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Dissappointment Vent.


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:mad: 2 Days after I buy this damn game Origin puts the game on sale!!! The price dropped from 79$ to 44$ I want my 25$ back! That's some BS or atleast like 30 more days of game play. I even bought the Digital Deluxe Version because I thought the Droid thing would actually be useful, but it doesn't even do anything. It's a complete waste of money. The Dancer and Flare gun are pointless I never even use them. I should have just bought the regular version.
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:mad: 2 Days after I buy this damn game Origin puts the game on sale!!! The price dropped from 79$ to 44$ I want my 25$ back! That's some BS or atleast like 30 more days of game play. I even bought the Digital Deluxe Version because I thought the Droid thing would actually be useful, but it doesn't even do anything. It's a complete waste of money. The Dancer and Flare gun are pointless I never even use them. I should have just bought the regular version.


Life was never supposed to be fair

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:mad: 2 Days after I buy this damn game Origin puts the game on sale!!! The price dropped from 79$ to 44$ I want my 25$ back! That's some BS or atleast like 30 more days of game play. I even bought the Digital Deluxe Version because I thought the Droid thing would actually be useful, but it doesn't even do anything. It's a complete waste of money. The Dancer and Flare gun are pointless I never even use them. I should have just bought the regular version.


Bad luck. You don't deserve anything.

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Should I mention that it's been on sale in Europe for 30 pound/ 35 Euro since christmas ? Can't believe it's impossible to get at a similar price overseas. Or do we simply have a working market ?


Shop more circumspectly, I'd say

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:mad: 2 Days after I buy this damn game Origin puts the game on sale!!! The price dropped from 79$ to 44$ I want my 25$ back! That's some BS or atleast like 30 more days of game play. I even bought the Digital Deluxe Version because I thought the Droid thing would actually be useful, but it doesn't even do anything. It's a complete waste of money. The Dancer and Flare gun are pointless I never even use them. I should have just bought the regular version.


I bought a Xoom for 600$. Within a month, it was down by a couple hundred dollars. Can I have my 200$ back? Oh right, that's not how things work.

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:mad: 2 Days after I buy this damn game Origin puts the game on sale!!! The price dropped from 79$ to 44$ I want my 25$ back! That's some BS or atleast like 30 more days of game play. I even bought the Digital Deluxe Version because I thought the Droid thing would actually be useful, but it doesn't even do anything. It's a complete waste of money. The Dancer and Flare gun are pointless I never even use them. I should have just bought the regular version.


That's what happens to me every time I buy something. Life isn't fair though. At least you save 8k creds on a new speeder by buying the digital deluxe version.

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2 days ago, I bought a TV from Best Buy for $200. Today it went on sale for $175. You think I'll get my $25 back?


such a baby! 5 years ago I bought a computer for like $1500, not it's worth probably nothing! When do I get my check for the difference?! lol!!!


XD man, people are crazy... things go on sale, you can't get too bent out of shape over it. just look at computers at bestbuy or whatever, every week it's something else on sale. if you try to wait it out for the best price, you'll never get anything! Bozo's right though, you ain't gettin' nothing dude, just give the store props for the markup and move along.

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2 days ago, I bought a TV from Best Buy for $200. Today it went on sale for $175. You think I'll get my $25 back?


Best Buy has 30 day price protection so if the price changes after you buy it you can still come back for the same deal. It also applies to price matching with other companies.


Bad Example :p

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:mad: 2 Days after I buy this damn game Origin puts the game on sale!!! The price dropped from 79$ to 44$ I want my 25$ back! That's some BS or atleast like 30 more days of game play. I even bought the Digital Deluxe Version because I thought the Droid thing would actually be useful, but it doesn't even do anything. It's a complete waste of money. The Dancer and Flare gun are pointless I never even use them. I should have just bought the regular version.


WOW, $79.00 to $44.00 in under 6 months?


Yikes. Dont think I ever saw a MMORPG do that before. Not even Rift (who suffered the same fast subscription loss because game was to easy).


Usually you have to wait at least a year and the first expansion before seeing a price drop like that.


And yes OP, Ive been hit with same thing by companies before. Pay full price and a day or 2 later its on sale.


I usually call the company up and ask for a refund on the difference.

Some see the unfairness and give the refund

Others I never do bussiness with again.


I could see Gamestop or some retail store not knowing about a surprise price drop. But Origin is ran and owned by EA so no excuse for them not to notify interested parties of the upcoming sale.


And yes, (before some "person" say it) I have made purchases where a salesman or manager tells me straight up that Item going on sale next week/month if I want to hold on for the sale. Its not actually that strange a practice. A happy customer returns. A upset customer doesnt normally.

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