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I guess this game is a big disappointment for many people, including me, since my server became a ghost town just a bit after 1.2..

I know this is another one of "those" threads but I don't care. The game leaders, or wtv, need to get spammed with these things so they understand what their customers want, and how things are free-falling atm.

I understand that for many ppl 1.2 is a joke, I can't judge too good since I have no1 to play it with now, but from what I briefly noticed for a couple of weeks, until ever1 one left, my conclusions are:


- legacy spells and things are useless, except class buffs, and maybe rocket boost, which is extremely overpriced (low population server has no economy and therefore poverty among players, and no, I don't wanna do millions of dailies until I die)


- class buffs/nerfs were made mindless, i.e. sage healer does not exist anymore not in pve nor in pvp, sentinels/marauders got buffed like there was something wrong with them before, etc. (honestly, do the game developers even play it?)


- pvp gear is a grind-fest atm since ranked wz are not yet online.. and by the time they and x-server wz will be on you're gonna see a lot of imbalances since some people got their warhero and some people didn't have who to play a wz with for weeks/months, if they are still subscribed


- missing the details that matter, implementing a 'disable alt+tab' feature, ability lag in pvp (interrupts, matters, yes.), click-able nameplates, tooltips that don't disappear when you immediately hover out, new threads for server communication interface elements (from a programmers perspective)... or fix whatever it is that causes the game to stop briefly when accessing them, etc.; and also the game recently crashes and lags like mad (since 24 April update)


- pets only make kids happy.


Furthermore about the transfers that will come soon, kinda late now imo.

Also if I'll still be playing and willing to transfer I'm gonna get frustrated that my char name will be taken. I've had my main from day 1 and I hate giving it up for a face-roll/quoted look-a-like name, just to know that some scumbag has a level 1 alt with my name taken, like the one from Tomb of Freedon Nadd server.

Edited by GizmoBill
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I guess this game is a big disappointment for many people, including me, since my server became a ghost town just a bit after 1.2..

I know this is another one of "those" threads but I don't care. The game leaders, or wtv, need to get spammed with these things so they understand what their customers want, and how things are free-falling atm.

I understand that for many ppl 1.2 is a joke, I can't judge too good since I have no1 to play it with now, but from what I briefly noticed for a couple of weeks, until ever1 one left, my conclusions are:


- legacy spells and things are useless, except class buffs, and maybe rocket boost, which is extremely overpriced (low population server has no economy and therefore poverty among players, and no, I don't wanna do millions of dailies until I die)


- class buffs/nerfs were made mindless, i.e. sage healer does not exist anymore not in pve nor in pvp, sentinels/marauders got buffed like there was something wrong with them before, etc. (honestly, do the game developers even play it?)


- pvp gear is a grind-fest atm since ranked wz are not yet online.. and by the time they and x-server wz will be on you're gonna see a lot of imbalances since some people got their warhero and some people didn't have who to play a wz with for weeks/months, if they are still subscribed


- missing the details that matter, implementing a 'disable alt+tab' feature, ability lag in pvp (interrupts, matters, yes.), click-able nameplates, tooltips that don't disappear when you immediately hover out, new threads for server communication interface elements (from a programmers perspective)... or fix whatever it is that causes the game to stop briefly when accessing them, etc.; and also the game recently crashes and lags like mad (since 24 April update)


- pets only make kids happy.


Furthermore about the transfers that will come soon, kinda late now imo.

Also if I'll still be playing and willing to transfer I'm gonna get frustrated that my char name will be taken. I've had my main from day 1 and I hate giving it up for a face-roll/quoted look-a-like name, just to know that some scumbag has a level 1 alt with my name taken, like the one from Tomb of Freedon Nadd server.


You win, now you can un sub!

and look, you saved yourself 14.99 a month, ! way to go!

Edited by StoneGaijin
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You win, now you can un sub!

and look, you saved yourself 14.99 a month, ! way to go!


Refute him if you feels he's wrong, but please don't suggest players unsub. I don't think Bioware would approve of that either.

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Refute him if you feels he's wrong, but please don't suggest players unsub. I don't think Bioware would approve of that either.


If the vocal minority that visits these forums would quit QQ or just unsub and therefore quit QQ, these forums would be a much niver place.


I'll bet for every 1 person QQ and spewing doom and gloom here on the forums there are thousands enjoying the game.


I for one love the game and thoroughly enjoy it. They are doing a great job. Don't cater to the few that whine on the forums.

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Refute him if you feels he's wrong, but please don't suggest players unsub. I don't think Bioware would approve of that either.


He is wrong.


MANY people enjoy this game very much and will play it for a long time to come.


SOME people do not enjoy the game, and rather then just unsub and go find something they do like they insist on whining about it in forum. I really do not understand the mind set, but it does exist. Anyone who has played MMOs for any length of time should know better and behave in a more mature manner IMO.


Does the game have flaws? YOU BET. So what. Name one MMO that does not, did not.


It's simply too early in the life of this MMO to assess it's long term prospects and features EXCEPT on an individual level (which is pointless to post in a multi-party forum in the form of an ad nauseum complaint thread). The OP knows this, but as he stated, HE DOES NOT CARE.

Edited by Andryah
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Seriously? These threads are getting old. Yes we all are in agreement the servers need to be merged. At this point you are simply preaching to the choir.

thanks for the bump. It's getting close to the goal highlighted in the 2nd paragraph of the post.

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Ok then, why?


Alt-tab switches between programs for every program. Why should it be any different. Change your keybindings, not the game.


Just as funny as the person who complained that he can't bind to Alt F4. :rolleyes:

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Ok then, why?


Alt-tab switches between programs for every program. Why should it be any different. Change your keybindings, not the game.


Just as funny as the person who complained that he can't bind to Alt F4. :rolleyes:

funny suggestion. no.

as long as getting back into the game can be more than 2 seconds with that loading overlay thing, vital time in some situations, I'd prefer to get a solution to disable it and use other means to switch between programs. It's about basic UX principles you should get more familiar with before hating around here..

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He is wrong.


MANY people enjoy this game very much and will play it for a long time to come.


SOME people do not enjoy the game, and rather then just unsub and go find something they do like they insist on whining about it in forum. I really do not understand the mind set, but it does exist. Anyone who has played MMOs for any length of time should know better and behave in a more mature manner IMO.


Does the game have flaws? YOU BET. So what. Name one MMO that does not, did not.


It's simply too early in the life of this MMO to assess it's long term prospects and features EXCEPT on an individual level (which is pointless to post in a multi-party forum in the form of an ad nauseum complaint thread). The OP knows this, but as he stated, HE DOES NOT CARE.






.... unsubbing for the OP would be an excellent way to get his point across. If he has individual complaints, ... that's fine. Perhaps he will be happy some day, but really, stop complaining, do something about it. If you don't like it.... don't pay for it.

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funny suggestion. no.

as long as getting back into the game can be more than 2 seconds with that loading overlay thing, vital time in some situations, I'd prefer to get a solution to disable it and use other means to switch between programs. It's about basic UX principles you should get more familiar with before hating around here..


What situation has you accidentally hitting alt-tab?

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If the vocal minority that visits these forums would quit QQ or just unsub and therefore quit QQ, these forums would be a much niver place.


I'll bet for every 1 person QQ and spewing doom and gloom here on the forums there are thousands enjoying the game.


I for one love the game and thoroughly enjoy it. They are doing a great job. Don't cater to the few that whine on the forums.


I unsubbed a month ago and I can still post. I "do" wish I could get a refund on the $60 I paid for the software since they're giving it away for free now.


For all you people still playing and liking it, good for you. That doesn't change the fact that the game that could have been a legendary MMO indeed falls mind-numbingly short for a great many people that looked forward to this travesty of a game for years.


Edit: First post since a week or 2 before I unsubbed. Only reason for posting is because I'm bored sitting at home and dreading the surgery I have coming on Wednesday, so I came to see if anything had really changed in the past month.


It hasn't.

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What situation has you accidentally hitting alt-tab?

tab - target enemy, followed by alt+1-5 for skills. think it has something to do with the ability lag I was talking about earlier. Sometimes I feel like I'm playing the piano here to avoid it.

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You win, now you can un sub!

and look, you saved yourself 14.99 a month, ! way to go!


I have already unsubbed twice, and I'm not coming back any time soon, I don't even know why I'm here. What I can say right now is comments like yours are both pointless and stupid. I don't like the game, so I should just leave? Really? So what you are saying is we, as players, have nothing to say about the games we enjoy. We are just the people who pay for the darn thing. We are just the people who spend several hours every day playing it. Why should we matter when it comes to improving the game?


In the real world where we grown-ups live, we should have a lot to say about the game and how it's developed. I enjoyed Old Republic for a while and had eight characters between level 20 and 30 when I quit, spread over two servers. Now that I quit, I'm supposed to just stay quiet and 'find something better to do'? That's incredible naive. What *BioWare* should do is listen to us players, and perhaps especially to us who have unsubbed. There were several reasons why I unsubbed, but some of them were not that big. It really wouldn't take much work to change the game or improve it just enough to make it actually fun for me, and if they did, I would be back. In other words, if they could just make a few small changes (server merge, LFG-tool, treating all players *equally* and so on), they would make $15 extra a month from me alone, and a lot of other players would return, too.


But I unsubbed, so my opinion is worthless. :rolleyes:

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I have already unsubbed twice, and I'm not coming back any time soon, I don't even know why I'm here. What I can say right now is comments like yours are both pointless and stupid. I don't like the game, so I should just leave? Really? So what you are saying is we, as players, have nothing to say about the games we enjoy. We are just the people who pay for the darn thing. We are just the people who spend several hours every day playing it. Why should we matter when it comes to improving the game?


In the real world where we grown-ups live, we should have a lot to say about the game and how it's developed. I enjoyed Old Republic for a while and had eight characters between level 20 and 30 when I quit, spread over two servers. Now that I quit, I'm supposed to just stay quiet and 'find something better to do'? That's incredible naive. What *BioWare* should do is listen to us players, and perhaps especially to us who have unsubbed. There were several reasons why I unsubbed, but some of them were not that big. It really wouldn't take much work to change the game or improve it just enough to make it actually fun for me, and if they did, I would be back. In other words, if they could just make a few small changes (server merge, LFG-tool, treating all players *equally* and so on), they would make $15 extra a month from me alone, and a lot of other players would return, too.


But I unsubbed, so my opinion is worthless. :rolleyes:


Preach on sister!


If they had listened to the vast majority of people that have now unsubbed because they DIDN'T listen to us, they'd have a lot more active subscribers, and therefore more cash flow coming into their coffers.


All the reasons you mentioned, and most of all, doing something about the EXTREME faction balance problems. They should have called this game Star Wars: The Old Sith Empire.


But as you said, we've unsubbed and our opinion means squat. I'm not even sure if they did fix the major problems (and gave me a free month) I'd come back.

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Great comments. My server Swiftsure has seen a huge drop in population, when we were one of the top 3 generally.


We knew this was coming and said so before 1.2 even came out.


They nerfed healers hard by changing mechanics, effectively ruining the fun of playing the class. Most have stopped playing.


Loading screens take forever now. They still haven't fixed bugged companions (like sith inquisitors have - the very class which got nerfed).


There's so many issues and things just seem to get worse with every patch. This game is like warhammer and will have the same populations to match. A much deserved shame for EA/Bioware SWTOR.

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