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Legacy name Reset


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The Legacy system is a fun function but as someone said before, it's not thought through at all.


How will I explain Christmas meetup of a whole bunch of different species on each side of the faction? It'll make George Lucas' Christmas Special look sane! ;-)

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They should have a series of sobriety tests before you are allowed to pick the name, and a warning/disclaimer "Do not screw with Legacy names if you are under the influence" :p


The amount of legacy titles I've seen with beer/drunk in the name has been...surprising. Quite possibly every other person I see must play this game under the influence, xD.

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How will I explain Christmas meetup of a whole bunch of different species on each side of the faction? It'll make George Lucas' Christmas Special look sane! ;-)


Is it all that surprising? Anakin Skywalker as Darth Vader was a Sith Lord in the Empire. Luke Skywalker, his son, was raised on the Hutt-controlled world of Tatooine and later became a Jedi Knight of the Republic. Leia Organa, formerly Leia Skywalker before her adoption by Bail and Breha Organa, daughter of Anakin Skywalker, was raised in the Republic world of Alderaan.


So here you have three different people, all family, from across the factions. Now, BioWare has stated that some cross-species relationships will be considered "adoption", not inter-breeding. Besides, the Legacy system will allow you to have your characters married to one another, or as children of another character, or cousins, brothers and sisters, etc. How you explain the relationship is all in how you roleplay the character =)

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Sorry to be a little off topic, but this seems to be were the legacy names are being discussed the most and the most in depth.


I am being prompted to pick a legacy name (have been for three days). I think I have one I like, but I want to be sure how it will be displayed. Am I correct in thinking if I choose to display it, it can be show as either a surname or a title or both?




Legacy name: Wanderfoot


Character names will be either:


Jilla Wanderfoot

Jilla the Wanderfoot Legacy

Jilla Wanderfoot the Wanderfoot Legacy


For what it's worth, I really don't want a legacy name either. I have a smuggler and a bounty hunter and it seems silly that they would be part of the same group, same family, same whatever. Because the prompt is so annoying, I figured I might as well come up with something and be sure it's something I like (just in case). But what is the reason/point of this legacy name anyway?


BTW, I loved the "Tramp stamp" tattoo analogy that someone came up with, lol.

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Sorry to be a little off topic, but this seems to be were the legacy names are being discussed the most and the most in depth.


I am being prompted to pick a legacy name (have been for three days). I think I have one I like, but I want to be sure how it will be displayed. Am I correct in thinking if I choose to display it, it can be show as either a surname or a title or both?




Legacy name: Wanderfoot


Character names will be either:


Jilla Wanderfoot

Jilla the Wanderfoot Legacy

Jilla Wanderfoot the Wanderfoot Legacy


For what it's worth, I really don't want a legacy name either. I have a smuggler and a bounty hunter and it seems silly that they would be part of the same group, same family, same whatever. Because the prompt is so annoying, I figured I might as well come up with something and be sure it's something I like (just in case). But what is the reason/point of this legacy name anyway?


BTW, I loved the "Tramp stamp" tattoo analogy that someone came up with, lol.




This thread gives examples of how names are displayed and answers a lot of other questions about Legacy names and the Legacy in general.

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I choose one that would work on either side (since it can be display on Republic and Empire) but I do agree there should be a confirmation stating ARE YOU SURE? Y/N with a disclaimer in caps "By Clicking Y, you are accepting <name type> as your surname, this cannot be change even if you delete all your character. CSR can't change it, you are stuck with it forever and ever!" and make a person retype the surname again as confirmation ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah submitted a ticket an a email but nothing, no change... oh well ^^


They are not going to change it. Most games charge you money to change your name. What makes you think they would change it for free?

Edited by Baalazar
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Legacy name changed needs to happen Now!


I will pay credits in game I do not care.


Also why can I not have the same legacy name as another player?


Are you telling me there is only one family of Jones in America? It is a last name.

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When I asked my friends about how I could add a surname to my character (which most MMO's I've played over the years allow) I was amazed when I was told how it works in this game. Who decided that it would be a good idea if the only way you could get a surname was by unlocking the feature at the end of Act 1, and then be forced to have that surname on every single character (no matter what race or side) on that server? Ok that sort of thing worked in Tabula Rasa for example, but that was because pretty much all of your characters were clones. In a game like this I want to be able to give different surnames to each of my characters and none to some others -- yes I know you can turn it off as an option but then you have to turn it on again when you log in a character that has a surname you want displayed. I sincerely hope this is some sort of placeholder system and not the final system with regards to surnames...


While I'm enjoying TOR for the most part I must admit the release of this game at this stage still feels a bit early. Sure, nowhere near as bad as Champions Online or Star Trek Online maybe (which use the same engine but are done by a different development house), but still a bit too early. One difference between this and those games is that at release this game seems to have had most of the major features implemented, but a large number of the "smaller" (seem smaller, but still probably require a lot of work) features MMO veterans take for granted either alpha or missing entirely, while both of the games I mentioned above had most of the little things implemented while missing large chunks of the bigger things (eg. proper friends lists, cross server chat, lots of nice features tied into a players web account etc.). :)

Edited by Hatonastick
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Personally, I'm thrilled that legacy names can't be changed. That way there's a certain number of people I can automatically weed out from those I will group with or invite to guild, because they're obviously dumb as dirt and I get to save myself from those bad experiences.
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I personally think that the Legacy system only makes the whole "unique" name issue more apparant. As mentioned, why is there only one "Johnson" legacy on an entire server, why is there only one person called "John".


This is a rather outdated way of handling player names in an MMO setting - at least if we're going to have first names, last names and family trees. Yes - it is based around being able to target a specific person for invites/whispers and so forth. But that dependancy needs to change imo.


(Starcraft 2 comes to mind. I seem to recall from the beta that people had a combination of playername and a unique identifier on top of that)

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  • 1 month later...

Please allow a legacy name reset.


When I started to make mine, there was nothing to tell me what the rules were. Which characters, spaces, caps, etc. I was trying different things and got errors every time. Then all the sudden, BOOM, it accepted something I didn't actually want. No "are you sure you want XYZ legacy name?" or anything, just committed.


Oops sorry you made a typo, you're doomed to look stupid forever. Guess that's nothing new. Now I just hide my legacy name and hope no one asks. LOL



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