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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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I don't doubt it. I left after the NGE stripped my Ranger of all of his skills and I REALLY like that character so I was done with Sony after that. I had two accounts just so I could have a crafter and a combat character.


Yep. Pretty much everyone left. Leaving something like ten people scattered across the servers. (sure it was more than ten, but it didnt feel like it.)

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dido signed


i agree all bioware does is screw up some thing with nerfs and other B.S and in the end i might as well leave and play my guild wars 1 or even join my wife on her second game Grand Fantasia. I think Sto would even be a good choice to go back too but who knows for sure. I love this game i been a star wars and trek fan since 1980 and thats why im here and that why im posting here to get this game right so people would stay not leave


I do agree that bioware is not fixing enough stuff just adding more stuff to a buggy game.


Sometimes for balance, certain classes may receive a nerf or a buff. Is this your first MMO?

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Sometimes for balance, certain classes may receive a nerf or a buff. Is this your first MMO?


Just because it is a standard MMO practice doesn't automatically mean they are doing it properly.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


I personally think you and your guild should unsub. For the simple reason that you shouldn't pay your hard earned money for garbage. If it doesn't live up to your expectations, then there is no reason to stay. Just following the arguement to its logical conclusion. Will BW lose money, sure but I'm sure they will eventually go F2P, this game is really on shaky ground whether or not the biodrones will admit it or not but that is a story for another thread :)

Edited by Moitteva
removed rude/calling for dev firings
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My last forum post will be on 6/02.


WoW was dull for me, and this game is a carbon copy. Not much creativity in this game. I think the only 'new' MMO concept in this game is you get to screw your companion... woopie.

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My last forum post will be on 6/02.


WoW was dull for me, and this game is a carbon copy. Not much creativity in this game. I think the only 'new' MMO concept in this game is you get to screw your companion... woopie.


Good luck to you. Perhaps you should try Rift. It's a fun game or try a WoW or Rift private server. They are free and tons of fun. Who knows, maybe someone will make a private server from this game and actually make everything work ROFLMMFAO!!!

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Good luck to you. Perhaps you should try Rift. It's a fun game or try a WoW or Rift private server. They are free and tons of fun. Who knows, maybe someone will make a private server from this game and actually make everything work ROFLMMFAO!!!


I have never tried Rift, so maybe I will go there as I wait for GW2. I was thinking of going back to a UO private, or back to project visitor for a month, but I am always up for new games to check out. Thanks for the tip!

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I have never tried Rift, so maybe I will go there as I wait for GW2. I was thinking of going back to a UO private, or back to project visitor for a month, but I am always up for new games to check out. Thanks for the tip!


Np anytime. I'm a realist. I may love Star Wars or Star Trek but if the game is crap and a piece of garbage, why am I going to delude myself and play and MORE importantly, why am I going to waste my money on this crap. I would rather buy OP armour and weapons on a private server and actually have fun soloing mobs with 40million health that give me a challenge and actually have fun doing it??


It's one thing to love a franchise but it's another to be blind to the truth...

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I personally think you and your guild should unsub. For the simple reason that you shouldn't pay your hard earned money for garbage. If it doesn't live up to your expectations, then there is no reason to stay. Just following the arguement to its logical conclusion. Will BW lose money, sure but I'm sure they will eventually go F2P, this game is really on shaky ground whether or not the biodrones will admit it or not but that is a story for another thread :)



I appreciate your feedback and completely agree with everything you said.


I do believe that a change in direction and leadership (per the development team), will be the only thing to "save" this franchise.

Edited by Moitteva
removed quoted rude
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Those games look terrible. All the people that have said they are going to destroy swtor will very quietly be sneaking back into swtor within the next 3 months with their tail between their legs.

I've played GW2. It's miles ahead of TOR.

GW2 plays like an mmo released in the 2010s should play like.

TOR plays like an mmo released in the 00s played like. Actually besides the voice acting(which fans of MMOs could've told them that it isn't needed or wanted), this game is subpar in every category.


What would I know, it's not like I've played countless MMOs....

oh wait, I have.

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Already done.


I wanted to sit through these technical issues, I wanted to get back in start playing my characters again, but not being able to play a product I've pre-paid for in advance on a regular basis just doesn't cut it with me. Now, I know some people will say that per day the sub only costs $0.02 or something like that, but it's $0.02 a day wasted if I can't actually get in to play the game.


I'm giving BW / EA till the end of my current subscription to resolve my issues. If they don't, I'm gone. If they do, I'm waiting the number of days I've missed through these tech issues to reach a decision as to whether or not to re-sub and carry on playing.


Overall all though, I'm just really dissapointed with how my experience of this game has turned out.

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IMO the MMO game is just breaking down into its little niches. All mmo from now to until forever will compare to WoW or EQ because they the are foundation. Unless you're up for making Virtual reality , holographics, or something don't expect some completely revolutionary in the gaming world. Just expect lil better graphics here, physics there, I bet in a year SWTOR will be back up where it was when it launch.
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Already done.


I wanted to sit through these technical issues, I wanted to get back in start playing my characters again, but not being able to play a product I've pre-paid for in advance on a regular basis just doesn't cut it with me. Now, I know some people will say that per day the sub only costs $0.02 or something like that, but it's $0.02 a day wasted if I can't actually get in to play the game.


I'm giving BW / EA till the end of my current subscription to resolve my issues. If they don't, I'm gone. If they do, I'm waiting the number of days I've missed through these tech issues to reach a decision as to whether or not to re-sub and carry on playing.


Overall all though, I'm just really dissapointed with how my experience of this game has turned out.


Keep waiting lol! That's the sad truth. Things won't improve on this joke of a game until one of three metrics are met:


1) This game goes F2P

2) The devs are permanently removed and a group of real developers come in

3) A private server is set up and, more likely than not, they will actually make the game a viable and enjoyable experience

Edited by DarthSublimitas
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I've played GW2. It's miles ahead of TOR.

GW2 plays like an mmo released in the 2010s should play like.

TOR plays like an mmo released in the 00s played like. Actually besides the voice acting(which fans of MMOs could've told them that it isn't needed or wanted), this game is subpar in every category.


What would I know, it's not like I've played countless MMOs....

oh wait, I have.


GW2 doesn't even have raids... Unless you like bashing gates in PvP (Gate Wars 2), I really don't see what's so special about that game.

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Quote: Originally Posted by James Ohlen

Well, Star Wars: The Old Republic is already out so I wont plug the gameplay because I am sure everyone already knows what that is. For 2012 we really want players to, going back to the subscription model, feel like they're getting their money's worth. So the scope of our game updates in 2012 is going to be unimaginable. You're going to see so many changes and additions to the Star Wars Universe, it's going to be impressive. We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting.


That just made me laugh so... so so so hard that I peed my pants, I still can't stop laughing at this sith above.. Cause we all know we ain't getting our moneys worth with missing items and mad down time. ><

so GG James Ohlen I have offically unsubb after reading this crock of sith;)


Agreed. I don't know what's funnier - ppl taking this game seriously or the fact that James Ohlen actually thinks he and his hack crew are "real devs." I'm still on the fence about this one.

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Keep waiting lol! That's the sad truth. Things won't improve on this joke of a game until one of three metrics are met:


1) This game goes F2P

2) The devs are permanently removed and a group of real developers come in

3) A private server is set up and, more likely than not, they will actually make the game a viable and enjoyable experience


#2 sounds good :p

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Agreed. I don't know what's funnier - ppl taking this game seriously or the fact that James Ohlen actually thinks he and his hack crew are "real devs." I'm still on the fence about this one.


I think hes a dev, but i don't think he or anyone on his team is playing this game, and if they have it's probably for fifteen minutes and they say to themselves, "this is great, I'd pay to play this." but neither him nor his team have gotten to level 50, and realized at that particular moment there's nothing left to do.


So his plan is to have player play ALL of the alts... Byproduct is everyone has every crafting available. Congratulations James Ohlen you've made crafting essentially useless in less then six months

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I think hes a dev, but i don't think he or anyone on his team is playing this game, and if they have it's probably for fifteen minutes and they say to themselves, "this is great, I'd pay to play this." but neither him nor his team have gotten to level 50, and realized at that particular moment there's nothing left to do.


So his plan is to have player play ALL of the alts... Byproduct is everyone has every crafting available. Congratulations James Ohlen you've made crafting essentially useless in less then six months


I completely agree. I think it's obvious none of them are actually playing the game. At least not on any serious level.


Instead they're just actively throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. Considering 400 thousand people have quit - and the quality of the game is diminishing, I'd say it's safe to assume things aren't going to get better anytime soon.

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Not much room in this thread with all the armchairs. :D


Welcome to the TOR forums (and the internet for that matter). Everyone knows what they're talking about. They could do things a hundred or a thousand or a million times better or they know someone who can. You're always wrong. Even if you prove them wrong they're still right. They're little corner of the universe and the people in it are the only ones who count. Miniscule evidence is blown out of proportion and irrefutable evidence is disregarded as it suits someone. Opinions are facts unless it's coming from someone else. Where people will say, "please don't listen to those people" followed quickly by some form of saying "listen only to me". Any attempts to even mildly defend something is grounds for being a fanboy. Constructive criticism is labeled as hatred. Correcting a false claim will get you labeled either way depending on the situation. Where cry baby threads, troll threads, and total garbage threads get far more attention than anything constructive or conducive to civil discussion. Where people will engage in the most childishly disgusting behavior patterns by claiming that they're not being heard, rejoicing when they feel they have been, then within moments forgetting what just transpired and going right back to screaming that no attention is being given to them. I wish this place had a bar.

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