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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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I am mostly a PVPer. I PVE as well, I basically just like being able to log in and do things rather than sit in fleet. This may seem whiny or childish but I feel like bioware doesn't really care about PVP after they hyped up PVP so much before release. Still don't have some form or cross server. Still don't have some form of open world PVP, don't even have an endgame zone for people on a pvp sever. Can't raid enemy fleet. Still have to reform your party every time a WZ ends when doing premades. Leveling through PVP is still crappy. So I plan to jump to GW2 when it comes out. My sub here may be reactivated, it depends on how bored I am and what they are doing.


I also fully expect GW2 to be released before ranked WZ. In the OP he stated that 1.2 was mostly fluff that should have been in at release. I agree, more problematic for me is the things they cut like cross server. 1.2 was already delayed a month and a half with them cutting stuff. Bioware is unacceptably slow.

Edited by Dystopic
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Perhaps I should clarify in saying that while we're a raiding guild - we do PvP quite competitively. Enjoying each equally. At the moment, this game is completely lacking in both. Therefore it's no surprise that the World's #1 Ranked PvE (and likely PvP) Guild has already quit. Among countless other guilds given the current server populations.


It's our intention to play a game which actually supports large scale, open-world PvP. And not a heavily instanced, imbalanced, and artificial grind mess with little-to-no innovation.

Edited by brentonj
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Perhaps I should clarify in saying that while we're a raiding guild - we do PvP quite competitively. Enjoying each equally. At the moment, this game is completely lacking in both. Therefore it's no surprise that the World's #1 Ranked PvE (and likely PvP) Guild has already quit.


It's our intention to play a game which actually supports large scale, open-world PvP. And not a heavily instanced, imbalanced, and artificial grind mess with little-to-no innovation.


What is a Worlds Number 1 ranked PvsE guild LMAO? Other than a joke?


Gimme a break. People like this are on every game forum. They're a group of people with too much time that blast away at content until they've run it through and expect there to be more and more and more. They're on LotRO forums, they're on here, etc.


Unless a company is rolling out a new 8 hour instance every 2 weeks there will be these groups of people who apparently don't work for a living that will bang away at all the content until they're sick of it and then talk about how the game doesn't have enough content. There will never be enough.


No I won't be cancelling, between a job and friends (real life) and working out, my dogs, my car, tending the yard, house maintenance, etc I haven't nearly run out of content to do yet so I don't have a deadline for new content before I unsubscribe lol.

Edited by Criosdh
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Only because these threads annoy the crap out of me, I went to the WoW forums and made a "if MoP isn't out by May-Will you Unsub" thread.. I went to check the responses 1/2 hour later and was greeted with a 48 hour suspension....i lol'd Edited by Kaltastic
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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.

same it's funny because the World vs World vs WOrld PVP that everyone raves about STILL suffers from the same problem in every PVP MMO and thats population. 1 side ends up dominating everyone.


Plus half the time is spent attacking doors JUST LIKE in Warhammer online.


GW2 is going to piss a lot of people off.

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Considering EA will be laying off close to 1000 employees in May, I doubt we will see new content till june.


you realize that EA has more then just bioware right???????


You honestly think they would lay off Bioware employes before say Mythic?


here's a list of the studios


BioWare in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and Montreal, Quebec, Canada and Austin, Texas, founded in February 1995, acquired October 2007 from Elevation Partners. Also includes BioWare Victory which was integrated into BioWare in December 2011.

Criterion Games in Guildford, England, founded as Criterion Software in 1993, acquired in August 2004.

EA Black Box in Burnaby, British Columbia, founded as Black Box Games in 1998, acquired June 2002.

EA Canada in Burnaby, British Columbia, started in January 1983.

EA Casual Entertainment

EA China in Shanghai, China

EA Deutschland in Cologne, Germany

EA Digital Illusions CE in Stockholm, Sweden

EA France in Lyon, France

EA Freestyle in San Francisco, California, founded as EA Sports BIG.

EIS (European Integration Studio) in Madrid, Spain

EA India, Noida, India

EA Brazil, São Paulo, Brazil

EA Korea in Seoul, South Korea, started in 1998.

EA Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California (includes Medal of Honor team, Danger Close), founded as DreamWorks Interactive LLC in 1995, acquired in 2000.

EA Romania in Bucharest, Romania, founded as JAMDAT Mobile Romania in 2005, acquired in 2006.

EA Russia in Moscow, Russia, translate in Russian

EA Mobile in Hyderabad, India

EA Mobile in São Paulo, Brazil

EA Montreal in Montreal, Quebec, Canada started in 2004.

EA North Carolina in Morrisville, North Carolina

EA Phenomic in Ingelheim, Germany, founded as Phenomic Game Development in 1997, acquired August 2006.

EA Salt Lake in Salt Lake City, Utah, founded as Headgate Studios, founded in 1992, acquired December 2006.

EA Singapore in Singapore [1]

EA Sports in Vancouver, Canada and Redwood City, California, publisher of EA's sports franchise games

EA Tiburon in Maitland, Florida, founded as Tiburon Entertainment in 1994, acquired in 1998.

Easy Studios in Stockholm, Sweden. Founded in 2008 developing PC games for EA's new Play4Free series.

Maxis in Emeryville, California.

Mythic Entertainment in Fairfax, Virginia, founded as Interworld Productions in 1995, acquired in June 2006.

North American Testing Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, opened in September 2008.

Playfish in London, England acquired in 2009.

PopCap Games in Seattle, Washington acquired in 2011.

Visceral Games in Redwood City, California, also has offices in Montreal, Canada and Shanghai, China; founded as EA Redwood Shores in 1998.

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my subscription goes to June. I really enjoy the game, but will take a break it new content and LFG tool isn't out by then. I will be back, but will give it a few months. I have an active sub with wow for another 6 months. I may just go back and play that while I wait for the developers to update and release.
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my subscription goes to June. I really enjoy the game, but will take a break it new content and LFG tool isn't out by then. I will be back, but will give it a few months. I have an active sub with wow for another 6 months. I may just go back and play that while I wait for the developers to update and release.
Nothing wrong with this. Hopefully by the time you return SWTOR will be in a state more in line with your individual needs.


I'll be sticking around, regardless. I don't expect 1.3 in May; the community is asking for everything at once, and expecting Bioware to deliver on all of it. It's unrealistic. They have to identify specific aspects of the game and focus on getting them under control before shifting to a general post-launch continued-development schedule.

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The Guild Wars 2 beta impressions and reviews have been absolutely stellar. Especially the PvP (including Realm vs Realm vs Realm).




Unfortunately ToR PvP is very bare-bones. And quite frankly not very fun. The entire system is really dated. It's one of the reasons (among many) we'll likely be hanging it up soon.


i played it today it consisted of killing doors ala WARHAMMER online and once again the most populated world destroys the other two.


btw GW2 doesn't get rid of the holy trinity.

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And after 1.3 comes out in may? Would you then demand 1.4 come out in June? 1.5 in July?




Seriously, lower your expectations or just unsub now. You're expecting something that simply won't happen.


I guess you missed this part:

We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting.


/insert foot


It is the head honcho saying every month a new update is in the works for 2012.... :eek:

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I guess you missed this part:


/insert foot


It is the head honcho saying every month a new update is in the works for 2012.... :eek:


to be fair he doesn't say 1.3 in the next month he just says a patch in may. But May isn't over.

Edited by jarjarloves
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I won't stick around for long if they don't give me a good reason for it. I could care less about alts right now, they should really take a look at the in-game economy (most if not all crafting crew skills are bonkers). GTN needs proper and smarter search filters. Old bugs needs to get sorted, one of the old bugs that drives me up the wall is the node bug... worst enough, it is not a bug but an design flaw (they haven't added code to despawn it if people forget to loot the stuff). Edited by siegedeluxe
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The Guild Wars 2 beta impressions and reviews have been absolutely stellar. Especially the PvP (including Realm vs Realm vs Realm).




Unfortunately ToR PvP is very bare-bones. And quite frankly not very fun. The entire system is really dated. It's one of the reasons (among many) we'll likely be hanging it up soon.


Considering I have read the opposite of stellar and mixed feelings inbetween in plenty of forum posts from this one and other forums I'm not going to take your word for it. What makes me believe you even less is that I have two friends who both got into the beta this morning, played it for 2 or 3 hours, and haven't touched it since. They went right back to playing WoW and either TOR or Rift. Just a little funfact, they were both the same kind of people that were hyping it to be the second coming for MMOs.


Just so we're also clear their complaints weren't the performance issues even though the game had more than should be tolerated even for a beta test. They didn't like how the 'dynamic' events were just a different way to initiate the same old quests we've been playing for years now, the voiceover work is subpar at best, the visuals weren't as impressive as they seemed from promotional material, PvP is nothing more than an AoEfest and smacking on doors most of the time, and when they found out there are no raids except outdoor bosses that just mostly stand in one place and let you beat on them... yeah they immediately went for a refund.


As well, didn't you say that you are a RAIDING GUILD? If you are then at what point did any lackluster PvP in TOR make you decide to take your RAIDING GUILD to GW2 for it's PvP? I sure hope the PvP in that game works for you because if it doesn't you'll be saying, "Oh well at least we can raid...... ummm guys where are the raids?"

Edited by Varteras
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Considering I have read the opposite of stellar and mixed feelings inbetween in plenty of forum posts from this one and other forums I'm not going to take your word for it. What makes me believe you even less is that I have two friends who both got into the beta this morning, played it for 2 or 3 hours, and haven't touched it since. They went right back to playing WoW and either TOR or Rift. Just a little funfact, they were both the same kind of people that were hyping it to be the second coming for MMOs.


Just so we're also clear their complaints weren't the performance issues even though the game had more than should be tolerated even for a beta test. They didn't like how the 'dynamic' events were just a different way to initiate the same old quests we've been playing for years now, the voiceover work is subpar at best, the visuals weren't as impressive as they seemed from promotional material, PvP is nothing more than an AoEfest and smacking on doors most of the time, and when they found out there are no raids except outdoor bosses that just mostly stand in one place and let you beat on them... yeah they immediately went for a refund.


As well, didn't you say that you are a RAIDING GUILD? If you are then at what point did any lackluster PvP in TOR make you decide to take your RAIDING GUILD to GW2 for it's PvP? I sure hope the PvP in that game works for you because if it doesn't you'll be saying, "Oh well at least we can raid...... ummm guys where are the raids?"


i love how people bought SWTOR thinking it would be the ultimate PVP game.


Anyhow like I said earlier GW2 PVP remeinds me too much of Warhammer Online. The side with the biggest Zerg wins. and a lot of time is spent attacking doors.

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i love how people bought SWTOR thinking it would be the ultimate PVP game.


Anyhow like I said earlier GW2 PVP remeinds me too much of Warhammer Online. The side with the biggest Zerg wins. and a lot of time is spent attacking doors.


To quote a friend of mine, "The game felt like it was designed as a Free-to-Play but one that I actually have to buy. Don't get me wrong. Its polish is above that of actual F2P MMOs but when you think about the usual quality of them that's not saying much."

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I'll be playing Tera until they figure out that being able to find like minded people in an MMO easily is a requirement of the genre.


LFD tool is for people who want to run dungeons with others. It's still not in, and that is unacceptable.


How long has it been since Kaon was added to the game? I still have yet to find a group to run it one time because nobody on my server does flashpoints, and I'm not about to waste 3 weeks rerolling on another server.

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I'll be playing Tera until they figure out that being able to find like minded people in an MMO easily is a requirement of the genre.


LFD tool is for people who want to run dungeons with others. It's still not in, and that is unacceptable.


How long has it been since Kaon was added to the game? I still have yet to find a group to run it one time because nobody on my server does flashpoints, and I'm not about to waste 3 weeks rerolling on another server.


its only been 2 weeks but my question is why can't you run it with your guild?

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its only been 2 weeks but my question is why can't you run it with your guild?


They don't run flashpoints anymore because there are no upgrades for us there. Even I completely outgear them. I just like to run dungeons.

Edited by Gungan
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They don't run flashpoints anymore because there are no upgrades for us there. Even I completely outgear them. I just like to run dungeons.


so you are in a guild that doesn't run content.


Get a new guild


People don't like to pug thats why you have a hard time finding a group. Most people will just run it with their guild.

Edited by jarjarloves
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