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Someone explain the LFG tool hate?


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. I'm sick of people like Vakirus (who keeps posting here), who has stated that he wants to remain on a light server so he can benefit from the bonus's inherent on light servers, however because the downside is that it is harder to group he wants x-server. He is one of the want, want, want generation who appears, to me to give nothing for anyone else apart from himself.


He knew this game came without a x-server LFG but because of his own decisions to specifically wants to play on a light server wants to impose his way of playing on others.


Huh? How would a cross server LFG tool which I want be imposing my way of play on you? You allways have the choice to not use one. And yeah..I did buy the game knowing there was'nt one in the game at launch and I have enjoyed it a lot and still do actually. I also joined it when I thought the UI needed to have more options for the player, which was eventually added. Just because a game does not have a feature at launch does not mean it does not need one later on. And this game needs one badly, because the story line and leveling..dailies will only be appealing to most for a few short months.

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In your opinion. In mine it was part of the symptom that eventually left me with the easy decision to leave


Yes.it is my opinion..but atleast it is one which is backed up with some facts which are revealed by Blizzard's actions with the cross server LFG tool. :cool:

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Transfers are coming, take your heads out of your..... find a new server that suits your population fit and once the transfers happen, move your other character, not rocket science


The transfers are not going to work the way some think they will. To get to a high pop server from a low pop one..you are going to have to pay for that. Sure this is speculation, but it is based on how server transfers have happened in WoW atleast. Rift lost so many subs they merged the servers into a few ones. I really hope BioWare never reaches that point of desperation.

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I dont think they are wrong, its the truth. But people dont always want to see the truth :eek:


After 6 months people still spread false words of "I must sit in fleet to group" even tho they do know very well that this is a lie.


I have sat at fleet for hours trying to find groups and to date have never been able to get into an 8 man run because there is nobody to run with or we can't get a balanced group. The truth is the lack of available players outside of the 2 to 4 hours of peak time.



Wow did loose massive sub´s in the last years, to see this you only need to google. The reason that You think it has grown is your lack of understanding the informations that are given to you.


I can create web pages saying the sky is pink and they will show up on google but does that mean everything on google is fact? Do we go by rumor or reality?


I have been there from day 1, every game does have it's up and down trends but nobody can say WoW is declining for any LFG tool as so many of you claim. There is no direct proof that LFG tools hurt a MMO and on the other side, WoW proved the LFG tool makes them stronger.


Wow is big at Asia, the massive increase of subs over there and the Asia like addon do cover the massive decrease in subs at europe and the states.


Every raid I run I require even the pugs to get in my vent. On average there is a asian accent maybe 1% of the time......


There is no decline of North American memberships, this is a great example of false propaganda spread by the elitists to try snd keep their hold over the endgame content as 'special' and only for them.



Aslong people dont open their eyes for the tools that are there, they will not understand that grouping never was a problem at vanilla. I did every dungeon at the appropiate lvl with every alt of mine until TBC. You did not need a guild for it, but a mouth to talk - or rather fingers to type.


Right, that is why missions of people complained there was nobody to play with. I was there and I followed the discussions. Yes, if you were an all day player living at home and no job you had no problem getting groups, just like this game where if you can play 24/7 you don't have any complaints.


Those of us who can't play in that narrow 2 to 4 hour window do have problems finding groups because there simply is not a big rnough player base logged on to form groups.



I do play at strange hours due my job and even at 10 am you find groups. Please stop spreading lie´s!


I checked all the servers this morning and even the fatman said low population so there is your lie.


I try for hours and there is never any groups to join. That is why we are here, if we had no issue with spamming for groups and getting them there is no reason to complain now is there? BW announsing a same server LFG tool shows they even admit there is a problem, they just want to try that to see how it goes but you can be sure unless they close around 50% of the servers this will remain a problem that needs some action.



If someone is on a dead server as he didnt want to wait 20 min in queue´s at release then he is unfortunately a victim of his own acting, and should stop complaining but move his char to any server with a mid-high population or join a guild at his old server.


What? BW asked us to spread out and not all go to one server, we did as they asked now we are abandoned. Until they offer the transfers we can't move to new servers and even then we lost guilds and such.

if people would actually try to find a group instead of whining all day here, they would find them. Ofc you wont find a group if all you do is open thread after thread here :o


Try paying attention, there is no people to group with, this is our issue. How long spamming for a group is long enough without result? Out of pure curisoty I spammed for almost 3 hours one day, got 2 other people tops, we would lose one and gain one and never got over 3 people in that almost 3 hours.

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This is a lot more accurate then some want to beleave. The hold up now is not BioWare's concern about a cross sever tool messing up the community, but is from a technical issue with adding one for all the end game content. They are adding a cross server LFG tool for PVP. Which will allow them to see how such a tool will work. Eventually, like this poster said, they will add a cross server one for PVE content because it is needed. But they really should have worked on one during beta. I cannot help but feel this game was rushed out before some features they wanted to add at launch was done.


Thats a pretty big assumption dont you think? Why would they only experiment on a PvP xserver and not PvE? Where exactly are you getting that the only reason they are not doing it is purely a "technical issue." Unlike Blizzard ... Bioware seems to have standards when it comes to its community. They wont just blindly release a tool without considering the consequences as well as the benefits. Unlike Blizzard, they seem to value their community. They clearly stated why there wont be an in game DPS meter and why it wont collect data from all players to be judged and ridiculed. A consequence very related to what an xserver LFG brings along with it.


Also saying its "needed" is an opinion. The only thing we can all agree with as being "needed" is a method of finding groups that doesnt require one to spam in the fleet and that low pop servers need help. Claiming xserver is the only solution is also nothing short of an opinion.

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The transfers are not going to work the way some think they will. To get to a high pop server from a low pop one..you are going to have to pay for that. Sure this is speculation, but it is based on how server transfers have happened in WoW atleast. Rift lost so many subs they merged the servers into a few ones. I really hope BioWare never reaches that point of desperation.


They lost all those subs because they added an X-LFG and nerfed the hell out of the game due to the LFG. Players who were randomly thrown together could not grasp the concept of group play

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They lost all those subs because they added an X-LFG and nerfed the hell out of the game due to the LFG. Players who were randomly thrown together could not grasp the concept of group play


There's nothing easy about Heroic Spine or Heroic Rag

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It won't have any impact on me per se but it will on others.


As has previously been said and my past experience backs this up, there is an opinion that as people tend to use the path of least resistance it will dilute the pool from which people will have to pull their groups together. You probably don't believe this, I don't know, but mathematically it's correct.


Where it does impact me, in my opinion is that when you get x-server LFG you will want a x-server LFO (Operations) which then pushes more people into having to raid, because as raiding becomes easier then Bioware will have to spend more resources into raiding content, to keep up, and less on other end game content.


As for appealing to most, I believe that even though Blizzard have made there game effectively raid only there is still less than half of the accounts that use LFR, or actually raid. I believe that I am in the silent majority (maybe I'm not, who knows) but certainly you have no statistics, or knowledge apart from your skewed view on a light server that x-server is badly needed because of the problems you are having.

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And again, that's your problem, not Biowares. If you are too stubborn to reroll on a more populated server I do not feel sorry for you


No, really, it's BioWare's problem and it will become a problem for more and more players.


People are cancelling their subs because a game that is supposed to be an MMO feels empty to them. They are doing this because they believe it's reasonable to expect BioWare to provide the MMO environment they promised, and BioWare is not doing that, through their own inaction. Cancelled subs obviously impact BioWare's revenue and profit so it's BioWare's problem.


No amount of telling someone to reroll is going to convince them that the service they are paying for isn't at fault here, or to continue to fund the company that they feel is not honoring its promise of providing an MMO, or to continue to invest time in the game.


Now you may not see the cancelled subs in the numbers EA will report soon. There's a good reason for that. You might recall that BioWare recently gave just about everybody a free month. Guess what? They get to count that free month as an "active" subscriber. Works wonders for the reporting, especially when said month falls at the end of a quarter and even better at the end of the company's fiscal year. EA executives are stock-market smart, and it shows.


But the thing is, all those people cancelling and checking off the "finding groups is a PITA" checkbox on the cancel survey may not care about that free month and therefore may not play during it. As more and more people cancel because the MMO experience they were promised doesn't exist, the remaining players will discover that finding a group becomes harder and harder.


It will create a horrible downward spiral that, if unchecked, will land this game right where SWG was: a small, niche player that could have been something amazing, if only...


X-LFG is not the only answer to this problem, but it will go a long way to helping stem the tide. It will make people feel like they're getting more of a multi-player experience. But it won't work as single-server because, as you can see from tons of posts on this thread or even the most cursory examination of the server status page, there simply aren't enough players on the vast majority of servers to support grouping, enhanced single-server tool or not.


BioWare will need to do more than X-LFG to make this feel like an MMO for most players, of course. A key to this is to consolidate more players onto fewer servers. They're working at that with server transfers. They may merge servers at some point in the future but, again, because EA executives are stock-market smart, it won't happen any time soon (see another of my posts in this thread for a deeper explanation why).


But even after BioWare has consolidated player populations onto fewer servers, there's still no guarantee they'll hold populations that will support reasonable times to find groups in single-server environments. Even if you look at Fatman, the most populated server, it doesn't seem like it can support multiple groups across all level bands at primetime. If BioWare really does want more people to experience group content, they're going to have to make the tool cross-server.


And yes, if you choose to use the tool you might encounter more douchenozzles more frequently. Hopefully BioWare will make the tool sufficiently robust so those encounters can be dealt with easily. Plus, if you're afraid to encounter adversity in people in a game and over the internet, why are you even here?

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You were probably part of the group that was screaming at Bioware to open more servers because of queue times. Fail on your part. You see, I waited a few months before picking up the game because I made my mistake with Rift. Played that from beta to headstart and up until a month ago and your exact kind has run that game into the ground already, I would prefer to not see Star Wars follow that same path. And FYI, a game does not need 10 million players to survive


Why is it you are always wrong? Fail on your part to always have the wrong answers in everything I guess, lol.


Other than a couple comments about downloading going very slow for me during beta I never posted here, go back and search my posts if you want to verify it.


BW had their release plans set up from the start and nothing said by the playerbase had anything to do with how many servers they started with. If you know anything about MMO's you know they don't just add servers out of thin air, there is testing and preperation that must happen on every server before they populate it.



My exact kind? What kind is that? Someone who wants a MMO to include the MM part? I am asking for the ability to find groups, I am not asking for anything else.

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The transfers are not going to work the way some think they will. To get to a high pop server from a low pop one..you are going to have to pay for that. Sure this is speculation, but it is based on how server transfers have happened in WoW atleast. Rift lost so many subs they merged the servers into a few ones. I really hope BioWare never reaches that point of desperation.


On this at least we agree

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Thats a pretty big assumption dont you think? Why would they only experiment on a PvP xserver and not PvE? Where exactly are you getting that the only reason they are not doing it is purely a "technical issue." Unlike Blizzard ... Bioware seems to have standards when it comes to its community. They wont just blindly release a tool without considering the consequences as well as the benefits. Unlike Blizzard, they seem to value their community. They clearly stated why there wont be an in game DPS meter and why it wont collect data from all players to be judged and ridiculed. A consequence very related to what an xserver LFG brings along with it.


Also saying its "needed" is an opinion. The only thing we can all agree with as being "needed" is a method of finding groups that doesnt require one to spam in the fleet and that low pop servers need help. Claiming xserver is the only solution is also nothing short of an opinion.


Well..I do remember reading a post from a interview with one of the developers/game leads.etc who did say something along the lines of.." we are going to start with a same server LFG for PVE and cross server for PVP. There are technical issues involved " ..so yeah.there is some speculation on my part and you can take that for what you think applies. :)


But I donot agree with your opinion of Blizzard's concerns with thier community. What they do is not allways take into account what the forum complainers say, but what thier own internal data shows. And unlike here...it is common on thier forums to see Blizzard blue posts within the threads.

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There's nothing easy about Heroic Spine or Heroic Rag


Lol! Exactly. Those opposed to WoW's Looking for Raid tool fail to mention there is allways the option for some who want a bigger challenge to do heroic Dragon Soul. The options are still there for the hardcore raiders. As are the better rewards for doing them successfully.

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They lost all those subs because they added an X-LFG and nerfed the hell out of the game due to the LFG. Players who were randomly thrown together could not grasp the concept of group play


Complete nonsense! The drop in subs came after Cata released, not due to the x-lfd. Subs spiked after the patch that introduced x-lfd. And for every bad group, there were many good groups. In ToR, the same server groups are 50-50 (when you can get one). Ninja's, bads, d-bags...they're already here without a x-server tool.

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Just to touch on a subject I've seen a few people bring up now...


I am on one of the "dead servers". During peak hours, there are rarely more than 100 people on the fleet. This was not a dead server when I chose it at release. It was high population and we regularly experienced queue times like many other servers.


I did not actively pursue a low population server, conversely, I made sure to select a server with a high population, knowing how difficult it can be to find groups or even quality guilds on low population servers.


The presumption that all people on dead or low population servers brought this upon themselves is a little insulting.


That being said, I will gladly take a LFG tool or some kind of server transfer/migration (free or paid). Whichever eases the struggle of forming groups on my server the quickest. While all may be well and good on the servers that have retained their population, the smaller servers just continue to bleed players... and the more players we bleed, the more frustrating it is to find groups... and then we bleed more players... etc. etc. etc.

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Just to touch on a subject I've seen a few people bring up now...


I am on one of the "dead servers". During peak hours, there are rarely more than 100 people on the fleet. This was not a dead server when I chose it at release. It was high population and we regularly experienced queue times like many other servers.


I did not actively pursue a low population server, conversely, I made sure to select a server with a high population, knowing how difficult it can be to find groups or even quality guilds on low population servers.


The presumption that all people on dead or low population servers brought this upon themselves is a little insulting.


That being said, I will gladly take a LFG tool or some kind of server transfer/migration (free or paid). Whichever eases the struggle of forming groups on my server the quickest. While all may be well and good on the servers that have retained their population, the smaller servers just continue to bleed players... and the more players we bleed, the more frustrating it is to find groups... and then we bleed more players... etc. etc. etc.


Well said! I would also add that many of us were ASSIGNED to the servers we're on. Many of us didn't choose where we are, or at least where we started.

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It won't have any impact on me per se but it will on others.


As has previously been said and my past experience backs this up, there is an opinion that as people tend to use the path of least resistance it will dilute the pool from which people will have to pull their groups together. You probably don't believe this, I don't know, but mathematically it's correct.


You have to explain this math you are trying to quote my friend.


If more people can group where normally they could not they will get the chance at better gear now and then and learn content making them a better player and this means "MORE" and "STRONGER" players to form groups with. Without some form of the LFG tool you have maybe 5% of the players with the ability and gear to form groups with.



Where it does impact me, in my opinion is that when you get x-server LFG you will want a x-server LFO (Operations) which then pushes more people into having to raid, because as raiding becomes easier then Bioware will have to spend more resources into raiding content, to keep up, and less on other end game content.


"Having to raid"?


You do know this is marketed as a MMO right? Do you think it should only have single player content just with a lot of people around doing the same single player content?


Generally what defines the MMO these days is the raiding. If you eliminate the raiding, most people would not pay their $15 a month.



As for appealing to most, I believe that even though Blizzard have made there game effectively raid only there is still less than half of the accounts that use LFR, or actually raid. I believe that I am in the silent majority (maybe I'm not, who knows) but certainly you have no statistics, or knowledge apart from your skewed view on a light server that x-server is badly needed because of the problems you are having.


WoW is raid only? Glad you told me, I made a little over 12k from the auctionhouse with my crafted items, made some food and flasks for the raid groups, am currently leveling my 8th toon (shammy) to go with the 7 lvl 85's I already have. My guild chat was filled with teasing and jokes and I recruited a couple new players over the last couple days.


All of these games are about teamwork to beat content for better gear that makes your toon stronger. This game and every other MMO has endgame raiding as the ultimate goal so please do not be silly.



The main point against a LFG tool is the false claim that it hurts the game, well this simply is not true, I keep point out that if this was true we would not see so many new guilds on the servers all do so well. This is hard fact, and fact nobody can refute.

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Complete nonsense! The drop in subs came after Cata released, not due to the x-lfd. Subs spiked after the patch that introduced x-lfd. And for every bad group, there were many good groups. In ToR, the same server groups are 50-50 (when you can get one). Ninja's, bads, d-bags...they're already here without a x-server tool.


First off you aren't even quoting me on the right game. I commented on Rift now WoW. Good job at paying attention

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Well said! I would also add that many of us were ASSIGNED to the servers we're on. Many of us didn't choose where we are, or at least where we started.


Yes. The argument it is our fault for being on a low pop server is so far off the turth. Anyone who would agree with that is only trying to be argumentive to push a opinion they have blindly forward.

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Sadly this solution screws over low population servers, though I agree that cross-server PVP & LFG makes it more difficult for communities to develop.


How about a little tick box that makes it optional to search for players outside of your server?

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Yes. The argument it is our fault for being on a low pop server is so far off the turth. Anyone who would agree with that is only trying to be argumentive to push a opinion they have blindly forward.


It's your fault for staying on the low pop server. You have the option to re-roll on another server. It is your fault for not choosing to. Christ, do you people need to be hand held for everything

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First off you aren't even quoting me on the right game. I commented on Rift now WoW. Good job at paying attention


To form any opinion of a "trend" because of something you have to show it was first healthy, or at least stagnant then "after" a LFG tool was added suddenly everyone took off.....this is not the case with Rift, their issues were many and varied and adding the LFG toll was done in desperation to try and stem the flow.



There is no correlation between any decline in Rift and any single aspect of their game.

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It's your fault for staying on the low pop server. You have the option to re-roll on another server. It is your fault for not choosing to. Christ, do you people need to be hand held for everything


We got assigned to the server by Bioware when they ported guilds in. It was a high pop server with a queue when we were leveling. We finished EV and KP HM - it was still a high pop server.


And now it's a ghost town.


So, are you to telling me to give up 3 months worth of character progression, gearing and just reroll with the ENTIRE guild on Fatman ?? Will Bioware give me my $45 bucks I wasted those 3 months leveling on soon to be dead server?


And what's to say that a high pop server like Fatman won't be dead in another 3 months. So, your solution is to reroll to a new server whenever my current server dies ??

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It's your fault for staying on the low pop server. You have the option to re-roll on another server. It is your fault for not choosing to. Christ, do you people need to be hand held for everything


Rerolling on a high pop server is not a option in my book. Get it? So yeah...if a cross server LFG tool is not added to help us on low pop servers, then it will be our choice to stay. But if we unsub....I think I know who's fault that will be and it will not be the player's. There are too many good games out to shed any tears from leaving another one which the developers fail to add the tools the game needs. You do know the customer allways has the advantages in situations like that?

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