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Someone explain the LFG tool hate?


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The X-LFD tool does one thing, bring people who want to group up together. That's a fact, not an opinion. Also, if people fear interacting with so called "sociopaths," than don't use the Tool.


^ QFBFT = Quote For Big *********** Truth!


Don't like the tool? Don't use it. Don't blame it if people want to use it and actually get groups to see content. That's just stupid thinking.

Edited by noodlehaus
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It doesn't create sociopaths. Sociopaths are in the game or not now. Right now. And they're sociopathing right now.


The only thing X-LFG will do WRT sociopaths is get you into groups with them more frequently. But it will also get you into groups with really good, friendly people more frequently, too.


The percentage of sociopaths to good people will remain the same. Only the frequency with which you encounter them will change, because you'll get more groups more often.


If you're afraid of encountering a few sociopaths, maybe you shouldn't MMO?


I am quoting this post because I think it's 100% true and I hope Bioware reads it and reverses their stance on X-server LFG.

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My only opposition to LFG/Group finder Tool is the Cross Server part. I'm all for it, just not cross server. I've seen what that did in two other MMOs.


It didn't do anything to those games, they're still thriving. I logged into WoW last night and ran a heroic with Guildies. We needed one more dpser which took 2 seconds to find in que. The run went silky smooth and my Guildies and I had a good time.

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It doesn't create sociopaths. Sociopaths are in the game or not now. Right now. And they're sociopathing right now.


The only thing X-LFG will do WRT sociopaths is get you into groups with them more frequently. But it will also get you into groups with really good, friendly people more frequently, too.


<sigh> peoples reading comprehension has been nerfed or something??


I NEVER SAID it creates sociopaths.


I SAID it is candy for them, they live for this sort of wide open grief gate where there is no consequence to their behaviors. At least on same server LFG, they get rep tagged pretty quickly and nobody will group with them.


You are absolutely right you will get into more groups with sociopaths in them in a cross server LFG mechanic. That was my point.

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It didn't do anything to those games, they're still thriving. I logged into WoW last night and ran a heroic with Guildies. We needed one more dpser which took 2 seconds to find in que. The run went silky smooth and my Guildies and I had a good time.


Same here. I logged in this evening in WoW....ran Dragon Soul raid with 2 other guildies using the cross server LFR tool and we were in que maybe 10 mins and 50 mins later..the run was over..no wipes. Had a blast.

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<sigh> peoples reading comprehension has been nerfed or something??


I NEVER SAID it creates sociopaths.


I SAID it is candy for them, they live for this sort of wide open grief gate where there is no consequence to their behaviors. At least on same server LFG, they get rep tagged pretty quickly and nobody will group with them.


You are absolutely right you will get into more groups with sociopaths in them in a cross server LFG mechanic. That was my point.


in wow you can actually put players from other realms on your ignore list, and you will never be grouped with them again. it will also work in this game.


his point is you get grouped up more, spend less time waiting, and that the RATIO of sociopaths vs GOOD players is the same, cross server or not.

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For the majority of players, MMO's are about getting to experience the content. This often requires grouping. The "community" argument is moronic on it's face. Having a x-server LFG tool in no way precludes you from forming a guild. A premade with known players will always be better than a PUG with a bunch of random people. The idea that there is some thriving community that is imperiled by being able to group for FP's with players from other servers is just laughable.


"Oh no! We have to preserver the endless general chat spam on fleets! What will we do without our community?"

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The X-LFD tool does one thing, bring people who want to group up together. That's a fact, not an opinion. Also, if people fear interacting with so called "sociopaths," than don't use the Tool.


Agree. The ignore player feature works well too...esp in WoW. I know..my list is rather long...lol. Has not hampered me getting grps for runs ether. Just cuts down on the jerks in the grp.

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<sigh> peoples reading comprehension has been nerfed or something??


I NEVER SAID it creates sociopaths.


I SAID it is candy for them, they live for this sort of wide open grief gate where there is no consequence to their behaviors. At least on same server LFG, they get rep tagged pretty quickly and nobody will group with them.


You are absolutely right you will get into more groups with sociopaths in them in a cross server LFG mechanic. That was my point.


No consequence? They get kicked, how about that for a consequence. It's the system we have now that we have to deal with sociopaths because nobody wants to go back to fleet and spam for an hour for a replacement.

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here's an idea, merge servers.


nuff said.


merge the servers and then all servers will have healthy population levels and no need for LFG tool


Population doesn't promise you more players who WANT to group up. It's all about increasing the pool of players who WANT to group up at all hours of the day. X-server is the only answer and sure, throw in the option to search just your server.

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here's an idea, merge servers.


nuff said.


merge the servers and then all servers will have healthy population levels and no need for LFG tool


No. That would be a bad sign and a desperate move. You do know WoW has never merged servers? And the only time they have offered free transfers is from high pop ones to low pop ones. A good functional cross server LFG tool would do away with any need to merge servers.

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No. That would be a bad sign and a desperate move. You do know WoW has never merged servers? And the only time they have offered free transfers is from high pop ones to low pop ones. A good functional cross server LFG tool would do away with any need to merge servers.


You still have to consider the problem with finding groups in lower-level content down the road when most players are in end-game. Anyone try leveling a toon in WoW recently? It would be impossible to run Pre-85 dungeons without the X-server Tool. With it, you can literally level up your toon just running Dungeons the whole time.

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My only opposition to LFG/Group finder Tool is the Cross Server part. I'm all for it, just not cross server. I've seen what that did in two other MMOs.


Can you please elaborate on what you feel it did to the other 2 games?



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I've never understood the hate for a cross-server LFG system either.


As it stands, this game has no community to preserve. Just a mob of unfocused individuals and the occasional clique but no overall community. The lion's share of the game is built to be a single player game. That isn't going to instill any grand sense of community. Furthermore, the endgame system is competitive with PVP being more so. The result of that is that even within guilds you have people stepping over other people to get to the top instead of working together.


From personal experience, anyone that tells you that their guild isn't a haven for irritating highschool level drama, either apparent or not, is full of it.

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You still have to consider the problem with finding groups in lower-level content down the road when most players are in end-game. Anyone try leveling a toon in WoW recently? It would be impossible to run Pre-85 dungeons without the X-server Tool. With it, you can literally level up your toon just running Dungeons the whole time.


I agree. Thus my reference to a good functional cross server LFG tool , which would take care of that situation and does now in WoW.

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Christ, scroll back or read the other 100's of topics aboutt this subject.


I have read all those and posted many times, I am looking for a fresh perspective, the person I was talking to has not posted before and did not clarify what it was that he felt LFG did to the last two games.

Ease up a bit playboy...

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Well with everything here being a repeat of all the prior postings, whether pro or con, I do not feel that there is any freshness to this dead horse/glue debacle of a debate.


There appear to be apologies for both sides of the stance people have taken.


Thankfully there may be less debate with the advent of the character transfers and the regular LFG system as well.

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Well with everything here being a repeat of all the prior postings, whether pro or con, I do not feel that there is any freshness to this dead horse/glue debacle of a debate.


There appear to be apologies for both sides of the stance people have taken.


Thankfully there may be less debate with the advent of the character transfers and the regular LFG system as well.


Time proves all things....but I am not holding my breath on those two options. I think it does need to be kept up with the pros and cons of this subject so we can keep the issue fresh in the minds of the developers. Otherwise...."out of sight...out of mind " would prevail. :cool:

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I have participated heavily in this thread and there is still a very big unanswered question sitting out there.


Can anyone put into words what this so called "community" that the LFG would be killing is?


I mean is it:

People talking on the boards?

General chat LFG spam?

Telling jokes in trade?

Pugging raids and FPs?

Discussing politics or current events in /1?

People putting together major city boss kills like in WoW for achevos/mounts?

World PVP events planned in /trade?

Selling girl scout cookies or setting up a car wash for the bball team to go to camp?


What exactly is the mystical community that we see people over and over telling us will die if BW lets x-server LFG in game?

If we could get a straight answer to this question, we may have a better idea of how a LFG tool would tear it all apart?

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People putting together major city boss kills like in WoW for achevos/mounts?


this was one of the best experiences I had with the wow achievements :) teaming up with 39 random players and invading the opposing faction cities was awesome. that's good world pvp right there.

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