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The SWTOR hate.


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I believe someone else has actually pointed out exactly how I feel about the SWTOR hate.



Personally I think Guild Wars 2 is already feeling worse hate and on release will get bombed on, the video explains why.


The addition is that SWTOR was hyped, I mean hyped to death, so when it released finally all of that hype turned into hate and disappointment, because the game was overhyped, they made it out to be WoW Killer no.1, we all made this game out to be the coming of the messiah.


It wasn't, it was never going to be and Guild Wars 2 is hyped so much more and it is inevitable that those asinine expectations the hype created about the game, will not be fulfilled and the disappointment will equal the praise.


Just the same as SWTOR is suffering now, difference is, SWTOR wasn't nearly as hyped as GW2 is.


This has been MMOs for years, anything doesn't flop, will still live with the Kill WoW or die mentality created by the community.

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I believe someone else has actually pointed out exactly how I feel about the SWTOR hate.



Personally I think Guild Wars 2 is already feeling worse hate and on release will get bombed on, the video explains why.


The addition is that SWTOR was hyped, I mean hyped to death, so when it released finally all of that hype turned into hate and disappointment, because the game was overhyped, they made it out to be WoW Killer no.1, we all made this game out to be the coming of the messiah.


It wasn't, it was never going to be and Guild Wars 2 is hyped so much more and it is inevitable that those asinine expectations the hype created about the game, will not be fulfilled and the disappointment will equal the praise.


Just the same as SWTOR is suffering now, difference is, SWTOR wasn't nearly as hyped as GW2 is.


This has been MMOs for years, anything doesn't flop, will still live with the Kill WoW or die mentality created by the community.


If it's fanbois on this forum are any indication, GW2 's playerbase is going to guarantee that games failure.

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Yeah this forum is a bastion of brotherly love comparatively; but that's because the GW2 forums aren't moderated so you have instant 4chan.


Pretty much, there is a literal army of WoW-trolls waging a massive flame war over there, far worse than the battles here, We just barely manage to HOLD THE LINE!, er... wrong series, against the WoW-trolls in our forums, they were overrun months ago.

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Pretty much, there is a literal army of WoW-trolls waging a massive flame war over there, far worse than the battles here, We just barely manage to HOLD THE LINE!, er... wrong series, against the WoW-trolls in our forums, they were overrun months ago.


Yeah...the bonus though is trolling has dropped significantly since last week and forum moral has actually improved, though I do suspect we will get a spike after BioWare announces a sub increase at the next investors call.

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Do you really wanna know why?


Here we go.


About Bioware?


Well, an example is the "Horrid FPS" thread.


Lots of customers are complaining about them having high-end computers but not having the fps they should have in a game. And before you jump into conclusions, no it's not their computers. It only affects SWTOR.


SWTOR's game performance is weak, it does not use the maximum potential of a GTX 570/580 or AMD equivalent or an i5 2500k 4.3~ GHz equivalent. Therefore, having too low fps with the computer you have, is a very very very uncomfortable situation.


So where do we go from here? Customers are not enjoying the game because of the bad performance SWTOR offers.


But what we customers understand is that the game is new.

The game needs optimizations.

The game needs more time.

The game needs more patients.


But what does the Game Director of the SWTOR Team in Bioware do?


He goes out, publicly addressing the issue that, THERE IS NO ISSUE!

In fact, he said it was OUR OWN FAULT. The game director, James Ohlen, said that it's because of the low-end computers the customers have that are causing the issue.






Behind James Ohlen's words, he says "Our game is working as intended, we'll do our best to HELP THE LOW-END USERS as much as we can. But if you don't want to wait, go buy a new computer that can run our Direct 9x game."


I had a MSI GT780DX GAMING laptop which couldn't run SWTOR properly, infact it had 7 fps in Open World PVP.


7 fps with that computer in world PVP? Not acceptable.

Being blamed the issue cause of poor computer? DISGRACEFUL.


Other people like I stated above, reported that there are issues with their high end computers. There is no performance boost if you lower your settings or resolution. THIS IS NOT A DRIVER BUG NOR A USER-PROBLEM.


I was spit in the face by the Game Director and the company behind a good game. I was unable to play this game properly and it was very annoying.


What did I do?


I bought a computer with Fractal Design Define R3 <|> Asus P8Z68-V PRO GEN3 <|> Intel Core i5 2500K 4,3GHz <|> Corsair 8GB (2x4096MB) CL9 1600Mhz VENGEANCE <|> Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO <|> Corsair HX 650W 80+ Bronze Modular <|> MSI Geforce GTX 680 2GB <|> Crucial m4 128 GB SSD


With SAME settings (max settings) as my laptop, I gained what? 10 fps? WIth a GTX 680? With a 4.3 GHz i5 2500k? Are you kidding me?


First you spit in my face, tell me to either deal with it or upgrade my computer.


Then the issue wasn't resolved at all and you're still denying that there's an issue?


I can acknowledge that drivers are very immature at this very moment.


But it's very very very confusing and weird that only SWTOR is having this problem. Every other game out there is giving me the exact performance I expect from my computer.


Still, Bioware do not acknowledge that either their Game Engine is badly built or that theres something wrong with something else.


Only thing I know is that, SWTOR's performance is broken and when reported, we've been spitted directly in the face.


No, this is not acceptable, it's a damn disgrace.


Do you want the customers to stay or not? Why not just acknowledge the problem and admit it's your fault and the game engine needs tuning.


Imagine how understanding the customers would have been if Bioware said it was their fault and they WILL fix it, but they need time.


Nope, that didn't happen.


It's disgraceful.


This game may have a lot of potential and its gameplay is very good at this moment.


But deep inside, I hope Bioware goes bankrupt or James Ohlen resigns because of his statements.


You simply do not shove your mistakes onto your customers.


And with all due respect, you Biodrones cannot save Bioware from this. They have screwed up big time.


Again, imagine the peace among Bioware and the customers if they just admitted things instead of ignoring or blaming others.


There you have it.

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If it's fanbois on this forum are any indication, GW2 's playerbase is going to guarantee that games failure.


Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.

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Do you really wanna know why?


Here we go.


You know I find this argument very funny, because I can play on max settings with 27 ms, and I have a two year old computer.


Funny thing is, people don't even bother to think about their internet service provider, I used to have massive FPS issues, then I found out my old company TalkTalk, bottle-necks connections, especially things like MMOs and Steam, I switched to Virgin Media, ran it almost perfectly.

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You know I find this argument very funny, because I can play on max settings with 27 ms, and I have a two year old computer.


Funny thing is, people don't even bother to think about their internet service provider, I used to have massive FPS issues, then I found out my old company TalkTalk, bottle-necks connections, especially things like MMOs and Steam, I switched to Virgin Media, ran it almost perfectly.


I've got 100/10 as connection and I live in Sweden where its infrastructure is quite.....good......


What's with all these guys trying to prove it's not Bioware's fault?


It's only SWTOR that has this problem. Rift, WoW, TERA, FREAKING HELLO KITTY works properly as intended. SWTOR is having serious issues.


Do you comprehend?


Therefore your arguement is invalid.


I stopped when i saw laptop. Nothing to see here... Move along :csw_trooper:


Didn't know you can connect a GTX 680 on a laptop.


Do us all a favour and please re-read the posts before you reply :) Thank you dear Kada.

Edited by Samvan
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Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.


Really? because I've been in a beta weekend, went into one of the major WvWvW areas, the FPS was far worse than Ilum.


It is already well documented by anyone not drinking the GW2 cool aid that they have BIG FPS issues in regards to their larger areas.


there are more problems with it.


But really this isn't a topic about GW2 vs SWTOR.


This is a topic discussing the fact that hype kills successful MMOs' releases.


So you can stop with the fanboyism already, thanks.

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Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.


Yet, here you are.

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Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.


I'm in the GW2 beta and no it isn't.


There are currently a lot of balance issues especially with Mezmiers and Engineers, Rangers are completely under powered and get rolled in PVP, then you have the greifing bug that Anet is now calling a feature because they can't fix it, disappearing loot, tons of discons for no reason... this game is not the messiah. TOR will be around for a very long time, it will have it's audience and GW2 will have theirs and neither one will be as large as WoW's

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Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.


except GW2 is another boring contrived...Fantasy MMO. I'd rather have blasters & laser swords any day over another staff, cross bow, and distisy fraking elfy characters. GW2 could runs perfectly smooth and wonderous but if its world doesn't hold you, attract you, or its just ilke 1000 other games which are all mostly fantasy...it doesn't really matter. Substance & Quality are always important. SWTOR atleast for my machine runs pretty damn good the few snags I have with it is the optimization so it just runs your machine hotter than it should. What SWTOR has for content and world setting appeal to what I've been needing for years. A change. Not everyone is going to agree on that but everyoen has their own opinion so I realy could careless what GW2 fan trolls have to say.

Edited by Kindara
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I've got 100/10 as connection and I live in Sweden where its infrastructure is quite.....good......


What's with all these guys trying to prove it's not Bioware's fault?


It's only SWTOR that has this problem. Rift, WoW, TERA, FREAKING HELLO KITTY works properly as intended. SWTOR is having serious issues.


Do you comprehend?


Therefore your arguement is invalid.


Oh dear, really? REALLY?


Please come back when you can comprehend my statement and not warp it into something else, kthxbye.

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Oh dear, really? REALLY?


Please come back when you can comprehend my statement and not warp it into something else, kthxbye.


Nothing wrong with my ISP or any other ISP because then we would have noticed issues in other games aswell.


Nope, only SWTOR is having problems.


Do you comprehend?


Sorry, your arguement is invalid.

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Really? because I've been in a beta weekend, went into one of the major WvWvW areas, the FPS was far worse than Ilum.


What FPS were you getting in "large scale" RvR in Ilum?


By large scale I mean at least 20v20 which is very small compared to WARs upto 400 v 400, but still.

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Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.


Sure it is. Just like SWTOR was bigger than RIFT and RIFT was bigger than WoW.


I'll see you on the Tera forums claiming that Super MMO Awesome whatever will "destroy" Tera.

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What FPS were you getting in "large scale" RvR in Ilum?


By large scale I mean at least 20v20 which is very small compared to WARs upto 400 v 400, but still.


You can't measure FPS in this game, only measure MS, I was getting 72-78 MS and I have no idea how many people their were simply because it was so laggy.


And WAR worked because it was designed to work in that situation.

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Yeah, because the fanboys of this game don't make excuses for every mistake that Bioware has. Don't kid yourself. Oh, and Guild Wars 2 is absolutely going to destroy this game. It's not just hype, sorry to burst all of your bubbles. Guild Wars 2 is better in BETA than this game is 5 months after release.


Oh so we are the fanboys here, right? Go look in a mirror, please.


But anyway, on topic, even though I don't like Zybak that much; that video does have valid points and reasons.

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Nothing wrong with my ISP or any other ISP because then we would have noticed issues in other games aswell.


Nope, only SWTOR is having problems.


Do you comprehend?


Sorry, your arguement is invalid.


Oh dear.


You know your repeated attempts at stating 'Do you comprehend'? well let me put it this way, read your own statements.

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I'm in the GW2 beta and no it isn't.


There are currently a lot of balance issues especially with Mezmiers and Engineers, Rangers are completely under powered and get rolled in PVP, then you have the greifing bug that Anet is now calling a feature because they can't fix it, disappearing loot, tons of discons for no reason... this game is not the messiah. TOR will be around for a very long time, it will have it's audience and GW2 will have theirs and neither one will be as large as WoW's


Thank you Jett. A very fair summary.

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