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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Get rid of Huttball


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Until you learn to fix this class-biased mode. Rateds will be a complete joke if you allow this mode.




Allow the option to pick your own wz.


Huttball is the best warzone currently in the game. It is also a great barometer for overall skill and MMO IQ. Every good player I know loves huttball, every bad player I know hates huttball. Interesting.


NC: 2nd place to Huttball, decent.

Alderaan: crud.

Voidstar: mindless crud.

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Until you learn to fix this class-biased mode. Rateds will be a complete joke if you allow this mode.




Allow the option to pick your own wz.


Huttball is by far the best wz in the game. So many variables unlike guarding a single node or door. No way take huttball out of this game and then this game is completely worthless

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When I play with people who "get it," I LOOOVE Huttball. Losing a game 1-0 can even be more fun than winning the other warzones. It's the most strategic of the warzones, and the one which requires the most proper decision making and snap decisions. It rewards well thought out use of CC and CC breakers and punishes spamming them. It rewards playing for the objectives and punishes playing to rack up kills. It rewards proper positioning in a way the other warzones can't even approach.


Because of all of this, when I play with players who don't get it, I hate... not Huttball, but the experience. I don't even feel like I'm playing Huttball so much.

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Uhm, every class has a spot in Huttball:


Assassin, Sorcs, Marauders, Juggs are amazing ball carriers or ball carrier support. Commandos and snipers are ranged and vanguards have pull :p The only bad class in Huttball are actually operatives. Though they can kill tanks pretty good, thanks to the armor reduce and high tech damage. No other class (Maybe Lethality-snipers) can kill tanks that fast. Also they are the strongest healer in huttball.


So huttball isn't that unbalanced.

Edited by Teabaker
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I hated huttball on my operative. We were pretty much worthless.


As a powertech i like huttball alot, i feel im making a difference.


Now Assassins on teh other hand are just simply OP in huttball. I mean immune to everything + forcespeed? lol.....

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funny how anytime people said hutball is about "tactics", most of the time it involves force users, and never about operatives/scoundrels,

when the op clearly said its class-biased.


Scoundrels and Operatives have the tools to be amazing in Hutball. I'm sorry you feel this way, but I must say that I think it's a matter of simply not understanding how perfect these classes are for Huttball.


To start, Sawbones scoundrels (and whatever the operative healing spec) are INCREDIBLE in Huttball. Their mobile style of healing is an absolute game changer if you have one. Whereas other healers need to be stationary, a scoundrel can follow the ball carrier and keep him alive at times almost indefinitely.


Scoundrels and ops also have a huge plethora of stuns and CCs, which are absolutely king in Huttball. a good scoundrel can separate his ball carrier from an entire team of opponents. Flash grenade this group, dirty kick that guy, Tendon blast another... amazing utility.

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Every class is viable, some are just a lot more viable than others... Take someone like an operative, one knockback and suddenly they're doing almost nothing to the fight, do the same thing to a Jugger and hes back in within half a second. Every class can do well if played well, but when looking at balance you cant assume someones not going to play well, you have to look at every class asif they're played to the best of their ability and judge from there.
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There's a cpl classes that suffer in huttball, but none of the rest that really dominate, with probably tank spec powertech/vanguard at the top.


On the flip side, things like void star and civil war, certain class mechanics *cough, stealth, shroud, vanish *cough* are miles and miles ahead of the other classes for objective purposes when its based around 8 seconds uninterrupted cap and high frequency respawns.

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funny how anytime people said hutball is about "tactics", most of the time it involves force users, and never about operatives/scoundrels,

when the op clearly said its class-biased.


A cloaked operative or scoundrel waiting on the enemy goal line to pop out out of cloak and catch a ball thrown up from the pit is indeed very tactical.

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Scoundrels and Operatives have the tools to be amazing in Hutball. I'm sorry you feel this way, but I must say that I think it's a matter of simply not understanding how perfect these classes are for Huttball.


To start, Sawbones scoundrels (and whatever the operative healing spec) are INCREDIBLE in Huttball. Their mobile style of healing is an absolute game changer if you have one. Whereas other healers need to be stationary, a scoundrel can follow the ball carrier and keep him alive at times almost indefinitely.


Scoundrels and ops also have a huge plethora of stuns and CCs, which are absolutely king in Huttball. a good scoundrel can separate his ball carrier from an entire team of opponents. Flash grenade this group, dirty kick that guy, Tendon blast another... amazing utility.

you don't need to heal when the other team doesn't even need to kill anyone when they have the ball. and a single push down the pit would have the scoundrel nullified from healing, or doing any other thing for that matter. and between knockbacks, leaps, guardian leaps, rescue, force speed, etc. any cc a scoundrel does is minimal at best against a properly played team of force users.


for the record, i didn't say scoundrels are just useless on hutball. they have their uses, and i've played using/with/against them and they did have several utilities to the advancement of the team. but on a perfect play/coordinated matches, other classes would be more advantageous to have compared to them.

Edited by Wesgile
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of course the pubs hate huttball, you never get it enough to learn it well. on our server, well into the 50's, we always laugh at the pubs as they run through fire, run through the acid, never pass the ball (even with a pass chain setup) pass to smugglers when they do pass, troopers not pulling ppl into fire, sorcs not pulling allies up or around levels, tanks not jumping, placing ones self on a ledge near the goal, grabbing the ball at low health, and lastly out running their support so they get owned when a firewall goes up.


its most likely the most balanced Warzone in the game. field awareness and communication is all ones needs to get through it.

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of course the pubs hate huttball, you never get it enough to learn it well. on our server, well into the 50's, we always laugh at the pubs as they run through fire, run through the acid, never pass the ball (even with a pass chain setup) pass to smugglers when they do pass, troopers not pulling ppl into fire, sorcs not pulling allies up or around levels, tanks not jumping, placing ones self on a ledge near the goal, grabbing the ball at low health, and lastly out running their support so they get owned when a firewall goes up.


its most likely the most balanced Warzone in the game. field awareness and communication is all ones needs to get through it.


Funny, on Fatman we roll the imps all day long at HB. It's my favorite wz as a sent.

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On Veela the Republic is starting to understand Huttball. The other interesting thing is that I see Republic versus Republic warzones far more than I ever saw Imperial versus Imperial. It absolutely seems like its the Empire holding up the que a lot of the time.
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NO! As a merc pyro I love huttball because there are so many kiting options unlike other WZs where things will often not end well with when a melee class gets on you.


The problem I had with huttball per 1.2 was being forced to play it some often.

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A cloaked operative or scoundrel waiting on the enemy goal line to pop out out of cloak and catch a ball thrown up from the pit is indeed very tactical.


Thats the only useful thing that operatives can do there. And assassins can do the same thing and even better than operatives (they get there a lot faster thanks to force speed), plus they can do a lot of other things, not only act as a stealthed beacon for juggernaut/guardian or await the pass on the goal line. So basicly putting an operative in your team is just making your team weaker.


I totally agree with the OP, huttball shouldnt be in ranked warzones. Hell, if when the ranked warzones system is released, huttball mechanics or utility/tools balance of the classes will remain unchanged, I probably will be done with this game.

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Huttbal stays. I'm a pyro merc and I absolutely love this match up.

btw OP is a Rep. Reps have hard time in huttball against Imps who perfected the matchup for several months. People even in pugs know what to do.

Rated warzones will have custom teams for hutball? So what? You can always complete the team too. In team sports that's how it works. Everyone has a role to play.


I've seen proposal to lock special quick travel abilities for ball carriers... that's just stupid. Huttball will get boring and best ball carriers will be only jugs/guardians.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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huttball would be fine if bioware implemented this change:


carrying the huttball now applies a debuff preventing all speed, physics, and leap/pull abilities from working on the carrier.


that one simple change turns huttball from "who has the most force users" to "who has the best passing game and best positioning and the best ball movement". one simple change and it puts the emphasis back on player skill rather than group class composition

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Huttbal stays. I'm a pyro merc and I absolutely love this match up.

btw OP is a Rep. Reps have hard time in huttball against Imps who perfected the matchup for several months. People even in pugs know what to do.

Rated warzones will have custom teams for hutball? So what? You can always complete the team too. In team sports that's how it works. Everyone has a role to play.


I've seen proposal to lock special quick travel abilities for ball carriers... that's just stupid. Huttball will get boring and best ball carriers will be only jugs/guardians.


I used to hate pulls and jumps in Huttball and think they were too strong, but since then I've figured out how to play properly. Force pull, force leap, etc... these things are all counterable by playing correctly and if anything they add strategy to the game and make it better.

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Cant wait for the chance to skip hutball.


The classes with sprint / jump to enemy / jump to target / pull target / pull enemy / knockback - have such an unfair advantage over those classes who dont have any of those

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Wierd, saw 2 different merc pyros post saying they love it but I don't care for it much at all.

I sit at mid doing damage. I'll push forward and try knocking people in the pit. I'll pick the ball up after score and pass forward. I then get yanked into acid and repeat the cycle. Snipers and arsenals can at least take catwalks.

I usually find plenty of cover for LOS in other maps and I can work toward the objectives.

I don't want huttball to go away i just feel useless in it.

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Until you learn to fix this class-biased mode. Rateds will be a complete joke if you allow this mode.




Allow the option to pick your own wz.


I play Sorcerer, this is the only map that I can give the illusion of adding value in.

Edited by Cempa
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