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Someone explain the LFG tool hate?


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This is all a moot point. Bioware will implement an LFG tool, and for technical / 'let the community adapt' reasons it will be single server at first, but eventually it will go cross server.


It is NOT a matter of IF, it is a matter of WHEN.


And you can quote whatever you like from whatever developer you want saying otherwise, but it won't make the above any less true.


And the reason is simple. Every major competitor out there either has or will have cross server grouping abilities. The 'suits' at Bioware will not handicap their game by not offering features that are in high demand with today's player base that other games have, regardless of any individual developer's personal feelings.


This is a lot more accurate then some want to beleave. The hold up now is not BioWare's concern about a cross sever tool messing up the community, but is from a technical issue with adding one for all the end game content. They are adding a cross server LFG tool for PVP. Which will allow them to see how such a tool will work. Eventually, like this poster said, they will add a cross server one for PVE content because it is needed. But they really should have worked on one during beta. I cannot help but feel this game was rushed out before some features they wanted to add at launch was done.

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Dungeons were ever designed to be a chain run only game. That's the concept the pro LFG folks haven't grasped. There is more to an MMO than running dungeons/FP's or whatever you want to call them. Learn the RPG part.


We don't necessarily want to chain-run dungeons, even though that wouldn't be a bad thing. Let players play the content they want to play.


But we do want the ability to get into a flashpoint without wasting more than half our gaming time standing around fleet doing nothing but spamming and waiting.

Edited by DarthTHC
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This is a lot more accurate then some want to beleave. The hold up now is not BioWare's concern about a cross sever tool messing up the community, but is from a technical issue with adding one for all the end game content. They are adding a cross server LFG tool for PVP. Which will allow them to see how such a tool will work. Eventually, like this poster said, they will add a cross server one for PVE content because it is needed. But they really should have worked on one during beta. I cannot help but feel this game was rushed out before some features they wanted to add at launch was done.


I agree with you completely. It's just a matter of how soon they will release a x-server LFG. It's long due.


I also think that the game was extremely poorly managed during development state. Too much resource were wasted on VO and story and too little on developing actual gameplay and QOL issues of the average gamer.

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We don't necessarily want to chain-run dungeons.


But we do want the ability to get into a flashpoint without wasting more than half our gaming time standing around fleet doing nothing but spamming and waiting.


Lol, why are you wasting time standing around on the fleet? Go hit the planets where the payers are and start looking.g for a group while you quest.

Edited by Skidrowbro
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Dungeons were ever designed to be a chain run only game. That's the concept the pro LFG folks haven't grasped. There is more to an MMO than running dungeons/FP's or whatever you want to call them. Learn the RPG part.


As it has been pointed out many..many times, you do have the choice of not using a LFG tool you know? Donot like it..donot use it..simple solution. If you want to put down others for using it, then you are trying to tell them how a game should be played. And you are entitled to your opinion...but that is all it is. A LFG tool is coming soon..and I predict...eventually a cross server one for PVE content.

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, the guy quoted the staff of this game saying taking gear for helpers is perfectly okay, so where is the community action against a Ninja when even the staff say being a Ninja is okay? You have no basis for saying a LFG tool is bad, only empty claims that sound like fear of letting a 'casual' player get a chance at seeing endgame content and making the Elitists less "special".


Brilliant lol

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Lol, why are you wasting time standing around on the fleet? Go hit the planets where the payers are and start looking.g for a group while you quest.


I have no quests left and I dont do dailies.

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Lol, why are you wasting time standing around on the fleet? Go hit the planets where the payers are and start looking.g for a group while you quest.


Which planet? What players? What quests?


Finished quests on all planets. Finished all the dailies for the day.

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Lol, why are you wasting time standing around on the fleet? Go hit the planets where the payers are and start looking.g for a group while you quest.


What are you talking about?


If you want to get together an 8 man run, you would go to what planet? Educate us a little if you know so much?


I look at my server list during the day and the averagfe planet has maybe 5 people on it and the station has maybe 50 of all levels. I have spent hours spamming for groups to get nowhere. You have no real grasp to the problem of nobody available to play with do you?

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It would be fun, if you (after the Flashpoint finishes or a player leave) could rate from 1 to 5 every other players you ran with.


So, when you join a FP you can see the [1 - 5] Rating of each player. Maybe you can even search a group only with (for example) 4+ rating players (There would be a lot of complications though).


This way, people will be afraid to do bad things


This wouldn't work either because you would have those trolls that would rate you a 1 just for the sake of being a troll.

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What are you talking about?


If you want to get together an 8 man run, you would go to what planet? Educate us a little if you know so much?


I look at my server list during the day and the averagfe planet has maybe 5 people on it and the station has maybe 50 of all levels. I have spent hours spamming for groups to get nowhere. You have no real grasp to the problem of nobody available to play with do you?


And again, that's your problem, not Biowares. If you are too stubborn to reroll on a more populated server I do not feel sorry for you

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This wouldn't work either because you would have those trolls that would rate you a 1 just for the sake of being a troll.


Yep...dumb idea. The best solution is to use the ignore feature and kick them from the group if you can. A lot of good things in life also come with some baggage.

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Lol, why are you wasting time standing around on the fleet?
Because that increases the chance of actually finding a group... going to a planet just decreases the chance of actually finding a group, even if you assume that they have something worth doing on any planet. Edited by ferroz
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And again, that's your problem, not Biowares. If you are too stubborn to reroll on a more populated server I do not feel sorry for you


So, what acc to you is the purpose of the low pop servers if people NEED to reroll for their game fulfillment? Why did Bioware made us waste 3 months and $15/month leveling on a dead server?

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The success of WoW directly proves you wrong..


99 billion served at McDonlads, doesn't make it a 5 star restaurant does it?




UM........nice fantacy there, I guess it helps to support your false beliefs of how things are in WoW but the sad truth is the LFG tools came before activision, so sad for you to be so horribly wrong.


2007 is when Activision and Blizzard merged. WotLK came out in 2008 and was the product of that merge. Hmm, why does WotLK play more like an easy mode action game than an MMORPG? Simple, Activision only knows how to make action games.

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So, what acc to you is the purpose of the low pop servers if people NEED to reroll for their game fulfillment? Why did Bioware made us waste 3 months and $15/month leveling on a dead server?


Transfers are coming, take your heads out of your..... find a new server that suits your population fit and once the transfers happen, move your other character, not rocket science

Edited by Skidrowbro
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I really feel bad that so many of you feel it necessary to come here and say such wrong things over and over as if it was true, but of course you have no actual proof or facts to back up your claims.


I dont think they are wrong, its the truth. But people dont always want to see the truth :eek:


After 6 months people still spread false words of "I must sit in fleet to group" even tho they do know very well that this is a lie.


If the LFG tool was so bad, why did WoW get stronger after they added it? If the tool eliminated guilds, why are there so many successful guilds on every WoW server? If everyone just runs crazy in the LFG raids why is it so many people do them and are so happy with them they keep paying their $15 a month?


Wow did loose massive sub´s in the last years, to see this you only need to google. The reason that You think it has grown is your lack of understanding the informations that are given to you.


Wow is big at Asia, the massive increase of subs over there and the Asia like addon do cover the massive decrease in subs at europe and the states.


I have played WoW from vanilla and watched the LFG discussion from it's start and the reason they turned to it is the same reasons most of us are asking for it, nobody to group up with.


Aslong people dont open their eyes for the tools that are there, they will not understand that grouping never was a problem at vanilla. I did every dungeon at the appropiate lvl with every alt of mine until TBC. You did not need a guild for it, but a mouth to talk - or rather fingers to type.


So the issue is not that people are lazy, or that they want to ninja everything, or that they hate other people, the issue is about having enough people to run with outside that 2 to 4 hour window.


I do play at strange hours due my job and even at 10 am you find groups. Please stop spreading lie´s!


If someone is on a dead server as he didnt want to wait 20 min in queue´s at release then he is unfortunately a victim of his own acting, and should stop complaining but move his char to any server with a mid-high population or join a guild at his old server.


if people would actually try to find a group instead of whining all day here, they would find them. Ofc you wont find a group if all you do is open thread after thread here :o

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I solo most of the time these days, rarely grouping but I am against this change to cross server for two main reasons:


1. I don't want to raid and I see x-server as a lazy way for Bioware to then make the end game raid, PvP or die, if they go down that route I won't be here long. They need to build content for everyone not just those that want to do operations/flashpoints


2. I'm sick of people like Vakirus (who keeps posting here), who has stated that he wants to remain on a light server so he can benefit from the bonus's inherent on light servers, however because the downside is that it is harder to group he wants x-server. He is one of the want, want, want generation who appears, to me to give nothing for anyone else apart from himself.


He knew this game came without a x-server LFG but because of his own decisions to specifically wants to play on a light server wants to impose his way of playing on others.

Edited by mothear
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It was kinda nice meeting players from other servers that I havent seen in a while, and occasionally I ask how they have been. I played WoW from mid-Crusades to mid-Cata (cata ruined it for me) and saw no major drawback from the LFG tool. Yes there were ninjas, and yes there were morons, but those people existed without the LFG too. You may not run with people just from your server, but you still have a chance of re-meeting people; I did that in WoW al lthe time. Cross server LFG does not kill the community, simply expands it.


LFG was my favorite part of WoW (other than my mage portals, loved those) for several reasons.

1: Easy access to group content.

2: Saves much time.

3: Allowed me to multitask, farm mats that I needed while in queue for example.

4: Discouraged sitting in town all day doing absolutely nothing. while spamming for a group.

5: Socialization. Occassionally there was a group that said nothing to eachother, but there is more types of communication than just typing/talking. All those players understood eachother's classes well enough and knew their role well enough to just read eachothers' action and act accordingly. This is not a sign of humanity's failure, but more of a grand kind of thing. Those players adapted and preformed skillfully without communicating verbally.

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And again, that's your problem, not Biowares. If you are too stubborn to reroll on a more populated server I do not feel sorry for you




WaIt a second there pal, the staff of this game asked us to spead out so we did not all try to roll on one server from day 1. I did as asked and my server is dead, the lack of players is not may fault, it is their fault for creating twice as many servers as is healthy for grouping.


The MM is missing from this MMO, and that is not my fault.



Why should I throw away a lvl 50 toon as well as a few other toons I have started? The time I spent making these toon is gone, the money I spent to play the game during this time is gone, what do I have to show for it? I will not kill my toon off because BW has a population problem I did not cause.




Besides, even with large populations, groups are still difficult to get during the day on the fatman, if groups are a problem on that server they are all in trouble. The main issue is BW can sustain large numbers on ther servers like WoW does so they had to splinter people off but because people all play at different times, being able to find a complete balanced group on your server during the time you have available to play is a difficult thing to do, even WoW had that problem with much larger populations on each server.....and that is why they created the LFG tool.

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And again, that's your problem, not Biowares. If you are too stubborn to reroll on a more populated server I do not feel sorry for you


It is very much BioWare's problem. And losing subs because of a lack of some tools will eventually become everyone's problem who plays the game.

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Transfers are coming, take your heads out of your..... find a new server that suits your population fit and once the transfers happen, move your other character, not rocket science


Typical fanboy response of resorting to abuse when logic fails.


And yes, I have unsubbed and will stay unsubbed till they implement feature like cross-server LFG and server transfers.

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Wow did loose massive sub´s in the last years, to see this you only need to google. The reason that You think it has grown is your lack of understanding the informations that are given to you.


They did not lose those subs because of the cross server LFG tool. You really think they are so dumb they would expand and improve upon a feature that caused them to lose a lot of subs? :p

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They did not lose those subs because of the cross server LFG tool. You really think they are so dumb they would expand and improve upon a feature that caused them to lose a lot of subs? :p


In your opinion. In mine it was part of the symptom that eventually left me with the easy decision to leave

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WaIt a second there pal, the staff of this game asked us to spead out so we did not all try to roll on one server from day 1. I did as asked and my server is dead, the lack of players is not may fault, it is their fault for creating twice as many servers as is healthy for grouping.


The MM is missing from this MMO, and that is not my fault.



Why should I throw away a lvl 50 toon as well as a few other toons I have started? The time I spent making these toon is gone, the money I spent to play the game during this time is gone, what do I have to show for it? I will not kill my toon off because BW has a population problem I did not cause.




Besides, even with large populations, groups are still difficult to get during the day on the fatman, if groups are a problem on that server they are all in trouble. The main issue is BW can sustain large numbers on ther servers like WoW does so they had to splinter people off but because people all play at different times, being able to find a complete balanced group on your server during the time you have available to play is a difficult thing to do, even WoW had that problem with much larger populations on each server.....and that is why they created the LFG tool.


You were probably part of the group that was screaming at Bioware to open more servers because of queue times. Fail on your part. You see, I waited a few months before picking up the game because I made my mistake with Rift. Played that from beta to headstart and up until a month ago and your exact kind has run that game into the ground already, I would prefer to not see Star Wars follow that same path. And FYI, a game does not need 10 million players to survive

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