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Get rid of Huttball


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I don't get this. As a warlock or a mage were u running a flag in wsg? No the druid was. To add to that if you wanted to grab it and give it to the carrier, you had to drop it. Every class can PASS the ball. If you want to be a "running back" of a huttball team, roll a class fit for it.


If you feel completely useless in huttball, you're doing it wrong.


Mercs - can spec for 2 knockbacks.. Amazing for defense, not to mention the ability to burst a ball handler. Or if you're a healer, hold mid down.


Op - Concealment blow up those sorcs trying to run ahead of the ball handler. Protect your catwalks! Trust me good ones can do this very effectively. Heal spec is the most mobile healer so I don't think people complain about them in huttball..


Sniper - Roots. Not affected by resolve. Need I say more? I will. A sniper is probably the best defender in the game. If you have good positioning you can rain down damage while those pesky warriors cant charge you.. Back to roots. Roots will be one of the most abused abilities in ranked mark my words. Chain roots can lock someone down that already has full resolve and essentially force them to pass or die. Most good huttball teams will have a sniper.


It seems like everyone wants to be the ball handler when only ONE person can hold the ball at a time. What good is a running back in football without his offensive linemen?


One more point to the people who want to disable friendly pulls, charges, speed boosts on a carrier. You would have to disable enemy leaps, pulls and knock backs or noone is scoring without the pass to a stealthy at the goal line strat. As it is now competent teams against each other rarely score over two points per side so this change is just unnecessary. Why do you want to turn it into a game of who has the best tank and the most heals?


Spoken like someone who actually understands this warzone. Stop trying to remove strategy from the only WZ that really has in depth strategy.

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Spoken like someone who actually understands this warzone. Stop trying to remove strategy from the only WZ that really has in depth strategy.


Do some of you even read? This is not about the strategy

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Do some of you even read? This is not about the strategy


This entire post derives from the fact that you don't understand the complexities of the warzone, so you find it shallow, imbalanced, and not warranting being in rateds.


I'm telling you, you are wrong. It's great that on your server you don't have people who have figured out how to counter "Leap, Pull, and then mouse 1 as fast as you can" and you win 9/10 of your games. That's gotta be nice to have such an easy time farming.


Some of us, on our servers, people have figured out counter strats, and counter-counter strats, and we are really enjoying the different roles that classes have in huttball, and how they function in terms of offense, and defense, and controlling mid.


When X server ques finally come out, you'll see what I'm talking about and hopefully you'll enjoy Huttball a lot more.

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I don't feel underpowered in Huttball, I just don't find it fun. I wish there was the option to not play it.


I feel like in non-rateds you should be able to. I would really love to not ever have to set foot in civil war again until they fix the damned side speeders. Talk about a lame WZ.

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Can't allow people to pick warzones in rated otherwise people will design their team for one warzone. For instance, an amazing team in huttball would probably not be terribly strong in the other warzones. You need to make them que for every single warzone, so that way teams aren't crafted just for Huttball etc.


I know, but I can dream of making my Huttball all-star team, can't I? :cool:


That, and I just really hate Voidstar. But yeah, I fully understand it won't be pulled from Rateds.


I was meaning more for the non-Rated "fun" bracket.

Edited by Varicite
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I know, but I can dream of making my Huttball all-star team, can't I? :cool:


That, and I just really hate Voidstar. But yeah, I fully understand it won't be pulled from Rateds.


I was meaning more for the non-Rated "fun" bracket.


It would be kind of cool, if there were enough players, to just have a Huttball league. I think that would be pretty sweet, but I have a feeling this game is bleeding subs so hard that any further fracturing of the PVP ques would be pretty detrimental :(

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This entire post derives from the fact that you don't understand the complexities of the warzone, so you find it shallow, imbalanced, and not warranting being in rateds.


I'm telling you, you are wrong. It's great that on your server you don't have people who have figured out how to counter "Leap, Pull, and then mouse 1 as fast as you can" and you win 9/10 of your games. That's gotta be nice to have such an easy time farming.


Some of us, on our servers, people have figured out counter strats, and counter-counter strats, and we are really enjoying the different roles that classes have in huttball, and how they function in terms of offense, and defense, and controlling mid.


When X server ques finally come out, you'll see what I'm talking about and hopefully you'll enjoy Huttball a lot more.

Uhm, when cross-servers come out you will see class-stacking like never before. Which AGAIN I'll say it: This has nothing to do with strategy. Please learn to read. Keep living in your delusional world that this mode is balanced though.

Edited by Xinika
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It would be kind of cool, if there were enough players, to just have a Huttball league. I think that would be pretty sweet, but I have a feeling this game is bleeding subs so hard that any further fracturing of the PVP ques would be pretty detrimental :(



I would definitely not mind always having competitive huttball games as opposed to facing teams who don't want to or just can't understand the game. Its rather boring having a team run past me on their side of the acid to chase the ball carrier, who I promptly extricate when I get to the other side of the first fire pit. Luckily, it doesn't happen as much any more, but when it does it is just plain sad and the game is usually over very quickly.


I think all rated WZs are going to have to be cross server because of the low population on many of the servers. With cross server there will be plenty of people willing to participate in ranked huttball only. After all the other games involve a lot more fighting, whereas huttball is more of a sport. The only downfall is that there may not be enough people wanting to queue ranked side speeders and void star.


Ever since I first played huttball I wanted to put together a huttball team and face other huttball teams.



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I would definitely not mind always having competitive huttball games as opposed to facing teams who don't want to or just can't understand the game. Its rather boring having a team run past me on their side of the acid to chase the ball carrier, who I promptly extricate when I get to the other side of the first fire pit. Luckily, it doesn't happen as much any more, but when it does it is just plain sad and the game is usually over very quickly.


I think all rated WZs are going to have to be cross server because of the low population on many of the servers. With cross server there will be plenty of people willing to participate in ranked huttball only. After all the other games involve a lot more fighting, whereas huttball is more of a sport. The only downfall is that there may not be enough people wanting to queue ranked side speeders and void star.


Ever since I first played huttball I wanted to put together a huttball team and face other huttball teams.




So have fun playing huttball, just give the option to pick your own wz.

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So have fun playing huttball, just give the option to pick your own wz.


I am relatively certain they will when cross server goes live. (for unrated) Right now populations could not handle it.

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Hell no dont implement the possibility to choose what wz we want to queue for, dont wanna see civil war game or novare coast overrun by kids thinking they're playing some sort of deathmatch is already hard to win the few i join
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I love huttball, it's by far my favourite WZ but it is definitely biased towards specific classes. I'm playing one of those classes though (Sage) so ......


I hated it when I used to play a Scoundrel. Go figure.



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i have to agree huttball is one of the most imbalanced games...


when I queue with a bunch of fellow sages/shadow/sents, almost certainty of win...


when I see a shadow tank on the opposite team grab the ball, I just forget about going after him and head back to mid hoping to try to catch the next ball (although usually this doesnt work out because he can solo it, being close to the finish line with force speed and invulnerability)


when I get a opposite team of the above composition I talked about queuing with and my team does not have it, I think quitting isn't unwise


so as many other people have mentioned countless times, either

a) balance the characters

b) balance/cap class composition in warzones

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All warzone maps favor Sorc/Sage and Assassin/Shadow hybrids. But because the Huttball map is the smallest, it becomes the most obvious.


When it comes to Huttball though, Force Speed should be disabled if you are carrying the ball. Also, the hazard areas (fire/acid) should have a 4 sec root so they can't just be hopped over and basically ignored. Those two things would go a long way towards solving the problems on that map.

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Until you learn to fix this class-biased mode. Rateds will be a complete joke if you allow this mode.




Allow the option to pick your own wz.


"Because people know these modes are unbalanced yet they still allow it.


You think the best PvP teams will take a Scoundrel over a Sage or Guardian?

Teams will be stacked with X, Y and Z classes while F and U won't dare get a spot.


We will just abuse the inbalance and there will be no one else to blame but yourselves for it. "


huttball just needs tweaking


visit this link for isea's that would fix it :)


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