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After Playing GW2 this Weekend I Actually Think SWTOR Will Be Better In The Long Run.


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Now like many i have done my share of complaining on a few things when it comes to swtor 99% of it PvP.


Some claim hardcore PvP players will never be happy and maybe they are right, we just

want good gaming really.But after focusing more on PvE since i started playing swtor after

many years playing competetive PvP i do understand why PvE in swtor blows GW2 out of the water.


Dont get me wrong, GW2 is a really good game but it lacks certain things that will never make it

a Raiders choice.No trinity for this reason, along with the fact that everyone can revive in combat

is a guarantee the game will never see anything else then dungeons and events.And Arena Net have said

they will not have raids.What they do have is a awesome achievement system from launch,why this is not in

swtor is beyond me.


Now with the improvements to swtor raiding, Denova beeing very hard and with more bug fixes i see

the raiders coming back to swtor after not to long.Even thou the event system in GW2 is fun it is not a challenge

in any way.And players want a challenge.The only area i see GW2 doing well is arena matches ranked PvP.

Tried the WZ and they were just like any other MMO, go to a flag while fighting over it.Boring and lacks the

good objectives that swtor WZ have.Yes i know they have npc you can kill for buffs but still.

The WvWvW i played alot and was really fun and got people together, this is were bioware needs

to watch and learn !


Also i think GW2 will be a nice place for solo players not in a guild.Events can be done by all, dont

even have to group up for loot. Characters looks great with a awesome character creator, 10 times

better then the two face char creator in swtor.And a few other things that were better like more

background music etc.Not gonna mention the rest, would take 2 pages.


Now what BioWare have to do and FAST is to make sure to fix PvP in swtor.

1.2 TTK (time to kill) lvl 50 is a disaster with bad game balance.Lack of open world PvP.

Ilum is a disaster beyond. But if they can fix those issues here with improving swtor PvE

like they have done now with the new Raid i see people coming back after a few weeks.

Sure some players will stay in the long run for the PvP but PvE wise i see no future with GW2.


With a flashpoint finder in the works now and character transfears coming and more hard raids

in the works i actually see a bright future for swtor.If just the devs here listen to the players something

i think they do.

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Agree. Though GW isn't targetting the traditional grind raiding group. SWTOR will be better for the more traditional types. GW2 will appeal for those looking for something different. Without a sub there is no reason one cannot enjoy both games.
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The only area i see GW2 doing well is arena matches ranked PvP.

Tried the WZ and they were just like any other MMO, go to a flag while fighting over it.Boring and lacks the

good objectives that swtor WZ have.


Come on now swtor objectives consist of:


Blow up X (Void Star)

Talk to X (The Civil War, Denova)


How can you possibly get more simple than that, I mean really. I just don't buy it, pvp in GW1 was more interesting, with far more imaginative objectives and settings.


I will give them Huttball that was a nice idea and it was something new hats off to them for that, it is a good solid idea and fun warzone that actually requires good team work.

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Come on now swtor objectives consist of:


Blow up X (Void Star)

Talk to X (The Civil War, Denova)


How can you possibly get more simple than that, I mean really. I just don't buy it, pvp in GW1 was more interesting, with far more imaginative objectives and settings.


I will give them Huttball that was a nice idea and it was something new hats off to them for that, it is a good solid idea and fun warzone that actually requires good team work.


Agreed. As frustrating as it can be sometimes, I think Huttball is an example of good PvP content.

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Agreed. As frustrating as it can be sometimes, I think Huttball is an example of good PvP content.


It's excellent PvP content. The problem is that most who claim to be pvpers are so terrible at it that they bash it.

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It's excellent PvP content. The problem is that most who claim to be pvpers are so terrible at it that they bash it.


My only real gripe with Huttball is the sheer number of times you can end up running it in a game session is so ridiculously high that it gets to be too much. Too repetitive. I really wish they would add some variations onthe Huttball warzone, that would add a freshness that would keep people hanging on.

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My only real gripe with Huttball is the sheer number of times you can end up running it in a game session is so ridiculously high that it gets to be too much. Too repetitive. I really wish they would add some variations onthe Huttball warzone, that would add a freshness that would keep people hanging on.


Very true..

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Agree. Though GW isn't targetting the traditional grind raiding group. SWTOR will be better for the more traditional types. GW2 will appeal for those looking for something different. Without a sub there is no reason one cannot enjoy both games.


Agreed. I didn't really enjoy my beta experience in GW2 this weekend, but hell I already bought the darn thing so I'll play it when it launches. SWTOR is my main game now, and will be for awhile.

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I look at gw2 as sometning I will play some time in the future, as a diversion game, just does not have enough meat on the bones to warrent long term play for me, as I know Tor will grow and expand, so will gw2 with more box sales, I wonder since gw2 is built around microtransactions, if they will sell expansions different, or do the same model they did with gw1.. either way I am not rushing out to get it, I am still bunred out on sword and board games, and it offers me nothing really new.
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Agree. Though GW isn't targetting the traditional grind raiding group. SWTOR will be better for the more traditional types. GW2 will appeal for those looking for something different. Without a sub there is no reason one cannot enjoy both games.


Indeed this is the case. GW2 is a good and imersive game but it lacks on some vital parts. Most serious beeing lack of end-game progression (story and setting dont feel nearly as epic as swtor aswell).

From what i played the PvP might still need work, but i absolutely love swtor pvp, especially huttball. Not the ammount of stuns but oh well...

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Insomnia got the better of me so I decided to watch GW2 footage for a couple hours early this morning. Instead of being lulled into sleep-mode, I found that I thought it looked interesting. Reminded me of DAoC and that was one of the two games where I have partaken of anything PvP-ish.


Still not a fan of the style of GW franchise but I am going to give it a try because sometimes, getting together with a group of people and defending a keep or taking one can be a good deal of fun. Not chomping at the bit nor will I be leaving SWTOR but I expect next autumn I'll give GW2 a try (assuming it's released by then).

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It's excellent PvP content. The problem is that most who claim to be pvpers are so terrible at it that they bash it.


This. PvP group wise is VERY balanced. It's just a high skill cap, and a wide range of skilled people play it.


A lot of people 'think' they are good at pvp, and nerd rage crying for nerf this and that when the reality is, time and again Bioware tests metrics on damage and classes are all where they SHOULD be.


Even the healing nerfs to sorc and mercs don't hurt that badly in PvP. I just started playing my sorc healer again in warzones last night, and within three warzones I was basically back to what I was doing before. You can't faceroll anymore. You shouldn't have to, honestly playing my sorc healer is about twice as easy and properly playing my marauder.

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GW2 offers PvP


SWTOR offers WZ's


SWTOR has REMOVED PvP content since launch.


SWTOR could be better in the long run, but it certainly isn't right now.


From an open world PvP standpoint, I totally agree.


That's the one real gripe about game content I'll hear from people. I'm much happier in Open World large fighting, then warzones. I'm dealing with warzones now, because I have no choice.


Well that and servers need merging, like yesterday :/

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I really enjoyed my time in the GW2 beta this weekend but a few things jumped out at me. After seeing some of the cutscenes and my personal story, I realized that BioWare has nailed this aspect of the MMO market very, very well. I wasn't pulled into my personal story all that much in GW2. Perhaps it was just the confusion of learning a new game but it didn't have that epic feeling for me. When I first started playing SWTOR, I was blown away by the story--absolutely love it and I still do.


However, I think that GW2 will be a sweet little game and I intend to play both. I'm not a raider---just don't have the time. I haven't found a good guild in SWTOR so I haven't established those social connections that I usually have formed in other games. As I level my third character to 50, I'm realizing that endgame for me consists of PvPing, doing my dailies and that is about it. I'm not complaining per se since much of this is my fault for not joining an active guild. But I can see SWTOR becoming a bit stagnent for me, especially since they don't have other pursuits like a good hobby system (cooking, fishing, gambling, housing, collections, etc---some things that can keep me happy for the long term). GW2 will fill that void for me when I become a bit burned out with SWTOR. I like the fact that in GW2, I can join an event, participate and get something out of it without the time commitment of a flashpoint or operation. That really appeals to me.


Would GW2 ever become my main MMO? Don't know. I'm leaning more towards SWTOR for the long term but if I get dreadfully bored and feel like I've exhausted the content that I can do, it is hard to say. I just don't know enough about GW2 to really make a judgement. I haven't been following it all that much and preordered on a whim.

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bioware has made it apparent that pvp isn't thier main focus. the pvp in tor is pitiful. after playing gw2 i can't even log into tor for more than a minute. the WvWvW pvp was amazing. tor pvp is bleh. the pvp is alright but it bores me to tears. the pvp i played in gw2 this weekend was great.
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One of the main things that I found I enjoyed much better in Guild Wars 2 than SWTOR is exploring and their environment. I ended up wasting hours away just running around checking the world out. I found a really cool spot where you could dive off an extremely high diving board and do flips into the water below. It was pretty damn fun.


SWTOR the planets just feel to static to me. SWTOR has a better UI than GW2.


Other than that they are different games, still MMOs but different enough that you can exactly compare everything.


I like both, but I did cancel my swtor sub to play GW2. (I have 2 months left of SWTOR subscription so we'll see I guess.)

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I enjoyed much better in Guild Wars 2 than SWTOR is exploring and their environment.


Not to beat a dead horse, but yes. I wish the SWTOR team would spend some time in Divinity's Reach and figure out how to create a lively and interesting environment.

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One of the main things that I found I enjoyed much better in Guild Wars 2 than SWTOR is exploring and their environment. I ended up wasting hours away just running around checking the world out. I found a really cool spot where you could dive off an extremely high diving board and do flips into the water below. It was pretty damn fun.


SWTOR the planets just feel to static to me. SWTOR has a better UI than GW2.


I didn't get to explore since all the events had me running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I did enjoy the environment however had no idea how big the world is since I'm was running around in a small part of it. The cities were amazing. My poor husband spent all his coppers teleporting to the personal instance and didn't have enough to get back to the quest area. It was a looong run back. I'm an explorer at heart and would love to find a game where I could really explore. Asheron's Call 1 was epic for me and I hold that as a standard against other games. It was so huge.


The exploration is something that disappoints me a bit in SWTOR quite honestly. I always feel like a rat in a maze. I do wish that it could have more of an open world feel to it.


I also really enjoyed some of the interiors of the buildings in GW2. Some of the building had absolutely beautiful furnishings, paintings---overall very rich detail. Perhaps it is just the sci-fi theme in SWTOR but I find some of the interiors of buildings uninspired. A bit more clutter and detail livens up the environment somewhat. I find some of the SWTOR enviroments just not very interesting.

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I'll just play both. GW2 needs a crap ton of work before it's ready for launch though. As for exploration, yes the gw2 cities are gigantic, but once you've run into every nook and cranny once, well.. that's the only time you will do that. The world is microscopic in comparison to the planets in swtor.


I also giggle when I hear people go on about open world pvp. GW2 has a large instance on a timer for WvW. These are zergy but fun indeed. And running around alone is suicide. Outside of that, in the actual "open world," you can't attack any player on your server, ever.

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Positive thread about another game = locked


Negative thread about another game, even if we have 3-4 other threads saying the same thing, = GOOD


NO way their actually closing threads saying that their competition is good?!


What is this some kind of forum for a company or something?!


I must be lost.


And more on topic. I find that Voidstar is popping up ALOT more than Huttball ever use too. -_-

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bioware has made it apparent that pvp isn't thier main focus. the pvp in tor is pitiful. after playing gw2 i can't even log into tor for more than a minute. the WvWvW pvp was amazing. tor pvp is bleh. the pvp is alright but it bores me to tears. the pvp i played in gw2 this weekend was great.



I was exactly the opposite. I found the GW2 WvWvW stuff nothing more than a weak reskinning of DAOC along with the disadvantages of WAR at launch-- aoe reigned supreme. Storyline missions are far better here, the voice acting has absolutely no comparison and the general quests in GW2 are nothing more than slightly tweaked versions of WAR's public quests and they have little, if any, world changing effect. Oh and the UI -- hands down to SW:TOR again.


Oh and ibl. The thread will degenerate into a GW2 discussion and not a TOR comparison. It'll be locked soon.

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It is really too bad we can't merge both games into one ultimate game. I'd love to take the story elements from SWTOR and combine it with the graphics and pvp system of GW2.


For the life of me I can't understand how I lag in SWTOR because there are a lot of character models that have to load at the same time to the detriment of large scale pvp even on the lowest graphic settings while many times that number of people load flawlessly with no lag in GW2 while on the highest graphic settings. It just seems the technical side of GW2's game engine is leaps and bounds ahead of the one used by SWTOR.

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