7 friends are likely to always be on at the exact same times you are?


You are a very closed-mind on this subject I've noticed. Perhaps you could open it up a bit more and see that other people experience things differently to you?

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Because those 7 friends are likely to always be on at the exact same times you are?


You are a very closed-mind on this subject I've noticed. Perhaps you could open it up a bit more and see that other people experience things differently to you?


Maybe you've heard of this thing called communication and scheduling. You should try it some time, you might like it.

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Maybe you've heard of this thing called communication and scheduling. You should try it some time, you might like it.


So reasonable debates are beyond you? Got it., won't bother attempting one with you then. Continue on with your anti-social behaviour that amazingly was not created by the Cross-Server LFG!

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So reasonable debates are beyond you? Got it., won't bother attempting one with you then. Continue on with your anti-social behaviour that amazingly was not created by the Cross-Server LFG!


No, they are beyond you. Numerous people have pointed out your options for lack of players, you ignore it. Perhaps Diablo is more your speed?

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No, they are beyond you. Numerous people have pointed out your options for lack of players, you ignore it. Perhaps Diablo is more your speed?


You like to assume a lot don't you? I have no problems getting groups most of the time, and I'm in a very helpful guild.

I'm just not so arrogant and close-minded to not realise other people aren't so lucky, or on as good servers. I also realise that any 'advice' given is more just a brush-off, a "I don't care, it's not my problem, go deal with it." response that offers no real help to those players, but just more a want for them to shut up because you don't want to deal with it.

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Any ETA on the LFG Cross Server tool? Will it be before or after the server merges?


Last i saw bioware is still agaisnt a cross server lfg tool for pve. which is why there are so many threads trying to figure out why bioware still hasnt figured out what it takes to make a succesful mmo.

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I find it amusing how you state this and then go on to say you don't want to play with people on other servers.


His point was meeting and getting to know people and you can not do that with people you only see one time.


But, I my self am for a LFG.

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Last i saw bioware is still agaisnt a cross server lfg tool for pve. which is why there are so many threads trying to figure out why bioware still hasnt figured out what it takes to make a succesful mmo.


There is nothing that is saying the game well not last. People thing MMO need millions of suber's to be "Succesful". SWG last 8 years and that was with 2 BIG F up's.

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Actually, I've leveled a couple of healers and a single Jugg tank, all without a LFG tool. And I have no complaints from even a single HM group I've run along with at end game. To the point, my Merc is geared in full Rakata and my tank is well on the way to the same. Mind you, I've never ever had a real issue finding groups. I didn't rely upon the computer to find me people to play with, shrug.


But by all means, continue beating the dead horse, sigh.

I have only gotten one group for Boarding Party... I would estimate I am one for 15 at best when it comes to finding a group. The horse raceing under the name "Can't find gruops" is alive and well and there appear to be a lot more people having that problem than not.


The challenge of an FP or OPS should be the actual content of the FP or OPS, not the logistics behind forming a group together, not building a vast network of social contacts over time that you can draw upon to fill your needs, not the current LFG tool that is inadequate and underused, and certainly not fighting with your servers lack of population.


Thank you... so true.


You keep using that word, "simplicity". I do not think it means what you think it means.


It is not lazy to want to DO flashpoints instead of WAIT to do flashpoints, any more than it's lazy to WRITE A TERM PAPER rather than PROCRASTINATING about writing a term paper.


Server merging will not work. Go to the 1 or 2 full servers at primetime. Look at their population. They cannot support a reasonable number of groups sub-50 (except the first flashpoint). They cannot support a reasonable number of groups outside of primetime at any level.


Exactly... On nights where I have nothing to do I have spent 2 hours looking for a gruop... in vain. Everything from spamming "Tank LFG Flashpoint" PST, to heading to the apprprieate level plannet, to /whoing people and sending a whisper and feeling very rude byy doing that. There are plenty of nights wehre I don't have 2 hours to play, much less form a group, and would like to able to do things othe than soloing which I find to not be nearly as fun as group content... and being a tank I feel it is my job to lean how to do that well.


Lol, if you level'd from 1-50 and haven't made at least 7 other friends, the problem is you, not the game.

People level at different paces... I check my friends list and most of the people on their are either now to high or to low to play the game with without it being a walk through...


I still maintain that at level 50 the extra frustrations that come from an LFG tool may be worth it to build communiity... but leveling up it shouldn't take more htan half and hour to find a group for a flashpoint... and that is being generous.

Edited by Crazy_Person
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