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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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really tired of these useless "do this or we will all Unsub" threads.


if you are going to unsub. just go ahead and stop posting here. these types of threads are not helpful.


Swtor is barely 4 months old. it's an mmo. which means it's a game that develops over years. some of you really need to stick to Console games.

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really tired of these useless "do this or we will all Unsub" threads.


if you are going to unsub. just go ahead and stop posting here. these types of threads are not helpful.


Swtor is barely 4 months old. it's an mmo. which means it's a game that develops over years. some of you really need to stick to Console games.


Im really tired of people coming into a complaint thread and complaining about the thread. Its pretty apperant what this thread is about by the title dont like it skip it cause trust me we listen to you about as much as you listen to us.

Edited by rookxxx
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Ive cancelled already but have 4 months remaining of play time. So the question isnt will I unsub if 1.3 isnt out till May. The Question is


"will EAoware do enough that resubbing is a possiblity"


I dont Warzone as I have zero interest in Warzoning PVP. Its the very definition of rince and repeat content.

I dont do Ops because frankly Raiding in any game bores me to tears


Im looking for the social, interactive, community building content (and im not talking forced grouping) that this game missing.


I want to walk into a Cantina and have a game of Paazaak, Holo Chess with someone else

I want to be able to enter a daily best time contest running different Swoop tracks on different planets (ala KotOR1)

I want to see pit fighting (ala KotOR1 and 2) in cantinas and be able to watch matchs taking place

I want to push back imperial invasions (ala Rift public grouping content) on Republic planets (and push back republic invasions if Im playing imp side)

I want to defend against the Imperial hoarde protecting our out posts and artifcacts/relics in RVR (ala DAoC pre RA RVR)


In other words I want social content that brings players togather rather then 1 up content set for elitist groups that think they better then everyone else.


I dont actually hate TOR but in 4 months I will have finished every thing I have any interest in (and thats dragging my feet huge to stretch it out for four months). If EAoware hasnt put in social community building content by then. Ill not reup.


Not going to GW2, not going to Tera. But not paying for a Multiplayer RPG with no social community building content either!

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Nope will be subbed and loving it.


Also, to the OP, you readily admit you are a raider. Why aren't you playing EQ? Everyone knows that game is about raiding. Has been for over 13 or so years. That is their specialty. Heck, raids used to be over 50 people there. That is the game you ought to be trying if all about raiding.


Me, I am about PVE and I like the stories in this game. Good stuff and no I don't have unrealistic expectations about how fast content should be added. Been doing the MMO thing for too long.

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Why should anyone "give them time" for basic, bare-bones features. Especially when you're paying their salary essentially.


Now Granted had the game not been rushed for a Holiday money grab - more things might be implemented.


Regardless for a game with this license and budget (over 300 million), it's without question stale and quickly boring my guild to death.



I'm paying a lot of other salaries like COMCAST and Aleghenny Power but they don't do a damn thing I want them to do... Should I turn of my electric and cable? Live in 18th century??? The point is you are paying $15 a month to play this game... I spent $15 yesterday on a single lunch at Applebee's. So please explain me by what logic $15 a month is too much???

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Already unsubbed, have gametime till june then Im outa here. Having BOTH classes I play nerfed while all the FOTM players are screaming through PvP like they are immortal has jaded SWTOR for me. May come back when the WoW crowd has finally got tired of tryin to create ANOTHER 1 click win MMo, though probably not. Edited by Redat
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Realistically I won't unsub because of the waiting time for a patch. I'll probably unsub for a while though if the new patch creates even more problems then it solves and makes the game more unplayable and inconsistent. After waiting awhile for issues to be solved after a few patches I'll probably come back to the game.
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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


Ok so i understand here, you are in a raiding guild, in which you probably all have 50s, and you will unsub at the end of may if you don't have 1.3 even though may will essentially be a free month of time for you, so your gonna use some free time and if bioware doesnt answer your demands your leaving? Ok that makes sense.....

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really tired of these useless "do this or we will all Unsub" threads.


if you are going to unsub. just go ahead and stop posting here. these types of threads are not helpful.


Swtor is barely 4 months old. it's an mmo. which means it's a game that develops over years. some of you really need to stick to Console games.


Yep agree they are notthing more than trollbait threads, surprised that the mods keep em open.

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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


lol your also a huge liar im not a gw2 fan im not buying the game , but i just watched my nephew in beta and everything you just just said is total bs .

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Don't shoot the messenger, all I did was quote. However, if you are to reasonably think about this, you must take BioWare's track record into account. If they were losing subs, they'd remain silent. Instead, they responded three times in one week stating that they aren't. And they have no reason to lie, since they've already stated at last year's conference call that they just need 500k subs to remain afloat.


So the deck's stacked against pessimism.

Edited by Notannos
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i think it's fair to speculate they have at least 500k in North America and another 500k in the rest of the world.


According to a statement by BioWare last week, if there is only 500k in North America, then that would mean there is 1.2 million in the rest of the world. I suspect it's actually the other way around...

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