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when an mmo falls past a certain point they rarely if ever return, no matter how well they are fixed. when you release an mmo you get one shot, if it flops in the first year it will never be what it could have been. Id rather not see swtor go down that road.
This I would agree with, yes. That said, SWTOR has not even come close to that point. Its doing far better than is common for successful titles at this point in their life span. Edited by HeavensAgent
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You are confusing expectations with experience, ive been playing mmo's since eq1 and ive tried all of the AAA mmo's since. when an mmo falls past a certain point they rarely if ever return, no matter how well they are fixed. when you release an mmo you get one shot, if it flops in the first year it will never be what it could have been. Id rather not see swtor go down that road.


That actually makes some sense. The question then arises: From whence did these expectations come? For my part, I'd heard of the game a little bit prior to its release but didn't know much about it. My only MMO experience was some free WoW play time, so no real experience there.


Then I saw the game was by Bioware, so figured it would be a bit like KOTR online and a good opportunity to play cooperatively with my wife. So far, that seems to be the case, so none of my expectations were shattered. Don't care for different classes all pretty much doing the same missions, but it's not a game-breaker for me.

Edited by GreySix
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That actually makes some sense. The question then arises: From whence did these expectations come? For my part, I'd heard of the game a little bit prior to its release but didn't know much about it. My only MMO experience was some free WoW play time, so no real experience there.


Then I saw the game was by Bioware, so figured it would be a bit like KOTR online. So far, that seems to be the case, so none of my expectations were shattered. Don't care for different classes all pretty much doing the same missions, but it's not a game-breaker for me.


Especially given that TOR actually has more deviation away from same quesltines for every class than any other MMO. Let me tell you, leveling alts in WoW, RIFT, EQ2, etc. was almost grueling. TOR is an altaholics dream come true.

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I love this game a lot but it's to late for me to re-roll on another server. Especially since I am almost positive they won't be transferring your legacy system over and maybe not even all your alts. So yes I defiantly say too little to late as well, and if you can't see why me and other people keep saying this its because you don't have 20-40 people on your server at peak times, yes server not fleet. I love to pvp in this game on top of rolling multiple alts, but I just can't wait 2 hours for a que, its too much. It is not just me either, everyone of the light servers populations has dropped tremendously over the last 3 weeks, to the point where the population is just to low to do anything. Yeah great that 1.3 will have a LFG tool in it, but unless its x-server its absolutely pointless for all the light servers. Lets que up and see who out of 20 people want to do the same dungeon I want...... hm.....ya absolutely no one. Its of my opinion that they also need merge servers and bring it to like 10 healthy servers. I don't care if there is a 1 hour que. As long as there is **** to do when I get in the game I would be stoked. Yes I think this game is great, yes I think they are going in a great direction, however they are killing their own game and sub numbers by letting everyone who isn't on 5 servers just unsub for the lack of no population. In the end Bioware only has itself to blame for killing this game. Unless there is a server merge with the next two-four weeks this game will fade away into the nothing. Which makes me a sad panda, no wow reference intended. I will most likely be playing Tera or Firefall, or GW2, but I must say I wasn't impress this last weekend not one bit.
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This I would agree with, yes. That said, SWTOR has not even come close to that point. Its doing far better than is common for successful titles at this point in their life span.


And this is where we disagree, I think it is very close to that point. With servers in the shape they are in are seriously hurting this game and that is only one problem (but by far the largest) this game has right now. Now consider the overhead cost of this game and how much more successful it has to be than say Rift to have a future.

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Personally, I think SWTOR will make their money on the game sales and subscriptions they already have up to this point. Then within the next few months they'll trim down the number of servers and keep a small core of dedicated players along with a rotating base of casual players that want that Star Wars feel. Not a big "WoW-killer" by any means, but successful enough.
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I love this game a lot but it's to late for me to re-roll on another server. Especially since I am almost positive they won't be transferring your legacy system over and maybe not even all your alts. So yes I defiantly say too little to late as well, and if you can't see why me and other people keep saying this its because you don't have 20-40 people on your server at peak times, yes server not fleet. I love to pvp in this game on top of rolling multiple alts, but I just can't wait 2 hours for a que, its too much. It is not just me either, everyone of the light servers populations has dropped tremendously over the last 3 weeks, to the point where the population is just to low to do anything. Yeah great that 1.3 will have a LFG tool in it, but unless its x-server its absolutely pointless for all the light servers. Lets que up and see who out of 20 people want to do the same dungeon I want...... hm.....ya absolutely no one. Its of my opinion that they also need merge servers and bring it to like 10 healthy servers. I don't care if there is a 1 hour que. As long as there is **** to do when I get in the game I would be stoked. Yes I think this game is great, yes I think they are going in a great direction, however they are killing their own game and sub numbers by letting everyone who isn't on 5 servers just unsub for the lack of no population. In the end Bioware only has itself to blame for killing this game. Unless there is a server merge with the next two-four weeks this game will fade away into the nothing. Which makes me a sad panda, no wow reference intended. I will most likely be playing Tera or Firefall, or GW2, but I must say I wasn't impress this last weekend not one bit.


I dont know where you heard about them not tranfering your legacy but im pretty sure they will as they did do it with the asia transfers and have said multiple times that they would tranfer.


Hell if they would just make legacies tranferable or game wide right now or as soon as possible it would save them some people leaving the game before they finaly get transfers up and running.

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And this is where we disagree, I think it is very close to that point. With servers in the shape they are in are seriously hurting this game and that is only one problem (but by far the largest) this game has right now. Now consider the overhead cost of this game and how much more successful it has to be than say Rift to have a future.


They need 500k to stay afloat, as per last year's conference call, maybe 800k to make a small profit. There is currently 1.7 million (as of last week). Things are coming to improve that, as well as a recent launch into several more countries, and a probable launch into China.


That help put it into perspective?

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Personally, I think SWTOR will make their money on the game sales and subscriptions they already have up to this point. Then within the next few months they'll trim down the number of servers and keep a small core of dedicated players along with a rotating base of casual players that want that Star Wars feel. Not a big "WoW-killer" by any means, but successful enough.


Yeah but i dont think swtor can be swtor with a small core of players, i dont see EA shelling out the big bucks for a fully voiced expansion for a game that doesnt have big sub numbers.

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Yeah but i dont think swtor can be swtor with a small core of players, i dont see EA shelling out the big bucks for a fully voiced expansion for a game that doesnt have big sub numbers.


Think add-ons would have to lose the voice-overs. Heck, have droids brief the missions.

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Your high if you think 1.7 million people play swtor.


Yeah i cant argue with you if you believe swtor has 1.7m people playing it.


When i heard them state that they had 1.7m subs and werent losing subs right after they gave almost everyone a free month i stopped believing anything these devs said. Maybe its because i played eq1 6 years and most people who dealt with Verrant (later soe) devs have an automatic distrust of anything devs say.

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Your high if you think 1.7 million people play swtor.
It is the provided figure, and with no pertinent information refuting its validity we have no reason to believe it to be false. In fact, what little data has been gathered by the community supports the figure. So yes, I do believe it and no, I am not "high." Edited by HeavensAgent
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Think add-ons would have to lose the voice-overs. Heck, have droids brief the missions.


But besides star wars voice was the biggest thing swtor had going for it, it was going to revolutionize the genre.


If swtor gets so bad that they cant aford to release a fully voiced expansion that i think will be the point someone can say swtor failed.

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Yeah but i dont think swtor can be swtor with a small core of players, i dont see EA shelling out the big bucks for a fully voiced expansion for a game that doesnt have big sub numbers.


With the european expansion the overall subscriptions have reached over 2 million users

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But besides star wars voice was the biggest thing swtor had going for it, it was going to revolutionize the genre.


If swtor gets so bad that they cant aford to release a fully voiced expansion that i think will be the point someone can say swtor failed.


Possibly, but many of us space-bar through the voiced parts if we've seen them once already anyway. Those who get the add-ons would be more spacebar-happy, though some would like to hear the whole thing. Besides, there is no shortage of out-of-work and struggling actors out there.

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If swtor gets so bad that they cant aford to release a fully voiced expansion that i think will be the point someone can say swtor failed.
Yeah, this I would agree with. The voiceover is one of the core defining elements of the game, and has been since its inception.
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It is the provided figure, and with no pertinent information refuting its validity we have no reason to believe it to be false. In fact, what little data has been gathered by the community supports the figure. So yes, I do believe it and no, I am not "high."


Of course giving out a day, a week and a month to keep me as an ACTIVE sub refutes the validity of that 1.7.

Semantics is fun.

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Of course giving out a day, a week and a month to keep me as an ACTIVE sub refutes the validity of that 1.7.

Semantics is fun.


Exactly, and i dont even care that they are faking sub numbers and trying to make it look like they arent losing alot of people, as long as THEY dont believe their own hype and think everything is going fine and that it wont hurt to wait until summer to fix their game.

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guys if you remember MMO APB the game was FAIL and then Reloaded Productions relaunched the game after while. The game failed of many reasons dont you think with SWTOR can be the same way?


As far as i know apb is still a failed game and its also f2p now. either way if apb is failed or not i would not hope the same future for swtor.

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