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Played WoW after SWTOR: My Reactions


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I am not trying to defend WoW, but the dated graphic is what allow MILLIONS of people to play.


Blizzard is good about their game running of wide variety of machines. This can be a good and bad thing. The good, more players, more income. The bad, players complain about graphics and such.


Some "flashier" games require more powerful rigs. This will limit the player base. Not everyone can afford 2000$ rigs ;) (you can build a decent rig around 1k but the general public are not good at building PC either. This is why IT still have jobs ;) )

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People can hate WoW all they want but it's still the #1 and most successful MMO out there. I'm not a huge fan of it but it's still a good game that has plenty of features.


As the other guy has said, TERA is the way to go. Some people my look at it and think it's a Korean MMO and grindy and has the "fairy" style theme but beyond that there's SO much more in that game. I thought it was just going to be an Aion 2.0 but it's actually a really fun game. You have to pay attention vs boss fights or you'll die nearly instantly. They have a GvG system, a ranked PvP/Political system, open world PvP anywhere you want, and they'll have battlegrounds and arena type PvP before the end of summer.


See the problem with TERA is, what you described above. TERA is a Korean MMO with no Universe that people are familiar with. SWTOR, WOW, Guild Wars 2, Lord of the Rings Online, Star Trek Online, these all take place in a universe we either grew up with as a kid or comes from a another line of games we played with.


TERA on the other hand is a no name game from Korea with no history, no franchise to base itself off of and no real advertising. People are going to login and wonder why the heck little girls with bunny ears are running around, which is why its going to take a big flop when it launches.

Edited by ShadowFated
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TERA is garbage. I was just in the GW2 beta and it was amazing. tor and wow are both dull atleast to me.


It funny how opinions can be on complete opposite ends from the same game. A buddy and I tried GW2 this weekend and it was garbage. Nothing but spamming keys and horrible server performance. Lets just say Star Wars and even World of Warcraft have nothing to worry about. I felt like there was no direction in Guild Wars and no sense as to why I was doing something.


I will remain a paying customer with Bioware.

Edited by ShadowFated
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i agree with the last couple comments.


once you gain levels in both games combat is remarkably similar, and in general boils down to a monotonous rotation.


i would also say wow is an actual game world while swtor is a series of instances. even the planets are just limited instances. you will never get the feel of being in a world with swtor as you will in wow.


in wow you can travel an entire massive continent and never hit a loading screen.

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LOL that was the best response to TERA I've ever read. I made it like 10 seconds into the video.


Gads, I watched for a longer time. It was enough to show me that TERA is not a game that I would play.


I did the same as the OP and went back to WOW for a few days. I unsubbed about ten months ago and have played swtor since launch. WOW just felt old and dull and tired.


I think that a lot of people are still waiting for an mmo to come along and do it right (whatever that means).

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It funny how opinions can be on complete opposite ends from the same game. A buddy and I tried GW2 this weekend and it was garbage. Nothing but spamming keys and horrible server performance. Lets just say Star Wars and even World of Warcraft have nothing to worry about. I felt like there was no direction in Guild Wars and no sense as to why I was doing something.


I will remain a paying customer with Bioware.


what do we do here? spam keys. the server instability is expected in a beta. it is a test after all. if it's like that at launch i would be concerned but in a beta eh.

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I logged in to wow the other day and my guildmates were like "Hey man where u been"


I said SWTOR and they were like "lol, I heard that game had no content" Thats when I pointed out that they have all been grinding out the same easy mode dungeon for 5 months with ZERO changes in game... They got quiet.


WoW is dead... To me.


SWTOR is not.


Stop worrying about how many people are playing a game and worry about how you think of it. If you like it, you like it. If you don't, you don't. Some people love olives, I hate them, that doesn't make them bad or good. I just dont like them.


Maybe they got quiet because they are a nice group and did not see the point of arguing with someone who obvously had not been playing for a while because he liked another MMO better than WoW?

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Obviously not as your still here, if you leave someone will take your place as has been shown when that investment company tried to say it was dieing and DE came out and told them it wasnt, now its illegal for DE to say that unless its fact as that influences share prices.


So the only mmo out of the 2 loosing subs in the millions is wow, not swtor but wow.


I find it interesting how someone who does not like a item or product tends to overstate things about it. Last time I checked...1.7 million is not losing millions....but hundreds of thousands. And some should think about how a game such as WoW can afford to lose more subs than any other MMO has total. :cool:

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People can hate WoW all they want but it's still the #1 and most successful MMO out there. I'm not a huge fan of it but it's still a good game that has plenty of features.


As the other guy has said, TERA is the way to go. Some people my look at it and think it's a Korean MMO and grindy and has the "fairy" style theme but beyond that there's SO much more in that game. I thought it was just going to be an Aion 2.0 but it's actually a really fun game. You have to pay attention vs boss fights or you'll die nearly instantly. They have a GvG system, a ranked PvP/Political system, open world PvP anywhere you want, and they'll have battlegrounds and arena type PvP before the end of summer.


Come back after you play it for a couple months, I'd be interested if you feel the same way about the game.....


As with any new MMO that comes out the grass always looks greener on the other side... For me Aion cured me of Korean MMO's..... I find it so funny when people say SWTOR is to much of a grind, obviously they never played a Korean MMO with their sadistic grinds... Also Korean games don't offer much to PvE players, Aion had no end game PvE and was pretty much a gankfest thanks to its "PvP anywhere you want" rule system....

Edited by Monoth
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I find it interesting how someone who does not like a item or product tends to overstate things about it. Last time I checked...1.7 million is not losing millions....but hundreds of thousands. And some should think about how a game such as WoW can afford to lose more subs than any other MMO has total. :cool:


Since its peak wow has steadily lost millions of subs, i never once stated they couldnt afford it. end of.

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If you want an insane amount of abilities with a ton of action bars, I'd recommend Rift.


Wow... I hope this is a joke where you make a macro and stick most of your abilities into one macro so you're spamming one key the whole time you're dps'ing. I left Rift back when this game came out in Dec. Warriors DPS build was built around 3 buttons! That's it! Back in 1.3 when DW was king it was 2 buttons! It was 1,1,1,2. Rinse and repeat.


And Chloro's (Mage Healers) were one button spammers!


I do hope you were joking.

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So, I have been a loyal player of Star Wars: The Old Republic since launch, and I've been playing pretty much nonstop. I took a break this past week to pick World of Warcraft back up to see how I would react after playing SWTOR for so long. The result was particularly jarring. Namely, I fell asleep. Or rather I got drowsy simply sitting in my chair, hitting the '1' key repeatedly for the first 10 levels. Combat was incredibly boring. I don't even know how in the world I even found it entertaining, though I suspect it was because I had yet to play SWTOR in it's entirety.


Another thing, was the graphics. They felt too hamfisted, and dated. I realize that the game is older (what, around 7 years now?) however with the stylized realism, it's not hard on my machine and I can still enjoy places like Tatooine and Hoth in all it's glory. The environment is particularly well done. I look at Silvermoon city and I feel like, "Meh. Ok, it's big..." Nothing too spectacular. There aren't any blizzards or snow drifts or anything that feels ambient or plausible. It's just a giant fortress in the middle of no where essentially.


Also, questing. Oh, my dear lord, if I have to kill another X amount of rats or bunnies or chupacabras without any sort of reason, I will kill myself. I mean really, story does matter. It makes it a little less monotonous and while the bonus quests and many of the main quests occasionally have this, at least you get options and voice overs. It's not as bad is what i am trying to point out.


Lastly, PvP. I love it. That is all.


Ironically, I did the same thing. Going back to wow after a long hiatus and complete frustration with healing post 1.2 in SWTOR. I couldnt disagree with you more. Wow: The classes are tightly balanced. Healing is a lot of fun and far more dynamic than SWTOR; actually, is laugable to even compare the two. The encounters are infinitely better tuned and more challenging. Boss fights have far more interesting dynamtics. More instant heals so that pvp is something other than a cc --> dead. SWTOR: better graphics. Oh, and dont forget the amazing legacy system they spent the amount of time on it takes Blizz to develop an Xpac, lol....

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Since its peak wow has steadily lost millions of subs, i never once stated they couldnt afford it. end of.


Your point tho is a bit like saying. ..." sence it's conception, the US has lost millions of citizens."... Let us not look at how the population has grown overall. :p Only sence Cata has WoW dropped in total subs that are still active. And the expansion Cata sold 4.6 million copies? They lost the large amount of subs after Cata was released basically because it was a big departure from what had made the game so popular, which was the appeal the game had for casuals. That has been changed and it will be interesting to see how the sub figures are when the next sub base report comes out soon.

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Your point tho is a bit like saying. ..." sence it's conception, the US has lost millions of citizens."... Let us not look at how the population has grown overall. :p Only sence Cata has WoW dropped in total subs that are still active. And the expansion Cata sold 4.6 million copies? They lost the large amount of subs after Cata was released basically because it was a big departure from what had made the game so popular, which was the appeal the game had for casuals. That has been changed and it will be interesting to see how the sub figures are when the next sub base report comes out soon.


No its like saying wow had around 12 mil subs and now it has around 10 mil subs, so even with new blood coming in it has lost millions of subs. Dunno how that is hard to understand.

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No its like saying wow had around 12 mil subs and now it has around 10 mil subs, so even with new blood coming in it has lost millions of subs. Dunno how that is hard to understand.


Then that just saying how popular it is. To be so big and lose millions and still have around 10 million subs. It is still the top dog on the block and has many features which make it the best to play.... get this... for millions. :cool:

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Then that just saying how popular it is. To be so big and lose millions and still have around 10 million subs. It is still the top dog on the block and has many features which make it the best to play.... get this... for millions. :cool:

That totaly depends on where the bulk of those subs are and where the bulk of the subs were lost, we know the bulk of subs for wow are in china but please do try and show me where the bulk of the subs losses are from cos it was previously stated that bliz have 4.6 mil in western market but whats it at now.

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Play Tera for 1 hour, that's all. You'll never accept anything less when it comes to combat mechanics. I urge everyone to do it.


Yes, it's NOT sci-fi. I'm a huge sci-fan. However I enjoy MMOs more. As long as....they're entertaining. Combat in all current MMOs is the same, the exact same 5 or 6 animations. No thought is required.


Wow is dated, it was good while it lasted. SWTOR failed on launch day due to greed, it's on it's last breath.


Imagine a game where you have to AWAKE and pay attention or you'll die. No. SWTOR is a snoozefest.


I played Tera for 3 hours over two nights. I un-installed and cancelled by pre-order.

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