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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


Try doing more then "story mode"?

Edited by MaliceX
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Once again do you...that means you... have any proof.


Yes. Players here in game. They keep asking for transfers because the WANT to play with other players because so many left and not enough new people refilled their slots. Do you eat spaghetti with a spoon or something? :rolleyes:

Edited by Roechacca
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Wow these threads are seriously starting to bore. If you've honestly exhausted the stuff that is already out there to the point where you and your entire guild is thinking about leaving, then leave. Good lord you must have played this game too much to have exhausted it. Get outside and smell the fresh air.
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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


I won't go quite that far but yeah it was a bit of a disappointment at the very least.


As for the op and the threats to leave if there isn't new content in 4 days.... bye.

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Dude, do you really think all these threads about "Please we need transfers" are made up by the Illuminati? Maybe the Greys? The mother ship is calling all personnel to the forums to attack Bioware?



Get real. There's a real problem here and it involves loss of subs....


problem is your making statements as matter of fact, especially quoting 3rd parties that have no access to the data EA has. it's mere speculation because they are trying to boost the hits on their websites (talking about gamefly)

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problem is your making statements as matter of fact, especially quoting 3rd parties that have no access to the data EA has. it's mere speculation because they are trying to boost the hits on their websites (talking about gamefly)


Well you keep reading your EA official statements Champ. I'm sure they'll always be rosy with just a hint of winter fresh mint. /inhail aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

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Yes. Players here in game. They keep asking for transfers because the WANT to play with other players because so many left and not enough new people refilled their slots. Do you eat spaghetti with a spoon or something? :rolleyes:


No. what I do see...that a few less then 20% of servers have issue's. But...I understand that people cried about waiting to get in to the game and BW responded and open more servers. But you keep trying to further the story of this and other non-sense. FACT: you have no proof...btw I dont have any that they haven't dropped. You have been spouting doom and gloom on these forums since day one. I know why you and others hate the game...its ok.

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I will definitely be playing Diablo 3 along side with SWTOR, though D3 is not exactly a MMORPG.


Based on the current state of BWE, I would say I a lot of people will be disappointed with GW2, and I think it won't be released for another 3-4 months.

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If I unsub it's not gonna be because they don't release 1.3. We don't even know what 1.3 will entail and I still havent done EVERYTHING. I would at least want to play every class once and mayb experience playing all Flashpoints and OPS on hard and nightmare, once conqured then i'll consider my future with SWTOR but im not gonna base my subscription on content I have yet to know about. We just got a ton of content already.
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Well you keep reading your EA official statements Champ. I'm sure they'll always be rosy with just a hint of winter fresh mint. /inhail aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh


This is the best response that you could come up with? you must have the biggest tin foil hat on the planet.....


if swtor was really doing so bad, why haven't other gaming news sites reported it? this would spread like wildfire cause of the budget this game has....


here, let's pass some real world advice onto so you could make it into a management position one day...


if you make a claim, be sure you can back it up with real proof so you are not considered a crackpot.

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No. what I do see...that a few less then 20% of servers have issue's. But...I understand that people cried about waiting to get in to the game and BW responded and open more servers. But you keep trying to further the story of this and other non-sense. FACT: you have no proof...btw I dont have any that they haven't dropped. You have been spouting doom and gloom on these forums since day one. I know why you and others hate the game...its ok.


Give me some proof on your statement. 20% you say? Show me.


I like the game. I just understand why others don't and would like to see those issues they have fixed. You say I'm doom & gloom? Show me the facts. I post suggestions all the time and write always I want Star Wars to succeed. You act like I'm talking about your Mom when I complain and not Bioware. Settle down. I like your Mom just fine.

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Yes. Players here in game. They keep asking for transfers because the WANT to play with other players because so many left and not enough new people refilled their slots. Do you eat spaghetti with a spoon or something? :rolleyes:


You do know that eating spaghetti with a spoon is quite acceptable? Here is how it's done, using the spoon to cup the noodles you use your fork in your dominant hand to twirl the noodles around the tines. The loose bits of noodles remain in the spoon while the forked noodles are brought to your mouth. Just in case someone didn't know, it is okay to use a spoon to eat your spaghetti with, didn't want anyone to feel as if they were doing that wrong.


Now as to servers that are desolate. The problem isn't that people have quit playing, they have, and others have started playing. The issue is that most people have flocked to several servers that were considered the 'super' server of that type, whether it be RPers going to one of a couple servers to play on, or PvPers going to one of just a couple servers, despite there being other servers of that type. This was due to BW at the beginning opening too many servers because of wait times to play. The players wanted to play now, BioWare obliged, and now we have the servers settling out with some being desolate. The current theory is that you will transfer, at some future date, to your preferred server. As of now, they do not have that set up fully.

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another yank that embarrasses me cause they haven't bothered to leave the county they grew up in....in Italy it is considered rude not to use the spoon, but you got the method correct :)


You do know that eating spaghetti with a spoon is quite acceptable? Here is how it's done, using the spoon to cup the noodles you use your fork in your dominant hand to twirl the noodles around the tines. The loose bits of noodles remain in the spoon while the forked noodles are brought to your mouth. Just in case someone didn't know, it is okay to use a spoon to eat your spaghetti with, didn't want anyone to feel as if they were doing that wrong.


Now as to servers that are desolate. The problem isn't that people have quit playing, they have, and others have started playing. The issue is that most people have flocked to several servers that were considered the 'super' server of that type, whether it be RPers going to one of a couple servers to play on, or PvPers going to one of just a couple servers, despite there being other servers of that type. This was due to BW at the beginning opening too many servers because of wait times to play. The players wanted to play now, BioWare obliged, and now we have the servers settling out with some being desolate. The current theory is that you will transfer, at some future date, to your preferred server. As of now, they do not have that set up fully.

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Give me some proof on your statement. 20% you say? Show me.


I like the game. I just understand why others don't and would like to see those issues they have fixed. You say I'm doom & gloom? Show me the facts. I post suggestions all the time and write always I want Star Wars to succeed. You act like I'm talking about your Mom when I complain and not Bioware. Settle down. I like your Mom just fine.


Ah...I am so sorry. I did not mean to engage a 12yr old in and adult conversation.



You Madam have been ignored:eek:

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