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Some players bail too easy in PvP


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i am willing to bet that this is why most people quit warzones. not b/c they might lose, but because it is simply not fun to be forced to play with bad players. you fix the bad players, and i guarantee that people abandoning warzones would not be a huge issue anymore. unfortunately there is no real way to fix bad players, so its kind of a catch-22


can't fix stupid. all you can do is try and make being stupid so painful that people either get smarter or die off.


the devs tried that, and the uproar from the bads who got nothing when they lost was so bad it choked the angels in heaven.


so long as they don't actually force me to play with the bads ill keep pvping and laughing when they ***** about how i leave them to die on their own after they show their lack of ability.


as soon as they put in any sort of deserter debuff though... ill just stop pvping. the bads will still keep losing, but without me pvping, they won't be able to blame me for leaving the warzone, because ill have never been there in the first place.


i wonder what they'll try to blame for losing all the time then?

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I kept on getting pissed today trying to pvp on my Mara. Every match I would get into; would already be going and usually in a minute or two would be over. It was rare that I would even get three medals.


The one match I did get into right at the start was a Huttball that in the end we won (got 9 medals). Turned in my pvp daily afterwards and called it a night.


Personally I just hate getting put into a warzone right when its about to end and then getting nothing to show for it.

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Bioware both encourages and rewards people the quit out of warzones on their teammates, until that changes it is and will continue to get worse.


Make leaving a warzone be like dying in world pvp, charge the repair costs and in addition add a short 15 min or so debuff to the player so that they can't join any other match except a short window to rejoin the match that they just left in case of a disconnect.

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as soon as they put in any sort of deserter debuff though... ill just stop pvping. the bads will still keep losing, but without me pvping, they won't be able to blame me for leaving the warzone, because ill have never been there in the first place.


i wonder what they'll try to blame for losing all the time then?


Good. Won't miss a player with your attitude. I'm tired of ADD LeetPro babies quitting the moment a warzone becomes a challenge. Your attitude quite frankly is garbage and indicates you're one of the social gimps that are happy just farming the same few people over and over again. Until Bioware rolled back the award allocation changes to 1.1 levels, they seemed to make pvp just for you.


I'm all for a 30 minute queue ban for players like you who feel entitled to quit because theyr'e so awesome.

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I just got out of a hutball game where we started with 8 players and after a couple minutes the other team(imps) scored ONE point and litterally half the team left.


I have noticed other times when the other team gets ahead and a teamate will start crying and telling eveyone they suck and then quit. I even had a guy yelling at our team, saying we sucked and quit - even though we were ahead and ended up wining the round.


To those who quit a match because you get behind and MIGHT lose - YOU ARE SELFISH.

Stay playing to help the team make a comeback, and earn some XP. I have at times earned more XP from a loss because I didnt give up and tried hard to the END.




If your team has 2+ players with 15-16k HP or less: you WILL likely LOSE.... unless your team is lucky or the other team is bad.


I am not selfish when i KNOW I am losing no matter what I try. Get the medals and "losing" faster is just saving "playing time". There should be an option in game /forfeit where your team instantly lose...


Playing vs a premade that DESTROYS your team or cannot be killed --> that's not fun regardless of the outcome (winning valor and commendations).


Edit: Forgot 1 thing... the other day the warzone started with 2 on my team. YES, 2! The other team were 8!

HOW ARE WE TO WIN or even GET A DEBUFF for wanting to leave this sillyness?!? PLEASE.... tell me or prove to me that this is not just SILLY and stupid. Yes, I stayed but I was literally doing this:

/s you are 8, we are 2. Nice job guys... you win.

Edited by LFDUVEZ
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its not about being a poor sport or anything. it is very annoying that a HUGE amount of players are clueless on how to play this game. as soon as it is apparent that my warzone is filled with players like this, im outta there. no reason for me to waste my time trying to explain the game to them while we lose; most of them just get angry when you offer advice anyways.


ranked warzones were the solution to this. bioware fubar'd that up pretty solid.


THANK YOU! Yes, there are a whole lot of players that think every single wz is just a zerg fest. They don't ever try for objectives and waste my time. Why would I stay in such a group for 1 second more than I have to? They WON'T win unless half of them quit and are replaced by better players. There is no reason that I should waste my time and endure more humiliation just for your amusement.

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30 min lock out for droppers.

If you dont like it, dont drop or make your premades...


Love when we start out off on the wrong foot and have couple drop when we dont ge the first point, but come back to win after they drop.


Even better was when this guy from one of the larger guilds on our server dropped during a huttball match cause we didnt get first score and reQ'd and ended up on the opposing team and we beat them 6-1.

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30 min lock out for droppers.

If you dont like it, dont drop or make your premades...


Love when we start out off on the wrong foot and have couple drop when we dont ge the first point, but come back to win after they drop.


Even better was when this guy from one of the larger guilds on our server dropped during a huttball match cause we didnt get first score and reQ'd and ended up on the opposing team and we beat them 6-1.


Ya, how often does that happen? 99% of the losses can be determined right away. Add a 30 min lockout and there is even less reason to queu than there is now, lol. Good luck with that.

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most of the people that leave are the main reason the team got down early. i watch the same guy tonight leave 6 different matches within the first 2 min and each time on the score board he was somewhere around 0kills to 5deaths.


for the others that leave, they simply have bad aditudes and think they are more important than anyone else on the team. they are the first people to rage in chat and the first to leave/give up. when they dont leave and its a win they are the first ones to give themself credit even though they are at the bottom of the score board.

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If your team has 2+ players with 15-16k HP or less: you WILL likely LOSE.... unless your team is lucky or the other team is bad.




this statment is way off. i can see maybe 13k but for the most part 16k is full BM gear. i play a Vig Gaurdian in full BM gear with 16.5k buffed HP. i guess there are a ton of people like you that no amount of HP is good enough for people to have for them. some people just think if you are not in max gear that you dont belong in the que. funny thing is you had to do the same grind as the these people and were once at 13 to 14k HP. not liek you join a PvP match for the first time with 20k. i dont get why you would give others a hard time when they are trying to grind out the gear.


one guy today said in chat that no one under 18k is worth a damn and he just would not shut up about it. blaming people for something they have no controll over is idiotic.

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Bioware both encourages and rewards people the quit out of warzones on their teammates, until that changes it is and will continue to get worse.


Make leaving a warzone be like dying in world pvp, charge the repair costs and in addition add a short 15 min or so debuff to the player so that they can't join any other match except a short window to rejoin the match that they just left in case of a disconnect.


but, but...


who would you blame when you keep losing?!

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Good. Won't miss a player with your attitude. I'm tired of ADD LeetPro babies quitting the moment a warzone becomes a challenge. Your attitude quite frankly is garbage and indicates you're one of the social gimps that are happy just farming the same few people over and over again. Until Bioware rolled back the award allocation changes to 1.1 levels, they seemed to make pvp just for you.


I'm all for a 30 minute queue ban for players like you who feel entitled to quit because theyr'e so awesome.


maybe if you, who call others ADD, checked back a page or two in this thread you'd notice my other posts.


ive said it very clearly.


i will give the same effort my team puts forth. if its a close match, even if it ends up a loss, i have zero problem with that and will stick around and do my best.


but if i get jammed in with a team that is so uncoordinated and/or clueless about the objectives that we're 3 capped within the first couple minutes of ald, or the score in huttball is 0-3 in less than 2 minutes...


you get what you give. you give me nothing, you'll get nothing in return.


and i take back what i said... i won't stop pvping. instead ill just sit and afk in a corner. chances are i won't get vote kicked that often because the teams i leave are so damn uncoordinated that i doubt they could even get enough votes together to boot me before the match ends.


you want to drag me down and force me to play on your level by putting in deserter debuffs, that's fine with me... i have a tv right next to my pc. i can watch a flick and still contribute more to a win than you. but, if possible, ill do everything i can to make sure you lose. not that it would take much effort, since if you had had a chance of winning in the first place i wouldn't have considered leaving the match.


i would have been content to let you suck on your own, but since you insist on dragging me down with you... you'll get the opportunity to reap what you sow. enjoy.

Edited by Jaidan
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I want to restate my ORIGINAL POINT: If you quit because the other team scored the first point then YOU are a QUITER, LOSER and SELFISH and you need to get over yourself.

Example of why to stick around - In a Novare Coast match the other team was up 75% to 2%. We were able to take and hold 2 of the bunkers and ended with a comeback win.


BTW - If all the "good" players quit at the 1st sign of a challenge then how are the others going to learn and get better. Try helping fellow Reps or Imps out and increase the pool of good players. It starts with communication. Helping others helps yourself. :cool:

Edited by earthtoearl
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I never leave wz's no matter how bad it is but God knows I completely understand why people do. Had a pug in novare coast where we couldn't even hold one node and the repubs in the end were practically camping our exit/entry point. I hope bio ware has cross server pvp or at least merge servers as the same people queuing their premades surely can't think that farming the same random pugs is a viable thing going forward.
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I never leave wz's no matter how bad it is but God knows I completely understand why people do.


This. But what does irritate me about quitters is that it makes it even more difficult for minted 50'es to get better gear as their chance for getting medals and commendations drop drastically in that fight.

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I never leave wz's no matter how bad it is but God knows I completely understand why people do. Had a pug in novare coast where we couldn't even hold one node and the repubs in the end were practically camping our exit/entry point. I hope bio ware has cross server pvp or at least merge servers as the same people queuing their premades surely can't think that farming the same random pugs is a viable thing going forward.


I never leave WZ either unless my char is bugged or something like that.


A faceroll win is really not as fun as a hard fought lose. You get gear faster by keep winning. But in the long run we will all be geared so do your best every game and enjoy the hard fights.


Winning a close game and made key contribution is no doubt the best though.

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heh, a deserter debuff won't work. It will actually make the problem much worse in that the "bailers" will become "afk'ers". At least now when they bail you get someone else from the queue, hopefully fast. You watch. There will be 4 or 5 players auto-running into a corner in huttball most matches. Same thing happened in WoW. How quickly people forget.
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I never believed in quitting a game pre-1.2, because I understood that people needed games to get geared up.


However, nowadays when I see >3 people with sub-400 expertise in my team, I just give up and leave. If they are too lazy to buy recruit gear, then I don't have the willpower anymore to carry them through.

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BTW - If all the "good" players quit at the 1st sign of a challenge then how are the others going to learn and get better. Try helping fellow Reps or Imps out and increase the pool of good players. It starts with communication. Helping others helps yourself. :cool:


two points.


first. i learned how to pvp on my own, and continue to do so. i do it by watching decent players and trying to do like they do. i do it by noticing patterns in the way the other teams react. i do it by drawing on past experience to judge where to be at the right time. but mostly... i do it myself.


two. i don't owe it to anyone to make them better. they either want to improve on their own and will make the effort to do so, or they won't. its not up to me to teach them. that's just another form of carrying, and if i don't ask anyone else to carry me, why should i be expected to carry them, in any way, shape or form?


i don't ask much. just that you make an effort to improve yourself. ill sit in a losing match if i can tell the people there are trying. but when they're doing nothing but deathmatching in the middle of the field and ignoring the objectives... sorry. if you show a bit of effort to help yourself, ill help you. if you don't make any effort to help yourself though, don't ask me to help you.


i don't have the patience to deal with playing alongside bad players who aren't capable of helping themselves... i sure as hell don't have the patience to become their mentor.

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two points.


first. i learned how to pvp on my own, and continue to do so. i do it by watching decent players and trying to do like they do. i do it by noticing patterns in the way the other teams react. i do it by drawing on past experience to judge where to be at the right time. but mostly... i do it myself.


two. i don't owe it to anyone to make them better. they either want to improve on their own and will make the effort to do so, or they won't. its not up to me to teach them. that's just another form of carrying, and if i don't ask anyone else to carry me, why should i be expected to carry them, in any way, shape or form?


i don't ask much. just that you make an effort to improve yourself. ill sit in a losing match if i can tell the people there are trying. but when they're doing nothing but deathmatching in the middle of the field and ignoring the objectives... sorry. if you show a bit of effort to help yourself, ill help you. if you don't make any effort to help yourself though, don't ask me to help you.


i don't have the patience to deal with playing alongside bad players who aren't capable of helping themselves... i sure as hell don't have the patience to become their mentor.


I agree with this personally. All I ask is for newb 50s to understand how important expertise is, and buy most if not the full set of recruit gear.


And to dps the healers. Lost 75% of my matches yesterday because I marked out all 3 opposition healers and there were only myself and another buddy dpsing them throughout all the matches.


I came to the conclusion that none of the "dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first, dps healers first" will ever get into some players' heads. I am not an elitist by any means, and I oppose gear elitism in MMOs as such. I queue solo or duo with a buddy 99% of the time and do not belong to any great PVP guilds or what not.


But I'm starting to believe that bads will always be bads. Even such a simple thing, such as buying recruit gear and dpsing healers, seems impossible for some to grasp.


Edit: Of course, and play to the objectives, etc. etc. you get my drift.

Edited by finkfad
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I never leave WZ either unless my char is bugged or something like that.


A faceroll win is really not as fun as a hard fought lose. You get gear faster by keep winning. But in the long run we will all be geared so do your best every game and enjoy the hard fights.


Winning a close game and made key contribution is no doubt the best though.


for the most part im pretty sure the people who leave have no problem with spending time in a close match, even if its a loss.


its just that experience allows many of us to judge pretty early in the match, based off of the actions of our randomly selected teammates, the odds of it being a close match or a pure and simple curb stomping.


an example: did a novare last night. i stuck around. about 3 minutes into it we were holding 1 bunker, we'd get 2, but instantly lose the second one as my team was doing nothing but zerging and letting the repubs just take the bunker we left undefended.


i went ahead and decided to try and defend. when someone yelled about me "not fighting", i couldn't help it. i told him that "this match is already lost, i might as well get some coms out of it by defending."


his reply was that "its not over till the end"


at the end, when the final score was 0-96... i mentioned that id been right earlier, he just didn't know it.


experience counts for alot. sometimes my instincts are wrong, but more often than not, when i know the match is lost early on, but stick around anyways, im proven right in the end.

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But I'm starting to believe that bads will always be bads. Even such a simple thing, such as buying recruit gear and dpsing healers, seems impossible for some to grasp.


Edit: Of course, and play to the objectives, etc. etc. you get my drift.


came to that conclusion long ago.


its the old "its my 15 bucks a month, i can play how i want to!" argument.


well, that's fine. just don't ask me to also play the way you want to until you pay my 15 bucks a month.

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for the most part im pretty sure the people who leave have no problem with spending time in a close match, even if its a loss.


Can't agree more. I really don't mind losing at all, as long as most if not everyone appears to put in at least some effort to better themselves and try to win the game, playing to objectives, etc.

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