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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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I can understand where people come from, that can only play one game at the time, I can also see why people play almost any game that hits the market. They are just different kinds of gamers.


There are different kinds of gamers, I get that. However, the whining and crying on these forums is just uncalled for.


Could you imagine if people that played The Legend of Zelda on the NES started making posts saying, "this game sucks, there's no depth, Metroid is going to be so much better when it comes out because it has free bombs!" ???????


Gaming entertainment has not changed in the past 40 years, but the gamer mentality (as a whole) has ... dramatically.

Edited by Alkiii
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HeavensAgent i sow you in many posts here and i see you really love SWTOR. You are lucky you in high populated server and you dont have problems now you try to calm down other ppl whos screaming for help or already made decision and left game. Ye you doing well but ppl is so angry now they in panic.
And I understand that. My launch server was in such a state. I rerolled to a couple more populated home servers probably two months ago now.


The perception of some players indicate that the game is suffering. Perception can be a strong influence, but perception can be, and often is, flawed. There's no reason to lose sight of common sense in such a situation. Some that post in the manner you say are either misinformed or unaware of the facts, and I share those facts when they are available. In this instance screaming, making demands and threats, serves no purpose. Character transfers are already the developers' top priority. They're doing everything they can to get the system in place and ready for use; no amount of outcry is going to allow the developers to work any faster on the issue.

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Wow didn't cost a few hundred million to make and certainly didn't have server transfers after 6 months.


Then again, how long was it after Rift released that they offered transferred again?


Because that game cost a few hundred million to make and was owned by a company who made a big loss last year.


Lol, I ain't got nothing to lose, looks like some already have.


I started WoW not to long after it had launched. And they had server transfers. Every MMO has it. EQ had it from the get go.


Sorry bud, but your logic is flawed. Go troll some other forums for a change.

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So the industry standard now is to keep people like me on dead servers for 3 months now and counting, where the remaining population is divided by two every month that passes by?

I can't understand why you feel the need to jump in to defend Bw even though they clearly made a mistake with the amount of servers they opened and didn't have any means to balance population in between them. This combined with no cross warzones/flashpoints and it's a disaster on low populated servers and it keeps on going.

No, the industry standard is a tried and true method of transferring character data that is used by most games in the industry that offer such functionality. That method, though, proved incapable of handling the specific needs of SWTOR; character data ended up being more complex, primarily as a result of the Legacy System. When this was realized the developers set to work on designing a new system that would address these issue, and allow for the transfer of characters without the loss or corruption of data.
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And I understand that. My launch server was in such a state. I rerolled to a couple more populated home servers probably two months ago now.


The perception of some players indicate that the game is suffering. Perception can be a strong influence, but perception can be, and often is, flawed. There's no reason to lose sight of common sense in such a situation. Some that post in the manner you say are either misinformed or unaware of the facts, and I share those facts when they are available. In this instance screaming, making demands and threats, serves no purpose. Character transfers are already the developers' top priority. They're doing everything they can to get the system in place and ready for use; no amount of outcry is going to allow the developers to work any faster on the issue.


Ye true you in many things right but when GW and diablo 3 will be out because as i know many ppl in my server already said they going to play GW some D3. D3 is already in TOP chart at EU game industry. SWTOR defenetly will lose many many ppl.

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Ye true you in many things right but when GW and diablo 3 will be out because as i know many ppl in my server already said they going to play GW some D3. D3 is already in TOP chart at EU game industry. SWTOR defenetly will lose many many ppl.


I doubt it. D3 isn't even an MMO. Thus it's not even competing with the same base. Not to mention that it's releasing with no PvP.


And the GW2 forums speak for themselves. BioWare's not worried, I can just about guarantee you that. Nor should they be.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Ye true you in many things right but when GW and diablo 3 will be out because as i know many ppl in my server already said they going to play GW some D3. D3 is already in TOP chart at EU game industry. SWTOR defenetly will lose many many ppl.
Perhaps, but expressing that here isn't going to allow the developers to make transfers available any sooner.
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WoW didn't add the ability to transfer characters until more than a year after launch: it was added in mid 2006.


There was a difference why though :p All the servers were getting too crowded. That's not the case in here for the most part.

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Ranked Warzones are coming...


Any why do you want a date? So that you can QQ that they broke another so-called "promise" when the typical MMO time-frame is achieved?




Maybe you want to QQ, but I want a date because it was sold as being part of 1.2, a release that has come and gone.

Go ahead and defend Bioware if you like all the fake updates they've released...I can't, nor will I.

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No, the industry standard is a tried and true method of transferring character data that is used by most games in the industry that offer such functionality. That method, though, proved incapable of handling the specific needs of SWTOR; character data ended up being more complex, primarily as a result of the Legacy System. When this was realized the developers set to work on designing a new system that would address these issue, and allow for the transfer of characters without the loss or corruption of data.



I can't wait to hear the cries over naming, even if it's a *tag like DAoC had, people will still be very unhappy.


For me it's even worse cus' I already re-rolled leaving a lot of high chars and 22+ legacy levels only to hear that now I didn't have to re-roll, just stick it out! And no word about legacy being account based instead of server just makes me sick to the back teeth.


I hope GW2, TERA and any others that is coming out learn from this avoidable mistake. There has been so many errors and idiotic things done in SWTOR that could have been avoided by taking 10 mins on WoW, Rift & Aions forums. Its like these companies make their own minds up of what to do, add and not add, then come out and say "We listen!", you maybe do listen, but you don't learn!


*The DAoC EN servers merged and the players were tagged with their old server name so same names didn't have to be changed, for example, "Elfwarrior" became "Elfwarrior <Excalibur>" etc.

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I started WoW not to long after it had launched. And they had server transfers. Every MMO has it. EQ had it from the get go.


WoW was already commented on, and are you talking EQ, or EQ2? Either way, that's pretty false. EQ EU servers, once the other three were opened, had transfers TO available, but were impossible to transfer off of...

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I doubt it. D3 isn't even an MMO. Thus it's not even competing with the same base. Not to mention that it's releasing with no PvP.


And the GW2 forums speak for themselves. BioWare's not worried, I can just about guarantee you that. Nor should they be.


D3 will have PVP. I dont compare MMO to RPG im just sayng what ppl told me in general discussion at server.

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And the GW2 forums speak for themselves. BioWare's not worried, I can just about guarantee you that. Nor should they be.


Yes, they should worry. GW2 WILL take players.


You do more harm than good for this game by pretending it's good. I don't think you're trying to intentionally harm SWTOR, but I feel your justifying all of the problems does in the long run.

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Maybe you want to QQ, but I want a date because it was sold as being part of 1.2, a release that has come and gone.

Go ahead and defend Bioware if you like all the fake updates they've released...I can't, nor will I.


I'm not defending anything, just stating what actually is, instead of accusing with hyperbole. I'm not much into McCarthyism like some people. ;)

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D3 will have PVP. I dont compare MMO to RPG im just sayng what ppl told me in general discussion at server.


An announcement was made by the developers that it won't. So, until an announcement is made by the developers reversing that, I put zero stock in hearsay.

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There was a difference why though :p All the servers were getting too crowded. That's not the case in here for the most part.
Actually, that's incorrect. WoW was suffering very similar issues to what we're seeing now: lower server populations resulted from initial launch bugs that persisted after the initial year, as well as loss of interest from those that weren't truly invested in the game. There were also a few servers like the Fatman, that had to suffer through queues to play due to overcrowding, but this was certainly was not the case on the majority.
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Yes, they should worry. GW2 WILL take players.


You do more harm than good for this game by pretending it's good. I don't think you're trying to intentionally harm SWTOR, but I feel your justifying all of the problems does in the long run.


More hyperbole? Point out where I'm "justifying" anything. Go ahead. And make sure you take a look at my posts disagreeing with the Expertise move, and the posts about how real PvP has died as a result.


I just call things like I see 'em. And the player-hyped GW2 is just another MMO with all its inherent imperfections and a playerbase that thinks it's the "new cool" to be a hater.

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I doubt it. D3 isn't even an MMO. Thus it's not even competing with the same base. Not to mention that it's releasing with no PvP.


And the GW2 forums speak for themselves. BioWare's not worried, I can just about guarantee you that. Nor should they be.


offcourse they will worry why not? The big game title coming at beta many ppl was huppy they already made thousn and thousnd fans and its GW2 many ppl who playd GW they will move into it. ArenaNet already have experience in MMO and Bioware dont have any MMO experience. ArenaNet they see whats going on now in MMO industry they probably prepare to make GW2 fun and keep players

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Maybe you want to QQ, but I want a date because it was sold as being part of 1.2, a release that has come and gone.

Go ahead and defend Bioware if you like all the fake updates they've released...I can't, nor will I.

Dates are never released until finalized, and even then they're subject to change.


If you feel dates are so important and vital, when is GW2 launching? You're claiming it's going to kill SWTOR's current population; if you're so sure it's going to have a significant impact on SWTOR you must have have a date, since you seem to consider it to be so important.

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An announcement was made by the developers that it won't. So, until an announcement is made by the developers reversing that, I put zero stock in hearsay.


Its already confirmed D3 will have PVP wake UP. The pvp will be run months later after realease.


"There are many reasons why we’re focusing PvP into the arenas and not bringing back hostility," Blizzard said during a Q&A with fansites (via DiabloFans). "PvP Arenas will only be a few months after release, and in that time people will be trying out classes and perfecting their gear and builds. When they do arrive they’ll be an awesome addition to the game, and players will be ready to face off in some awesome PvP action in a designed and crafted experience."

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