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Should the Jedi be culled?


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it should be noted that the edi, might have problesm falling to the darkside every once in a while.


but the sith have bigger problems. not only do they have an enemy in the jedi, but they have enemy's in their friends. at any point any sith can be killed by any other sith. a master could be killed by their apprentice. so the apprentice can climb the ladder. that same master could kill the apprentice so not to be killed themself, or that master could try and kill some1 higher up the chain to take there place. ultimately leading to killig some1 on the dark council. dark council members would kill any1 who seems to be climbing ranks too fast, or would lkill eachother in never ending plots for power, or to defend their position. and any sith at any time including dark council members can be killed by the emperor.


so you think the jedi have problems. least if your a jedi. dark jedi are so few and far between, you dont need to watch your back all the time

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That list shows around a dozen Jedi who have gone bad (and some redeemed back to the Light)...out of the THOUSANDS of Jedi that have existed over THOUSANDS of years...just because a handful have famously gone bad that means EVERY Jedi should be destroyed?
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I've been thinking a lot about the jedi code lately, and I've decided that the problem isn't with the code so much as it is with the Jedi selection process. The Jedi Code is very strict and is not for everyone. My interpretation of the code is that it calls for the erasure of one's own self in service of a higher cause. This is an extremely difficult thing to ask of someone, and is not a decision a child could make. The Jedi should not actively recruit young force sensitives, but should only accept adults who have committed themselves to the Code and have proven themselves capable. The Jedi should be a very small and selective order, rather than a huge organization of Force sensitives. For analogy, I would say that the Jedi should be seen like monks and nuns; a select group of individuals who have committed themselves to a strict cause. Not all Force sensitives need to be Jedi, just like not all Christians need to be monks or nuns.


This! I'm sure Jedi numbers would still be relatively stable. After all the Sith survived for a while with just 2 members and still wielded enormous influence. Quality over quantity. And they should stop brainwashing little children and forcing the jedi way of life on them. Not to mention forcing them to remove ties to their parents!

Edited by Blackholeskipper
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Just because the order would not exist, does not mean force sensitivity would not exist. Force users would still be there, and without any knowledge of how to avoid falling to the Dark Side, they would.
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A Ruling Sith Class would not be bad if:


A: You don't have mad emporers like Palpatine.

B: You don't have scheming Jedi.


Caedas for President 2012!

Yea... cruel, manipulative and sadistic ruling class? I'll pass.

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A Ruling Sith Class would not be bad if:


A: You don't have mad emporers like Palpatine.

B: You don't have scheming Jedi.


Caedas for President 2012!


refer back to my post. you are forgetting the fact they always try to kill eachother to further their own career. i have heard of doing whatever it takes to get that promotions. but sith take it to the extreme

Edited by grandmthethird
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Nice post , except for Darth Krayt, wasn't he the jedi master , As'ard Hett? During the clone wars era ?


And what about Verge , wasn't she a former master from the clone wars era that ended up in captivity by the Vong , she was the one that taught Jacen the way to the dark side?

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