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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which companions would be friends?


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If every companion went to, say, a companion conference, who would hang out together? Who would be friends? Who would be enemies?


Note: Faction allegiance of player characters is not an issue!


Would Akaavi and Torian would get along, since they're both Mandalorians? Would T7 and 4X discuss hardware upgrades? Would Lokin and Doc trade treatments?

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I think Kira and Lieutinant Pierce need to get together and spawn a love child - they're perfect for each other, except for being bitter enemies. Both crass, brass and heads full of tacks. Definite fireworks and small explosives there.


And Quinn and the Republic ship droid for a same-sex, same-species romance option. They're practically the same, and Quinn loves ineffective droids.


Dark Jaessa and The Beauty Queen enemy from Republic Nar Shadaa would make a cute and equally charming couple for those of a female/female persuasion. "What a thriiiillllll!!!"


T7 + Khem = two tanks who only have eyes for each other across a crowded room // T7 could give Khem the hug he so desperately needs... Er, wait...

Edited by jgelling
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Hmm, I'd have to say that there would be a few friendships that I could see working here.


Corso and Iresso would probably be friends, and they would probably fit right in with some of the more "Traditional" Havoc Squad Members, such as Elara and Jorgan. I could see that group getting along well, though I don't think that Rusk would be invited. They already have Jorgan to be (mostly) serious, they don't need another person like that.


I could definitely see Gault and Gus being friends. In fact, such a combination could very well be the funniest thing ever to happen in...well, forever.


I think that Qyzen and Mako would get along great, since they're implied to have been friends in the past. They'd also probably get along well with Torian, too, though I think that Akaavi might be a bit to angry for that group.


4X and T7 probably would get along, as they both share enthusiasm and drive, though I doubt that SCORPIO would be a member of that club.


The Imperial Companions that have some function in the Imperial Military or Government would probably all get along great. Lokin, Vector, Temple, Talos, Quinn, they'd all be friends together, I have no doubt. Pierce would be the odd one out, though. I don't think that he's quite cut out for that social circle.


Kaliyo might just get along with Akaavi, but I think that Kaliyo is just too much fun for her. She'd get along great with Doc, probably (since they've been...well....you know....No Spoliers!). Though, if Kaliyo developed a moral compass, she might just get along with Zenith. If not, well, Kal would be great friends with Dark-Side Jaesa, wouldn't she?


Speaking of Doc, he'd be friends with Tharan, wouldn't he? Lokin might, just might, fit there, too.


Risha and Vette are implied to have been friends earlier in life, so that I'm sure would work. Heck, Kira would fit in, too.


Kira, ah, Kira. She'd probably be friends with Ashara, wouldn't she? And maybe Nadia? Possibly even Light-Side Jaesa?


There are more possibilities, I'm sure....

Edited by BlueSouthPike
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And Quinn and the Republic ship droid for a same-sex, same-species romance option. They're practically the same, and Quinn loves ineffective droids.


Perfect. :D


Lokin and Pierce could talk devious devious plans - believe me, they're both sneaky - but Pierce would eventually get fed up with Lokin's insistence on sounding innocent and harmless at all times. Pierce could then go talk weaponry with Kaliyo, and if poor Corso overheard long enough to try to edge into the conversation, Kaliyo would promptly break him.


Risha, Vette, and Kira could talk street tricks on Nar Shaddaa all day. And Risha and Vette

could reminisce directly.


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Somehow, if I envisage a great big companion party, I can't help but imagine the scene late on, when the player character goes into the kitchen, stepping over various catatonically drunk soldier-type companions, trying to ignore Talos' singing, and finds Khem Val and Risha nattering in the kitchen, both slightly the worse for drink, talking philosophy and trying to make the perfect toasted cheese sandwich.
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Somehow, if I envisage a great big companion party, I can't help but imagine the scene late on, when the player character goes into the kitchen, stepping over various catatonically drunk soldier-type companions, trying to ignore Talos' singing, and finds Khem Val and Risha nattering in the kitchen, both slightly the worse for drink, talking philosophy and trying to make the perfect toasted cheese sandwich.


I laughed way too hard at this mental image.

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Temple and Quinn would meet up, fall in love, and run off together. (And then breed perfect little Imperial citizens.)


I agree on Kira and Vette. I can totally see them painting each other's nails and giggling.

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Isn't it obvious? Kira and Doc! Yep, jk. Kira and Nadia could probably get along. I could almost see C2 and T7 getting along. You know, like Artoo and Threepio. Meanwhile Scourge is brooding in a corner, and Doc is sitting around in the medbay, doing, uh, well, he doesn't do anything there, he's normally out in battle, making sure I don't die.
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Isn't it obvious? Kira and Doc! Yep, jk. Kira and Nadia could probably get along. I could almost see C2 and T7 getting along. You know, like Artoo and Threepio. Meanwhile Scourge is brooding in a corner, and Doc is sitting around in the medbay, doing, uh, well, he doesn't do anything there, he's normally out in battle, making sure I don't die.


yeah, scourge would be the brooding annoyed older guy in the corner and then darkside jaesa would be all clingy trying too hard goth girl thats triyng to hit on him and he's just ignoring her. which makes her want him even more.

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Perfect. :D


Lokin and Pierce could talk devious devious plans - believe me, they're both sneaky - but Pierce would eventually get fed up with Lokin's insistence on sounding innocent and harmless at all times. Pierce could then go talk weaponry with Kaliyo, and if poor Corso overheard long enough to try to edge into the conversation, Kaliyo would promptly break him.


Risha, Vette, and Kira could talk street tricks on Nar Shaddaa all day. And Risha and Vette

could reminisce directly.


Don't forget to add Mako in that Nar Shadda's city girl list. All four of them can become a crew. Where Rish is the leader, Vette can be the jokester, Kira can be the muscle, and Mako can be their hacker.

Edited by Orctropper
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Don't forget to add Mako in that Nar Shadda's city girl list. All four of them can become a crew. Where Rish is the leader, Vette can be the jokester, Kira can be the muscle, and Mako can be their hacker.

I would love to see that.

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Somehow, if I envisage a great big companion party, I can't help but imagine the scene late on, when the player character goes into the kitchen, stepping over various catatonically drunk soldier-type companions, trying to ignore Talos' singing, and finds Khem Val and Risha nattering in the kitchen, both slightly the worse for drink, talking philosophy and trying to make the perfect toasted cheese sandwich.


I was planning on replacing my monitor, anyway.

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At a party, I can imagine SCORPIO hooking up with Tharan Cedrax (he'd get Holiday to watch), whilst Kaliyo would be hitting on Andronikos, or Khem, or maybe both. Lokin would play his party trick rahkghoul form, causing Qyzen to hunt him down. Vector would share crazy talk over a bong, whist Ashara would hold back Nadia's hair whilst she throws up. Meanwhile, Temple and Talos would be sharing a glass of wine.
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At a party, I can imagine SCORPIO hooking up with Tharan Cedrax (he'd get Holiday to watch), whilst Kaliyo would be hitting on Andronikos, or Khem, or maybe both. Lokin would play his party trick rahkghoul form, causing Qyzen to hunt him down. Vector would share crazy talk over a bong, whist Ashara would hold back Nadia's hair whilst she throws up. Meanwhile, Temple and Talos would be sharing a glass of wine.


hmm... if i held a family reunuion that ended up as a kegger....


scorpio would be observing, step by step, the degredation of everyone's neurological, mental, reflexive, and social composure, taking extensive mental notes on the weaknesses alcahol can open.

kaleiyo would be buisy ether conning corso out of everything, including the shirt on his back, getting pure wasted, picking fights with someone, or all above at the same time.

don't know risha well enough to figure what she would be doing.

vector around a bong with blizz would be awesome

" wierd bug-man say strange things to blizz, but magic smoke makes it easy for blizz to understand! Blizz can hear universe song too now!!"

lokin would be running around in his 'ghoul form, and become the party's living mechanical bull.

vette... i could see being the attention grabby drunk chick... people might get flashed. temple would chime in too.

torian would be having drinking matches, arm wrestling matches, stupid and painfull drunk games guys do when they wanna show off thier mojo, or be buisy being made out with by my drunk bh.

gault would be finding the drunkest people, and asking to borrow credits, in hope the lenders don't remember the next day.

of course, my agent is the family matriarch, so she would have to keep relitively sober, and keep the peace. the brain dammage would proc tho, and she would still end up dancing in slave gear...like she does every day...

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If every companion went to, say, a companion conference, who would hang out together? Who would be friends? Who would be enemies?


Note: Faction allegiance of player characters is not an issue!


Would Akaavi and Torian would get along, since they're both Mandalorians? Would T7 and 4X discuss hardware upgrades? Would Lokin and Doc trade treatments?

After Elara was hurt in the big space station battle, I had the definite impression that Aric was really sweet on her.

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hmm... if i held a family reunuion that ended up as a kegger....


scorpio would be observing, step by step, the degredation of everyone's neurological, mental, reflexive, and social composure, taking extensive mental notes on the weaknesses alcahol can open.

kaleiyo would be buisy ether conning corso out of everything, including the shirt on his back, getting pure wasted, picking fights with someone, or all above at the same time.

don't know risha well enough to figure what she would be doing.

vector around a bong with blizz would be awesome

" wierd bug-man say strange things to blizz, but magic smoke makes it easy for blizz to understand! Blizz can hear universe song too now!!"

lokin would be running around in his 'ghoul form, and become the party's living mechanical bull.

vette... i could see being the attention grabby drunk chick... people might get flashed. temple would chime in too.

torian would be having drinking matches, arm wrestling matches, stupid and painfull drunk games guys do when they wanna show off thier mojo, or be buisy being made out with by my drunk bh.

gault would be finding the drunkest people, and asking to borrow credits, in hope the lenders don't remember the next day.

of course, my agent is the family matriarch, so she would have to keep relitively sober, and keep the peace. the brain dammage would proc tho, and she would still end up dancing in slave gear...like she does every day...


You seem to have thought about this before.

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don't know risha well enough to figure what she would be doing.


Pretty sure she'd be one of the drunk chicks. She sent me out to do all this work on Nar Shaddaa while she went and got drunk with her girlfriends. I thought I was your friend, Risha! Why can't we have a ladies' night?!

Edited by elliotcat
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