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Financial Issues


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I know this is not a problem for most but it seems that I am having a hard time making money. Im on Alderaan and its getting pretty old walking from one place to another. I want to purchase the speeder skill but for some reason I cant seem to acquire over 15,000 credits before I have to buy sumthin or repair my armour. What are some quick ways to earn cash. Seems that selling the things I make with my Artifice skill just aint cuttin it...
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I know this is not a problem for most but it seems that I am having a hard time making money. Im on Alderaan and its getting pretty old walking from one place to another. I want to purchase the speeder skill but for some reason I cant seem to acquire over 15,000 credits before I have to buy sumthin or repair my armour. What are some quick ways to earn cash. Seems that selling the things I make with my Artifice skill just aint cuttin it...


Get slicing its a very quick way to get some cash, as you can get credit boxes from it

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I know this is not a problem for most but it seems that I am having a hard time making money. Im on Alderaan and its getting pretty old walking from one place to another. I want to purchase the speeder skill but for some reason I cant seem to acquire over 15,000 credits before I have to buy sumthin or repair my armour. What are some quick ways to earn cash. Seems that selling the things I make with my Artifice skill just aint cuttin it...


what are you buying, the only thing I recall having to buy is crafting mats and new skills. Neither of which get expensive till around the 40s

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Have to buy something? What could you possibly have to buy? The only thing that costs money pre-50 are new skills. Don't waste money on gear, looted gear will take you through the game and no one cares what a pre-50 wears anyway so there's no need to put money on eye candy.
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Im trying to buy the speeder skill...

If you're spending so much on repair bills that you can't afford speeder training, then you must be dying CONSTANTLY. Otherwise, you're wasting credits on useless stuff like vendor trash gear. Only spend credits on repair bills/gathering missions, and sell whatever you craft back to vendors.

Edited by KuroshimaiHD
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The best way to save money when you're under level 50 is to not buy your gear with credits. Instead, get commendation gear. It's free and simply doing all of the quests on most planets is more than enough to fund your new gear.


I think after level 25, I got a custom chest piece, pants, and blaster that I just kept upgrading with commendation mods. The rest of my gear was provided to me via drops and quests. Thus is was that I could afford all of my skills, speeder piloting licenses, and mission levelling without ever really breaking a sweat.

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Also, do your daily repeatable missions. Heroics and Flashpoints can be hard to find a group for, but at the very least, do your space missions. It costs next to nothing to start them, they take 10 minutes max, and it's basically a free farming source for credits, XP and fleet commendations.
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I know this is not a problem for most but it seems that I am having a hard time making money. Im on Alderaan and its getting pretty old walking from one place to another. I want to purchase the speeder skill but for some reason I cant seem to acquire over 15,000 credits before I have to buy sumthin or repair my armour. What are some quick ways to earn cash. Seems that selling the things I make with my Artifice skill just aint cuttin it...


Here are some tips to help you get some early money.


Crew Skills:

Slicing - This is the number one way to make easy money. Don't waste any on sending your companions on missions, unless you need to grind out a few levels. Instead, just pick up the lock-boxes you find around the world. It is essentially free money.

Any 2 other gathering skills (e.g. Archeology, Scavenging or Bioanalysis) - Collect the mats from around the world (again, avoid the crew missions unless you have to) and sell everything you collect on the GTN. I recommend Scavenging and Bioanalysis as strong droids and beasts can be scanned for materials.


Don't buy any gear, use your planet commendations to gear yourself up, and mission rewards to gear your companion. Focus on gearing only one companion, the one you use the most.


Play the GTN. Post your items for the average price, not the lowest, unless you want the credits ASAP. Be patient. Not everything will sell right away, but as long as you offer it for a fair price, and it is in demand (crafting materials usually are) people will buy it. Keep an eye out for items that are under-priced and buy them up to re-list them.


Do as many quests as possible, especially heroics. Heroics are repeatable once a day, so are easily farmed.


Any green items that you pick up and don't need, just vendor. They very rarely sell on the GTN, and can usually sell for a decent price. Blues and Purples can go up on the GTN.

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Maybe go to Tatooine as well, since I find it hard to believe you did Tat without a speeder. If you did, then patience of Job and all that but man...../shakehead. Kill things, sell junk loot and vendor non junk. I can't imagine how you could be on Alderaan at shortly after 25 and not be dying all the time, which would explain constantly repairing. Make sure you're on the right planet for your level range and money should be a lot easier to come by (because you'll be able to kill the mobs instead of dying). Hit L to look at your mission log, select the mission you're working on, and see what level it is. Please tell me you're not level 30ish and are still walking.
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Maybe go to Tatooine as well, since I find it hard to believe you did Tat without a speeder. If you did, then patience of Job and all that but man...../shakehead. Kill things, sell junk loot and vendor non junk. I can't imagine how you could be on Alderaan at shortly after 25 and not be dying all the time, which would explain constantly repairing. Make sure you're on the right planet for your level range and money should be a lot easier to come by (because you'll be able to kill the mobs instead of dying). Hit L to look at your mission log, select the mission you're working on, and see what level it is. Please tell me you're not level 30ish and are still walking.


It happens. I did Tatooine w/o a speeder and was level 20ish and still walking. Much better guides and info for Noob players out there now.

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I know this is not a problem for most but it seems that I am having a hard time making money. Im on Alderaan and its getting pretty old walking from one place to another. I want to purchase the speeder skill but for some reason I cant seem to acquire over 15,000 credits before I have to buy sumthin or repair my armour. What are some quick ways to earn cash. Seems that selling the things I make with my Artifice skill just aint cuttin it...


If you are on one of my servers, I will buy your speeder for you. I need to know what server you are on, and the character's name.


My price?


1) Do the same for someone else later.

2) Teach them what I will have taught you about credit management.



Edited by lordofdamornin
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I would like to thank everyone for their responses they are very helpful, Ive done Tatooine without a speeder and I am currently on the bonus missions, i havent bought any gear because i use the Omenbringers Robes that received from a mission so I just upgrade the mods by purchasing from the commendation vendor. My lightsabre is custom also that I crafted myself. The only thing I have ever bought from a vendor are the medpacs. Im a Shadow so Tharon usually keeps me going so that I wont have to use them. I'm on the Telos Restoration Project server its a low pop server so not many people visit the GTN. The most Ive bought have been my class skills...
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I would like to thank everyone for their responses they are very helpful, Ive done Tatooine without a speeder and I am currently on the bonus missions, i havent bought any gear because i use the Omenbringers Robes that received from a mission so I just upgrade the mods by purchasing from the commendation vendor. My lightsabre is custom also that I crafted myself. The only thing I have ever bought from a vendor are the medpacs. Im a Shadow so Tharon usually keeps me going so that I wont have to use them. I'm on the Telos Restoration Project server its a low pop server so not many people visit the GTN. The most Ive bought have been my class skills...


It was a longshot, but I don't have any characters there.


The best advice I can give you is to take Slicing, and send your droid and at least one other companion out on Lockbox missions. They return a profit the majority of the time, and it also allows you to pick up credits that are just literally laying on the ground on every planet. It will help, big time.



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wow how can you be broke i made a toon that just hit lvl 20 today and i dont do crafting on it just gathering skills and slicing i have almost 100k in credits i dont buy gear just use what is droped and what i get as mission rewards so you must me wasting creds on sumthing if you wanna buy mods for your gear use the plannet comms and also if you pvp you can get sum decent gear for lvl 20 and lvl 40 from buying em with wz comms so stop wasting your credits on gear at vendors and you will have sum credits to buy what ever skills you need
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I know this is not a problem for most but it seems that I am having a hard time making money. Im on Alderaan and its getting pretty old walking from one place to another. I want to purchase the speeder skill but for some reason I cant seem to acquire over 15,000 credits before I have to buy sumthin or repair my armour. What are some quick ways to earn cash. Seems that selling the things I make with my Artifice skill just aint cuttin it...


You shouldn't have to buy anything but skills. Assuming you're clearing each planet of quests you'll easily have enough money to purchase skills and your speeder.


Armour repair's are pretty insignificant and a rare event unless you're dying that often.


I would leave your skills alone until mid to late 30's when you're raking in the cash.

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I know this is not a problem for most but it seems that I am having a hard time making money. Im on Alderaan and its getting pretty old walking from one place to another. I want to purchase the speeder skill but for some reason I cant seem to acquire over 15,000 credits before I have to buy sumthin or repair my armour. What are some quick ways to earn cash. Seems that selling the things I make with my Artifice skill just aint cuttin it...


Are you spending all your hard-earned credits on grinding Archaeology and Treasure Hunting missions? It's pretty easy to underestimate the negative effect this can have on your wallet, especially if the finished products don't sell. I would put off trying to level your crew skills until you're in a better financial position, or at least try to gather most of the materials yourself on-planet rather than spending the credits on gathering missions. It also helps to limit your purchases of extraneous schematics at the crafting trainer to only the most useful ones (for yourself, or to sell) instead of trying to learn everything at once.

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Are you spending all your hard-earned credits on grinding Archaeology and Treasure Hunting missions? It's pretty easy to underestimate the negative effect this can have on your wallet, especially if the finished products don't sell. I would put off trying to level your crew skills until you're in a better financial position, or at least try to gather most of the materials yourself on-planet rather than spending the credits on gathering missions. It also helps to limit your purchases of extraneous schematics at the crafting trainer to only the most useful ones (for yourself, or to sell) instead of trying to learn everything at once.


I think this is my issue right here my Archaeology and Treasure missions, in the upper levels they can get pretty expensive. sometimes instead of selling the items I reverse engineer them to get a better schematic better schematics mean more missions on higher tier levels...

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Stop running Missions.

Your Companions can sit on your ship and get fat while you make a profit off selling loots.

If you have something that has Lockbox missions, run those, but nothing else.


You should be albe to level Artifice off what you gather in person.

Don't bother trying to sell anything, just Reverse Engineer it for mats.

You should be funded pretty fast.

Oh, and for the love of all things holy DO NOT buy all the schema, just the ones you will use personally.

At higher levels the cash rolls in and you can complete your schema list, but they are pricey at lower levels and un-necessary. Enhancements in particaular explode in cost due to variety.


You could also grind credits off Space Combat Missions. Boring, but possible.

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I think this is my issue right here my Archaeology and Treasure missions, in the upper levels they can get pretty expensive. sometimes instead of selling the items I reverse engineer them to get a better schematic better schematics mean more missions on higher tier levels...


Better schematics are only going to be worth it if they either 1) are profitable at the GTN (in other words, the finished product sells consistently for over cost), or 2) give your character a significant performance boost. If you're grinding Artifice just to get to 400, rather than to be able to make a specific item or items that will actually benefit you financially or performance-wise, you might want to rethink your strategy. Many players don't even bother with leveling their crew skills, or focus only on acquiring materials and schematics to sell for profit, until they're near end game.


I suggest checking your server's GTN often to see what sells and what doesn't. You may be able to sell extra stacks of materials to offset your costs, or there may be a few craftable items that will net you a nice profit (although many of the best-selling items will always be level 50). Mainly, just be aware of how much you're spending on crafting versus how much you're bringing in with it, and make your decisions accordingly.

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I see you're playing a Shadow. Do you tend to stealth past large groups of mobs in order to complete quest objectives? That may be a cause of your cash flow also. More mobs = more credits. You may also miss bonus quests when you do this, which would also result in fewer credits.
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