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Someone explain the LFG tool hate?


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Talk about a say nothing accusation.


Nope you must just work there because the objective is more important than the enjoyment to you.


Don't even try to pretend that games don't get dumbed down for the masses in order for it to be "accessable" to the masses.


The intent is to make as much money as possible. The key is to dumb it down just enough to get more people playing and feeling special and not bore you away from the game at the same time. If this were 10-15 years ago I'd still have an ounce of faith that profit isn't the sole reason people make games anymore.


A exaggeration is that. No need to go into details. :p


I enjoy being able to log on and do some end game content in a timely manner.


Yes, content is made easier for casual gamers because they donot want to spend hours wiping on content and still not get it done. But the options to make content more challenging for those who want it is still there.


Yes...game companies do need to make profits and yes..that is thier main objective in creating a game. Nothing wrong with that. And if they make a game which is fun and long lasting enjoyment for many..they will make money. Again nothing wrong with that. Games are made to give players a fun experence.

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Actually you're hoping to explain away a few reservations that people have with a "X-SERVER" LFG tool in mmos in general.



Don't hold any weight for you.

and many many others who have already quit the game making it even harder to find groups with the current system.



It doesen't and this is a strawman argument. You're approaching this as through it was x-lfg already, never once considering there will eventually come a time that you barely if ever spam for people again because you've gotten to know enough players. Were talking about a community of players, not general chatters.

You're assuming everyone in a server will become bestfriends or something? I think fantasy MMOs fit you better.

The idiotic chatter goes from chuck norris jokes to dead baby jokes as soon as you put people in a position that what their fellow players think about them doesen't matter. Again, were talking about a community of players, not chatters. If you're 5-6 months in on a mmo and still struggle to find people to run dungeons with, either the game sucks or you do.

I guess you answered your own question on this one. People are leaving this game in waves before the 6 month mark so I guess it sucks.



Most people I know who are against x-server lfg aren't this sentimental about immersion. That said, yeah it takes it from a mmo world to a CoD lobby.

CoD stomped the FPS market, including the untouchable Halo, because of their ability to give players instant grouping. Players go where they get more bang for their buck.


So the old justify need over someones main character for your pet's gear trick again? Without x-server lfg, things like "I needed it for my pet" are a limited time offer before your reputation will precede you. At that point you'd be whining for x-realm on the forums to try to force your way into groups.

KICK, reque, instant replacement for pet ninja. People who use LFD, use it to complete Flashpoints. If they keep getting kicked, that type of gameplay will disappear. The only reason people started needing on their companions is because there was NO consequence. Nobody wanted to kick the player and go back to fleet and spam for another hour to find a replacement.


Oh, the don't use it argument. Then I take it you wouldn't mind me opening up a brothel or crack house next door to where you live. Its cool dude, don't use it if you don't like it. Aside from that, with all the friends you keep talking about its hard to beleive that you already don't just log on to raid as it is.

Now whose using strawman arguements, or should I say Strawman analogies?


You forgot the most important thing about x-server lfg tool. Six months after x-server lfg the game plays like digital candyland because little johnny who couldn't find groups before because he sucked soo bad has now become a permanent liability for us all. This game is already less complicated than super mario bros, is that really what you want?


Ahhh, the real elitism shows it's face. How about being a social member of the community and teach this poor soul? I constantly run into these players in WoW with my Guildies. We take them under our wing and teach them the ropes. By doing this you're helping this player and you're helping the next group of players that group up with that player.

Edited by Darkulous
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You make a very good point. It is often fruitless to debate when basing your position on feelings. That's why debaters gather and present facts and their analysis and interpretation of facts.


In this instance, however, the debate always comes down to a question of emotional reaction. IOW, "why don't you LIKE it". I can put facts galore out there but it's still "I do/don't like it". And how the heck do you debate that, when the other fellow feels the opposite? It's not as if either is incorrect. If you do like it and I don't, are either one of us right or wrong? How, really, can you logically dissect personal emotional reactions to some aspect of the game two different people are playing?

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In this instance, however, the debate always comes down to a question of emotional reaction. IOW, "why don't you LIKE it". I can put facts galore out there but it's still "I do/don't like it". And how the heck do you debate that, when the other fellow feels the opposite? It's not as if either is incorrect. If you do like it and I don't, are either one of us right or wrong? How, really, can you logically dissect personal emotional reactions to some aspect of the game two different people are playing?


I love your argument here. And I agree with it.


The answer seems to be... if you don't like it, don't do it. If I like it, I'd like to do it. And vice-versa.


The problem comes in when those who don't like it (feelings) want to prevent those who do like it from doing it.


I don't like drinking soda or eating fast food, so I don't do it. But I'd never think to try to block a McDonald's from opening up shop down the street. If other people (who aren't my children) want to ingest that poison, that's their choice and it's not my place to try to prevent it.


I'm absolutely in favor of you not liking the tool. If that's the case, don't use it. But please don't try to stop others from using it, especially if it makes or breaks the gaming experience for them. It's tragic to lose good players because quality of life features don't exist or are poorly implemented.

Edited by DarthTHC
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In this instance, however, the debate always comes down to a question of emotional reaction. IOW, "why don't you LIKE it". I can put facts galore out there but it's still "I do/don't like it". And how the heck do you debate that, when the other fellow feels the opposite? It's not as if either is incorrect. If you do like it and I don't, are either one of us right or wrong? How, really, can you logically dissect personal emotional reactions to some aspect of the game two different people are playing?


You have'nt put out any facts other than your own personal dislike and experences with cross server LFG. Facts would be things on the line of..:" WoW lost tons of subs after they added a cross server LFG tool and as such are going to dismantle the feature in thier next expansion." Or " No mmo has added a cross server tool without later removing it." None of those examples are true as we know based on "facts". :) I have shown some facts on how my own guild has prospered sence the advent of the cross server tool, which anyone can freely look up on WoW's Armory.

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You know, this 70 page thread is certainly an entertaining read and here are my questions to those who insist that X-server LFG tool is detrimental because it is "selfish", "lazy", "faceless" or "irresponsible":


Why can't you see the entire SWTOR game as a whole, a community in itself? Why must "community" be defined as "MY server", "YOUR server", not "OUR SERVERS"? People say with X-server tool, you will never see the person you grouped with again, but why MUST you? Why MUST you see BillyJoe from Fatman again and again when that just takes away chances to meet JoeBilly from Jung Ma?


What I don't understand from all these "community killing" arguments is the fact that these individuals are consciously, willingly and knowingly choosing to exclude themselves in their little "clique", be it their circle of friend, guild or server. This game is MMORPG, won't X-server bring more variety of people to interact with, thus making it the defining feature of MMORPG?


Sure, with each tool comes the danger and consequences. Trolls, ninjas and elitist will exist regardless of X-server LFG or not. I mean, will you whine to remove General Chat just because someone typed "Your momma is so fat, Freezing Force actually makes her go 50% faster"? Will you advocate for a Chatless MMORPG in the future just because you saw something like that?


To me a X-server tool will be a golden opportunity to meet people from other parts of the country/world without having to re-roll and compare myself to them. Who knows, may be if you "represent" your server well enough, you might attract even more people to join it?

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You know, this 70 page thread is certainly an entertaining read and here are my questions to those who insist that X-server LFG tool is detrimental because it is "selfish", "lazy", "faceless" or "irresponsible":


Why can't you see the entire SWTOR game as a whole, a community in itself? Why must "community" be defined as "MY server", "YOUR server", not "OUR SERVERS"? People say with X-server tool, you will never see the person you grouped with again, but why MUST you? Why MUST you see BillyJoe from Fatman again and again when that just takes away chances to meet JoeBilly from Jung Ma?


What I don't understand from all these "community killing" arguments is the fact that these individuals are consciously, willingly and knowingly choosing to exclude themselves in their little "clique", be it their circle of friend, guild or server. This game is MMORPG, won't X-server bring more variety of people to interact with, thus making it the defining feature of MMORPG?


Sure, with each tool comes the danger and consequences. Trolls, ninjas and elitist will exist regardless of X-server LFG or not. I mean, will you whine to remove General Chat just because someone typed "Your momma is so fat, Freezing Force actually makes her go 50% faster"? Will you advocate for a Chatless MMORPG in the future just because you saw something like that?


To me a X-server tool will be a golden opportunity to meet people from other parts of the country/world without having to re-roll and compare myself to them. Who knows, may be if you "represent" your server well enough, you might attract even more people to join it?


Excellent post! :)

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And I think I just single-handedly killed this thread, god, I really hate it when I do that. Now how will I get my entertainment?


LOL, though I too add my praise to your post (very well done!), sadly this topic won't die. The naysayers won't stop and there will always be supporters keeping it alive until it's implemented as well. And when it is implemented, the naysayers will make sure we hear about every anecdotal bad group they have while the supporters will respond with the many accounts of good groups with reminders that people who don't like it don't have to use it and it will go on ad naseum.

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LOL, though I too add my praise to your post (very well done!), sadly this topic won't die. The naysayers won't stop and there will always be supporters keeping it alive until it's implemented as well. And when it is implemented, the naysayers will make sure we hear about every anecdotal bad group they have while the supporters will respond with the many accounts of good groups with reminders that people who don't like it don't have to use it and it will go on ad naseum.


Perhaps if you can come up with something more constructive than having "I will unsub if x-lfd isn't put in the game" some of us naysayers might actually agree with you.

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You know, this 70 page thread is certainly an entertaining read and here are my questions to those who insist that X-server LFG tool is detrimental because it is "selfish", "lazy", "faceless" or "irresponsible":


Why can't you see the entire SWTOR game as a whole, a community in itself? Why must "community" be defined as "MY server", "YOUR server", not "OUR SERVERS"? People say with X-server tool, you will never see the person you grouped with again, but why MUST you? Why MUST you see BillyJoe from Fatman again and again when that just takes away chances to meet JoeBilly from Jung Ma?


What I don't understand from all these "community killing" arguments is the fact that these individuals are consciously, willingly and knowingly choosing to exclude themselves in their little "clique", be it their circle of friend, guild or server. This game is MMORPG, won't X-server bring more variety of people to interact with, thus making it the defining feature of MMORPG?


Sure, with each tool comes the danger and consequences. Trolls, ninjas and elitist will exist regardless of X-server LFG or not. I mean, will you whine to remove General Chat just because someone typed "Your momma is so fat, Freezing Force actually makes her go 50% faster"? Will you advocate for a Chatless MMORPG in the future just because you saw something like that?


To me a X-server tool will be a golden opportunity to meet people from other parts of the country/world without having to re-roll and compare myself to them. Who knows, may be if you "represent" your server well enough, you might attract even more people to join it?


The thread really should have died with this post.


I mean, it's just logic in it's purest form. How can this be argued against? Really?

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And what will peeps do when they outgeared the FP's that soon...."wwhheeee wwwhheee i'm bored because i did all the FP 1000 of times"

They will unsub, play another game, start to be such an elitist, start to be a jerk etc etc...

Thats what you get when everything must be fast..


Where are the times we didnt have such tool and you didnt hear anyone about it. But now we cant because Wow brought it in the game and most Wow spoiled folks are here and want everything from that game in Swtor...


Why you think its hard ti find groups? Maybe they run them with guildies..

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Perhaps if you can come up with something more constructive than having "I will unsub if x-lfd isn't put in the game" some of us naysayers might actually agree with you.


I assume your previous post is the level of constructivism you are seeking?

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since I have played wow (till SWTOR came out) LFg was a tool that did allow for some great fast groupings. The issues that it presented me was


-bad players playing badly because there is no way for them to be disciplined for their behavior/playing (just reque)


-playing ninjaing just because they are greedy


-speed runners, who fit into catagory one, gripe and grief everyone for not taking the shortest route to beat the dungeon


-entitlementers, who think that they are gods gift to the world, and they know their videogames like its their life (prolly is but most people dont care)


-having maybe 1 in 50 enjoyable runs due to mostly the above problems, but sometimes with others which are usually unique


You are not playing any WoW that I've ever played. I've had each of these experiences, sure, but in hundreds of runs using the tool, if they've happened maybe 1% of the time, and that is being generous.

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I suspect that you either had a couple of bad experiences and are just exaggerating, or that you went from never pugging before lfg to doing lots of pugs after lfd (and are therefore treating problems that are strictly due to pugging as being specifically caused by cross server), or you're just making this up.


I dont think he is exaggerating actually. They may not all be runs filled with "rude ninja bads" (though IMO that frequency definitely goes up) but almost every single run turns into a zero tolerance go-go-go! dungeon run where communication is non-existent.


Go ahead ... make a simple common mistake in a WoW LFD group and see if you can make it back into the instance before youre kicked. Say what you want about "oh but it happens in TOR now" it is WAY less frequent, more fun, and less stressful here. Just the other day I was pugging HM D7 ... Bulwark kicked our *** about 8 times while we tried different strategies using the others strengths and weaknesses to finally bring him down. Prime example of what used to, but doesnt happen in WoW now. I dare you to claim it does. Go ahead I need a good laugh. Say an LFD group wouldnt have gone through 5 other DPS'ers, all the while cursing at each other before the run was over (assuming the entire group doesnt ragequit after the first wipe). Here, people leave mostly because of time contraints, broken gear, etc. WoW? Any minor inconvenience sets people off.


That to us is a bad run and a bad grouping environment. Just because its not always a ninja, or some tool yelling and cursing at everyone doesnt mean its not a bad experience, or that theyre even remotely as enjoyable as they are here or other games without xserver LFD. You may not care about that kind of environment an Xserver LFG tool breeds, we do. You, coming from LFD WoW, may not care about the other people you group with, using them as nothing but nameless tools, a means to get your gear .... we do. We like to join groups, say hi, discuss strats, mark targets and not have to worry much about some LFD bred impatient, intolerant tool cursing or ragequitting because the run isnt going perfectly smooth. Yes, that happens here (the xserver LFD virus has spread afterall) ... but MUCH less frequently. Players value their groups here much more and are willing to have some degree of tolerance for others making the community (*gasp* he said the C word! :eek:) all the better.


Then again, an encounter like Bulwark doesnt really happen much in WoW anymore does it? Wrath was all about "tank'n'spank go-go-go pew pew" and when they brought back a tiny amount of difficulty in Cata ... they lose 2 million players and nerf encounters every other month (... say that didnt happen either).

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I dont think he is exaggerating actually. They may not all be runs filled with "rude ninja bads" (though IMO that frequency definitely goes up) but almost every single run turns into a zero tolerance go-go-go! dungeon run where communication is non-existent.


Go ahead ... make a simple common mistake in a WoW LFD group and see if you can make it back into the instance before youre kicked. Say what you want about "oh but it happens in TOR now" it is WAY less frequent, more fun, and less stressful here. Just the other day I was pugging HM D7 ... Bulwark kicked our *** about 8 times while we tried different strategies using the others strengths and weaknesses to finally bring him down. Prime example of what used to, but doesnt happen in WoW now. I dare you to claim it does. Go ahead I need a good laugh. Say an LFD group wouldnt have gone through 5 other DPS'ers, all the while cursing at each other before the run was over (assuming the entire group doesnt ragequit after the first wipe). Here, people leave mostly because of time contraints, broken gear, etc. WoW? Any minor inconvenience sets people off.


That to us is a bad run and a bad grouping environment. Just because its not always a ninja, or some tool yelling and cursing at everyone doesnt mean its not a bad experience, or that theyre even remotely as enjoyable as they are here or other games without xserver LFD. You may not care about that kind of environment an Xserver LFG tool breeds, we do. You, coming from LFD WoW, may not care about the other people you group with, using them as nothing but nameless tools, a means to get your gear .... we do. We like to join groups, say hi, discuss strats, mark targets and not have to worry much about some LFD bred impatient, intolerant tool cursing or ragequitting because the run isnt going perfectly smooth. Yes, that happens here (the xserver LFD virus has spread afterall) ... but MUCH less frequently. Players value their groups here much more and are willing to have some degree of tolerance for others making the community (*gasp* he said the C word! :eek:) all the better.


Then again, an encounter like Bulwark doesnt really happen much in WoW anymore does it? Wrath was all about "tank'n'spank go-go-go pew pew" and when they brought back a tiny amount of difficulty in Cata ... they lose 2 million players and nerf encounters every other month (... say that didnt happen either).


Guess what happens in WoW when someone drops group? GASP. The LFG tool finds a replacement within a min or two, usually.


What happens here? Group is done, return to the Fleet and spam for another hour.


Other players in MMOs are a means to an end. Maybe back in EQ when you couldn't leave the main town without being in a full group it was different. That is forced grouping, and forced community building. There is a reason that once it stopped being forced in MMOs, people stopped doing it.


Most of the never wanted to do it in the first place. I want to play a game. If I want to make friends, I do it in the real world.

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I dont think he is exaggerating actually. They may not all be runs filled with "rude ninja bads" (though IMO that frequency definitely goes up) but almost every single run turns into a zero tolerance go-go-go! dungeon run where communication is non-existent.


Go ahead ... make a simple common mistake in a WoW LFD group and see if you can make it back into the instance before youre kicked. Say what you want about "oh but it happens in TOR now" it is WAY less frequent, more fun, and less stressful here. Just the other day I was pugging HM D7 ... Bulwark kicked our *** about 8 times while we tried different strategies using the others strengths and weaknesses to finally bring him down. Prime example of what used to, but doesnt happen in WoW now. I dare you to claim it does. Go ahead I need a good laugh. Say an LFD group wouldnt have gone through 5 other DPS'ers, all the while cursing at each other before the run was over (assuming the entire group doesnt ragequit after the first wipe). Here, people leave mostly because of time contraints, broken gear, etc. WoW? Any minor inconvenience sets people off.


That to us is a bad run and a bad grouping environment. Just because its not always a ninja, or some tool yelling and cursing at everyone doesnt mean its not a bad experience, or that theyre even remotely as enjoyable as they are here or other games without xserver LFD. You may not care about that kind of environment an Xserver LFG tool breeds, we do. You, coming from LFD WoW, may not care about the other people you group with, using them as nothing but nameless tools, a means to get your gear .... we do. We like to join groups, say hi, discuss strats, mark targets and not have to worry much about some LFD bred impatient, intolerant tool cursing or ragequitting because the run isnt going perfectly smooth. Yes, that happens here (the xserver LFD virus has spread afterall) ... but MUCH less frequently. Players value their groups here much more and are willing to have some degree of tolerance for others making the community (*gasp* he said the C word! :eek:) all the better.


Then again, an encounter like Bulwark doesnt really happen much in WoW anymore does it? Wrath was all about "tank'n'spank go-go-go pew pew" and when they brought back a tiny amount of difficulty in Cata ... they lose 2 million players and nerf encounters every other month (... say that didnt happen either).


Indeed, if you lower the standard that much over and over again...you pull more players with lower status also...and lower it gets...so goes for the social abilities/attitude also. It doesnt go for everyone, keep that in mind, but for the majoritiy is it.

You notice it with simple social communication in chat, during dungeon (LFG) and so on.


But hey, whats more important then the possibility for pushing a button to do your thing.

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And what will peeps do when they outgeared the FP's that soon...."wwhheeee wwwhheee i'm bored because i did all the FP 1000 of times"


Yeah, completely different from what people are doing right now. :rolleyes: Seriously, that's going to happen with or without a LFG tool.


They will unsub, play another game, start to be such an elitist, start to be a jerk etc etc...


That too is going to happen, LFG tool or no LFG tool.


Thats what you get when everything must be fast..


As opposed to now when you have to yell "LFG Blahbedy-blah! Need Blahbedy-blah, then GTG!" on chat for hours. Yeah, that's really moving things along fast. Moving at mach speed here, toady!


Where are the times we didnt have such tool and you didnt hear anyone about it. But now we cant because Wow brought it in the game and most Wow spoiled folks are here and want everything from that game in Swtor...


Why is it that everything from woW is considered bad or evil? Yes, WoW introduced the LFG tool and did it well. Unfortunately, until there's a mechanism built into a game that automatically detects trolls and their intentions and boots them from the game, any tool used by legit players will also be used by trolls, the lazy, and the all-around bad player who just doesn't give a crap. Tools of convenience don't create bad communities. Bad people create bad communities. WoW was, IS, actually quite a good game. It just has it's share of trolls in the community, as does EVERY OTHER ONLINE GAME IN EXISTENCE.


Why you think its hard ti find groups? Maybe they run them with guildies..


Indeed, me and my guildies run hard modes and the such a LOT. However, perhaps I'm in one of those rare guilds in which sometimes when I want to run a certain place the guild may want to run elsewhere or sometimes may be already busy running elsewhere. But if that's not the case, and such an occurance is actually common for more people than just me, then prhaps a LFG tool wouldn't be all that bad an idea.

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Guess what happens in WoW when someone drops group? GASP. The LFG tool finds a replacement within a min or two, usually.


What happens here? Group is done, return to the Fleet and spam for another hour.


Other players in MMOs are a means to an end. Maybe back in EQ when you couldn't leave the main town without being in a full group it was different. That is forced grouping, and forced community building. There is a reason that once it stopped being forced in MMOs, people stopped doing it.


Most of the never wanted to do it in the first place. I want to play a game. If I want to make friends, I do it in the real world.


Oh, guess what happen in Wow when its a tank or healer who drops group...there goes the 1 or 2 minutes..

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And what will peeps do when they outgeared the FP's that soon...."wwhheeee wwwhheee i'm bored because i did all the FP 1000 of times"

They will unsub, play another game, start to be such an elitist, start to be a jerk etc etc...

Thats what you get when everything must be fast..


Where are the times we didnt have such tool and you didnt hear anyone about it. But now we cant because Wow brought it in the game and most Wow spoiled folks are here and want everything from that game in Swtor...


Why you think its hard ti find groups? Maybe they run them with guildies..


I can counter argue that right now, the phenomenon you are describing is already happening. Take PvP queues now for example, half the server's level 50s are at least Battlemaster and up. Things are just get so boring with the same WZ over and over again. Vegeta, what is the WZ count I've participated? IT'S OVER 9000!


Making features in a game fast and easily accessible is not necessary a bad thing. The number of players going to play SWTOR will not stop with us. Shocking as it might sound, new players CAN and WILL join to play this game, if you extend the gear and progression gap too much, those new players will not be so motivated keep playing, thus your game will ultimately go dead or F2P. Prime examples: Lineage II, Aion, LoTR. By implementing X-server tools like this, not only BioWare gets to RETAIN their active subscribers because it gives the current players an incentive to roll alts (especially with the bonus XP from FP Legacy perk), it also ATTRACTS new potentials (which is the key of any gaming industry success). Subscription tycoon like World of Warcraft does not remain successful because they are able to retain players from 10 years ago. No, they do it by successfully predicting ever changing social trends and attract new bloods into their subscriptions.


With all the instantaneous communication through evolution of technology, people's tolerance for time invested v.s reward declines inversely. Today's world is all about "Speed, speed speed, me, me, me, money, money, money, murder, murder, murder." IF a company fails to adept to the trend, then it will ultimately fail.

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Guess what happens in WoW when someone drops group? GASP. The LFG tool finds a replacement within a min or two, usually.


What happens here? Group is done, return to the Fleet and spam for another hour.


Exactly why the general attitude goes down the drain. Players become expendable.


Other players in MMOs are a means to an end. Maybe back in EQ when you couldn't leave the main town without being in a full group it was different. That is forced grouping, and forced community building. There is a reason that once it stopped being forced in MMOs, people stopped doing it.


Most of the never wanted to do it in the first place. I want to play a game. If I want to make friends, I do it in the real world.


heh, yup. Say it loud and proud! This is exactly the attitude xserver has bred and why it should only ever be implemented as a very last, nothing else has worked, resort.


"We're not here to play together ... youre all just drones put in place for me to get gear as efficiently and quickly as possible."


Thank you!


P.S Youre not forced to group up here at all (which to a degree is another problem with grouping but w/e)

Edited by MasterKayote
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How does x-server promote more unskilled players than single-server?


It doesn't. All it boils down to is an ego trip by the person going out of their way to call everyone bad. It's usually by someone so enamored with themselves and their "pro gameplay" that they immediately consider everyone who is not them bad. They only want to surround themselves with players they deem "worthy", and that is hard to do when you are grouping with others from different servers.


They want to control who they play with, and who they are exposed to. The very success of an x-server tool (and as WoW has shown, it is successful) removes that control for them because everyone is using it, instead of begging these people to join their leet teams.

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Oh, guess what happen in Wow when its a tank or healer who drops group...there goes the 1 or 2 minutes..


Oh NOES!! I might have to wait 5 minutes. The horror.


Seriously, it's not as bad as you claim.

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I still don't understand why people blame the tool for behavioral problems. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.


X-server LFG tool is not the problem. Can't fix people. Jerks will b jerks. So remove the tool? That's BS.

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Exactly why the general attitude goes down the drain. Players become expendable.


heh, yup. Say it loud and proud! This is exactly the attitude xserver has bred and why it should only ever be implemented as a very last, nothing else has worked, resort.


"We're not here to play together ... youre all just drones put in place for me to get gear as efficiently and quickly as possible."


Thank you!


P.S Youre not forced to group up here at all (which to a degree is another problem with grouping but w/e)


I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings because I don't consider you a valueable asset to my gaming experience. Or that I need to be involved in some online community when I'm already involved in one in real life.


The only games that ever had any type of community were those that forced it upon their playerbase. Once that forcing was removed, the true desire for community was exposed: there was no desire.


I'm here to play a game, not be part of some giant online social living experiment. There are a multitude of players who share my view. I play MMOs because they are constantly evolving, and there are other people playing the game. I enjoy teaming with those people when we do team up. But i'm not looking for friends. I have those here in the real world.

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