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Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend. SWTOR or GW2, what do you prefer?


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I watched a few hours of stream, not impressed, maybe it will be more impressive if I get to play it myself?

I am intrigued by the PVP, it looked fun for sure, but I also find swtor pvp very enjoyable.

Edited by Trineda
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All I see is GW2 fanboys without arguments, at the end just them will be playing the game after the 1st 15 days and they are not that many. gw2 is a good casual game, but it wont change anything, it wont kill WoW, Rift, swtor. Is not the ¨best game ever¨, the gw fanboys didnt know yet, but Daoc got better RvR that the joke that they call WvW, they dont even notice that is a Copy and Paste of warhammer RvR + 1 more faction, Doorhammer 2.0. But hey, let just say GW2 is the best game ever.
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Well the only question I have for you then is, why are you still here?


O dont worry I wont be on swtor. Haha, I dont want to waste my time. I unsubbed and uninstalled the client. I have 70 days or something left I think. I wont use a single minute of that. The client is gone. This game is unique in that it actually manages the impossible of not being fun in the slightest. What a fail game.


GW2 beta was just fantastic! Honestly I had such a blast.

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All I see is GW2 fanboys without arguments, at the end just them will be playing the game after the 1st 15 days and they are not that many. gw2 is a good casual game, but it wont change anything, it wont kill WoW, Rift, swtor. Is not the ¨best game ever¨, the gw fanboys didnt know yet, but Daoc got better RvR that the joke that they call WvW, they dont even notice that is a Copy and Paste of warhammer RvR + 1 more faction, Doorhammer 2.0. But hey, let just say GW2 is the best game ever.


The sad thing is that they think the best argument to back up their game is saying "swtor sucks" or say "WvWvW!!" and expect us to be impressed :rolleyes:

Edited by ChazDoit
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lol what? maybe need a better pc hey? Swtor is heavy on the system given its graphics yes, but it doenst look like crap at all, with everything on the max its has good graphics.


On thing i find childish is theis game wars, it sso subjective in the end... hell i play baldurs gate and i find it still a great game, but has dated graphics stil. Its not an issue for me.

I think Gw2 is a great game, just like swtor is, to say otherwise is foolish. People are so self entitled this days to the games they play, tah they are blind to see, taht they dont own any game, we pay subscription to this service entertainement, Gw2 you pay for the game and while is free of subscription, you can still buy gold for real money, so in the way is pay to win type of game, and win here doesnt need to be win on pvp, its win in anything the game values, if a certain valua is given to costumization, then yes its pay to win. I dont like that system, as i didnt like it on gw1. Ill rather pay subs. I dont think Gw2 is a bad game it has some interesting concepts, but i was especting this, i was expecting many people dispointed, because they made it Gw2 much more then it realy is as they did with Swtor, and other games that came before.

Personaly i might try play both games for instance, making all this game wars moot. wich they are.

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Theres no way in hell that tor is going to be able to compete with gw2 pvp. This game is going to be pure pve after gw2 launch.


How is tor going to be able to compete with 50vs50 and higher open world pvp? They cant even make open world pvp it was just a side area.


GW2 even has REAL warzone bolstering. Tor still cant even get instanced pvp right.


Sure tell me to go play gw2 but it doesnt solve the fact that tors pvp is a joke in comparison and all the lying and free tauntauns and free months cant solve that issue.


Thier going to have to make open world pvp that equals to or if not better then gw2. Thats going to be impossible considering out inept pvp team that does nothing but throw empty promises at you left and right

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I watched a few hours of stream, not impressed, maybe it will be more impressive if I get to play it myself?

I am intrigued by the PVP, it looked fun for sure, but I also find swtor pvp very enjoyable.


Swtor pvp? Does that exist?


16 man instanced pvp isnt real pvp. We had 100 man battles on gw2. Fighting back and forth. Doing missions for ogre npc's and getting them to help us take a supply camp by turning the tide of the battle. Getting pushed back by 1 army only for the third server to come in and attack leading to a 3 way battle of epicness which we managed to win because we feel back and regrouped...let the other two armies take each other down and then charged in to pick up the pieces.


This game is true pvp. Swtor just has a mini game (warzones) which are pvp. GW2 is engrained into the very concept of the game.

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The sad thing is that they think the best argument to back up their game is saying "swtor sucks" or say "WvWvW!!" and expect us to be impressed :rolleyes:



I got to play the VR beta when I locked myself out of my apt.


Those doors are really.. really hard.


The trick is to use a credit card / college id card or something.

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I find it a little sad that people like you keep trying to force your taste in games down everyone's throat. If guild wars 2 is "the best game of all time" as you claim it to be why are you still here? Who cares if you like GW2 more than TOR, I sure as hell don't and I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that a lot of other people don't either.


People like different things in an mmo - a lot of people still like the "old style" mmo (trinity, hotkey combat etc) and a lot of people prefer the new style present in GW2. The games are hardly alike - sure they are in the same genre but its like comparing a console to a gaming pc, both are designed for the same purpose but are targeted toward a different type of gamer.

Edited by Trineda
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I find it a little sad that people like you keep trying to force your taste in games down everyone's throat. If guild wars 2 is "the best game of all time" as you claim it to be why are you still here? Who cares if you like GW2 more than TOR, I sure as hell don't and I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that a lot of other people don't either.


People like different things in an mmo - a lot of people still like the "old style" mmo (trinity, hotkey combat etc) and a lot of people prefer the new style present in GW2. The games are hardly alike - sure they are in the same genre but its like comparing a console to a gaming pc, both are designed for the same purpose but are targeted toward a different type of gamer.


Fair enough. Agree with the second part to some extent. Except even at "what it does" gw2 is the best game ever and swtor is...well....a disaster.

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Currently GW2 has better PvP but honestly thats about it. If you played the beta there were graphics issues and lag just like when swtor came out. Tons and tons of bugs in GW2 as well. Nothing all that special really and to be honest i have really gotten use to the voice acting in swtor. It felt cheap reading the story...yawn. When playing GW2 the storyline so far really isn't very good at all. It has its ups sides like attacking bases and what not, after playing I can't say I was blown away. lol I played Tera too and between the both of them they made me see how difficult it is to get everything right in a MMO. With 5 years of development, 350 million dollars and 2000 in staff you could prob impress 60% of the people who post in this forum. :rolleyes:
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Theres no way in hell that tor is going to be able to compete with gw2 pvp. This game is going to be pure pve after gw2 launch.


You say that as though its a bad thing. I'm pretty sure TOR was marketed as a story driven game and if you came into this expecting anything other than a PvE game with a small PvP element I don't really know what to say. Have fun in GW2 I guess.

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Theres no way in hell that tor is going to be able to compete with gw2 pvp. This game is going to be pure pve after gw2 launch.


How is tor going to be able to compete with 50vs50 and higher open world pvp? They cant even make open world pvp it was just a side area.


GW2 even has REAL warzone bolstering. Tor still cant even get instanced pvp right.


Sure tell me to go play gw2 but it doesnt solve the fact that tors pvp is a joke in comparison and all the lying and free tauntauns and free months cant solve that issue.


Thier going to have to make open world pvp that equals to or if not better then gw2. Thats going to be impossible considering out inept pvp team that does nothing but throw empty promises at you left and right


With the performance issues that they have now in Opvp, it feels more like Ilum, if they cant fix them it will fail. And GW2 doesnt have competitive PvP and looks like it wont have it. And talking about Intanced PvP. swtor win by far in that aspect. Cmon, i was playing some pvp in gw2 and nobady talk, you dont need it, is a dps fest or race where is all about find a target and kill it, there is not tactics or something. i mean even in huttball with a pug or voidstar you need to talk and try to make some tactics or strategy, gw2 so far doesnt have nothing like that. The WvWvW looks fun, but still it have a lot of problems, Even the warhammer online pvp or RvR is superior to what we have in gw2 atm. and im not even talking about all the skill delay problems, and the ¨useless to be a melee issue¨.

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16 man instanced pvp isnt real pvp.


Then i could say world pvp isnt real pvp, is just a zergfest (see? I can make statements without backing them up too :p ) And yes, even in a 3way battle if one faction grossly outnumbers the other two it can still be imbalanced.


Still it sounds better than the world pvp that swtor is offering, or should I say not offering.


Again, Im not greatly impressed with all the features the fanbois keep bringing up, seen them all before, but if there is something that calls my attention is the lack of subscription.

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I've played the GW2 BWE.


I must say it was extremely underwhelming and has been over hyped so so much.


I actually renewed my SWTOR sub today and have been enjoyed every minute of being back.


A lot of people in GW2 are having buyers remorse, some people admit it, where as some people are so stubborn in their belief that GW2 will be such a good game (because they invested so much time in research, waiting etc) that they refuse to acknowledge its downfalls.


If anyone wants me to break the games short comings I will be happy to do so.

Edited by Jagerinho
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The sad thing is that they think the best argument to back up their game is saying "swtor sucks" or say "WvWvW!!" and expect us to be impressed :rolleyes:


Nah the real sad thing is all the overdeveloped mmo pride flying around in here. Most people here seem to think there have to be lines drawn, battles fought. Doesnt surprise me considering the quality of these forums.


Swtor is a great game. I love the combat. But there was very little care put into the product. Aside from the voiceovers. They shot their load with those, then went to the kitchen to make a sandwich.

Gw2 has its flaws as well. But the beta was more stable, less buggy, and had waaaaaaay faster load times than swtor as it is now. The world actually feels alive as well, unlike the sterile reused asset zones in swtor. That alone makes me want to keep playing.


Most likely i will play swtor for rankes warzones and gw2 for eveeything else.

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It is not even close to ilum you must have an old pc lol I never once saw in over 3 hours 1 person ask if anyone lagging or had lag. Sure people will lag but nothing like ilum. If you want to see real instanced pvp its in gw2 where theres REAL bolstering no chainstuns no expertise garbage. Ilum is about the size one of the castles in the zone lol. Ilum wasnt even open world it was just a small area on the side of the planet.


Heres the difference in instanced pvp


Tor wz put to 50 not given 50 gear and weapons

Gw2 instanced pvp your put to cap given cap gear and weapons and all cap lvl skills (now thats real bolstering)


As for warhammer go look at the forums there they have same identical problems thier that we have here. Gabe couldnt fix the same issues there what does that tell you?


I own a public ts3 that i tryed to use to organize warzones with people and you know what i learned hutball in theory is good but live its every man for himself and unless your in a pre made or guild group or organizing wins its the only way it works. Thats just the huttbal nature and all warzone nature. You cant have a leader b/c they wont put a raid assist in the game so its just mad ants and try to type and fight waste of time



With the performance issues that they have now in Opvp, it feels more like Ilum, if they cant fix them it will fail. And GW2 doesnt have competitive PvP and looks like it wont have it. And talking about Intanced PvP. swtor win by far in that aspect. Cmon, i was playing some pvp in gw2 and nobady talk, you dont need it, is a dps fest or race where is all about find a target and kill it, there is not tactics or something. i mean even in huttball with a pug or voidstar you need to talk and try to make some tactics or strategy, gw2 so far doesnt have nothing like that. The WvWvW looks fun, but still it have a lot of problems, Even the warhammer online pvp or RvR is superior to what we have in gw2 atm. and im not even talking about all the skill delay problems, and the ¨useless to be a melee issue¨.
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But the beta was more stable, less buggy, and had waaaaaaay faster load times than swtor as it is now.


I hear you on the loading times, bro. I've been struggling with Bioware's loading screen since Neverwinter Nights, then again, I still bought the game knowing about it's flaws and that's because I think it's still well worth the money!


I suspected Guild Wars 2 was another overhyped themepark MMO, specially since many fans thought the best way to promote the game was attacking swtor, then again, there are some qualities in gw2, good pvp and lack of sub might actually get me to buy it.

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After playing GW2 this weekend and playing tor since release I think they both have their ups and downs.


The biggest down for GW2 right now is that it still needs another 6 months to a year of optimization and polishing. It is clearly still in beta, which is fine because it is beta, but if I don't see a marked improvement by the next beta weekend it could mean long term problems.


The achievement system in GW2 is fantastic, I found myself exploring for hours on end just to find everything. The dynamic events are fun, and some are very challenging.


The combat was very frustrating at first because it is nothing like an MMO, and if you approach it like standard MMO combat you will get you ***** handed to you pretty quickly. dodging and movement are king.


I will say I prefer TOR's combat for the sole reason that you only get 10 skills in GW2 and only 2 of them are really customizable. Basically once you've made it to level 30 you have every ability and skill you will ever use and then there is 50 levels of the same thing.


The game is highly non-linear, which is a huge plus over swtor. There are levels to the zones, but they only represent the lower limit, there is no upper limit. A level 60 can level just as easily in a level 10 zone as a level 60 zone because you scale down to the level of the zone and the xp requirements per level, even off around level 10, so each level takes the same amount of xp all the way up to level 80. This means you won't have to level in the same way or do the same events for all your characters, they can all level however they want, and the higher level you are the more options you have.


I found competitive PvP to be rather boring, and highly disorganized. There doesn't seem to be any real reason to win. There are no rewards for PvP, everyone is given the best possible gear automatically, so it is kind of pointless. I much prefer TOR's PvP BG's to GW2's.


WvWvW however is a completely different story. You are bolstered similarly as to TOR but traits and gear make a difference. The battles are epic. The upgrades you can buy are meaningful, the siege weapons are a ton of fun. It is probably the most fun i've ever had PvP'ing and the first time i've actually enjoyed open world PvP. There is no ganking since you can hide in a keep and 1 skilled person in a keep can easily hold off 5-10 attackers.


I didn't get to try any of the dungeons or high level content yet, but so far I think GW2 is a lot more fun then TOR overall, I just hope they improve the customization and progression of skills a bit.

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I like them both tbh, each provides an experience that is unlike the other and while I will mainly be on SWTOR the whole sandbox theme that Guild Wars 2 brings is refreshing.


PvP is better in SWTOR IMO, it just feels smoother and not just everyone attack grind feast of who has the most numbers.


PvE I love the fact that I can go do what I want where I want when I want in GW2..... level permitting and the dynamic events are actually really nice. SWTOR suffers because you have planets, and space, which are IMO unavoidable for its theme.

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