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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Some time this Summer......Pfff


This is meant as a carrot on a stick so you keep paying for the unknown.

Not I, I have waited and heard the speech, I do not pay on empty promises ....


Re-Roll is NOT an Option !!!

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Ah! OK, so you're ok with the PvPers leaving and have no worries that they'll go...got it.


I'm not. I'm one of the "PvPers" and I wanted to play THIS game. I don't agree that the game would be "quite well".


Game will be fine. PvPers are always a minority in MMO games. If they weren't, there'd be a lot more market for straight up PvP MMOs. Off the top of my head, I can't think of a single successful one.

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Trasnfer is not an option for summer, because there will be noone to trasnfer and it will become almost unneeded.You gave me 30 days free to stay around, fine. But I have no use for it, when noone is around to play with.


You got it?


If you use a bigger font, perhaps they'll build a time machine, go back into history, and have everything up and running last week.


Typing in a big red font doesn't change how long it will take for them to get it working.

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The reason they hide it has nothing to do with obscuring info from the playerbase. It has to do with the market and competition. The more the competition is in the dark about actual sub numbers, the better it is for the company for a myriad reasons.


It's gotte quite cut-throat out there...


You blind fanboys just baffle me, why does it matter who they are hiding the info from? they are hiding the info so they can put out the numbers they want to put out. Yeah they hide the numbers to avoid bad pr, just like they fudge the numbers for good pr. But its just common sense, if they were telling everyone the whole truth and not scewing numbers game companies would not have started hiding their server populations.

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I'll tell you why, because those poeple on low pop servers will be long gone when trasnfer hit the servers.Servers with light pop are getting low on pop every day as it happened with server I used to play on.So thats why there will be noone ton trasnfer, I mean that free trasnfer from low opop servers.


I hope I made this very clear for you, hunny :).


Size and color have been changed, better ?

Edited by Emdix
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Man I love this Q&A


DrakeAssaShin: What is being done to address low population servers?


Dallas: The Character Transfer Service, as mentioned above, will be offering free transfers from/to specific servers. This should allow the most motivated players to get onto a higher population server.


If you are motivated, you can leave your low pop server to join a higher population server, you know, to help your lower population server. Makes complete sense. :rolleyes:

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To be fair, this isn't true. They were attempting to limit the servers to a manageable level when the community made the choice for them, forcing the opening of additional servers.

Tech and software limitations.


LOL, the community didnt force anything, bioware had a bad idea for launch and not enough capacity per server (that is what open betas/stress tests are for) and made another bad choice in opening way more servers than they needed.

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Man I love this Q&A




If you are motivated, you can leave your low pop server to join a higher population server, you know, to help your lower population server. Makes complete sense. :rolleyes:


The point is to empty the nearly empty servers in order to increase the population per server. If no servers were removed (or emptied) by this process you'd only be taking people away from the healthy servers to slightly improve the ones with problems.

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LOL, the community didnt force anything, bioware had a bad idea for launch and not enough capacity per server (that is what open betas/stress tests are for) and made another bad choice in opening way more servers than they needed.
An argument can be made that the capacity was too low, but the community did force the issue and make them open more servers. The demand was getting so loud that the mainstream news outlets were beginning to take notice. If they hadn't opened more semester the community whining would have made national news, which in turn would have put SWTOR into an early grave. Make no mistake, we're responsible for the increase in servers, and as such the current situation.
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LOL, the community didnt force anything, bioware had a bad idea for launch and not enough capacity per server (that is what open betas/stress tests are for) and made another bad choice in opening way more servers than they needed.


Don't blame BioWare.EA was that who was naive to open so many servers and let the game slowly die like warhammer.


BioWare is just a studio making games, they have nothing to do with this.BioWare cant do a thing if EA says different, they are in control, not BioWare.

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An argument can be made that the capacity was too low, but the community did force the issue and make them open more servers. The demand was getting so loud that the mainstream news outlets were beginning to take notice. If they hadn't opened more semester the community whining would have made national news, which in turn would have put SWTOR into an early grave. Make no mistake, we're responsible for the increase in servers, and as such the current situation.


1) The community cant force anything, if you have three 12 year old chidren screaming that they all want dynamite and matches for christmas, and you the parent get tired of the screaming and give it to them, its your fault, they didnt FORCE you to do anything. you like the devs should have known better because its your job to.


2) They have stated recently that server capacity is now double or more that it was during lauunch, if they could have let twice as many people on a server at launch there would be alot less servers periood and alot less with 30 people on them right now. So no an arguement cant be made, unless you liek arguing agasint common sense.

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Don't blame BioWare.EA was that who was naive to open so many servers and let the game slowly die like warhammer.


BioWare is just a studio making games, they have nothing to do with this.BioWare cant do a thing if EA says different, they are in control, not BioWare.


Actually, not true. I have a friend who worked for Bioware as of 6 months ago. According to him BioWare has pretty much free reign to do whatever they want. The VP's pretty much leave that division alone.

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Man I love this Q&A




If you are motivated, you can leave your low pop server to join a higher population server, you know, to help your lower population server. Makes complete sense. :rolleyes:


Well, if they shut down the low-pop server, what does it matter? Sounds like motivation to move to me.

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1) The community cant force anything, if you have three 12 year old chidren screaming that they all want dynamite and matches for christmas, and you the parent get tired of the screaming and give it to them, its your fault, they didnt FORCE you to do anything. you like the devs should have known better because its your job to.
So you would have told them to do nothing and give up on the game before it even got off the ground?

2) They have stated recently that server capacity is now double or more that it was during lauunch, if they could have let twice as many people on a server at launch there would be alot less servers periood and alot less with 30 people on them right now. So no an arguement cant be made, unless you liek arguing agasint common sense.
What they are capable of now is not what they were capable of then. Edited by HeavensAgent
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Actually, not true. I have a friend who worked for Bioware as of 6 months ago. According to him BioWare has pretty much free reign to do whatever they want. The VP's pretty much leave that division alone.


I dont belive that at all.Not that part about friend in BW, but that part with they can do everything they want.If true, they should get fired, because obviously, they are not doing good job.


But If BW is in control, why EA is leting them repeat same mistake with Warhammer.That is something to think about, dont u think ?

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Wut? Bioware has never said they are going to pick the server for you. They've never said they won't either. They haven't said anything other than there will be some free transfers available, followed by paid transfers.


Bioware wrote only three sentences, all of which are pretty straightforward. And from there people have come up with some pretty wild assumptions how what is going to happen.


You misread him. Clearly "not allowing everyone to transfer for free to any server they want to" is telling him where to transfer.


Because we need the entire playerbase crammed onto The Fatman. :rolleyes:

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I dont belive that at all.Not that part about friend in BW, but that part with they can do everything they want.If true, they should get fired, because obviously, they are not doing good job.


But If BW is in control, why EA is leting them repeat same mistake with Warhammer.That is something to think about, dont u think ?



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I dont belive that at all.Not that part about friend in BW, but that part with they can do everything they want.If true, they should get fired, because obviously, they are not doing good job.


But If BW is in control, why EA is leting them repeat same mistake with Warhammer.That is something to think about, dont u think ?


your text needs to be settled down, pick a color, fyi... I don't need you to enlarge it either, i can read your writing just fine...


Can see why you pick different colors though, your grammar is atrocious... You probably want to distract from that :D

Edited by Ensquire
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Free Server transfers were announced in the Q&A . James Ohlen has stated "No, we’re not going to. Merging servers is not something we are looking at."


If server transfers mirror every other MMO Ive experienced. Free Server transfers are being offererd 'From High population servers' to 'Low Population servers'

ALL this is doing is offering transfers to people to move 'back' to the low population server they left because it was LOW. And for these people to move to a LOW server your asking them to gamble that A LOT of other people take that risk to populate the server they are moving to.


There is no Incentive to move to one of the 23 'English' European servers. There is only one server that is FULL with a que time. Is Bioware claiming that this one server has enough players willing to leave to populate 23 other servers? And thats not counting the 'Standard Population servers? Is it not the same players that abandoned other servers due to low population to move to this one server, and moving back is just restoring the server to the state it was in prior to them leaving because they decided there wasnt enough?


Server Transfers this way only benefeit from Over population.

But considering in the EU English bracket, you have 1 server over populated (ie peak time has a wating time) while 23 of them are unable to support 'Operation' based content.


The State of Scepter of Ragnos - EU (And not the least populated of the 16 pvp servers that are "light")


0 Republic in PVP.

Peak time - 17 Republic Players Server Wide on a 'who' 7 of which in imperial fleet, 2 of those level 50, the rest likely alts just seeing the story line (Mine being one of them as an Imperial player)

Ive not pvped since prior to 1.2 out of frustration (when the 2 republic guilds departed to reroll empire on Tomb of Freedon Nadd) Even in the first month of Swtor Meeting republic players in a Warzone were slim.

Now In PVP queing up in pvp is just filled with under geared alts or new players vs the one or two 'career' pvp teams resulting in one sided roll overs of frustration. With the implementation of 1.2 there has been no significant change to the situation.


Fact is when transfers come out they will MAKE money because NO ONE in their right mind will leave to an under populated server.

People will be PAYING to move to a more populated server (With likely multiple characters costing a fair whack of cash).


There are 16 Light Servers, I expect them to be EMPTY from server transfers or cancellations.

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Free Server transfers were announced in the Q&A . James Ohlen has stated "No, we’re not going to. Merging servers is not something we are looking at."


If server transfers mirror every other MMO Ive experienced. Free Server transfers are being offererd 'From High population servers' to 'Low Population servers'


Just so you know, transferring people off of a LIGHT server and shutting it down is NOT A MERGE. So, when JO says they not going to merge servers, he is NOT talking about that. He's talking about actual server merges which are buggy, convoluted, and an unnecessarily complex process of combining the software, economy, loot tables, etc. of two servers, when all they have to do is move people and shut down low-pops.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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So you would have told them to do nothing and give up on the game before it even got off the ground?

What they are capable of now is not what they were capable of then.


1) Maybe i would have released less servers, i dont know im not being paid to run a succesful mmo, and unlike many people on their team i havent run and launched other mmos where the exact same thing happened.


2) Exactly, because the game was released early/or they didnt focus enough on server capacity to be ready for launch.

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Just so you know, transferring people off of a LIGHT server and shutting it down is NOT A MERGE. So, when JO says they not going to merge servers, he is NOT talking about that. He's talking about actual server merges which are buggy, convoluted, and an unnecessarily complex process of combining the software, economy, loot tables, etc. of two servers, when all they have to do is move people and shut down low-pops.


Agreed, I also think you should have to pay if you want to move your character around freely, putting a price tag on server transfers will deter some players from doing it and prevent other players from doing it excessively, which in the long term should stabilize the server populations.

Edited by Ensquire
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Just so you know, transferring people off of a LIGHT server and shutting it down is NOT A MERGE. So, when JO says they not going to merge servers, he is NOT talking about that. He's talking about actual server merges which are buggy, convoluted, and an unnecessarily complex process of combining the software, economy, loot tables, etc. of two servers, when all they have to do is move people and shut down low-pops.


But they cant force 100% of people to depart a server so they can shut it down. If they do so, that is, in effect a server Merge. Even if its one server merging into numerous others.

They, as far as I know have not stated the specifics of which servers are entitled to a free server transfer. Im basing speculation off Current practices in other MMO's.

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