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Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend. SWTOR or GW2, what do you prefer?


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Shouldn't you be playing GW2? Why are you here on the forums?


beta is about to end so im back to this garbage game friend told me there was only 20 people on fleet during prime time yesterday when theres usually 120-150 does that tell you something?

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GW 2 - unlike Swtor, is a true next-gen mmo. Especially for pvpers it will be THE mmo to play for the next years.


Imagine if a game takes all the best pvp elements from Warhammer, Age of Conan and WoW and then combines them - then you get GW 2. The pvp is fantastic, I did some sieges this weekend and the world vs world events fondly remind me of my days in Shadowbane - but unlike Shadowbane the game works and does not lag. Defenders can build up their castles and attackers can place siege engines and fire them.


Also in terms of graphics it pretty much blows Swtor away. Compared to the epic castles in GW2, like the human's capital, the Swtor cities seem small, stale and liveless. Also the client does not crap itself when there are dozens of players on screen - and this is a beta version, the live version will be even smoother and faster.


And on top of that you have way more customization for your character in GW2. In Swtor you are bound to a single weapon and maybe 2-3 different specs. In GW2 you can have different weapons for a class and each weapon is not only cosmetic but has it's own unique skillset. Add traits, gear and stat points and you have way more variety.


I found this quote quite confusing, he says it's a next gen MMO then goes on to describe mechanics he's seen in other MMO. Next gen, to me, signifies that it does something that previous mmo's have never done before because they simply couldn't, not that it does what other mmo's have done before just better.


I will give Guild Wars 2 a fair shake, I didn't op into the beta because I thought the idea of buying the game to get in was really sketchy, plus the game has some premium on it in the UK making it cost £45 everywhere which I wasn't going to pony up just to see if I like a game.


I have not enjoyed the videos I've seen of the game but without playing it I won't judge. I do not think the graphics are that spectacular either and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that.


I will get it, but as of right now I think SWTOR is a more appealing game.

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beta is about to end so im back to this garbage game friend told me there was only 20 people on fleet during prime time yesterday when theres usually 120-150 does that tell you something?


Why are you still playing this game if it's "garbage"?


The population of my fleet has been steady over the last few weekends (120-150).


In all sincerity, please find a game that you truly enjoy. If you liked GW2 so much, spend time on that forum, rather than in a game that you hate. It's not healthy.

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Next gen must not necessarily mean that you have a crazy new invention - next gen can also mean "doing it right".


WoW was next gen in 2004 since it took all the features from previous mmos and combined them to make the most successful mmo in history.


GW2 now takes all the good stuff from the 2004-2012 mmos and puts it together correctly.


I remember when I played the Swtor beta and the first quests sent me on "kill x of this", "collect x of that" quests. And I thought "Oh..I know this already". In GW2 I also recognize the features from past mmos, but the whole package plays faster, feels less grindy and really shines in every aspect. Not once did it feel grindy or tiresome so far.


It also puts the "massive" back in mmo. Except for my class story I have not done a single quest alone so far.


Back top playing the beta while it lasts....game looks good, I think we might be heading for an early summer release.

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Next gen must not necessarily mean that you have a crazy new invention - next gen can also mean "doing it right".


WoW was next gen in 2004 since it took all the features from previous mmos and combined them to make the most successful mmo in history.


GW2 now takes all the good stuff from the 2004-2012 mmos and puts it together correctly.


I remember when I played the Swtor beta and the first quests sent me on "kill x of this", "collect x of that" quests. And I thought "Oh..I know this already". In GW2 I also recognize the features from past mmos, but the whole package plays faster, feels less grindy and really shines in every aspect. Not once did it feel grindy or tiresome so far.


It also puts the "massive" back in mmo. Except for my class story I have not done a single quest alone so far.


Back top playing the beta while it lasts....game looks good, I think we might be heading for an early summer release.


I hope so, there is 0 adventure in swtor.

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GW2 graphics look like PS1 and the controls are weak and more final fantasy where you whack a button and hope something good happens. TOR was sooo much more polished and a much better looking and playing game in its own beta it's not even funny.


all those fools saying 'cant wait for GW2 so i can quit swtor" are in for a rude awakening. TERA and GW2 were very much disappointing when i gave each beta a spin for a couple days the past week or 2. TOR is lights out better than either strictly MMO speaking and TOR has the SW license to boot!


GW2 looks alot closer to eq2 which is definitely disappointing considering its 2012. i must say RIFT was closest to what i enjoy out of an MMO... too bad it crashed so soon after launch in terms of player population.

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Unfortunately quest dialog at any MMO on the market looks pretty boring and flat after playing SWTOR.


SWTOR advertised their story-line as its main feature, and it really is. But after a while we look for something else to do in a game then just lvl and watch the story. SWTOR at its current state has nothing else to offer.


GW2 advertised as a game with dynamic events and WvW PVP. Dynamic events and PVP were fun.


Both games looks great. But at the current state GW2 with WvW PVP wins SWTOR with 4 warzones hands down only cause i like PVP.

But if u like questing Swtor is much more fun.


All depents what u like!!!


PS thought i still think that GW2 is overhyped. And the amount of crybabies on their forums will be much bigger then here was on release.

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Guild Wars 2 is going to kill this, WoW, Secret World and Tera. It is everything an MMO should be, none of those games have any chance after playing GW2. It is the MMO everyone from UO in 1997 till now has been waiting for and wanting.
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Things I like about GW2


"Dynamic Quests" - while these may not be as "dynamic" at the early levels I really love the design over traditional questing. Showing up to an area and having 1-25 other people there sharing rewards is amazing. In other MMOs you feel frustrated when there are too many people in the same area. You're rewarded with EXP for rezzing other players so I saw a lot of people helping each other out. I'd really love to see how dynamic these quests are in later zones and when the population levels out and the events have a chance to "fail" and branch out in other directions.


Graphics and art direction - Amazing. I love high fantasy and this game delivers. Worlds feel immense and alive. Gorgeous game and almost no lag or FPS drops with 30+ people doing the same dynamic quests. Day and night cycles are also great in this game. The capital citys are amazing.


Travel - There are TONS of way points all over the map and you can click on any of them at anytime to travel for a very small fee. You get to where you want to be and straight into the action without lame flight path rides. Loading screens are also a lot less cumbersome than other games I've played.


Exploring - There are skill points, dynamic quests, way points, etc that entice you towards areas on the map - besides this forced exploration I found myself swimming into hidden underwater caves and finding other remote locations not marked on the map. Lots of cool stuff.


Auction/Market/GTN -- The best market i've seen in anygame at launch. It tracks the sale of everytime posted and gives you a breakdown how how much it has sold for. Extremely impressive you have to see it. It's really going to foster a strong player driven economy.


PvP - pretty balanced. But of course it would be. Everyone scales to 80 and has a set of gear to start. There are no dedicated healers or tanks but every class does have support options that include healing/mitigation abilites. This game will be much much much easier to balance. It was challanging (especially for a level 1 suddenly unlocking all of the skills/traits/epics and not having a clue what they do or time practice using them).I'm looking forward to the 5v5 arenas and trying out the WvWvW pvp (the map looks huge and I like the idea of server-wide buffs for participating).


Classes - Each class has TONS of options to customize their play style. they don't penalize you for wanting to try out new builds or ideas. I LOVE respeccing but in other games it can be very costly to switch from on role/spec to another. In GW2 you can change it up anytime without a cost.


Challange - The game seems VERY challening. I've died more times in this game than most other MMOs. It's actually a good thing. The downed state is a cool mechanic... it feels good when you survive or a friendly player comes to your rescue.


Environmental Weapons - Tons of stuff just laying around waiting for you to pick up. Each item will change your set of main abilites. It's a really cool system and I love the fact elementalists can summon powerful weapons for their team (reminds me of EQ mages but better).


No Faction V Faction - this is worth mentioning. There is no reason to squabble back and forth about which faction/class combination is better or who the developers favor more. I think this has really hurt SWTOR

Edited by nskeen
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Guild Wars 2 is going to kill this, WoW, Secret World and Tera. It is everything an MMO should be, none of those games have any chance after playing GW2. It is the MMO everyone from UO in 1997 till now has been waiting for and wanting.


But it's free to play, it won't "kill" anything.


It's like playing Skyrim alongside any other MMO.

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GW2 graphics look like PS1 and the controls are weak and more final fantasy where you whack a button and hope something good happens. TOR was sooo much more polished and a much better looking and playing game in its own beta it's not even funny.


all those fools saying 'cant wait for GW2 so i can quit swtor" are in for a rude awakening. TERA and GW2 were very much disappointing when i gave each beta a spin for a couple days the past week or 2. TOR is lights out better than either strictly MMO speaking and TOR has the SW license to boot!


GW2 looks alot closer to eq2 which is definitely disappointing considering its 2012. i must say RIFT was closest to what i enjoy out of an MMO... too bad it crashed so soon after launch in terms of player population.


If u `d read the notes of beta relating graphics, u would wrote that.

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after playing gw2 beta I am sad to say that I will not be buying it. Its nothing special, sure, some will like it but it too has been OVERHYPED just like every mmo and its going to end up hurting the game.


Frankly, GW2 is a few years late to have a chance at grabbing a decent amount of fans of the sword &board genre of mmos. I dont see it being that popular.


lightsabers it is.

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I wish GW2 success. There is a place for many games in this Universe, especially if they are F2P.

But lets face it. There is ONLY one game called STAR WARS and with constant improvement it will have a steady population, because there are bazillions fans of SW.

We, who like the feeling of lightsaber in our hands will give BW all our support and patience.

And I am sure we will be rewarded. In time this game will be exceptional, it has incredible potential it has tons of history and it has loyal fans.


Thank you Bioware for constant improvement of the game and for exceptional treatment of your loyal subscribers.

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Guild Wars 2 is going to kill this, WoW, Secret World and Tera. It is everything an MMO should be, none of those games have any chance after playing GW2. It is the MMO everyone from UO in 1997 till now has been waiting for and wanting.


The Secret World killing GW2 is more likely, assuming people are fed up with medieval fairytales and prefer adult oriented survival horror in a modern world setting

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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But it's free to play, it won't "kill" anything.


It's like playing Skyrim alongside any other MMO.

Why pay $15 dollars a month when you can play chances are the best MMO made for free? That's what most people are going to do. More so then that the Dev's over there are working with the players on making the world bigger and better. And it's not like Skyrim it's an MMO not a single player game that well could have been so much better.


I'm going as far to say that from the beta alone GW2 is going to be the game everyone plays.

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All I know is that I will most likely play GW2, but not right now, or next month. I will wait probably until the fall of this year if the game comes out in June just to see if it gets any traction and takes off.


One other thing, I know of 7 people in my guild who on Thursday were excited about playing on Friday. I did see a couple of those 7 Friday night playing SWTOR and on Saturday, all 7 were back playing SWTOR and not playing in the GW2 beta weekend. Unless it was only for 24 hours or there was a problem with servers or something.


I did ask how the game was and all said it was ok. Then the subject was dropped and we moved on with our OPS.


I don't know if I'll play D3 either. I don't like how you can't play offline and I don't like the real money AH. I'm sure it's going to be a great game though, I just won't be playing it.

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GW2 graphics look like PS1


Didn't read the rest of your stuff because your first sentence is completely false and proves that anything else you say is just more ignorance since you know nothing about the game, you haven't even seen a screen shot of the game. Please show me a screen shot from a PS1 game that looks like this



and not a screen shot from a pre-rendered cinematic sequence in a game

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Why pay $15 dollars a month when you can play chances are the best MMO made for free? That's what most people are going to do. More so then that the Dev's over there are working with the players on making the world bigger and better. And it's not like Skyrim it's an MMO not a single player game that well could have been so much better.


I'm going as far to say that from the beta alone GW2 is going to be the game everyone plays.

You keep on believing that big guy, I am sure all your dreams will come true.

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GW has absolutely no appeal to any gamer who isn't primarily a PVPer. Interestingly enough you will note that other than GW the games that primarily focus on PVP are long gone, so doubtless GW is doing something very right for PVPers however that doesn't mean EVERYONE wants to play it. :)
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The Secret World killing GW2 is more likely, assuming people are fed up with medieval fairytales and prefer adult oriented survival horror in a modern world setting


Yeah, people being fed up with medieval fantasy settings sure killed Skyrim.


It's about smooth, responsive gameplay and expansive worlds, people. Setting and voice acting can't save a game set in an enclosed, instanced world that plays like crap. Bioware would have to rebuild SWTOR from the engine up to fix it.

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Didn't read the rest of your stuff because your first sentence is completely false and proves that anything else you say is just more ignorance since you know nothing about the game, you haven't even seen a screen shot of the game. Please show me a screen shot from a PS1 game that looks like this



and not a screen shot from a pre-rendered cinematic sequence in a game


He probably meant PS2...

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Hello there, folks! We wanted to drop a quick reminder. We understand that people may wish to use other games as comparisons, but we do ask that this thread continue to stay centered around Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Thanks for your understanding!
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