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Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend. SWTOR or GW2, what do you prefer?


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After spending some time in GW2 beta I must say I'm quite disappointed.

Dialogue was horrid, UI was not that great, combat was nothing special and god the character feeling... It felt like I was floating in the air, jumping didn't feel that great either.


But Dynamic Events was really cool, so it has it's ups and downs :) but GW2 is far from "revolutionary", it will not "kill wow" and it will not have an big impact on SWTORs subscribers.


I think SWTOR is the better game. What do you think? and to any of you who have experienced the beta weekend, feel free to tell us about your experience :)

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yea its fun and I will play it because it free to play but I am mostly sticking to SWTOR. Really the only great thing it has going for it are the dynamic events...but thats about it. combat is not really impressive and its very confusing at times
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Right now I'll welcome anything that stays away from the breadcrumb trail quest design.. I hate linear applications in the MMO universe.. That should be LEFT on your PS3 and Xbox games, now here.. Also, If I have to get on one more gear grind treadmill, someone is going to get egged.. LOL I just don't understand why so many players are adverse to dynamic worlds that offer variety and unpredictability... Personally, I think it's sad that a game is so predictable you already know what you're going to do before you even log on.. LOL Anyways..
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GW 2 - unlike Swtor, is a true next-gen mmo. Especially for pvpers it will be THE mmo to play for the next years.


Imagine if a game takes all the best pvp elements from Warhammer, Age of Conan and WoW and then combines them - then you get GW 2. The pvp is fantastic, I did some sieges this weekend and the world vs world events fondly remind me of my days in Shadowbane - but unlike Shadowbane the game works and does not lag. Defenders can build up their castles and attackers can place siege engines and fire them.


Also in terms of graphics it pretty much blows Swtor away. Compared to the epic castles in GW2, like the human's capital, the Swtor cities seem small, stale and liveless. Also the client does not crap itself when there are dozens of players on screen - and this is a beta version, the live version will be even smoother and faster.


And on top of that you have way more customization for your character in GW2. In Swtor you are bound to a single weapon and maybe 2-3 different specs. In GW2 you can have different weapons for a class and each weapon is not only cosmetic but has it's own unique skillset. Add traits, gear and stat points and you have way more variety.

Edited by HammersteinSW
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What kind of response, are you expecting on the official "SWTOR" forum?


Considering everything I have read of GW2 has come from those on Bioware forums, this may not be the answer one always expects.


TOR for me; only a couple others have had any appeal, and that was due to friends already playing the games.

Edited by Elhanan
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What kind of response, are you expecting on the official "SWTOR" forum?


With the way the forums have been flamed since even before launch i would expect it to be about even, thing is all the peeps shouting tera would be king are quiet, if thats due to tera now being out or not is another matter. Also the peeps who have screamed that GW2 would kill swtor are v quiet also. But what do you expect now the proof is out there to what gw2 is gonna bring to the table.


If they spend all there time on here now then there is obviously something wrong with the games they called the messiah.

Edited by Shingara
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GW 2 - unlike Swtor, is a true next-gen mmo. Especially for pvpers it will be THE mmo to play for the next years.


Imagine if a game takes all the best pvp elements from Warhammer, Age of Conan and WoW and then combines them - then you get GW 2. The pvp is fantastic, I did some sieges this weekend and the world vs world events findly remind me of my days in Shadowbane - but unlike Shadowbane the game works and does not lag. Defenders can build up their castles and attackers can place siege engines and fire them.


Also in terms of graphics it pretty much blows Swtor away. Compared to the epic castles in GW2, like the human's capital, the Swtor cities seem small, stale and liveless. Also the client does not crap itself when there are dozens of players on screen - and this is a beta version, the live version will be even smoother and faster.


And on top of that you have way more customization for your character in GW2. In Swtor you are bound to a single weapon and maybe 2-3 different specs. In GW2 you can have different weapons for a class and each weapon is not only cosmetic but has it's own unique skillset. Add traits, gear and stat points and you have way more variety.


Sounds like a super mega grindfest to me.

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GW 2 - unlike Swtor, is a true next-gen mmo. Especially for pvpers it will be THE mmo to play for the next years.


Imagine if a game takes all the best pvp elements from Warhammer, Age of Conan and WoW and then combines them - then you get GW 2. The pvp is fantastic, I did some sieges this weekend and the world vs world events findly remind me of my days in Shadowbane - but unlike Shadowbane the game works and does not lag. Defenders can build up their castles and attackers can place siege engines and fire them.


Also in terms of graphics it pretty much blows Swtor away. Compared to the epic castles in GW2, like the human's capital, the Swtor cities seem small, stale and liveless. Also the client does not crap itself when there are dozens of players on screen - and this is a beta version, the live version will be even smoother and faster.


And on top of that you have way more customization for your character in GW2. In Swtor you are bound to a single weapon and maybe 2-3 different specs. In GW2 you can have different weapons for a class and each weapon is not only cosmetic but has it's own unique skillset. Add traits, gear and stat points and you have way more variety.


And plus you have kitties, elfs, cows and soon pandas!!!!!!

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After spending some time in GW2 beta I must say I'm quite disappointed.

Dialogue was horrid, UI was not that great, combat was nothing special and god the character feeling... It felt like I was floating in the air, jumping didn't feel that great either.


But Dynamic Events was really cool, so it has it's ups and downs :) but GW2 is far from "revolutionary", it will not "kill wow" and it will not have an big impact on SWTORs subscribers.


I think SWTOR is the better game. What do you think? and to any of you who have experienced the beta weekend, feel free to tell us about your experience :)


GW2 reminds me too much of Warhammer in the "dynamic event" department.


I was not impressed at all watching some of the live streams. I'll probably try it out though. It's not a sub game and I'm still with in my monthly allowance for digital entertainment (have been for months since nothing interesting has come out).

Edited by illgot
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GW2 reminds me too much of Warhammer in the "dynamic event" department.

I have never tried Warhammer before, but yeah. I think the Dynamic Events was cool, but it will get stale and boring after a while. It was not amazing, but still cool :D

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Right now I'll welcome anything that stays away from the breadcrumb trail quest design.. I hate linear applications in the MMO universe.. That should be LEFT on your PS3 and Xbox games, now here.. Also, If I have to get on one more gear grind treadmill, someone is going to get egged.. LOL I just don't understand why so many players are adverse to dynamic worlds that offer variety and unpredictability... Personally, I think it's sad that a game is so predictable you already know what you're going to do before you even log on.. LOL Anyways..


I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately GW2 is the exact same breadcrumb trail quest design and there is nothing dynamic about it. I've been playing it quite a bit this weekend and it's dynamic questing system is just WAR's pubic quest system, and it's every bit as liner as any other MMO out there.


Basically there are these hearts on the map that represent dynamic quests. Well they all have a level, so even though people act like you can just do what you want you really can't. Say you are level 5 and the first one you get to is level 5, the next one will be level 6, the next 7 and so on. Since you get crap for exp by killing mobs, like 10-15exp, and each level takes multiple thousands, if you don't do the first event you will get your butt handed to you on the next one and it goes on and on.


Overall it's very disappointing. I was hoping it would be the revolutionary game it has been hyped to be. I'll still play it in between my usual MMO's, but it's not going to take any time away from them, it's no game changer.

Edited by rafter
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Really, the only things I preferred in GW2 are the market interface and the dynamism of the worlds (especially the cities). Everything else wasn't really as revolutionary as the fanboys and ArenaNet would like us all to believe.


I was especially disappointed with the so called 'dynamic events'. They made a huge deal about how GW2 wouldn't be linear and would feature a persistent world where your actions would have an impact, but I saw none of that. I saw the same events happening on a near clockwork schedule, and what was worse- they didn't scale to the number of players present. 5 or 50, it was the same number of enemies, the same objectives; pretty weak delivery on that promise.


The writing was abysmal- though I suppose I"ve been spoiled and am unable to view it objectively.


The combat was enjoyable, but unpolished.


I had fun, I guess, but after a few hours I came back to swtor. There's your answer.

Edited by Cellotlix
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Just saying:


In Swtor you begin the game fighting some space slugs in a corridor.


In GW2 you fight waves of 3 meter tall centaurs and a golem as big as a church. And this is just the tutorial.


I know this, but really. It's nothing special. Personally I prefer SWTORs way, starting small, helping people with small problems etc. I feel like there is a more reason to it, and I like that :) Voice acting makes SWTOR levelig so much fun, but in GW2 voice acting isn't good, at all... it's horrible and draws me out of immersion. :(

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GW 2 - unlike Swtor, is a true next-gen mmo. Especially for pvpers it will be THE mmo to play for the next years.


Imagine if a game takes all the best pvp elements from Warhammer, Age of Conan and WoW and then combines them - then you get GW 2. The pvp is fantastic, I did some sieges this weekend and the world vs world events findly remind me of my days in Shadowbane - but unlike Shadowbane the game works and does not lag. Defenders can build up their castles and attackers can place siege engines and fire them.


Also in terms of graphics it pretty much blows Swtor away. Compared to the epic castles in GW2, like the human's capital, the Swtor cities seem small, stale and liveless. Also the client does not crap itself when there are dozens of players on screen - and this is a beta version, the live version will be even smoother and faster.


And on top of that you have way more customization for your character in GW2. In Swtor you are bound to a single weapon and maybe 2-3 different specs. In GW2 you can have different weapons for a class and each weapon is not only cosmetic but has it's own unique skillset. Add traits, gear and stat points and you have way more variety.


You don't sound like a GW2 Dev/Mod/Fanboi atall.

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I think SWTOR will survive the release of GW2 just fine. It looks to me like SWTOR will be the more refined and complex but well tuned and perfected experience, whereas GW2 will be flashy and fast, but more hectic and less less memorable.

But who knows, ArenaNet has been claiming to try to make the best MMO to date, so I like everyone esle am gonna give their game a try and then stick with the winner. But even though I've been following GW2 pretty closely, I still believe that SWTOR is where I will be. The force is strong with this one.

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