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Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend. SWTOR or GW2, what do you prefer?


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well you can say similar in sw tor


pvp is more like player vs objective


in objective games isn't that good? having the players fight over objectives? am i missing something? the challenge of capping a point or a door in TOR isn't capping it, its getting past all the enemy players.


its not hacking at a door for 5 minutes.


i dont think you thought this post out much lol

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Everyone talks about the AWESOME WvWvW, I've seen the streams, 15 minutes bashing on a door, have fun with that.


I don't understand this sentiment. They have given you a massive world with keeps you can attack and defend and you summarize it with "15mins of bashing on a door".


They have given you a setting and the tools to do what you will. No one is forcing you to bash on a door. It's a sandbox style of PvP with lots of toys. You can do whatever floats your boat and obviously sieging another players keep isn't your idea of fun.

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I don't understand this sentiment. They have given you a massive world with keeps you can attack and defend and you summarize it with "15mins of bashing on a door".


They have given you a setting and the tools to do what you will. No one is forcing you to bash on a door. It's a sandbox style of PvP with lots of toys. You can do whatever floats your boat and obviously sieging another players keep isn't your idea of fun.

Apparently he likes world PvP where he runs around in the central area and collecting boxes.
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I don't understand this sentiment. They have given you a massive world with keeps you can attack and defend and you summarize it with "15mins of bashing on a door".


They have given you a setting and the tools to do what you will. No one is forcing you to bash on a door. It's a sandbox style of PvP with lots of toys. You can do whatever floats your boat and obviously sieging another players keep isn't your idea of fun.


What sentiment? im saying what I saw in the streams, laying siege to keeps can be fun if designed well, I already did that on 2008 with Warhammer Online and I had my share of fun. I just find it funny that people overhype it.


I also think its a bit hypocritical to point fingers at swtor and say they just copy wow, when Arenanet is just copying Mythic.

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I actually really enjoy GW2. It's not a replacement for SWTOR, just different. As with all games, there are some things I wish each had from the other.


What is funny is the only time I get sad about the games I'm playing is when I come out to the forums. These days, it seems it's can be either the forum that goes with the game or in the case of GW2 (as I'm reading and writing now), someone else's forum.


Everyone just seems really, really mad...about everything. Nothing is good. :(


Two things:


Area Events

I really like these. Yes, I suppose they might get repetitive, but so do dungeons (flashpoints) right? Anything you play, if you do something more than once, it is bound to feel repetitive. That condition pre-dates MMOs, sorry about that. To me, as in Rift, I 'really' enjoy these because it's a way to interact with the world in a really fun and social way, with others, without having to feel the pressure of filling a specific role, and being yelled at because I'm not wearing the right gear or casting the right spell when my energy is at 13.


'Heart' Questing

It's actually a nice idea. Rather than having a list of things to do, and they make you go to each place, it does spread it out. You can do none of them or all of them before moving on. In one area, there are multiple options for given levels as well. I'm choosing to go off in one direction and I'm missing a few areas. I may come back to do them, or save them for another character. It's not very linear at all. And, do fulfill each heart, you can do one of 3-4 different things. I did a castle one and primarily did nothing but straighten up the area a bit. I ran over a bridge and helped some people in trouble from time to time, and did a few events, but mostly just tidied up. On another, I did a 'lot' of fighting and heavy events. Plus, there was no 'n', per se. There is a progress bar that fills a little each time you do something to help them, but when there are so many different things to do, you aren't even really aware of it, you are just running around doing things, alone or with other people, and before you know it you're done.


Lots of other things. The world seems huge, I like the way it unfolds. Divinity's Reach is giant! I could teleport around town, but I rather enjoy walking around and learning the streets.


I like how there are no healers, per se. Now, I chose an elementatlist as my 2nd (my first was the Ranger...uhm...Hunter...well....I had a bow and a bear! Still love the character, but I also started digging the Elementalist. Playing it as I type this (well I hear things blowing up in the background, hopefully I'm still alive). One of the attunements I can flip to is water, and it's 'more' supportive and has more 'help your friends with things that do damage and heal', but really it's not a healer, but makes for a decent substitute without a dedicated one. Everyone has something that can heal themselves. You can spend skill points to expand on your personal healing as well. Like SWTOR everyone rezes, though they have a neat mechanic with it. It takes time to rez someone, but the more people that help, the faster it goes. I like that I can move freely while I use my abilities. Hmm...well, lots of things to like.


Doesn't mean I think that game is 'better' than SWTOR, just different. There are a lot of things I enjoy about SWTOR as well. I won't bother listing them, you could probably generate a list looking at my responses to other's posts (of course, you have to discount any of my 'harmless' fun replies to people from time to time, and silly posts to ragers that sneak in before their posts are eventually closed, and my questions...but there out there. The OJ (orange) armor concept, the story, big fan of the RPG dialog system...and frankly, it's nice to have a sci-fi in my MMO tool belt right now.


So there. That's wasn't so hard to do. No one got hurt. Didn't make any hyperbolic rage statements about how all games are dying except the one that I'm playing right now (remember, anyone who says someone else is in 'Denial' may be in the 'Bargaining' stage themselves :p).


Had a good time playing Tera, signed up to play it, probably 'tinker' with that one. For me, I don't think that will last more than a month or two. Really like the armor, scenery, combat system. The crafting is a bit steep financially for me and I have a feeling that the grand design for end game really revolves more around PvP than PvE - but not in a way that will be entertaining to me.


GW2, hard to say, only one beta weekend. Might need a few more. I'm in the 'Shock and Awe' stage right now, so everything looks like chocolate enemas (:eek:)! Might change my mind. Now, you might think after my PvP vs PvE comment for Tera, that I'd be doomed in GW2, but, well...I 'might' PvP in that game. I don't usually PvP in a game, takes something special for me to get excited about it. DAoC had it's RvR and 'Darkness Falls'. WoW had Wintergrasp (that was nice because it was very impersonal and anyone could do it, even a dunce like me). I think GW2 might have it, just haven't tried it yet. I wanted my first weekend to be about exploring the unique PvE features, and getting my feet wet with crafting.


SWTOR will be with me for a while. Can't say I'll be here a year from now, but these days, that's asking a lot, and I don't think it should be expected. WoW was an enigma. Not so much it's success level, but that people somehow got to this place where they kept going back to it. They didn't want to 'level up' through a whole new game, that somehow if they stopped playing, then all their time was wasted. I don't much get that. Fun is about the journey, not the end.


Well, there you go.


TLDR: Hmm. I guess nothing. It was really long, and I don't ever say much of anything useful anyway. Sorry about wearing out the scroll wheel on your mouse, at any rate. :o

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With all the spawn points they have built in, and the ability to travel out an instance immediatly, (instead of walking all the way back swtor style), you dont need mounts. I have been playing beta all weekend and i never had that feeling of "waht a long walk". In GW2 they manage to keep it a game in the right places.


The spawn points system is OK. But teleporting does cost coin and at low levels it adds up if you use it a lot. Mounts really are need. The ability to leave an instance with one click is nice though. Storyline quests stink to high heaven in GW2, even the worst ones here are far better. The dymanic events are nothing more than Mythic's public quests slightly altered for effect and they repeat just like very other quest in every mmo. Interface is archaic as well. Oh and the voice acting.... that's just plain horrid. I won't bother to play on launch day and can never see myself making GW2 anything more than an occasional diversion. Didn't bother to play GW2 today at all.

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You have to be trolling, seriously. There was even a picture that showed the skills of SWTOR as compared to the Skills of WoW, and they were nearly identical, SWTOR has the same exact combat and game play as WoW, the only difference that SWTOR has is the storyline and the voice acting. The graphics are way better in GW2 then WoW, extremely better.


You can tell me this



Looks just like



I donot agree at all the combat in TOR and WOW are alike. I play them both and WOW's is more fluid, is the best way to put it. WoW's gaming world is more open feeling, where as in TOR, you have a feeling of being on a rail if you can understand that. I have not played GW2, but never liked the first one and from the videos I have watched..not too interested in the second one.

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After spending some time in GW2 beta I must say I'm quite disappointed.

Dialogue was horrid, UI was not that great, combat was nothing special and god the character feeling... It felt like I was floating in the air, jumping didn't feel that great either.


But Dynamic Events was really cool, so it has it's ups and downs :) but GW2 is far from "revolutionary", it will not "kill wow" and it will not have an big impact on SWTORs subscribers.


I think SWTOR is the better game. What do you think? and to any of you who have experienced the beta weekend, feel free to tell us about your experience :)


Gotta tell ya, played the beta and found the PvP to be exceptional, none of this gear>skill stuff, no repeated zergy CC stunlock burst dead fest, lots of great world and instanced PvP and really brought to light the absolute pile of dung that is Swtor PvP. When GW2 releases wave farewell to any remaining PvPers left in Swtor, they will be gone, IMO its that good. Its not a WoW or Tor killer, I will not cancel my Swtor sub cause there is alot here I like, but not enough to keep me here as my full time MMO, but GW2 with no monthly sub, how can you not play it, especially if your into PvP!

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Gotta tell ya, played the beta and found the PvP to be exceptional, none of this gear>skill stuff, no repeated zergy CC stunlock burst dead fest, lots of great world and instanced PvP and really brought to light the absolute pile of dung that is Swtor PvP. When GW2 releases wave farewell to any remaining PvPers left in Swtor, they will be gone, IMO its that good. Its not a WoW or Tor killer, I will not cancel my Swtor sub cause there is alot here I like, but not enough to keep me here as my full time MMO, but GW2 with no monthly sub, how can you not play it, especially if your into PvP!


That will be cool. Maybe then BioWare can spend thier time and energy on the PVE aspects of TOR which is why I play it. :cool:

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Didn't play the beta. I like a number of concepts GW2 is implementing (less focus on Raids for one), but frankly I really dislike the playerbase. It's the players themselves that are keeping me away from the game, not the game itself.
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Didn't play the beta. I like a number of concepts GW2 is implementing (less focus on Raids for one), but frankly I really dislike the playerbase. It's the players themselves that are keeping me away from the game, not the game itself.


They donot have a "ignore player" feature?

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They donot have a "ignore player" feature?


If you have to ignore 3/4 of the player base why bother? Just play a single player game. GW2's players are for the most part a cross between League of Legends and 4chan; which is so different than the in game community here in TOR. The only other in game community I have even seen close to TOR's is LOTRO.

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I watched a bunch of videos that people posted this weekend. It looked like a modern day MMO, nothing more and nothing less. It certainly looks enjoyable but it's not revolutionary and it's not gonna kill anything.


The only thing I consider not revolutionary but kind of innovative is their buy2play model that they already implemented in GW1, Im having a lot of fun with swtor, but if GW2 turns out to be just as fun without having to pay every month it will certainly be more appealing to the PVP crowd.

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The only thing I consider not revolutionary but kind of innovative is their buy2play model that they already implemented in GW1, Im having a lot of fun with swtor, but if GW2 turns out to be just as fun without having to pay every month it will certainly be more appealing to the PVP crowd.


I'm a pvper but even the pve is pulling me in. And, shudder to think, I might actual do some crafting in GW2, at least for the guild influence.

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If you have to ignore 3/4 of the player base why bother? Just play a single player game. GW2's players are for the most part a cross between League of Legends and 4chan; which is so different than the in game community here in TOR. The only other in game community I have even seen close to TOR's is LOTRO.




They're also quite hypocritical. For example: Story-based play is bad, unless GW2 does it; Voice Over is a bad concept, unless GW2 does it; pay to win (or pay to not be annoyed) models are bad, until GW2 does it; having no raiding is poor design, unless GW2 does it...


This list goes on. I'd see this all the time on other gaming sites. GW2 fans denouncing some aspect of another game (or SWTOR), but as soon as GW2 announced it would be doing the same thing, suddenly that feature is brilliant.

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They're also quite hypocritical. For example: Story-based play is bad, unless GW2 does it; Voice Over is a bad concept, unless GW2 does it; pay to win (or pay to not be annoyed) models are bad, until GW2 does it; having no raiding is poor design, unless GW2 does it...


This list goes on. I'd see this all the time on other gaming sites. GW2 fans denouncing some aspect of another game (or SWTOR), but as soon as GW2 announced it would be doing the same thing, suddenly that feature is brilliant.


How is this different from this community? SWTORs community is terrible.

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I'm a pvper but even the pve is pulling me in. And, shudder to think, I might actual do some crafting in GW2, at least for the guild influence.


Sure why not? I can give WAR Public Quests 2.0 another run, Im a pvper but I also enjoy some pve, I was pulled into swtor because of their story, but once I go through that content, is the pvp that keeps me around.

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I'm a pvper but even the pve is pulling me in. And, shudder to think, I might actual do some crafting in GW2, at least for the guild influence.


Well..the crafting would not have to do much to be better than what it is in TOR. If it actually has a good crafting system and I can avoid the pvp parts...I might give it a shot when they offer a free to play for so many days. No way I am pre-ordering it or buying until I do get to play it for free however.

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If you are that narrow-minded and ignorant not to even understand what WvWvW is about - yes.


I saw a heap of vids trying to see if it was worth playing

And player vs wooden door came up a lot oh there was a few npc's to kill but the actual pvp

Looked easy mode and one other thing I didnt like was the fact that your enemy's names don't show

Only invader or defender and their realm

Edited by denpic
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I saw a heap of vids trying to see if it was worth playing

And player vs wooden door came up a lot oh there was a few npc's to kill but the actual pvp

Looked easy mode and one other thing I didnt like was the fact that your enemy's names don't show

Only invader or defender and their realm


Hey. Don't knock PvD.


Doors can be pretty tough.

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GW 2 - unlike Swtor, is a true next-gen mmo. Especially for pvpers it will be THE mmo to play for the next years.


Imagine if a game takes all the best pvp elements from Warhammer, Age of Conan and WoW and then combines them - then you get GW 2. The pvp is fantastic, I did some sieges this weekend and the world vs world events fondly remind me of my days in Shadowbane - but unlike Shadowbane the game works and does not lag. Defenders can build up their castles and attackers can place siege engines and fire them.


Also in terms of graphics it pretty much blows Swtor away. Compared to the epic castles in GW2, like the human's capital, the Swtor cities seem small, stale and liveless. Also the client does not crap itself when there are dozens of players on screen - and this is a beta version, the live version will be even smoother and faster.


And on top of that you have way more customization for your character in GW2. In Swtor you are bound to a single weapon and maybe 2-3 different specs. In GW2 you can have different weapons for a class and each weapon is not only cosmetic but has it's own unique skillset. Add traits, gear and stat points and you have way more variety.


LoL, the PvP in GW2 is just too casual, and people is calling the WvW ¨Gate wars 2¨ already. The graphics looks really bad compared with swtor, even worse with the animations. The intanced PvP, just bored, is all about a dps fest, and most of the time u are just running aroung trying to find someone to kill, People dont even need to talk in the chat, bc you dont need a lot of tactics of coordination to play the intanced PvP, and again looks really casual and easy to play. You have 5 skills and 1 of them is an autoAtk, and so far everyone is ranger, is just pointless to be a melee. And there is NO COMPETITIVE PVP on gw2, so a game for the hardcore pvpers?, i dont know, even the WvW is just too casual

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